Just a Cook

Author: Paradigm Shifter <paradigmshifter[at]blueyonder.co.uk>


Halloween Drabble 1: First of three slightly random Halloween drabbles I've been sitting on for a couple of weeks. Hope you all enjoy. :)

Disclaimer: Joss, WB, UPN et al. own Buffy. WB have the rights to the other thing, too... more detail at the end.

Rating: PG-15? R? Dunno.

Feedback: Yes, please! There should be some sort of fanfic contract: I write fic, you write feedback! *grin*

Thanks: Bobby Cox, Teri and Trevelyan. The usual three. *grin*

Notes/Genre: YAHF. And it's kind of a drabble, too. I dunno, it just wouldn't leave me alone. Hopefully, this will placate the Plot-Utahraptor. Yes, Bobby, I know I said Sabre-tooth Tiger, but this one really deserves the upgrade. ;-)

Chapter 1

Buffy, Cordelia, Willow and - well, the man Xander had dressed up as hadn't yet deigned to give his name, but he got mighty annoyed when Willow called him 'Xander' so she was watching him nervously from a distance - were safe, for the time being, in Buffy's house. Her mother and younger sister seemed to still be out trick or treating. Willow hoped against hope that they hadn't bought anything from Ethan's. Willow watched in acute discomfort, and Cordelia watched with an eye for collecting blackmail material, as 'Lady' Buffy practically handed him the keys to her chastity belt.

"Thank you, sir, for saving me from that low born harlot!" Lady 'Buffy' as the redheaded hooker-look-alike had called her, simpered on his arm in thanks. It wasn't so much that he had saved her from the redhead, as the redhead was too scared to go near him. "Please return me to the Manor, and my father will reward you amply, sir Knight!"

The man looked down in vague amusement. "I'm not a Knight, lady, I'm just a cook."

Lady Buffy recoiled so fast he was surprised she didn't get whiplash. "A _cook_? A lowborn cook?"

"Yeah, just a _cook_."

Cordelia looked at who Xander now thought he was. She couldn't stop the words coming to her mouth, even as she knew that they would get her in trouble. "A cook? We are _sooo_ dead!"

The End