Xander looked at the gun he'd gotten and frowned. He'd hoped to get a fake MG or a rifle, but the only guns left where handguns. Not really fitting for a soldier costume. Aimlessly he wandered through the shop, until a gleam of chestnut brown caught his eye. Suddenly everything clicked into place. Xander grinned. It was rather fitting that he would go as a soldier still, just not any ordinary soldier, no sir, not footsoldier for the Xan-man.
He aimed and fired a single shot at the fleeing 'thing', then turned around, his long braid bouncing around as he moved with quick and fluid movements. His brain was already working feverently to analyze the situation he'd found himself in. In the war, he'd seen a lot of things, but nothing as strange as this.
He turned around and the first thing Willow noticed was that his formerly brown eyes were now a rather stunning shade of violett.
"I'm sorry, miss, but you must have mistaken me."
"If you are not Xander, then who are you?"
He mock bowed, his braid droping over his shoulder.
"My name is Duo, Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I will never tell a lie."