"Welcome to casa de Xander, Buff. Current population is one, but I'm always looking for roommates." He said with his eyebrows wiggling.
She whacked him upside the head, "You pig."
He shrugged, "Well, all I can say is oink oink."
She giggled, "You definitely are a pig."
Xander smiled, "Would you have me any other way?"
Buffy shook her head, "Not at all. I'm talking to the superior Xander. I accept no substitutes."
He sighed, "Guess you're stuck with me."
"Guess so."
"C'mon, we gotta talk."
She nodded as Xander opened his door. He immediately turned on the lights and allowed Buffy to come inside.
Her eyes widened as she saw the apartment. "You live here?"
He grinned, "Yeah. I know the landlord and he hooked me up. He gave me a deal for this place based on my predicament. So, I got a sweet deal."
His friend smiled, "That's cool. It's all about connections."
Xander nodded, "You bet it is. You want something to drink?"
Buffy shook her head, "No, thanks. I want to get started."
He motioned to the couch, "Sure. Let's sit down."
Together, the two friends sat down, not knowing how to start. But both wanting to be completely honest. It was the best way to get through this conversation, and knowing what the other person was truly capable of only wanted them to tell the truth more.
Xander took a deep breath and was about to speak, when Buffy did. "First of all, Xander. I want to thank you."
He showed a confused look for a brief second, "Thank me? You don't ha-"
She interrupted him, "No, I do. I want to thank you for coming to LA and looking for me. I always knew you cared about me, but I just didn't know how much."
He was surprised she was saying this, but maybe Buffy was right. Maybe these three weeks did her well. It most definitely helped him.
Xander said simply, "I love you, Buffy."
She grinned, "I love you too, Xander. You're my best friend. The one person who would go at any length to find me. You would go at any length to protect me."
The boy said, "I don't want to see you die, Buffy. I already saw that happen to you, and I lost it."
She agreed, "Same here. I saw you dead at the cabin, and it hurt me at the core. I never had an experience where my best friend died. It hurt."
Xander nodded, "It does hurt, Buffy. But I'm grateful that you came back to us."
"And I'm grateful you came back to life."
He stated, "Well, we both died, came back to life, and are grateful that the other person survived."
"Nothing wrong with being grateful, Xander. I should've been more grateful to you in the past."
A smile was made, "Part of growing up is knowing when to become grateful. It's the journey that life is all about. We keep wanting to improve ourselves in order to have happier lives."
She nodded and grasped his right hand, "Xander, you've done a lot for me over the past few years, and I've hurt you. I called you 'one of the girls,' and I sexy danced you to make Angel jealous. You saw Angel as he really was, a vampire."
He shook his head, "Seeing Angel as a vampire is something that comes natural to me. But to be fair to you, you fell in love with him before you knew what he was. That wasn't you're choice. You don't chose who you fall in love."
The blond sighed, "I know, Xander. I know. But as soon as I found out what he was, I wanted not to be involved with him. I didn't want to date a vampire, but my heart wouldn't allow it." Tears started to glisten in her eyes, "I wanted to find some happiness. I'm a girl who's destined to have a short life. I just want to find some happiness to make me feel better about who I am."
Xander agreed, "I understand, Buffy. I understand that you love Angel."
She said sternly, "Loved. I loved Angel. He's dead now, Xander. There's no denying it. I loved him. It's over."
Xander nodded slowly, "Loved or love. You have a powerful heart Buffy and Angel was lucky to have it. He saw the wonderful person you really are, and that's who he fell in love with." (That's who I fell in love with.)
"Thank you." She wiped her eyes dry. "Thank you for saying that to me, Xan."
"It's the truth, Buffy. You have faults. We all do, but that's what makes us human. Angel may not have a human body, but he has a human soul. A soul that deserves to be loved. Everybody deserves to be loved."
"I know. But as soon as I ran that sword through his heart and sent him to hell, I shut down. And my mom told me that I wasn't allowed back in the house." Tears started to cascade down her cheeks, "you guys would've been mad at me for letting Drusilla do those things to you. There was nothing left for me in Sunnydale. I had to leave."
He took his thumb and dried her tears. "Buffy, you got hurt. We all do. But we could never hate you, Buff. You're mom was crying herself to sleep ever since you left. I know, because I called her. "
She gulped, "You talked to my mom?"
"And Giles. I had to tell them and let them know how my search was going. I couldn't let them cry every night. I just had to find you, Buffy. I had to make sure you were alright, that you weren't a meal for a vampire."
"Are they okay? I never meant to hurt them, Xander. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just needed to get away. I needed a new start."
He nodded, "They're fine. They'll be even more fine when you talk to them."
Gulping again, she said, "I'll talk to them. I'll do anything to make this easier."
Xander grinned, "Good to know. They deserve that much."
Suddenly she remembered something else, "What was the deal with the ghost?"
Suddenly she remembered something else, "What was the deal with the ghost?"
He answered, "The ghost was something that I had to stop in order to find you."
Buffy showed a confused look, "You had to stop a ghost in order to find me?"
Xander nodded and told her his tale. He told her about meeting Kevin Sorbo, Ash, Faith, and Wesley. He told her about meeting Lorne and what he predicted. The boy told her everything that had happened during the last three weeks. Everything except telling her who Kevin Sorbo really was. It wasn't his thing to tell.
And he didn't tell her about his family. Like he decided earlier, Buffy didn't need to know. It was always a sensitive subject, and talking about it was always hard. He didn't want to burden her with his problems. Right now, the goal was to get Buffy back to Sunnydale safe and sound.
She looked at the carpet, "You had quite an adventure, haven't you?"
Xander grinned, "You can say that. All these people have helped me find you, Buffy. Without them, I didn't think I would be ever to find you. They helped me at times when I thought I didn't have an answer. They showed me a lot of truths about myself and my heart."
"Intense," she said with a whisper. "and all I met was Gunn."
"Gunn?" Xander asked in confusion.
