The Y'thal demon was running... fast.
So far, it had been a *very* bad day. Along with a colleague, a S'rife demon, it had been looking for something to eat - such as a nice juicy mosasaur or something similar. They *had* found a small herd of them, but unfortunately, another predator had already found them.
An adult male Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The T-Rex had *not* been happy about having its meal interrupted, and had made its displeasure plain in the only way it knew how - by roaring and charging.
The Y'thal demon had decided that discretion was the better part of valour, and had taken to its heels. However, the S'rife - not a species known for its intelligence - had decided to show the T-Rex who was boss.
Well, it had found out in short order - the T-Rex was boss. The fleeing Y'thal had heard a loud scream, which had been suddenly cut off. A great deal of imagination hadn't been required to start getting mental images of the S'rife demon being pinned to the ground by a large foot, and a mouth full of large teeth ripping the S'rife's head from its shoulders. The surrounding area had fallen quiet enough for the sounds of ripping flesh and breaking bones to carry to the Y'thal demons ears. The Y'thal shuddered, but kept running.
Breaking into a clearing, the Y'thal juddered to a halt and looked around, shuddering from the exertion.
It was torn between looking for something to eat, and finding someone to beat up to take its mind from the carnage it had fled. A hiss from in front of it interrupted its deliberations, and made its blood run cold.
Standing in front of it was a bipedal dinosaur, standing the same height as the Y'thal, but not quite as bulky. It was lavishly equipped with teeth and claws, especially on its feet. And the Y'thal knew what sort of dinosaur it was.
*Fra'knath-trakyl*. The 'smart pack hunter without fear'. What later scientists would dub *Utahraptor*.
The Y'thal shot a nervous glance around it, looking for the rest of its pack. There was no sign of the other *Fra'knath-trakyli*, but that didn't mean anything. Another hiss from the *Fra'knath-trakyl* in front of it dragged the Y'thal's head back to the front, where it saw a sight that it never wanted to see again.
A charging *Fra'knath-trakyl*.
The Y'thal came to a sudden decision. The only way out was forward, through the charging *Fra'knath-trakyl*. The Y'thal's claws extended, and it started forward, snarling a challenge of its own.
A challenge which was cut off abruptly when it felt the extra weight on its shoulders, and the blinding pain as its back was ripped open. Seconds later, it felt more pain from each side as two more *Fra'knath-trakyli* made their attack runs.
Then the first one hit.
Leaping through the air, its hand-claws digging into the Y'thal's shoulders and its hind legs kicking down and in, opening the Y'thal's demon's abdomen up with absurd ease.
Crippled, virtually eviscerated, and carrying the weight of two *Fra'knath-trakyli*, the Y'thal staggered and fell, its wounds too grevious for its limited regeneration ability.
It felt more pain as the *Fra'knath-trakyli* pack began to feed. Too weakened even to twitch as mouthfuls of its flesh were ripped from it, the Y'thal could only wait for death.
It came... eventually.