Apostle Xander

Author: Tohonomike <tohonomike[at]aol.com>

Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners...it will start off with the Joss/ME characters, and any other characters or real-life folks are clearly not mine. NO money is involved.

Rating: Maybe an "R" but you readers can let me know later.

Inspired by a couple short religious Halloween stories, here's one from me?This one will be updated sporadically as I'm trying to keep up with my other story lines.

Warning: Some Theological Themes touched on for the purpose of setting up the story, but attempts to 'converge' the premise of a BuffyVerse paranormal situation with the views expressed in our reality, for story purposes only. No religious flames, though I'm always open to discourse if it remains civil and within the context of the story.

Chapter 1

The Halloween 1997 Aftermath

Xander walked into school Monday morning, heading into the Library. It was only seven, but Xander knew he'd be able to find Giles there. The weekend since his Halloween experience had involved a lot of thinking and serious consideration as to his place in the scheme of things. Having been brought up early as a Catholic until his parents started their descent into unchristian parenthood, Xander had dressed as the Apostle Jesus Loved last Friday, always having appreciated the self-effacing nature of the man who'd written down his Lord's good news and wouldn't refer to himself by name. Clothed in dress pants, dressy-looking work shoes from his uncle, and a nice black dress shirt he'd bought on Saturday, Alexander Harris' attire was unusual for him to say the least and immediately drew Giles' attention as he entered, especially as Xander had avoided the gang since Friday night.

"Uhm, uh Xander," Giles began, pouring tea into a cup, "H-how are you? Uh, tea?"

"Actually yes, Rupert," Alexander replied, "That would be relaxing." He paused for a moment, then continued, "I suppose you have questions about Halloween?"

"Yes I do, if that's alright?"

"Go ahead."

"You went as an Apostle, John, I believe?" He waited for Xander to nod, then continued, "Any residual effects?"

"I can bless water and it seems to have even greater effect than that I've been sneaking at the churches, I can understand and read every language I've come across, I cross myself every time I pass a church in remembrance of Him, I have certainty in the Hereafter, I find it troubling that the Revelations may only have been a series of bad dreams by a dying old man rather than Scripture, and that if I touch a vampire I can cast its demon out." At this last of many unbelievable listings, Giles' jaw dropped in shock, it taking a minute to respond.

"How did you test this out?"

"I prayed over the water and threw two water balloons at vampires, and *my* holy water half-disintegrated one while the other was just suffering like he would from an acid burn, while being attacked by a vampire on the way home on Friday, a vamp jumped at me and I cast the demon out and it dusted. I'm having my robe redone as two tunics, 'cause when another vamp jumped me and touched it, he screamed and his arm looked like it had white phosphorus working on it."

"How do you account for that?"

"Well, the costume was the robe John was wearing at the Last Supper, and the course of the Passion of Our Lord, so the blessings and the contact with Him, and you end up with something that was in Blessed Presence and is worn by a believer who can remember three years with Him, and six decades after. That's gotta be powerful symbolism."

"That's incredible Xander, do you think anyone else would have the same result?"

"Only if they were a True Believer, Rupert."

"Why aren't you calling me that infernal nickname?"

"Because it really does seem to bother you, and because even though I it in our case was a sign of deep respect and filial affection, I'm trying not to make ou feel reduced in any way, especially as the girls aren't here."

"Does that make a difference?"

"They need the irreverence, Rupert, it's the breaking up of the gloom, even with inanity, that let's them remain sane with what we do. The only truly stupid thing I've produced was that 'cooking her a meal' remark back in September with regards to Cordelia."

"Y-yes, that was particularly painful?but how did you test your language skills?"

"I went online and went into about fifty different chat rooms, as they call them, and proceeded to engage in conversation for ten minutes each, successfully."

"I-I must say I'm at a loss for words, Xander, Watchers are trained for dealing with the darker side of things?"

"?and this is not only the opposite, but *way* bright. I got that. And I'm fairly sure this?reality?because of Hell Mouths and demons maybe being here first?is one of the central Hell/Heaven-only dimensions, but one of the myriad others that permeate and permutate the multiverse. But I do *know* that somehow the spell tapped one if not the one central reality?it certainly fits the fact that Janus as a trickster is more than just the generally believed basic god of portals and change in Roman life you learn in school. Though it's really all conjecture, I guess."

"Hmmm," the older man considered, overwhelmed a bit that Xander was seriously discussing a mixture of subjects from a position of? experience, "It bears consideration, and it will help in researching threats to us in the future. Be careful, just in case the effects are temporary."

"Thanks, Giles."


The rest of the day went by in a slight haze for most people, those that retained any hold over from Halloween quickly burying it in normalcy. Xander drew quite a few looks, his nicer attire drawing favorable looks from girls and generating positive feedback from faculty and staff.

Xander seemed to have picked up the serious and traditional valuation of his possessor for education, paying attention and asking serious questions in class. The math seemed easier, and the teachers seemed to stumble a bit from the surprise of Harris being the one that compelled them to think about their responses or move on to other topics. Even Nancy Doyle had been shocked rather than perturbed when Xander had asked a follow on question based on her answer to a teacher's assertion.

The day followed a similar pattern, and when Xander insisted on doing his homework and pining down Willow when help was needed. By the end of school his assignments were completed, and Willow was happy and bewildered at the Xander that was applying himself.

"So Xan," Buffy asked as she sat down next to him, "How is it that you're suddenly School Guy? Is this a Halloween something?"

"Yep, I need to use the gifts with which I've been blessed."

"Hmm," Buffy responded, not knowing how to respond to such a simple declaration, "Okay, I guess."

Xander got up from the table and started packing his books and such to put into his locker.

""Xander, wanna come over to my house for dinner some time this week? "Willow asked, "My folks are back for a little while, I guess."

"Sure, Wills, let me know when."


Sunnydale Park after dusk.

The carousel in the deserted playground slowly turns, and the swings move in the light evening breeze, a boy sitting on the jungle gym, waiting for his ride home the only person around.

"C'mon, Mom," the boy urges, "She's always late."

"Are you lost?" Drusilla asks as she slowly walks toward him from behind, "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, thank you," he replied, "I'm not supposed to talk to people."

"Oh. Well, I'm not a person, see, so that's just..." she says, stopping as Angel suddenly steps between her and the boy.

"Run home," Angel tells the boy, who quickly does, passing another man on the way out of the park.

"My Angel!" Drusilla croons.

"Hello, Drusilla," Angel quietly replies, trying to hide his concern over the approaching human behind Drusilla who is coming close to the ensouled vampire.

"Do you remember the song mummy used to sing me?" she asked, "Pretty."

"I remember."

"Yes, you do."

"Drusilla, leave here," Angel urges, "I'm offering you that chance. Take Spike and get out."

"Or you'll hurt me?" she responds then turns toward the human, "Or you, White Bishop?"

"Hold her, Angel," Xander orders loudly as Drusilla begins backing away, into Angel's reach. The souled vampire, expecting to defend the annoying boy holds her tightly, but in amazement watches as Xander advances without a stake in a blindingly white tunic and his hand outstretched toward the vampiress. "I bind you, demon, I bind you in sleep to this body, So It Shall Be!" Xander directs loudly as he touches the terrified, writhing vampiress, "The soul be restored to control! So It Shall Be!" The young man staggers as if from blows and exhaustion, but keeps contact, hands moving to her head, "Let your mind be restored! All Sins Are Forgiven! Let the Evil Be Forgotten! So It?Shall?Be!"