With that said, Buffy told him her tale. She told him about her life these past few weeks. She told him about getting a job, a place to stay, and meeting Charles Gunn. Buffy didn't tell him about Alex being her sprit guide because it was truly a personal matter. A matter that no one else should know. Not now anyway.
"You still went through a lot though, Buffy. And I'm guessing those three weeks also had a lot of self discovery."
Immediately, she thought, (You have no idea, Xand. You have no idea.) "There was some self discovery. Some realizations every now and then, but those I like to keep to myself."
Xander nodded, "You have every right not to tell me. Some things are hard to talk about and telling them to people would give them a huge burden. Talking about things are good and all, but everyone has their right to keep things to themselves."
She grinned, "Exactly, Xander. Did I ever tell you that you were wise beyond your years?"
He chuckled, "Nope. Never been known for my intelligence, Buff. You've seen some of my grades. I don't do well in school."
Buffy smiled, "There's a difference between book smarts and life smarts. Xander, you're a survivor. Someone who has done a lot of thing on their own, and part of the reason being that I hurt you over the years. You're incredibly smart, Xan. Never doubt that."
He chucked, "Yeah, I'm as smart as Smartfood. Small brain on the inside covered by a big white shell."
Sighing, Buffy said, "Smartfood nothing. Don't compare yourself to popcorn. There are big differences between you two."
"Yeah, although we're both good at movies. We make the whole movie experience worth while."
She giggled, "I'd have to agree with you there, Xander. But you are smart. Never doubt that."
Giving in, "Alright, alright. I'm smart." (No I'm not. I'm a lost cause. My dad was right. My life ain't worth shit. That's why you won't go out with me. Because I'm a loser. A loser who would never get a chance with you.)
Her voice brought him back to reality, "Sorry. Just thinking things."
Buffy nodded slowly, "Uh…huh." (What were you thinking, Xander? What is going on in that brain of yours?)
Xander looked at her eyes and saw them focusing on him, searching for something. But what? He didn't know.
For the next few moments, nothing was said. The two of them just sat on the couch looking everywhere but at each other.
"How about some TV?" Xander asked to fill the silence.
The young woman nodded, "TV is something I could definitely get into. I've been through a lot today."
"Same here, Buff. Same here."
Lisa fell to the ground with a thud.
Ryan, Richard, and Steve looked at each other in horror as they saw the blond woman jump out of the sarcophagus.
"How dare you disturb me?" She said sternly.
The three men stepped a few feet back. "Steve?"
The colonel nodded, "What is it if it isn't goa'uld? And why would it use a sarcophagus?"
He glared at him, "You tell me, you're the archeologist."
"Colonel Kavenox, I suggest we go back to the stargate."
The colonel nodded, "Good suggestion. C'mon, gang. Let's go."
"What about Lisa?" Richard asked.
"Leave her body. We need to-"
Before he could finish his sentence, the woman pounced on her victim and her face changed along with her eye and what appeared to be fangs extended. "Thanks for the snack." She then took a bite out of his neck and began to drink his blood.
Richard's eyes widened, "It's a vampire!"
Richard's eyes widened, "It's a vampire!"
Ryan said in astonishment, "Something tells me you've been seeing too many horror movies, Richard."
The woman took her final drink of Steve's blood and dropped his body. "He's right. I'm a vampire."
Richard shook his head, "Let's get out of here!"
Ryan nodded, "Right behind you."
The two remaining members of SG-25 sprinted toward the stargate.
The archeologist looked behind his shoulder and saw the woman charging with her changed face. "Get back here!"
He turned back to his last teammate, "Dial the DHD."
Ryan nodded, "Right ahead of you." He ran to his destined location and started to dial.
With a smile, he said, "One more symbol." Ryan looked up and saw the woman snapping Richard's neck.
"No!" He yelled in anguish.
Shaking his head, Ryan dialed in the last symbol and was about to hit the center of the device when he was tackled to the ground.
"Where you going?"
Ryan didn't answer.
"Going home?" Again no reaction. "Mind if I come along."
He went to his MP5, and tried to aim it at the vampire. "Take this, Asshole!"
But he couldn't. The vampire had his arm pinned, "Pathetic mortal." The vampiress said.
She leaned down and extended her fangs. "I got a plan for you." With that, she started to drink his blood.
"This is going to be hard, Xan." Buffy Summers said to her best friend.
He nodded, "I can understand, Buff. But like you said, you want to do this. If you want me to be here, I will be. You know for extra support."
Did she want Xander to be in the room when she talked to her mother? Normally, she would say no. Talking to her mother was something that was private. Things could get said meant for her ears only and he'd be standing right there.
Yet, she did have to admit. Having somebody she just talked to, someone that knew who she really was a blessing.
Xander was her strength. Within these past few weeks, she realized that Xander was her hero. A person who did these things voluntarily. A person who loved her and put her in front of just about everything in his life.
But still. There needed to be some private Buffy Summers matters. There had to be some moments in her life and conversations that had to be dealt with just herself.
Taking a deep breath, she said, "I need to do this by myself, Xander. I appreciate you wanting to be here. But this is something I need to do myself."
Xander grinned, "Not a problem, Buff. I'll be in my room."
Before he left, Buffy walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Xander. I said this once, I'll say this again. Thank you for everything."
He smiled, "I love you too, Buff." Xander withdrew himself from her, and then said, "I'll be in the other room."
Xander left leaving Buffy Summers to have an important conversation.
Buffy reached for the phone and placed the receiver to her ear. She dialed the familiar number. (One step at a time. One step at a time.)
It rang a few times, "Hello?"
Taking another breath, she said, "Hi, Mom."
Joyce immediately recognized the voice. She stood up from her seat and walked over to the corner of the living room, and said calmly, "Hi, Buffy."
Buffy was taken surprised by her tone. But took it as a blessing. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry for everything."
