He knew, he should have said no, had known it right from the moment she'd vetoed .is costume choice. But how could he? She was his Dawnmeister, his little sister in spirit. And right now, she was his bane.
He should have remembered, that she was hooked on those damn books, should have been able to foresee, that she would try to dress up as many of her friends and family as characters of those books.
Buffy was a noble woman and Dawn had decided, that she could be one of the many noble women, that were discribed in the books. Much to he disappointment Willow had managed to wiggle out of her manipulations. Dawn had wanted her to be Ce'Nedra, the Dryadprincess. But Willow had put her foot down. She was choosing her own costume and that was her last word. Dawn herself was going to be Xera, a dryad and cousin of Ce'Nedra.
Yes, and now they were here, looking for a fitting costume for him. After Dawn had told him, that no, soldier wasn't the costume for him, she had decided to take his costume into her 'capable' hands.
Xander was very relived, when she was unable to find something with a bearskin, so Barak of Alorn was out of the picture. He could picture it, himself in chainmail and with a bearskincape... he shuddered.
Then Dawn saw that broadsword with the big blue costumejewel in the hilt and Xander knew he was doomed... Dawn had decided.
His sword flashed around and the song of Aldur's Eye was filling his head with a sound of triumph. He had absolutely no idea how he had gotten here or what was going on or even a name for the things that were attacking him, but one thing he knew absolutely: he was in trouble. In very big trouble.
If his wife, his very pregnant and cranky wife, found out that he'd vanished and gotten himself into trouble, again, he was going to spend the next decade in his wolfform and as far away from her as possible.
On the other side he worried about his friends, he hadn't seen any of them since he had appeared here.
Ahead of him, a woman screamed and he bannished the thoughts of his wife and his friends, redrew his sword and went to help her.
"Giles, we have a problem," Xander announced as he stepped into the libary the next day.
"Oh? What is ist, Xander?"
Xander pulled a simple cotton bag out of his backpack, opened the strings and reached into it.
"This," he said, as he pulled out the object from the bag.
This, was a stone, an azure stone the size of a childs head, that burned in his hand with a blue flame. And unknown to Giles, the song of the Cthrag Yaska, the Eye of Aldur, was filling Xanders head again.
Belgarion: Main Character in the Belgariad Saga by David Eddings. He is the sorcerorking of Riva an island heavyly protected by storms and mountains. His families duty is it, to guard and care for the Eye of Aldur, the most powerfull magic artefact on the planet. After the Eye was misused to split the continent into two halves, the Eye kill anyone who touches it, except the Family of the Rivan King. The Eye communicates by change of color, song and by projecting images into his keepers head.