From the roof across the street, Buffy walks along the edge and sees them standing close together. She can overhear, and watches in frozen amazement as Xander causes Drusilla to writhe and then collapse in quiescence. As Xander falters, and falls to the ground, Buffy works her way down, hearing Xander tell Angel to get him and Drusilla to the library, alive and undusted.

Sunnydale High School,
Half Hour Later

The doors of the library burst open, Buffy carrying Xander and Angel carrying an oddly dressed woman into the room. Giles moved swiftly to retrieve his first aid kit while a visiting Jenny Calendar cleared the table to set the two unconscious people upon.

"What happened?" Jenny asked, checking on Xander for head trauma and other wounds. Buffy hurriedly explained things from her viewpoint as Angel seemed in shock over the event.

"So Xander and Angel tortured this vampire and you brought it back here why exactly?!" Giles asked in exasperation as he stepped away from Drusilla and checked over Xander, finding no injuries.

"Because he told Angel to carry them both back here Giles!" she snapped, then turned on her sorta-boyfriend, "Right?!"

"Uh, yeah," Angel replied, "But before that he touched her and commanded her demon to sleep?and to give back the control of her body to the soul."

"He knows gypsy magic?!" a surprised Jenny Calendar gasped, "How?!"

"It didn't feel dark?" Angel began, Buffy interrupting.

"How do you know about gypsy curses?!" the girl snapped at the teacher.

"I've only been around you guys since the Moloch thing, remember?" Jana of the Calderash deflected, "and you *do* hang around a vamire with a soul?"

"What else did he do?" Giles pressed, ignoring the side conversation for the moment.

"He placed his hands on her head, order her mind restored, and told her her sins were forgiven and to let the evil be forgotten," Angel sighed, having felt both comforted and uncomfortable at the same time his demon was desperately trying to flee." He seemed about to say something further when both Drusilla and Xander began to stir.

"Man, I'm not going to be able to do that very often," the young man said as he lightly rubbed his eyes and face with a hand, then rolled into a sitting position. He looked at the confused Drusilla, who edged away from Angel. Xander saw this, "Miss? I'm Alexander, how are you?"

"I-I'm confused, Mister Alexander, I guess I should thank you," the lucid vampiress replied softly, "Though perhaps simply destroying the demon might have been better."

"I'm new to this myself, and it's just Alexander, I'm not a hair dresser."

Drusilla's full laughter broke the tension in the room, and Angel's face showed complete shock as the Dru before him emoted as he'd never seen her.

"So what do you remember, child?" he asked with a very slight accent as the others looked on, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Everything but the acts themselves," she whispered back, "I know what happened, but as it was the demon responsible, the memories aren't there, but why didn't you just kill me?"

"I wasn't sure what I was reading in your aura, and if you hadn't been there, the body would have become dust. Now I know for sure after watching both Angel and yourself that it was the soul presence I saw."

"Y-you can see souls?" Giles asked, receiving a nod, "And did you curse a soul into the body?"

"No, it was trapped and insane in the body, it never left, Giles," the young man replied, nodding thanks when Jenny handed tea to both Drusilla and himself, "And if Angel hadn't held her, I wouldn't have given her this choice."

"Some choice," Buffy remarked.

"More than what Angel gave me, isn't that right, Liam?" the lucid Drusilla said in defense of Xander's action, "At least Alexander gave me that, even if I can't eliminate myself."

"Why's that?" Jenny asked as Angel dropped into a chair emotionally pole-axed.

"When I was turned, I'd just taken the initial rites of Holy Orders, so the idea of even ending this half-life is anathema."

"Oh," Jenny responded in understanding as Xander again placed a reassuring hand on the Victorian lady's shoulder.

"Oh?" Buffy asked.

"She was not only a seer, Buffy, but had just begun the process of becoming a nun, taking the initial vows," Xander explained, "But we'll take a trip to the Bishop over in Santa Barbara and discuss the matter with him and clear the obligation until a full decision can be made."

"Why would it matter?" Buffy asked, "And how do you know all this about her?"

"Because in theory a nun is as a bride in Christ, and the Church might look with a frown at a vampire novitiate being so described," the weary man replied, "And in the last few days I've been reading on all of Angel's friends since with Darla and Spike having shown, I wanted to be prepared for any one wayward relatives, and also because I wanted to learn more about how his soul and the demon affect auras and readings. I found out about Drusilla an hour before we met."

"You're studying magic, Xander?" Jenny asked.

"No, just trying to understand my recent?blessings a little better, and how they can apply to our situation on the Hell Mouth," he said, then paused, looking at Angel.

"What?" the vampire asked in growing confusion.

"I want to try something, and please don't be offended," Xander said as he pricked a finger and waved at it with his other hand, "Take a drop and tell me if it seems normal." With discomfort, Angel touched it and did.

"Normal," he replied.

"Good," Xander replied, "I didn't know if I'd managed to become an icon myself, and I'm glad I'm still me."

"What did you expect, Xander?" Giles asked.

"I don't know, but I wanted to know if the blood would burn a vampire, make him queasy, act like a cross, I'm still getting a handle on this."

"W-well, uhm, what now?" Giles asked, "It's not everyday we find ourselves with a new souled vampire, not to mention your own situation."

"She can stay with me," Angel offered, slightly embarrassed, "Until she can find her own place."

"Only if Alexander is there," Drusilla insisted.

"Xander has his own place," Buffy responded, though happy Angel might not be alone with an old flame, "But why would you want him there?"

"I owe him my sanity and my soul, Miss Summers," Drusilla replied, "And in my visions I know how it is in Alexander's home."

She turned to Angel, "Even worse than your own?Liam." Angel started at the thought of that and looked at Xander closely, remembering how it was for him, and now recognizing the signs in another. "And until I'm comfortable being 'alive' again, the presence of my?protector? when around others would reassure me."

"What do you mean by that?" Jenny asked.

"Which part do you mean? The part regarding my needing a comfortable presence, or the unpleasantness of his household."

"Let's skip that discussion for now," Xander interrupted, "That situation is my own business, but I don't know that Angel's apartment will hold us all, Drusilla. And I'm still praying on trying to get over the anger I feel toward Angel and it would make for an uncomfortable stay."

"Why are you angry at Angel, Xander?" Buffy pressed, "He hasn't done anything."

"He's a vampire, his 'mom' Darla turned Jesse, who was a brother to me, that I ended up staking the night of the Harvest to save Cordelia who was *alive* but in no way even a friend; his?vampire 'grandpa' killed you and I had to force him off his broody rear to lead me to you, then proved useless in helping with CPR?though that might have been from shock? then instead of joining in the fight, he urges you to 'kill them all' but almost never showed up except to give cryptic and usually not very helpful messages. I know he's been slowly improving and maybe part of the broody near-cowardice is the curse, so I'm trying not to obsess. I've seen how intertwined the demon and soul are, probably from the curse, so I'm trying. His 'son' Spike shows up a few weeks ago and starts with trying to kill us, and I'm exhausted right now so I'm a little peevish."