She had to be calm. She didn't want to scare her daughter away again. And in order to do that, she had to be calm and rational. She had to listen to why her daughter did the things she did. "It's nice to know that you are sorry, Buffy."
"I am, Mom. I'm sorry for running away. I'm sorry for not letting you in on my sacred duty. I'm sorry that I put my life in danger every night. I'm sorry that I made you cry."
"I assume that the only reason why you're calling is because Xander found you."
She shook her head, "No. I called of my free will. I actually found Xander. We talked, and these past three weeks have done a lot of things for me. More things then I realized I needed help in. The main thing I need help in is realizing when I need help. I can't do this anymore alone. I can't fight the vampires anymore by myself."
Her mother said, "You realized a lot, I take it. What you have to remember is that you have friends and a mother that loves you. We always will love you, and we will always be there for you. You just have to remember that."
This was amazing. Her mother was being very understanding. "You're taking this well?"
She nodded, "Buffy, Honey. You may have been dealt a bad hand in life, but God blessed with a great support system. I never met a young man like Xander who would take it upon himself to leave his home and find his friend. If you ask me, I'd say you're lucky."
Buffy smiled, "I am lucky."
Joyce said, "You really do sound different, Buffy. Who are you, and what have you done with my daughter?"
She giggled, "It's me, Mom."
"I know, Honey. It's just that I never saw you so apologetic before. I never see you wanting to accept help. You were always a girl to take charge. You were always by yourself. After Hemery, you never were the same. In some ways better, in some ways not."
She wondered if she should tell her mom about Alex. Telling her might let Buffy's mom know how much of a change that she went through, but there were things that were meant to be said face-to-face. And Alex was this case.
"Like I said, Mom. These past three weeks have really helped me. I learned things about myself that I never knew existed. This summer has done wonders for me."
"That's good to hear, Buffy. So, tell me. When are you coming home?"
"That's the problem, Mom. Xander and I weren't able to find each other until things were met. He met a demon that gave him a prediction. In the prediction, Xander had to defeat a ghost in order to find me. Next, we have to do something before Sunnydale. And what it is, we don't know."
Joyce asked in a surprised voice, "Xander had to defeat a ghost in order for you to find each other?"
She nodded, "Yeah, he did. Xander beat this guy and then we talked. We talked a great deal, and things have gotten better between us. There's still something out there that we have to defeat. Something that is tougher than the ghost."
Her mother sighed, "I don't want you to do this by yourself, Buffy."
Buffy smiled, "I'm not. I got Xander, Faith, Ash, Wesley, and Kevin Sorbo helping us."
Her eyes widened, "You know Kevin Sorbo? Who are these other people, Honey?"
With that said, Buffy filled her mother in on the people she met. The only thing that she didn't tell her about was Alex. That was something that had to be her own story to tell.
The vampiress paced the temple as she waited for her childe to wake.
The stargate actually was something that she always wanted to use, but she never knew the correct combinations to get the wormhole to work properly.
It has been millennia since she was transported to this planet. Back when she was a normal human. But of course she was kidnapped by the goa'uld.
Plans were that she would either be a host or a slave for these aliens. All plans were off when a vampire that the goa'uld captured to study escaped.
One night, the vampire broke this woman out of her cell and turned her. As a result, the newly turned vampire staked her sire and started to make her own rules and has successfully survived for the past millennia.
And in order for her not scar, to not to deform, the vampire stole the sarcophagus, and she's been using it ever since. The sarcophagus kept her as her youthful self.
All of a sudden, her childe started to stir.
The vampiress walked over to him, and knelt down in front of him. "Welcome to my world."
The reborn Ryan looked up at his sire. "What happened?"
She replied, "I turned you, Ryan. I gave you a gift."
He showed a confusing look, "What type of gift, Ma'am?"
The blond woman smiled, "I gave you the gift of eternal life and eternal youth. You'd get to live forever, and never age a day. Only a selected number of people have been lucky to obtain this type of gift."
Ryan smiled, "Thank you, Ma'am." She helped him up. "What can I do for you?"
"I want you to open the stargate, Ryan. I want you to take me to Earth. I have some unfinished business there, and from the moment I saw you. I knew you were the man for job."
Again, the new vampire said, "Thank you. What are we going to do on Earth?"
A malevolent smile appeared on the vampiress' face as she told him the future plans. She only told him what she had planned for him. The woman didn't want him to know everything. That would be too risqué. "Now, when we get to Earth, you'll be able to feed for the first time. And in order to do that, you must open the stargate."
He nodded, "That won't be a problem. This way, Ma'am."
A smile crossed her lips, "Call me Callisto."
Her childe asked in confusion, "Would you rather be called Ma'am or Callisto?"
Callisto smiled, "I prefer the name, Callisto, Ryan. Few people can call me that and live."
He grinned, "Oh I do, Callsto. I do.
With that said, the two headed for the stargate. When they did, the blond said, "Show me how to get back to Earth."
Her childe nodded, "But of course, Callisto."
The blond said with a malevolent grin, "Show me, childe. Show me."
Ryan dialed the DHD and hit the activation symbol. After the wormhole settled, he punched in his GDO code.
"Callisto, I should warn you that we will be entering a secure military base."
"I know, childe, just do as I say." Callisto then gave the soldier several instructions.
The two then walked into the shimmering event horizon and vanished.
"Unscheduled off-world activation!"
Red lights flashed and alarm klaxons sounded throughout the base.
The doors to the main computer room opened, and in walked a well-dressed man of command. General Hammond immediately rushed to the Gate Control Room and said, "Close the iris."
Sgt. Davis nodded, "Yes, Sir." Soon, he did the aforementioned action, and the iris closed.
When satisfied, Davis looked back at the computer, "Sir, it's SG-25."
General Hammond smiled, "Open the iris, and welcome them home."
The iris opened, and the wormhole established. A few seconds passed when two people walked through the stargate.
Hammond's eyes widened. He saw only a single member of SG-25 appear with a strange woman. He immediately turned around and ran down the stairs. As soon as he entered the gate room, he walked over to the two people.
