Now Hear This

Author: Paradigm Shifter <paradigmshifter[at]>

Disclaimer: Joss, WB, UPN et al. own Buffy. Grant/Naylor and the BBC own Red Dwarf. I don't, so there all you nasty lawyers!

Rating: PG-13

Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thanks: Go to Teri, Bobby Cox and Matt for their help and friendship. Thank you.

WhatThisWasWrittenTo: I'm in an odd mood. I dug out some old CD's I haven't listened to for ages... Green Day; 'Insomniac', 'Dookie' and 'Nimrod'.

Chapter 1

While Halloween had once had just one ethereal person in it - Willow, this one had two. Hookers aren't known for their grasp of politics or physics. Neither was the other ghost.

What hookers' are known for, however, is their knowledge of the exact value of money. Much like assassins in that regard.

What this man was known for was his ability to fail exams - Xander and him had something in common there - and his sheer cowardice.

At that present moment, he was cowering in a house with four other people, one a vampire, one a... well, another _Cat_ - and just as obsessed about clothes as the Cat had been, and one a... Rimmer didn't want to _know_ what that airhead thought she was, but 'suicidally stupid', 'annoying as hell' and 'alien' were all vying for top slot in the ratings.

He stood up and cupped his hands around his mouth. Then he shouted out to the things attacking the house. "This is Acting Captain Arnold J. Rimmer of the Jupiter Mining Corporation... er... House... er... 1630 Rovello Drive. Now hear this, 'cause it's only coming once:"

His voice grew quieter and quieter as he continued, "We surrender! Totally and unequivocally, and under the Geneva convention demand our rights to be taken as prisoners without harm to our persons or property. Thank you for listening, sorry for taking up your valuable time... sorry, thank you, bye, sorry, bye... bye, sorry...

Cordelia looked at him. "All the characters Xander has to go as, and it has to be _him_!"

The End