The group listened as Xander half-vented but definitely explained his feelings toward Angel, Buffy's eyes widening as Angel turned away in embarrassment over the events of the Master's lair took place, and even Angel accepted the reasons.

"I'm sorry, Xander," the vampire addressed him, "I don't know what else to say."

"I know you're not the demon?Liam, but if you'd join us instead of hovering at the side lines?"

"Alright, I'm in, all the way, I'll try to overcome the habits of a century."

"Fair enough, and I'll attempt to restrain my jibes at your expense as long as you're not backsliding."

"So you'll stay over?"

"How about the two of you staying at my place Alexander?" Jenny offered, "I have separate spells on the different rooms just in case."

"Does that work?"

"I hope so, but I really don't know, as they're more consecration spells than barrier spells."

"Acceptable, Dru?"

"Yes, Alexander."

"Ange-Liam, do you have a couple hundred or even a thousand dollars?"

"I guess, why?"

"I think Buffy and Jenny should take Drusilla clothes shopping in LA tomorrow night at the mall, and I'm willing to bet you're feeling guilty enough to fund it, and perhaps even act as load-bearer."

"Um, Xander," Jenny interrupted, "Can we make it the next night? Rupert and I have a date?"

"Alright, we can figure it out tomorrow."

Chapter 2

The next morning,
Tuesday, November 3rd

Xander woke up to the smell of food, a rarity in his life. Humming and the soft sounds of female voices reached into his consciousness as he shifted his head from under a couch cushion.

"Err?" he managed intelligently, attracting the notice of the two dark-haired women in the kitchen. Peering over the back of the couch, hair tousled, he drew a pair of smiles.

"Well, it's about time, Alexander," the older woman needled him, "I haven't cooked in nearly fourteen decades, so with all of the fascinating devices Jenny's showed me, I need you to consume as much as you can."

"Don't worry, Drusilla," Jenny Calendar assured her, "I once saw Alexander eat?have no fears of any food going to waste."

"What time is it?" the young man asked, putting on a black t-shirt he dug out from the top of his duffle, "I shouldn't be late for school."

"It's only six-thirty," Jenny reassured him, handing him a cup of strong tea as he approached the table, "Though it's odd to hear you voice concerns about school."

"Yeah, but until I get my GED, I'll do my best at it," he remarked, shoveling different breakfast foods onto his plate.

"GED?" Jenny asked, somewhat surprised, "What'll you do?"

"I haven't figured out how to make fighting evil pay yet, but I'll let you know?" he seriously replied, "Halloween merely put my commitment into greater perspective. When Jesse died the night I learned about vampires, I made my choice, and now I have a way to make it matter."


A few hours later, Xander had already managed to participate in class while in a Willow-like frenzy nearly completing homework by the end of class. He'd noticed Buffy and Willow exchanging notes and glances in class, and figured easily that Buffy was probably going on about Angel and Buffy's fears about a relationship between the two souled vampires.

"Aw, Buff, you just need cheering up. And I know just the thing!" Xander declares, "Crazed dance party at the Bronze!"

"I dunno, Xan" she replied quietly.

"Very calm dance party at the Bronze?" he replies, getting a glum look, "Moping at the Bronze?" He sits on a couch next to Willow as an unknown young man approaches Buffy from behind.

"I'd suggest a box of Oreos dunked in apple juice," the young man says, "but maybe she's over that phase."

"Ford?" Buffy asks, amazed, hugging him.

"Hey, Summers! How ya been?"

"Oh, my God!" she beams, getting a chiding cough from Xander, "What are you doing here?" Buffy and Ford hold hands.

"Uh, matriculating."


"I'm finishing out my senior year at Sunnydale High. Dad got transferred."

"This is great!"

"I'm glad you think so, I didn't think you'd remember me."

"Remember you? Duh! We only went to school together for seven years. You were my giant fifth grade crush."

At this point, Xander experiences a moment of amused revelation, quietly guiding Willow away from an oblivious Buffy. Once they were around the corner in the hall Willow truns to him.

"Alright, mister, what was that all about?" the redhead asked, "And why did we leave?

"Wills, that was two things, there," the dark-haired teen informed his friend, "First, that was the final nail in the Xander hopes for a Buffy-Xander relationship, though after Buffy's Spring Fling choice I'd already known that. And just as important, it might be the end of the Cowardly Vampire's hold on Buffy's heart, you saw happy she was, hand holding and all there, right?"

"But isn't it her choice?"

"You betcha, that's why we're not going to distract her from the *living* choice by hanging around."

"You're devious, but do you hate Angel that much?"

"I despise what Angel *is* Willow, even though I'm really trying to be nice with the soul and encourage *him* to act like a man again."

"Huh?" she replied as they entered their French class, still devoid of students as of yet.

"We've learned the soul is Liam, right? The soul that last night promised to try to be better? The demon-infested corpse the poor guy is bound in is the thing I hate. There *is* a difference, and while as His disciples we must love the soul, it would be unclean and against nature for a teenage girl to have a *physical* relationship with that body. Let Buffy have a normal relationship with a living human. *We* can be friends with the trapped soul."

"Am I ever going to see the fun Xander back?" she asked as the teacher entered the room.

<Yes you are, my Little Tree, but I have to tell you that I'm going through a lot right now,> he replied in French, <Finding God has really matured my thinking without aging me, so I'm trying to get to a point where it's me with the better outlook.>

<You sure?>



School had proceeded apace, and at the end of the day Xander found himself standing in front of the school, unsure of a destination, when Jenny Calendar pulled up in her car.

"Going back to my place?"

"Yeah, but we better stop for more?food for Drusilla."

"Are you okay?"

"Just exhausted, last night took a lot out of me, and the days since Halloween?"


"Not bad, but hard, I can't always separate my tenses when thinking through the thoughts of the 'Son of Thunder' I guess?"


"No, just tired," he joked, "He called John and James the Sons of Thunder sometimes. Hey, where're you taking Giles?"

"It's a secret."



"Can you be bribed?"

"Not by one so young."

"Life in the Roman Empire for a hundred years makes me older than you."

"I wouldn't want to stop that *old* priestly heart of yours."



"My bad, flirting is something I enjoy but I was about to shift into innuendo?"

"This really weighs you down, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I haven't chosen the path of Apostle, but that of darkness abater, but when you *know* and not just believe the Right Path, when you've been the way I've been?"

"You were a good young man then, Alexander, you'll figure it out, maybe talk to a priest or Rupert?"



Xander followed Jenny into her apartment, and they found it to be tidied, clean and better arranged. Jenny looked around in awe, as Drusilla came out of the guest bedroom in a pair of dark jeans and a loose-fitting white blouse clearly borrowed from Jenny's wardrobe.

"I hope you don't mind, but after fourteen decades, I rather needed to be clean and have things around me clean, so I thought I'd help out," Drusilla smiled brightly, "Luckily, your laundry facilities are without sunlight the entire time, so I did the laundry, and many of the linens and decorative cloths as a thank you, Jenny. I'm sure you'll understand why I didn't clean the draperies or clean the windows?"

"Uh, thank you Drusilla!" Jenny smiled back brightly, nearly three weeks of housework out of the way being a tremendous surprise, "That was wonderful of you! And you look much better in contemporary clothes!"