Recognizing one as Ryan Banks. "What happened, Lieutenant? Where's the rest of your team?"
Ryan said, "There was an ambush, General Hammond. The goa'uld appeared out of nowhere. The others didn't make it. I was lucky to get out when I did."
He nodded slowly and looked to the person standing next to him, "And who is this young lady, Lieutenant?"
The woman smiled weakly, "My name is Caroline. Lieutenant Banks rescued me I could be made a host."
The general nodded, "Report to the infirmary. A nurse will help you. Doctor Fraiser is away visiting family. Debriefing will be in the debriefing room in one hour." He turned to Caroline. After you are cleared by the nurse, we'll see what we can do about your accommodations."
Callisto nodded, "Thank you, General."
"Escort Ms. Caroline to the infirmary, Lieutenant."
"Right away, General Hammond." Ryan said to his officer.
The two walked down the corridor and Callisto took the time to notice all the improvements since she was last on the Earth
"This place is quite impressive." Caroline said to Ryan.
Ryan nodded, "The SGC has been running for a few years, Ma'am. It all began with SG-1 ..."
With that, Ryan told her the history of SGC. About General George Hammond, Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill, Captain Samantha "Sam" Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c.
When Lt. Ryan explained about how Teal'c had rebelled against Apophis and grasped her interest. A former Jaffa who worked for Apophis now worked for the SGC, a smile crossed her lips. (Looks like Xena wasn't the only one to reform.)
"Remember what we have planned, Ryan? As soon as we get to the infirmary, I'll get rid of the personnel, and then you take me topside. You should be able to get through no problem. If anyone questions our motives, just get that person look at me."
A smile crossed his lips, "Of course, Callisto. Of course."
As soon as they turned the corner, Callisto wondered, (Now, that I'm back on Earth, I wonder if Hercules is still around.)
As soon as they turned the corner, Callisto wondered, (Now, that I'm back on Earth, I wonder if Hercules is still around.)
The two entered the infirmary to notice a short redhead with green eyes. "Ah, Lt. Banks. And I assume this is Caroline, please sit down on the stretcher here and I'll start your examination."
Ryan said, "Thank you, Nurse Hall." He said as he sat down in front of her.
The nurse smiled weakly, "I'm sorry about your team, Lieutenant. They were fine people. Some of the best the SGC had to offer."
He grinned, "Thank you. They will be missed."
The nurse suddenly jerked back her head, and could feel her body getting cold, and soon became limp.
"Blood type AB. A personal favorite of mine." Callisto said to her childe.
He pouted, "Why didn't you save any for me?"
Callisto smiled, "I just wanted to get out of here as soon as we could. I want to check on something. And sooner the better. Would you like to come along?"
Ryan said with a wide smile, "Of course I would." He walked to the door that led to the hallway. When it was clear, he glanced back to his sire and smiled, "Coast is clear. Follow me."
She nodded, "Right behind you."
With that said, the two walked down the hallway and headed for the elevator.
Callisto's nose suddenly picked up and odor. "Kiss me."
Ryan showed a confused look, "What?"
She shook her head, "No time to argue." The blond woman grabbed her childe in her arms, lowered her face and kissed him.
Ryan stiffened in awe. But soon felt a slap on the back, "Way to go, Lieutenant."
Banks realized who the voice was coming from and understood Callisto's actions.
Shortly she let go of her childe and smiled, "Nice lip action."
Ryan smiled, "Thanks."
She said, "C'mon, let's go."
He nodded, and pushed the button for the elevator.
It soon opened to reveal Daniel Jackson.
"Ryan. On you're way home?"
He nodded, "Yes, Sir. But I'm taking Caroline to her guest quarters first."
Daniel chuckled, "Call me Daniel. I'll see you tomorrow." He then headed down the hallway. Inwardly he thought, (Uh huh. Something seems off.)
"This place is busy, isn't it?"
Banks nodded, "This is a top secret military base, Caroline. We're almost there."
The two entered the elevator, and Ryan pressed the button to the service. The doors closed shortly leaving sire and childe alone.
The elevator stopped at the eleventh floor and opened. "We have to switch elevators before going to the surface."
They left the elevator, and entered the other one. When the doors closed, they continued their conversation.
Ryan said to her, "This is going easier then I hoped."
Callisto said, "Nothing is easy. Something's going to happen. I know it."
The door open when they reach the service.
"Stay right where you." A man said emerged from a group of ten people. He was rather tall and lanky. His brown hair shifted in the wind with his blue eyes glaring at the two people. He aimed his MP5 at them. "General Hammond says you two are not permitted to leave the premises."
Ryan smiled, "What are you going to do, Colonel Hummings? Shoot us if we don't follow your directions?"
Colonel Leonard Hummings said, "If I have to. My orders are to bring you down to the SGC alive."
Callisto's chide laughed, "That's a problem right there, Lenny. We're already dead."
Callisto sighed, "Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. We don't need bloodshed, although I'd love to have some action. Watch this."
She approached the said Colonel, and with her eyes narrowing, "General Hammond said we could go."
Leonard nodded and dropped his MP5 to his side, "My mistake, Ms. Caroline." He turned to his group. "Allow them to pass."
"But General Hammond said not to." One of them said.
Callisto smiled, "I don't know about you. But I wouldn't want to cross your supervising officer. It wouldn't be looked upon that well."
"But Colonel?" the same man asked.
Without breaking her gaze from Leonard, she said, "Colonel, it appears that your men aren't following orders."
He nodded, "Lt. Brown. Allow them to pass. That is a direct order, Lt. I'd follow it if I were you."
"But Sir?" asked another man.
"I outrank you. Follow my orders."
Sighing, they said, "Yes, Colonel."
Colonel Hummings's team parted allowing Callisto and Ryan to pass. They entered Ryan's car and drove away.
"Hi, Danielle. Is Anne done for the day?"
