Giles sighted the meeting of Librarian interdimensional sure hade been Fun and he hade a loot of time to find a new frinds.
And he even meet a fellow librarian that in only two days hade become like a brother to him.
And when his new frind asked if he could visit he could not say no. But right now he wished that he hade not alowed his new frind visit.
Xander "No way. I so eat more Twinkis then you can"
Giles frind frowned as he grabbed a fist full of twinking and pushing them betweens his jaws.
Xander blinked "Impresiv Five.. I can do seven" Giles frind blinked looking douping at Xander.
Grinning like a fool Xander grabbed seven twinkis and putting them in his mouth swallowing with difficulty.
Giles frind looked impresed grabbing seven himself.
Then the Door opend and Buffy walked in.
She looked around seeing the pile of bananas sitting in the corner and at Xander and Giles frind.
"Giles" Buffy said "Why is it a Monky in the library" Giles frind looked quite angry at Buffy "OOk ook"
Xander sighted "Buffy Its A Orangutan dont be rude" Buffy blinked.
Giles nodded "yes Oranguatan is apes not monky. And he is a frind of mine."
The Orangutan nodded "Ook Ooook" Giles sighted "Do write old frind. No one understand what you say"
Xander frowned "You dont say.. OOk ok OOOk" The Orangutan nodded "Oook Ooook Ok Ohook"
Xander "Thats so sad. And Evrybody do that"
Buffy "What Happening"
Giles sighted he hade the feling it would be a long long day.
Outside the door Lord John Greystock sighted he hopet that Xander his long lost son would belive him.
And the lord of the Djungle entered the library.