"Thanks, Jenny," Dru smiled back as she dusted of the jeans a bit, "I have tea just steeping?Alex, I'm glad you came back so soon." Jenny walked back into her bedroom to change clothes. Xander rubbed his nose as to an itch.

"I'm glad I did too," he smiled back, "Oh, we brought you a little cow, and a bit of bison, actually, which to me actually seems weirder than it being liquid refreshment, and as I don't know whether one chills this or microwaves it, I'll hand it to you."

"Oh," she said starting a bit uncomfortably, then seeing he really didn't have any really discomfort, brightened again, "I'll keep it in the fridge for now, pretend it's wine, and maybe I'll try that microwave device later."

"Put it in a coffee cup so your hands might warm but not burn," he suggested, rubbing his nose again, "and if you want it cold, there seem to be wine glasses over on the counter."

"You haven't told them yet have you?" she asked looking at him directly as she mimicked his nose rubbing.

"I haven't figured out how to present it."

"Why don't you trade secrets with Jenny?"


"You tell her about your other?family?and she tells you about hers."

"Tell him what?" Jenny asks as she reenters the room, rolling up her collar.

"Dru says we need to exchange family secrets so we'll know how to tell them to the others."


"*Gypsy* curse," Dru comments as she finishes pouring tea, "You first, Alexander."

"Okay, possessed by Primal Alpha Hyena?"

"Yeah, I heard."

"It boosted my sense, resistance to pain and overall constitution, but it was transferred, not banished?so I remember everything."

"Hmm, that's still not?"

"Ever see 'The Sentinel' on television?"


"The transfer kinda left a numbness in my senses, at the normal level for a few months?"


"I visited my four pack members once a week all summer long, and try to get over here a couple times a month since school started?at the psych ward?they couldn't handle it, and they're nearly autistic now."


"Are just fine, one of five, and while not quite Sentinel-level, they're almost Slayer good if I don't have too many noises or smells to sort out?and not really something I've wanted to let the girl I tempted to coercively mate or the other hurt or maybe kill as weak, to know, even though it was the Hyena that did those things. And the girls are my entire family."


"It's okay?your turn."





"Great-great grandmother's sister."

"And you're here?"

"To make sure the curse still holds."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know any more?"

"Do you report on us?"

"Not in any detail, but my journal I keep has it in their, like a diary in case something happens to me."

"We'll tell them after shopping tomorrow night."

"Why then?"

"Well, I want to have a normal night to set everyone at ease, especially with Dru, and with the group together, we'll be honest with them."

"Alright, I agree. What're you doing tonight?"

"I don't know, try to help Drusilla adjust to being in twentieth century America."

"In that case why don't you two come with me and Rupert?"

Wednesday Morning,
Just before classes

"You took Drusilla and Giles to a Monster Truck Rally?!" Buffy choked in shock, "On a double date?!"

"No! We also took Willow, she'd kill me if I didn't take her along, and the three of us ended up a bit separate from the datesters, thank you very much."

"So what did they think?"

"Strangely, I think they liked it as much as they were confused by it," Willow said shaking her head, "But it was fun."

"Why didn't I go?"

"You were with Ford, Buff, wink wink, nod nod."

"Hey, it's nothing like that!"

"Um-hmm, sure."


Wednesday Night,
Spike's Warehouse.

"This is so cool!" Ford enthuses, causing Spike to look up and see him standing among some crates, "I would totally live here."

"Do I have anyone on watch here?" Spike asks loudly, "It's called security, people. Are you all asleep? Or did we finally find a restaurant that delivers?"

"I know who you are." Ford states smiling.

"Yeah, I know who I am, too. So what?"

"I came looking for you, Spike. You are Spike, right? William the Bloody?"

"You've got a real death wish. It's almost interesting."

"So, how did you find me?"

"That doesn't matter. I've got something to offer you. I-I'm pretty sure this is the part where you take out a watch and say I've got thirty seconds to convince you not to kill me? It's traditional."

"Well," Spike replies in annoyance, swiftly moving on the human, "I don't go much for tradition." He grabs Ford by the ear and lifts him, and without Drusilla to pause his actions, snaps his neck before plunging his teeth into the boy's neck.

Chapter 3

Wednesday, November 5th

Jenny, Drusilla, Buffy and Willow were sitting and sipping coffee when Angel, Giles and Xander showed up to give them rides back to Jenny's and talk a while. The men heard laughter across the food court and spotted them, Dru having four or five different expensive coffee drinks in front of her; it looked like taste-testing. As the three reticent males started over, Xander noticed four Jocks, Larry with a duffle bag, and Jonathan Levinson being harassed but curiously enough not by Larry. Xander veered off and a moment later came up next to Larry, vaguely remembering a civil discussion with him during the Halloween incident, and decided to go for broke.

"Well, Centurion, we meet again," he said in low-class Roman, "Are you participating or still considering your path?"

"Oh, um, uh, sorry, John, I mean Xander," the usually-offensive football player responded in kind, then switched to English, "I?hey guys! Let Levinson go, I think I saw a security guard radioing for back up." The other Jocks sneered at Jonathan, but were unsure of Xander, who wore a white tunic with many embroidered crosses with dull-silver edging, and a large Celtic-style cross in front. Larry looked over at them, "Hey guys, I just remembered I'm supposed to talk about tutoring with my new tutor, so I'll catch you tomorrow?"

Xander showed his surprise at Larry's statement as the Jocks left one way and Jonathan raced off in the other.

"So Larry," he addressed the larger youth, "I'm guessin' you wanna talk about the other night?"

"Yeah, it's kinda strange, and I don't really *know* what or why?" he said, looking concerned but gesturing to a food court chair for Xander to join him, "But I remember on the way home some 'really ugly dudes' threatened to have me for dinner." He started to unzip his duffle as Xander nodded along.

"Yeah, they're why so few of us make it to graduation," Xander commiserated, "So what happened next?

"This is what happened next?" the young man replied quietly as he pulled a six foot spear, more of a sharpened staff, from his bag.

"Isn't that?"

"Yeah, and when I smacked one of them in the chest with it, he screamed and started smoking."

"Then what?"

"I ran like Hell?you kidding?"

"That's probably the smartest thing you could have done," Xander responded with a laugh, which Larry joined, letting out a lot of pent up tension.

"So what're you going to do now?" Xander asked with a sad smile as he watched Larry put the Spear back in the long duffle.

"I figured after the advice you gave me, him, the other night when he had similar problems, you might still be able to give me some advice."

"You know I'm not him right?" Xander replied, only to have Larry pointedly look at the cross and tunic, "But I can listen and help where I can."

"Why are you being nice after the way I've treated you?"

"Because you're not acting that way now and I'm remembering the conversation 'we' had. In regards to that, how he turn out?"

"Pensioned the servant off, married the girl and had ten children, all of whom lived healthy lives and was finally baptized on his deathbed by Peter."

"That's great, Larry, a happy ending for someone."

"Yeah?but were those guys, when I started in with the Spear they winced and held back."

"Uh, vampires and other demons would tend to do that."



"Lots of 'em?"

"Especially in Sunnydale, it's sitting on a closed gateway to Hell."

"And these guys come into our town and eat *us* and nobody does anything about it? What's with that? Is that the weird vibe I've been getting when I don't have this thing with me?"

"We're not sure, but did you ever go to Sunday school or anything?"