Danielle nodded, "She's about done, Xander. I'll tell her you're here. Take a seat."
He walked over to a booth and sat down.
It had been a few days since Buffy found him. The two spent a lot of time together, just hanging around. It seemed like they were back in Sunnydale, but different at the same time.
In Sunnydale, him, Buffy, Willow, Oz, Cordelia, and Giles formed the now current Scooby Gang.
But in LA, it was a different group. Buffy, Faith, Ash, Wesley, and him formed a different team. They didn't have the supernatural powers that the Scoobies had. Buffy and Faith were the only ones with powers, but that didn't matter. It seemed like Buffy was able to work well with people without powers. It had something to do with Charles Gunn, but that was fine with him.
This Buffy he's been hanging with has been a lot different. She wasn't the same Buffy he knew from Sunnydale. This Buffy paid more attention to him, seemed to acknowledge him more. Why, he didn't know. But this Buffy was stronger and more confident. She was also more of a team person. Not like the Buffy in Sunnydale.
Buffy became his hero these past few weeks, and she would always stay to be if she continued to improve this way. He couldn't help but fall more in love with her. Xander couldn't wait until the two of them got together. But like he promised, he'd give her space. Allow her the time for her to be ready.
"Hi, Xand."
He looked up to see a smiling Buffy. "Hi, Anne."
She sat down across from him, "Thanks for meeting here. I wanted to ask you something. Something that's been going on in my head a week now."
He nodded, "You know you can tell me anything."
Buffy grinned, "I know I can."
"So what do you want to ask me?"
His friend said, "I know you want to help me in my patrolling, and I love you for that. And I know you have your army knowledge in your mind still, and I want to take advantage of that."
"Uh huh."
"I want to train you, Xander. I want you to become a better fighter. So when we get back to Sunnydale, I'm going to tell Giles to help you train. I want all my friends to train. That's you, Wills, Oz, and Cordy."
He grinned, "I'd like that, Buff. But do you really think Cordelia would want to train? I don't know if she'd be the type to do that. I just don't see her wanting to learn."
She nodded, "I understand. Cordy doesn't strike me as the training type. How about Wills and Oz?"
The boy answered, "Oz might want to train, and I think Willow would give it a shot, but I don't see her continuing it. She's more of the researcher and recently magical person."
"Yeah." She took a breath, and then asked, "so you want to learn how to fight?"
Her friend nodded, "Definitely. I'd love to kick more demon ass. And spending time with the Buffster is always a plus."
Buffy blushed, "And I love spending time with my Xander."
Xander showed a confused look, "I'm your Xander? What makes you think you can own me?"
The Slayer smiled, "I just mean I know that you're my best friend, and I love you for that. I know you're always there, and I know you're always willing to help. Like I said, you're my best friend, you're my Xander."
He said, "And I guess that makes you my Buffy."
"Definitely, Xander. You're my Xander, and I'm your Buffy. Nothing is going to change that."
"Just remember that the next time we face an apocalypse. That way, I know if my life was in danger, I'd know you'd come to rescue me."
She smiled, "Yeah, I would. Anyway, it takes too long to break in a new best friend."
"Hardy har har, Buff."
Changing the subject, she asked, "I hate to stop this, Xander. But what's this next problem we have to face?"
Changing the subject, she asked, "I hate to stop this, Xander. But what's this next problem we have to face?"
He asked innocently, "You don't want to spend any more time with me?"
She swatted his arm, "Of course I do, Xan. I just want to know our timeframe, that's all."
Xander nodded slowly, "Uh huh. Well, we could see Lorne. He might know something."
Buffy sighed, "Every time you need information, you go to see Lorne. I mean, we have Willy back in Sunnydale, but we don't go to him all the time."
He agreed, "True. But we don't have to threaten Lorne with his life. He gives the information for free."
She smiled, "I have to agree with you there. But since it's getting late, why don't we go back to the cabin and split up patrol routes. Tomorrow we can bother Lorne, tonight I just want to patrol."
He grinned as he got out of his seat. Offering his hand, Xander said, "C'mon, Anne. Let's get out of here."
Buffy accepted his hand and got out of the booth. "Yeah, I need to get out of here anyway."
With that said, the two friends left with Xander saying as soon as he got out of the door, "How long you going to keep this Anne thing going?"
"I'm home, Uncle Ash!"
Ash flipped off the television seeing his niece coming through the door. "Have a nice time with Eric?"
She grinned, "Yeah, it was cool."
He noticed the smile on her lips, "You two been getting along together great. Do I detect a future relationship happening?"
She shook her head, "Fuck no!"
Her uncle chuckled, "That's not what I seem to remember. You couldn't speak the first time you met him."
Faith glared at him, "Well, excuse me if I found him attractive!"
Ash flashed a lopsided grin, "So you admit you like him?"
Shaking her head, she stammered, "What? No! Yes! No! I dunno."
He grinned, "This kid obviously has you twisted inside out, Kiddo."
Faith sighed, "X told me things about making sure if I really want to get involved with a guy."
Ash asked slowly, "He did, did he?"
She nodded, "He did, Uncle Ash. He told me I had to make sure that Eric had to be the right guy. I don't want him to know about my slayer half when he isn't with me."
The former promised said, "I understand, Faith. Knowing about what goes bump in the night is never easy."
Saying that, he saw his niece downcast her glance at the ground, "But if you really wanted to, you could train him in order for him to get better chances to survive."
The Slayer smiled weakly, "I know I could train him. But I don't know if I'm ready for dating yet. B's been a slayer longer and she's still not ready to date."
Ash said calmly, "Faith, Kiddo. Buffy tried the dating thing before and fell in love with Angel. That guy lost his soul and went on a killing spree. Buffy's heart is broken and needs this time to heal. Xander knows all this, and that's why he ran after her. He wanted to make sure she was safe."
Realizing what he was saying, Ash said, "We're getting off topic here. What you have to do is make sure you want to let Eric in on your nightjob. You have to make sure that he won't abandon you or hurt you by cheating on you."
Faith said, "I know, I know. I have a lot to think about."
"Hi, Honey, I'm home!"
Ash and Faith saw the door open to reveal a smiling Xander with Buffy standing behind him.
Faith grinned, "Hi, Ricky. Would you please put me in your show tonight?"
Xander chuckled, "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. How many times do we have to go over this? No, you can't perform in the show tonight."
Buffy walked passed him, "Alright Ricardos, can we go over the patrol routes for tonight? Because if we don't, I could always call Gunn in, and we'd be already out on patrol."
Ash smiled, "Who's Gunn?"
"Someone mentioned me?"
Buffy turned around immediately and said in a wide smile, "Hey, Gunn. What you doing here?"
Wesley came in from beside him. "I remember you talking about a Charles Gunn with me the other day. So, I took the liberty to locate him. Thought he'd could help us in some patrols."
Buffy said, "Gunn has a team of people who fight vampires."
Xander smiled, "Cool."
His love continued, "We met while I was patrolling. Charles Gunn, this is my best friend, Xander Harris. Next to him is another slayer named Faith Williams. Behind her is her uncle, Ashley Williams. And you already know Wesley Wyndam-Pryce."
Gunn chuckled, "You're name is Ashley?"
He got out of his seat, "Listen Gunn. Don't mess with the name. You don't want to make me angry."
Buffy whispered to Gunn, "I wouldn't push it, Gunn. This guy is tough."
He knew when not to cross anyone. "Sorry, man. Didn't mean anything by it."
Ash took a breath, "Forget about it, Gunn."
"Good. Wes told me about you in the car. So, what are the patrol teams?"
Wesley grinned, "I suggest that Buffy and Xander be one team. I shall be with Faith, and you, Gunn should be with Ash."
"Cool." Gunn said, "So does this mean we can go break some skulls?"
Ash grinned, "I think I'm going to like this guy."
Wesley stated, "Alright, alright. The time is now 10:00. We shall patrol and meet back here at midnight. Discuss what happened tonight, and then we'll settle in for the night."
"Groovy." Ash said with a grin.
Faith went to the nightstand and grabbed her weapon. She attached it to her belt. "I fucking can't wait to see how this baby works on vamps."
Buffy pouted, "You got that for a weapon? All I got is a stake."
The former promised one looked at her, "What happened to the knife I sold you?"
She replied, "I only use it for sharpening stakes. It's the best way to keep them nice and pointy."
Xander chuckled, "Now I know why Kendra called it Mr. Pointy."
Buffy looked up at him, "What would you've called it?"
He shrugged, "Bob?"
Faith smiled, "That seems like something you would say. Enough small talk, I want to kick some demon ass."
Ash walked over to his mantle that was above his fireplace and grabbed his chainsaw. "I'm read when you are."
Gunn's eyes widened, "You got a chainsaw?"
He grinned, "Yep. Buzz, here comes in real handy for these type of missions."
Xander nodded, "I can vouch for that."
Wesley sighed, "Children, if you please. Can we go?"
Buffy giggled, "Party pooper."
Her friend said in surprise, "Party pooper, Buff?"
She grinned, "You get the idea, Xan. So, I guess we better get going."
The Watcher smiled, "Precisely."
"Wes told me what happened to you, Man. I gotta say, you been put through some tough shit."
Ash grinned as the two walked down a street in Los Angeles. "You have no idea, Gunn. That damn book really fucked up my life."
He nodded, "Yeah, it is. Life can be a bitch, but you got to remember the people you have in your life. That makes life worth living."
The former promised one said, "Yep. I lost a few people, but then I soon met Xander. Soon after him, I met a ton of people, and I must say it feels good."
The self-appointed male slayer stated, "Buffy and Xander really changed our lives in LA, huh?"
"You better believe it, Kid. When all this is said and done, Faith and I got to move to Sunnydale."
He showed a confused look, "Sunnydale?"
The S-Mart employee said, "That's where the Hellmouth is. Its vampire central, and I don't want Faith to do this alone. I went through this shit before, and it can change a person. Wes, Faith, Xander, Buffy, and I'll head there before the summer ends."
"That's cool, Ash. I got my own thing here in LA going. My crew have been fighting vamps for years now and we're getting better. My sister keeps me going."
"Family is extremely important, Gunn."
"You have no idea." A voice said as someone appeared out of the darkness.
Ash sighed as he revved up his chainsaw, "You read for this?"
Gunn withdrew his stake from his sleeve and gave it a twirl, "You better believe it."
Ash grinned as three move vampires came from the darkness making the total four, "Come get some."
"I assume you've been practicing, Faith?"
She grinned as she patted her chackram, "Sure have, Wes. Gotta admit, this chackram Kevin gave me kicks major ass."
Her watcher nodded, "I agree. It should handle well against the undead. And I must say, your fighting skills has improved."
Faith said, "Well, when B found X. it meant that she was ready to fight again. And according to what we figure, I'd should be at close to top slayer capacity."
"You certainly are correct. It appears that Mr. Harris knew what he was talking about."
Faith grinned, "Call him Xander, Wes. We went through that already."
The Englishman nodded, "That we did."
Saying that, the two turned the corner to see a young woman being forced to the ground.
"As X would say, 'It's clobbering time!'"
Wesley sighed, "He never says that."
Faith said as she launched herself at the attacker, "You obviously don't know about Xander's love of comics."
"Throw me a stake, Buff!"
Buffy nodded as she somersaulted over a vampire's back and landed on her feet. She grabbed the loose weapon and tossed it to her friend, "Here you go, Xan."
He said with a slight smile, "Thanks, B."
She shook her head as she used her free arm and staked the vampire that she just somersaulted over. "One down."
"Make that two." Xander said as he staked his opponent.
Buffy looked up in front of her, "Five more left."