"Not for a long time, why?"

"Well, Larry, that's a holy weapon you have there, the Spear of Longinus, and in your hands it probably works even better."

"Oh, why?"

"It was used in mercy, for good, and not out of hate or anger."

"So you library guys?"

"Are the supernatural neighborhood watch of Sunnydale and tell no one because we don't want to end up in the crazy house."

"Oh, I, uh?"

"You don't have to sign up, Larry, just promise to be the way you are now, not how you've been, and it'll be less confusing."

"You're confused about this? I thought you did this all the time?"

"Larry, the guy I dressed as wrote about the Apocalypse?"

"I see your point?"

"Go home, get some rest, hide that in your closet, not the euphemistic one John and Casca discussed, and figure out what you want to do in life."

At that moment Larry looked over his shoulder and nodded to a group of six leather-coated guys eying the rest of Xander's group, "Two of those were guys from Halloween."

"Okay, head home, the gang and I'll handle this," Xander said as he got up and started moving purposefully to intercept the vampires before they could surprise the group. He met them halfway, noting in the corner of his eye that Buffy and the others were just noticing, and chairs pushing back, when a large blur raced by him toward the clustered enemies, surprising all concerned.

"Die monsters!" Larry shouted as he held his spear horizontally and crashed into them at full force. He actually knocked three of them across their throats and grazed the face of another, causing them all to smoke and scream in pain as two of them tumbled back and over the railing.

Xander shrugged off his surprise and ran forward, choosing to pray the twenty as he pulled out a stake and lunged forward at the confused undead. Two dodged a wide swipe of the stake, the distraction it was, and the closest into a direct grab by Xander, who shouted 'Out Demon!' and spinning toward the other as the one dusted. Larry had rolled along the railing and managed to catch another vampire in the cheek with the end of his Spear, disturbing its attack, while shrugging off a glancing blow from another.

Xander semi-spastically let go of his stake and grabbed two more, causing their dusting before finishing the psalm. Larry stabbed first one of his downed opponents in the stomach, then swiped another across the throat as it pushed up his Spear and tried to grab Larry's own throat, the chest to chest contact pressing the Spear into the vampire's quick moment of demise. Anti-climactically, Angel dusted the last vampire that stood gaping at the end of his nest.

Gasping for breath, Xander and Larry helped each up as the others approached.

"Thanks for the save, 'Centurion,'" Xander smiled in Latin, to receive a mock salute.

"We live to serve, 'Padre,'" Larry replied in kind, then seriously also in Latin, "I'm not really up to this?but if you really need the extra help?call me, Oh, and 'Padre'? Thanks."

"Xander what was that all about?" Willow asked in shock, waving her hands around as the others showed up and Larry headed off, "And since when are you and Larry friends."

"The Apostle and the Centurion met during Halloween, a bit of extra Ethan Rayne fun," Xander smiled, "But some how like me, it stayed with Larry and we were talking about it when these folks were about to charge you."

"What was that in his hand, Xander?" Angel asked, "And why did he call you Padre?"

"He was the Soldier of Mercy, Liam," Drusilla quietly answered the question, "A good Irish lad like you should remember at least the Easter story?"

"B-but how?"

"Same way I have what I have, Ang-Liam."

"What about the Padre remark?"

"He was making a joke about my attire and what I'd dressed as," he smiled as *Willow* explained to Buffy what it all meant.

"So's he going to help us?" Buffy asked, "At least we should get the spear thingie."

"No!" Angel, Dru and Xander exclaimed together, the others nodding to Xander, "In his hands it's a gift, and one he has to freely wield, to have the effect it does. If anyone else used it, it might work, but not nearly as much, Buff. And the fact that He might have decided to leave it in Larry's hands is not our decision to thwart."

"Oh," she said, then really understood who 'He' was, "OH!"

"Yeah, Buff, don't mess with that level of decision," Xander joked.

Chapter 4

An hour later, at the library.

"So you're telling us that you are still kinda Hyena Guy and could go insane, and she's Angel's Watcher?"

"Yeah, Buff," Xander sighed, "With Drusilla's help we figured out *how* to tell you guys, I've been worried about worrying you and Willow, especially when I found out about Kyle and the others."

"You both shoulda told us before, but I guess it's okay."

"I know I should have Buffy, but Jenny's *really* only been part of this a few days?but it's good we have a better idea."

"Is there anything else I need to know," she sighed, then caught Willow, Xander, Angel and Giles looking uncomfortable, "What now?"

"Ford's part of some society that reveres vampires, practically worships them," Angel revealed, "We don't know what he wants from you, but you can't trust him."

"How do you know this?"

"W-we followed an address, Buffy," Giles contributed, "To a club full of stupid children that think v-very highly of Mr. Fordham, who dress up like movie vampires and talk about being blessed by them soon."



"Alright, where's Dru?" Spike asked his minions as day break approached, "Anybody seen her?"

"Don't know, Boss," Dalton responded, "But I found a human club where they all want to be vampires."

"Well, first, we stop in for a bite to eat tomorrow night, then we'll go looking for Dru. Let all the others know to meet us there after night falls, got it?"


Late Morning,
November 6th

"So Buff, you see your friend Ford around today?" Xander asked sympathetically, he'd had hopes his friend might have had a relatively normal dating opportunity, "Maybe it'll work out anyway?"

"I thought you?"

"Buff, you told me months ago you didn't see me that way, and I've moved on I guess," Xander said, "While I'll never approve of your relationship with a *vampire* I can still hope you find a *human* that can make you happy." He hadn't seemed to notice Willow had come up behind him though Buffy had.

"Well if not me, why not someone, say Willow?"

"Well, it's funny, there was an almost moment a minute before you showed up for school this semester, but even if we wanted to do you think she's willing to change religions?"

"Huh?" both Willow and Buffy said in confusion at the same time, causing Xander to start a bit as the red head sat down next to Buffy and looked at him questioningly.

"Well, Willow's Jewish," Xander gestured, "And while I have a great appreciation, I pretty much have become seriously Christian since Halloween."

"Oh," the girls replied together.

"Yeah, oh," Xander remarked, "And I don't think Ira Rosenberg is broad-minded enough to accept his daughter *not* being Jewish while living under his roof, and it would not be my place to steal his daughter away, no matter how wonderful, especially when I currently am without the means to establish a household and provide for a family."

"It'd only be dating, Xander, not marriage," Buffy protested on Willow's behalf as Willow's mind was hard at work on the discussion and the fact that Xander wasn't rejecting her, but actually thinking about her in a way.

"Dating is supposed to be a get-acquainted kind trial period, Buff, that leads to marriage once it can be worked out. And 'it were better a man be an infidel than not support his family.'"

"Says who?"

"Says the memories I have of one of the first Christian priests,"

Xander said, :And I know I'm not him, but I'm still working on who I'm going to be."

"Not much fun, huh?"

"It has its good points, but I'm wondering if it would have been any easier if I had a soldier's memories up here or a superhero's."

"But you like her, right?"

"I love her, Buff, but I don't know how to make anything work right now," he replied, then turned to a sadly smiling Willow, "And I'm too confused to have it all crash and burn to see *if* it could be more right now, Wills."

"O-okay," Willow relied a little glumly, to have Xander lift her chin and give her the supporto-eyes and a little reassuring smile of his own.