Buffy and Xander walked toward each other and flipped around. Touching backs, they circled around getting ready to fight the remaining vampires.
"You take the boy." One of the vampires said. "I want the Slayer."
Buffy sighed, "Everybody wants me."
Xander asked, "What's not to want, Buff? I'd kill to get a chance to hang with you."
"Shut up." The vampire said as he leaped toward Buffy.
"Duck." Buffy said.
Xander nodded in agreement, "Right." He did just that, and the vampire leaped over him and landed on his face.
The boy sprang into the air and landed onto the vampire-straddling him. Staking him, he said, "That's the way the vampire crumbles."
He dusted himself off and looked toward Buffy. "How many left?"
She staked two of them and said, "Two more."
"Make that one more." Another voice said as he came out of the darkness.
Buffy and Xander looked at each other as the unknown visitor walked forward.
Before any of them could do anything, the visitor staked the last demon. "For the Slayer, you certainly are slow on doing the staking."
Her eyes narrowed, "Who the hell are you?"
He chuckled as he walked forward to the teenagers. "I'm just someone who was sent by the powers that be."
(The powers that be? What? Alex wasn't enough?) With a calming sigh, she asked, "What do you want?"
He smiled, "It's not what I want, it's what you want."
Xander showed a confused look, "What do we want?"
"Oh, I don't know. I'd think stopping someone so you two can go home be something that you want."
Xander's friend asked, "How do you know what's coming?"
The visitor said with a smile, "I have visions. Consider me a personal link to the powers."
The boy questioned, "What kinda visions? We talking visions of the women of Baywatch? Prophetic visions? Or visions from our past?"
Buffy looked at her friend, "Xander…"
He showed a confused look, "What? I'm a guy after all. I have a right to imagine Pamela Anderson."
She smiled, "Whatever." Turing to her new link, "As my horny friend was saying."
He showed a hurt look, "Hey!"
Giggling, she continued, "As I was saying. What kind of visions?"
"Prophetic visions, Buffy." Introducing himself, "By the way. My name's Doyle."
"How do you know my name, Doyle?"
He grinned, "I know all about you, Buffy. I also know all about you, Xander."
Xander gulped, "You know about my stash of Playboys under my mattress?"
Buffy asked surprisingly, "You have Playboys? Let me guess. You read them for the articles?"
He shrugged, "Of course I do."
(Men,) she thought. (It's all they think about.) Moving on, she asked, "So, what's the vision?"
"The vision was kinda vague, but I'll tell ya this: Someone's comin' to LA, and she's gonna cause some real trouble."
The voice from the darkness came forward, followed by three others. "Allow me to introduce my family."
Ash growled, "Not interested." He walked up to a vampire and looked down, "You're shoelaces are untied." The demon looked as Ash flew a right cross against his chin. "That's the second time that that worked."
The demon recoiled with a roundhouse, knocking the S-Mart employee's air right out of him. "Attack!"
Ash jumped to his feet and grabbed the said demon by the shirt. With his revved up chainsaw in the air, he brought it down full force dissecting the demon lengthwise. "Try pulling yourself together faster, Jerkface."
The former promised one turned around to see Gunn in the middle of a two vampire brawl.
Grabbing one into a half-nelson, Gunn staked the vampire with ease. "Get your hands off me!"
Watching the demon's ash settle to the ground, the second vampire threw a punch at Gunn's back.
Before the demon connected, Ash intercepted and caught the fist. He twirled around dissecting the vampire in two with his chainsaw. "Leave him alone, Asswipe." Soon, Ash's victim crumbled into dust.
Gunn, meanwhile, ran to the last demon and grabbed his arm. With all his human strength, he threw the vampire to the other side of the street.
"Pathetic mortal." The vampire said as he got to his feet. "You're going to pay for that."
Ash smirked, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He looked at Gunn, "Can I borrow your stake?"
Nodding, he threw it to him, "Not at all."
Catching it, Ash walked up to the demon. "You guys make me sick." He quickly stabbed the piece of wood into the vampire's chest. "And that's how it ends."
Turning back to his new friend, he tossed him the stake. "Thanks, Kid."
Gunn smiled, "Nice work, Ash. That chainsaw of yours can do some serious damage."
"You better believe it. But you never saw what it could do against deadites. These vampires are strong, but deadites are so much more stronger."
"I believe it." Gunn said with his still conscious grin. "Let's get back to the cabin."
"Let's take the longer route. Strangly enough, I'm in the mood for a walk."
"That's cool." He said as joined the brunette. "Where can I get one of those chainsaws?"
Saying that, the two turned the corner to see a young woman being forced to the ground.
"As X would say, 'It's clobbering time!'"
Wesley sighed, "He never says that."
Faith said as she launched herself at the attacker, "You obviously don't know about Xander's love of comics."
She landed on the demon who was holding onto the young woman. "Get the fuck off of her!"
The demon dropped his victim as he heard the cry from the unfamiliar brunette female. Turning around, he caught her in mid-air and tossed his attacker aside. "Get the hell away from me!"
Faith got back to her feet, with one hand on her chackram, she used the other one to gesture a signal for her watcher, "Get her out of here!"
"Of course, Faith." Wesley said as we ran to the fallen young woman. "Remember your training, Faith."
Faith nodded, "Training, right. Move it!"
Watching him go, Faith aimed her chacram and let it loose. She watched it as the weapon bounced off of the buildings that surrounded the street as well as trashcans and a fire escape. But it missed the demon by a few centimeters and landed by the far right wall.
"Damn. I guess I need more practice." She said to herself as she went for her stake.
"You got one hell of a lousy aim." The demon said as he grabbed something from the ground. "I got what I needed."
He then began running down the street.
Faith sprinted down the street, making sure to pick up her chackram.
Looking up from the ground, she noticed the demon escaped. "Shit!"
"Everything okay?"
Faith looked at the source of the voice to see her watcher coming from the darkness. "The demon got away."
"He couldn't of gotten far. Let's go after it."