"Friends, Wills?"

"Friends, but I want a first option on you?"

"Hmm, okay, but if you want to date someone else, just let me know first, okay? I just don't want to make my usual kind of remark and ruin it for you."

"Thanks, Xander."

"Love ya, Wills, you too Buff."

Chapter 5

Thursday, November 6th

Xander had school an hour before, homework done and turned back into the appropriate teacher so we wouldn't forget it. It had been a nice surprise to find an academic confidence within himself, but once Rupert had pointed out to him that while he'd had miserable grades, he was still taking most of the same classes as Willow. 'And testing out of AP French, AP Spanish, AP German and getting credit for it after challenging that? Snyder in front of the teachers in the lounge to have my test grade *as* my final grade shut him up when the results came back,' Xander smiled, actually more at the fact that his Freshman and Sophomore grades in French, plus Freshman Spanish, were now A-equivalents, than because of Snyder's defeat.

Xander decided to take a walk around some of the churches and twelve cemeteries within city limits before it got dark, 'Funny how I haven't really been near one in day light since Buffy showed.'

The grounds were actually pretty nice, the grass in most were tended well enough, brush cut back if not pruned correctly, and headstones kept upright except where vampires and a certain Slayer recently fought. Xander felt a little bit of peace, his last week finally settling in, and the memories while still vivid, didn't threaten to overwhelm his own few years of life experience. As the sun began to set, Xander remembered he was supposed to head over to meet the rest of the gang in front of the vampire-dressing students club of choice, and so as he started to take a shortcut, he noticed the body in the alley next to St. Paul's maintenance building. He walked over and bending down, found it was Buffy's friend Ford. Then he heard steps behind him, light though it was.


Father Raul Sanchez walked over toward the back building, noting almost consciously that the sun was still above the horizon, if barley. He hoped to catch sight of the person without being noticed, peering around the corner to see the young man some of his younger parishioners had mentioned, Alexander Harris, praying over a body in Aramaic with another youth, who looked to be a football player just off from practice, aking a protective stance, hand in a long duffle.

'Aramaic?' the priest wondered in confusion, but noted that Alexander wasn't touching the body, but the prayer seemed to have a familiar cadence to it. Standing, the youth turned, offered his hand to the other in greeting as both noted the presence of the religious professional.

"Good evening, Father," Alexander nodded at the man, "I need you to call the police and let them know you found a body."

"You're not intending to stay around?"

"Have any of your parishioners told you what goes on after dark in this town, Father?" Alexander Harris queried, Larry nodding emphatically in support.

"I've heard things, but never actually seen things myself," the priest admitted, "But that hardly means you should leave a crime scene."

"Look carefully, Father, the neck was broken, then fed on, and there not being blood here, it means a tidy eater or this was done elsewhere."


"We need to get to some other teenagers to prevent more from joining him in death, Father."

"What proof do you have?"

"Can we do this later, without police around?"

"There's an ?ecumenical gathering Wednesday nights at half passed seven in the pastor's quarters at St. Mark's Methodist down the street, just a few of us."

"Alright Father, but you guarantee official anonymity?"

"Yes, Mr. Harris, I do."


They approached the front of the Sunset Club a couple of minutes later, finding the Scoobs being forced back into the Club itself by a group of twenty vampires ordered around by Spike

"You wouldn't want to reenact that Food Court move of ours would you, Larry?" Xander asked as he took out two water pistols. He turned to find his former nemesis and stalker-in-a-good-way-maybe-sidekick pulling the Spear out of the duffle, "I guess you would, but no screaming until *just* before we hit."

"I get to let it all out and no *human* gets hurt?! Oh yeah," the jock replied, "And the fact that people will get eaten if I don't help out at least sometimes?let's go."

The two ran forward, Xander staying to the left and two paces back from Larry, letting the football player create a big area of confusion before attacking mutual threats.

Only Angel and Buffy were still at the top of the stairs, the dust of maybe three undead minions fallen to the ground as the vampires turned at the sound of racing footsteps to suffer indignity and pain.

Larry crashed into three of the vampires, pressing them down and into four more to cause a general pile-up. Spike leapt back and away at the sudden intrusion, only to find holy water being sprayed at his face and those of several other surprised vamps. A young man in a white shirt emptied water pistols as an American footballer scrambled to his own feet, the white-shirt then dropping the toys and charging!

"Out demons! Be Gone!" the young human cried as the footballer swiped and poked recovering vampires, four dust within the six seconds since contact. Angelus and the Slayer fought harder and took out two more that now ha to watch their backs. Spike had survived long by knowing when to leave, "Retreat!"

Xander grabbed Dalton, pinning him to the ground and banishing the demon as Larry stabbed another vampire in the thigh, causing it to spasm all over then explode into particles.

"That is a nasty smell those guys give off!" Larry commented as he wiped his nose and watched as Buffy used a hubcap of all things to decapitate and dust a fleeing bloodsucker.

"Niiiiice, Summers," Larry cheered the blonde as he watched the hit and result, "That's awesome." They exchanged a 'high-five' to their own sheepish amazement as others came up to catch this last bit.

Chantarelle and Diego led the wannabes up the steps.

"How could you?!" the girl cried out, "They were going to bless us, Ford promised."

"Ford's dead, killed by vampires," Xander told the wannabes, "Neck broken and drained before being dumped in an alley next to St.

Paul's. "He turned to his blonde friend, "Sorry Buff, we just came from there, looks like he's been gone since maybe two nights ago?"

Larry nodded in confirmation, "Father Sanchez is calling it in, there won't be a rising."

"Ford's dead!"

"Yeah, he didn't know that vampires are *demons* in a corpse," Xander responded, "Your soul *is* you, not your body, and when they turn you, they're replacing *you* with a demon into your corpse. Ford was *wrong.* So go home, and just do the best you can in life, okay? You made a mistake, so when you go out at night, stay in large groups, carry crosses, and the occasion water pistol with holy water for good measure. Good night."


They walked into the library half an hour later, discussing a few things, and then Xander and Larry took Liam aside to discuss the encounter with the priest.

"We'd like to capture one or two vampires, and show them the whole dusting process, and want *your* help with this."

"Why not Buffy, Xander?"

"The whole Watcher-Slayer tell-none thing, and our demonstration might seem like torture to the girls since it's not in the heat of the fight."

"And you could answer questions since you have one of them in you," Larry added.

"What do we gain from this?"

"The support of a few churches, possible sanctuaries without question if we're running for our lives, a cool dark basement id you're getting late for sunrise?"

"Okay, Xander, I'm in," the vampire said, "There're a couple of?tame geek ones that don't hunt, but sometimes rob. We can dust them in teir apartment before heading to meet your fellow padres."

"Hey, stop that I'm not a priest, don't have the temperament for parish duty, what we're doing is where I belong."

Chapter 6
Bad Times

The next few months proved excruciating in many ways. The chance meeting of Xander and the priest had led to the ecumenical equivalent of a neighborhood watch program, many victims surviving or at least not being turned due to the system of phone calls and speed of reaction. Giles began traiing the group as a whole, and many of the Jesuits who filtered into town from Japan and Europe began to establish themselves in shelters, orphanages, care homes and such to defend potential victims as they became more aware of what needed to be done.

Larry had by chance been on his way to meet up with Xander at the library when a demon called Eighon had attacked a fleeing friend of Giles; a stab with the Spear had flashed both demon and possessed body into nothingness.

Spike had found out about Drusilla's restoration, and had thrown all of his minions away on an attack. Luckily a new Slayer named Kendra had come into town and the rather inexperienced group had fought off the minions and badly wounded Spike as he retreated.

Progress was made as Sunnydale found itself free of an organizing vampire master for the first time in a great while. Through the churches, many ideas were tried and implemented, Day-time clearance of cemetery grounds to prevent vamp ambush of humans at night, park clean-up and bush trimming for public areas and a general demand for improved lighting near schools and churches in particular were pressed upon the City Council and Mayor. For after-dark entertainment, the Jesuits tracked down and hired a non-evil magic user to do disinvites, and hold jointly with other parishes?even if some of the places were not-too-disreputable taverns. The priests insisted on bar mottos or postings in Sumerian and Latin specific prohibitions against demons of all types.

But on Buffy's birthday, when Angel returned from chasing around Spike and that vampire's attempt to regather all of the Aurelians together, the curse on Angelus released the soul and a monster turned on them with the face of an ally.

Four Jesuits gave their lives to distract The Judge long enough for Buffy and others to blitz the vampires as Larry used the Spear and Alexander used his hands to bless and cast out. The Judge writhed for a minute in pure agony before the Spear burnt out the Evil itself as Xander's laying of hands paralyzed the demon in place, the young man collapsing into a near-coma for two weeks thereafter, but as Snyder had been buying a coffee at the refreshment kiosk at the time, no one suffered detention or comment in that time.


The night of Prophetic Alignment came when after Xander and Larry had barely kept Jana's stretched but not broken neck in place until it could be braced; unfortunately she had been rendered comatose form the eating and stress of the ordeal, her work burnt with the classroom fire their interruption had caused.

In the hospital, Buffy shared Jana's room as it would prove easier for the Scooby Gang and the soon-to-arrive 'God Squad' of Jesuits and other volunteers to take nightshifts of protection. It was during a gap in this, that Spike and Angelus with four minions had entered the hospital to find a bruised yet ready Larry to back up Alexander.

"Visiting hours are over, Angelus," Xander remarked, tired in many ways from the last few weeks, but ready to end Angelus even if it meant his own demise, "You sould leave Sunnydale."

"Well, I'm pretty much family," Angelus smirked, "So maybe I should pay *both* of them my *special* respects."

"Leave before we end you, demon," Larry threatened, drawing out the Spear but not wanting hospital staff to see it.

"If I decide to walk into Buffy's room," Angelus threatened with a sneer, "Do you think for one microsecond that you could stop all of us?"

"Maybe not, but how many of you would actually make it, after all Lawrence and I eliminated The Judge," Alexander pointed out, standing taller and mustering his energy for a last stand, "Maybe that security guard couldn't either. Or those cops... or the orderlies... But I'm kinda curious to find out if after you and Spike are dust if any of the minions get away. You game?"

"Buffy's Priest, her?White Bishop, plus a White Knight, never Kings, let alone a King of Hearts," Angelus sneered, "You still love her. It must just eat you up that I got there first."

"Just surprised she'd waste her time with a second-rate hack-job like yourself, who mixes his allusions and who's never gotten out from Darla's coattails long enough to go it on his own. Even Billy-Thug here has killed two slayers, Sidekick. You're gonna die, Angelus, and I'm gonna be there, hopefully *as* your cause of death." The vampires note that Xander's aura is almost a tangible, a soft emanation of white radiating off him as he meets Angelus' gaze. Angelus slaps the flowers against Xander's chest.

"Tell her I stopped by."

Chapter 7
Acathla Battle

Jana had only recently regained her strength and full faculties a week or so before, and tore into her magics for a curse to halt Angelus in his building up of an army of two hundred vampires and a threatened march to Sunnydale to open the Hellmouth using Acathla. It was confirmable by other sources so that when Giles called during a meeting of the Council and not merely its Executive Members, the Watchers Council had mobilized itself on the next plane to Sunnydale, the size of the threat large enough that the Old Guard had openly decided that no drugs would be administered in this Grand Cruciamentum. Arriving only two hours before battle and finding a group of teenagers and Crusader-Priests heading into battle with something of a plan and lots of guns and flare guns, the new arrivals had given its unnecessary blessing and jumped into the role of 'shaft following the head of the arrow' into the fray.

The Slayer, cut off by a stratagem of Angelus, fought the demon with her lover's face, causing him pain but no debilitating wounds, but gave it her best. Angelus laughed as he whittled her down, first wishing to break her before turning and enslaving her for the trouble her and her Priest had caused.

A wounded Rupert Giles, surrounded and protected by Cordelia, Willow and Oz passed out crossbows to the noncombatants, directing their fire to best effect, dipping them in a rather nasty pitch that Oz had gotten somewhere on the way over.

Jana of the Kalderash kissed Rupert on the check, and told him "Good-bye," as she charge after Alexander and Lawrence, who'd become Xander's self-declared bodyguard, a veritable White Knight that with the White Bishop had caused Angelus and the evils in Southern California no little upset and threw all she had hoping for the effect of a rook though she had more the threat of a pawn on the seventh file and rank.

Xander leapt forward, Lawrence and Jana at his back, firing flare guns, and either Spearing or casting magic to clear his flanks. "Arsum!" rang ten times in the first minute, Jana vaporizing a huge hole into which he and Lawrence raced, moving ever-toward Acathla and the fight between the Slayer and Angelus.

Alexander in his white body armor and robes surged forward with the sword of the knight in his hands, slashing right and left, leaving it sheathed and hilt-first striking vampires in the face or chest, blessing them with his full confidence in the hereafter, each demonic contact ending in the end of each. The sword as a cross shone brilliantly in the shadowy building, a beacon of battle to both sides, the innermost beasts of the vampire demons losing sanity in the presence of pure good in battle, berserk rages against any moving object within reach, unable to retreat or advance, merely lose cohesiveness as the portal of Acathla opened and the presence of the White Bishop grew to meet and mingle with the edges of irreality.

Lawrence with his months-honed football body stabbed and slashed, slashed and stabbed, barest piercing of the skin enough to end a vampire, the suredness of belief in cause creating an evermore effective cycle as victory fed belief that fed the Power, and with Xander's effect on portal and foes Larry became a blur of white-lit dusting, often stabbing foes waiting to engage Petroni on his left flank, and this surprise making the good father's fighting more effective as he retained room for maneuver.

Father Petroni fired both flare pistols into the vampires and with his trusty sharp-ended staff charged into the fray, months of providing succor to his flock assuring him that now was the time as their shepherd to move forth and fight the darkness that stole his sheep from him. Right hand in front of left hand, from his left side pointing the spear forward and rightward he face-stabbed the first vampire, causing it to scream and fall back into its fellows.

Slamming the now-extended left end down into the back of the knee of a vampire facing Pastor Haasman, he assured his own left as he stabbed the first vampire deep into the heart, dusting it. Staff at waist height in the original position again, he used the left end to swipe a vampire moving forward toward him across the face, then shifted back to satisfyingly shove the end into the creature's chest.

Smiling that the gym membership his congregation had grumbled about was paying off by not letting him tire already, he used the momentum to slightly gesture at the next vampire crowding up and full-forced kick with his blessed-silver capped cowboy boots directly up into the vampire's groin. A vampire made a move to strike him on his right side, but he brought his staff back to deflect the blow as Lawrence used the Spear to end an unlife.

Left end into a kneeling but recovering groin-victim, the good father drove the left of his staff into an unbeating heart, dust flying up and allowing Quentin Travers to fire his flare pistols into the gap created to dishearten and damage more of the undead.

Quentin Travers and the Old Guard, with a 'team' first breaking up groups of front-rank vampires with firepower, had lobbed white phosphorus grenades and such, then moved in with more traditional means, Travers with the two fare pistols he now dropped.

"I like these things!" the Old Watcher curmudgeon crowed, "From now on all Watchers will carry them for their slayers!" as he reached for his wooden short sword and an old Webley revolver.

Paster Haasman had similarly gone for the staff, but his had sharp-edged crosses on each end, both blessed and dipped in holy water before the fight. The quick assist by Father Petroni had proved indispensable, giving the German-born Lutheran minister plenty of room to slash opponents as he bellowed out 'A Mighty Fortress' at the top of his lungs, later ascribed by Petroni as an indiscriminate area-effect weapon in and of itself. He luckily managed to slash the throats and surprised two vampires enough to allow him to left stab to the heart one, kick the right one back, left-swipe one in front of Brother Enjos before stabbing his right vampire into dust and turning a trip into a floor-roll forward, stabbing upward into the groin of a vampire opponent, shock and pain equally saving Pastr Haasman from particular damage or threat. Pulling back, he swings the vampire in front of yet another attacker, giving him a brief respite as Quentin Travers stabs the downed vamp in the heart and fires his Webley wildly at face level into the increasingly berserk bloodsuckers, enraged by Alexander's presence and that humans were winning. Haasman deflected a vampire using a knife so that the blow turned into a hard punch into Quentin's head, then Haasman managed to reverse-thrust the bloodied left end of his staff into the chest, actually managing just enough damage to dust another as he received a strong blow to his side, winding him a bit and ending singing.

Brother Enjos used a large back-strapped bug-spray container of holy water to pressure spray vampires for the first few minutes, operating behind and to the side of the Watcher team and the young Wesley fellow, for the first three minutes causing faces to burn and humans to strike into dust many distracted foes before it became one on one. Brother Enjos, Romani born and mage-trained before choosing to become a deacon and possible future priest, resorted with his meager reserves but great determination, with magic, shouting "Arsum!" four times with all his will before faltering and drawing out a wood-capped sword., the dust of twelve vampires clearing the way for the Watchers to pincer inward toward Acathla and Alexander's left flank.

Wesley Wyndham-Price had been issued a sword and an automatic shotgun with ten reloads before being told by Travers 'to stay back in support' because of his relative inexperience, but none had realized that his only hobby at school had been the shooting and fencing teams, men like his father and Travers overlaid on every target.

Twenty-five times in two minutes, slug had torn into heads of vampires, carrying through the dusting into the heads of others, knocking them down to the ground, surprising and gaining the respect of 'the team' as those shots had expertly passed between their own fighters to soften up if not actually destroy enemies.

The Watcher team rejoiced at finally getting into the real purpose for joining the Council, not to deal with errant staff, but to destroy the enemies of humanity. Spitting, swearing and laughing, the team took out vampires and jumped into to cover Old Watchers fighting with swords and crossbows but doing well enough as the British contingent found its numbers reduced as the berserk demons went wild with deadly uncertainty.

Father Smith covered Jana on Alexander's other flank as two more vampires escaped her fire spells only to be dusted as his forearm-strapped ironwood claws or wooden short swords stabbed out and luckily struck home yet again, the well-meaning 'medic' of the group somehow avoiding death as most of his opposition came to him 'pre-singed.'

Reverend Martin, a street hood in his youth and operator of the ecumenical shelter programs in Sunnydale, fired his twin Glocks again into vampires pinned by Jana's fire spells and the wall of the building, glad that he had much easier targets for the moment than those he heard on the other side of the building, but knowing that by getting rid of these it would make further action with a single front much easier for the by-then-tiring humans.

Arch-Legate Messina fired and reloaded crossbows provided by the Scooby Gang with pitched-fire ends up and over into groups of the demons as they shifted into the fight, their large numbers numbing him into mechanical reactions of load and fire, load and fire to help a bunch of American teenagers save the world.

Buffy and Angelus lunged desperately at each other as they found themselves surrounded by a dozen savage fights, swords stabbing into the chest of the other. Angelus struck deep into Buffy's side, narrowly missing organs but the sheer trauma of the blow sure to prove it fatal. Light flashed in his eyes as Buffy's weapon stabbed upward and under the ribcage to his heart, pain overwhelming the vampire as he gasped in confusion.

Alexander ran to the two, the battle around him briefly excluding him, but his presence and that of the Spear causing Acathla to actually begin regaining true awareness.

"Save?her?Xander?I'm sorry," Angel gasped and began dragging himself toward the portal, "I didn't know."

Xander Harris nodded, laid his hands upon Buffy's wounds, and reaching deep inside commanded her body to heal, then grabbed Angel's and repeated his command to 'live and be whole' as he remembered Giles' assertion of blood closing as well as opening.

Alexander laid Buffy down as Angel screamed, and turned to where Loyal Lawrence and the Fathers of Sunnydale and managed to gain reprieve and rout of most foes.

"Angel's blood and my presence must close the portal," Alexander told his friends and companions, "Make sure Buffy and the others are safe, and know we love them." He shook hands with a wounded Giles and Jenny, a tired Cordelia, a mauled and bloodied but still conscious Quentin Travers, and a surprisingly well-forged Wesley Wyndham-Price, "Push Acathla in after us. Good Be With You!"

Alexander Harris smiled, grabbed Angel who was even now mostly human again, and lunged into portal, Acathla screaming in pain and rage."

"For God and the Apostle!" Larry cried as he lunged and tackled a teetering Acathla into his own white-streaked and three-dimensional portal. The Priests, and Wesley, who half-saluted Giles and Travers ran after him, "For God and Alexander!"

And with a flash of light that passed throughout Sunnydale four miles in each direction, including downward, the Earth itself was briefly sanctified in its entirety, and all within that space, true evil not ensouled disintegrated completely and was not dispelled.

As in this and two other nearby worlds, a Power of Three affected even The First Evil itself, drawn to the moment but suddenly finding itself a conduit to all of its manifestations and made corporeal *as* those physical forms and powerless, its domains sensing the change and rebellions breaking out throughout the multi-verses and multi-realities but unless the current form could portal, the many little diminished Evils each became its own, and the Bringers and Avatars lost all connection and empowerment.

And in many if not all Sunnydales, trapped Turok-Han, Vampire Spikes and Drusillas, forms of Lurconis, Gloves of Mygnon, Balthazars and such ceased to exist. The Slayer's Scythe, long-ago secreted by The First in many lines, short-circuited and melted into nothingness, averting now even the possibility of self-defeat by a Slayer and Witch with approval by a Watcher.

And in most alternities a man named Richard Wilkins, free of obligations but sensing the Power That Had Battled, mused, "Oh my!"

The End