Nodding, Faith placed her chackram back on her belt. "I wonder what he picked up from the ground."
"What is this show?"
Ryan looked up from the television. "It's called Xena: Warrior Princess. It's a spin-off of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys."
Callisto looked at her show, "There's shows based on Hercules and Xena?"
The vampire nodded, "Yeah." He turned to the television and looked at the episode. "This is a repeat. It has Hercules making a crossover."
"Hercules is in this episode?"
Pointing to the screen, he said, "Yeah, he is. The brunette is Xena. And the annoying blond is Gabrielle. They work together fighting the gods, warlords, and creatures. Whether they are Ares, Callisto, or a minotaur."
His face paled, "Callisto…"
The demon lowered his head as he entered the spacious room.
Raising it, flicked the light switch on allowing the florescent lights to brighten the room.
Shadows soon danced across the room as he walked over to the right corner. Grabbing the object he obtained from the ground, he placed it on a podium.
With a malevolent smile, the demon said, "Finally. I now have the last page."
He lit surrounding candles that decorated the top of the podium with a match. Satisfied, he closed his eyes, raised his arms and started to move his hands in a circular motion.
"Abba moni clactu virata nikto josuz---."
The demon suddenly fell to ground in a thud.
Somebody walked inside the room and walked over to the fallen body. With a mighty thrust, she yanked her weapon out of the demon's neck.
With a smile, "Looks like I didn't miss this time."
"Well done, Faith." Said the Englishman.
"Thanks, Wes." Stepping over the body, she grabbed the pages that were on the podium. She looked down at it, and saw red writing on the torn pages. Faith gave them to her watcher, "What do you make of this?"
He immediately recognized the pages. "These are from the Necronomicon Ex Mortis."
"Shit!" Faith hollered out. "Uncle Ash isn't going to like this."
Saying in a low voice, Wesley said, "No he won't. We better take these to him and the others. I have a feeling something is bound to happen shortly."
"Hurry up then, Wes. We'll figure out what to do there."
They then ran out of he room with the pages of the Necronomicon.
Xander looked at his friend, "Do you think this guy is for real?"
She nodded, "As much as I think the powers should be screwed. I recently learned to trust them on occasion."
He showed you a confused look, "You learned to trust the powers? Since when?"
Buffy didn't want him to know about Alex. Alex was somebody that only Buffy knew about, and she wanted it to stay that way. Hoping something would happen to change the course of this conversation, anything at all.
Doyle said, "Listen you two. Something is coming. I should know, I got a vision, and my former migraine proves it."
Thankfully, Buffy asked, "Migraine?"
He nodded, "Aye. I get a migraine every time I get a vision. It hurts like hell, but everything has a price."
Buffy sighed, "Don't I know it."
Xander noticed the tone of her voice. Buffy was a girl that had too much responsibility. Strike that. She was a young woman who had too damn much responsibility.
Every night since he known her and even before that, she went out of her way to risk her life so people like him could live the next day.
Knowing that, he promised himself that from the very day he met her, he'd protect her in anyway he could. Xander already lost Jesse and Catharine. He didn't want to lose anyone else.
Xander would help her in anyway that he could. He has proven that time and time again, and it looked like she knew that.
"You alright, Xan?"
Her voice cut him out of his inner musings. With a smile, he said, "Yeah, I am. Forget about it."
She grinned, "Already forgotten. C'mon. We're off to the cabin."
She nodded, "Before I answer that, I want to make sure I'm right…"
Her eyes widened as she saw a character appear on the screen. The character had long hair, wore a familiar set of pants as well as a familiar shirt.
Callisto approached the screen, getting the whole picture of the said character. "Is that…?"
Ryan showed a confused look, "Is that who?"
His sire reworded the question, "Is that Hercules?"
Her childe looked down at the screen, nodded, and said, "Yeah, that's Kevin Sorbo. He plays Hercules."
A wide grin realizing the truth. Hercules was still alive, but as Kevin Sorbo? Didn't matter. Killing him would only make her feel more complete.
"What are you talking about?"
Callisto said with a smile, "Never mind. Where is this 'Kevin Sorbo' now?"
"My guess is Los Angeles. That's where the show's being taped."
"Take me there, Ryan. Take me to Los Angeles. I'll tell you everything you need to know on the way."
Without any further hesitation, Lieutenant Ryan Banks said, "Of course, Callisto."
That smell.
It was that smell.
With two glowing green eyes, he looked down the street with himself in the shadows of the night.
With his eyes glaring at the two humans down the street, his smile grew even more malevolent. He rubbed his hands in eagerness.
As soon as he got those pages, he would be the most famous demon in the entire planet. Satan would no longer be the name that all men feared. The name would be none other than Goklox.
Goklox would be truly omnipotent and all the world would tremble when his name was spoken.
Feeling nothing but pure evil energy in his body, Goklox ran out of the shadows hollering, "You have crossed the street for the last time!"
The young woman asked in confusion, "What?"
With a snarl, the demon said, "My name is Goklox. For I am the most omnipotent demon on the face of this Earth. And all I need are those pages!"
The elder man said, "If you think that my slayer here is going to give you these pages, you are hugely mistaken."
"You dare defy me! Nobody will forget who I am!"
Faith smirked, "Yeah, right. You ain't getting these pages."
He stomped forward, "Oh, but I am!"
She gave the pages to her watcher as she took her weapon from her belt. "Shut the fuck up!" Faith then aimed her weapon, and let it loose.
Her chackram cut through the demon's windpipe, killing him in the process.
"That was easy enough."
Wesley nodded, "It appears that way. He definitely thought highly of himself."
She showed a confused look, "What was his name again?"
He shrugged, "I do not remember. Let's go to the cabin."
Ash stood up from the couch to see Wesley charging inside the cabin carrying a limp Faith. "We need your help!"
"What happened?" Xander yelled as he approached his friend.
"Is she alright?" Buffy asked.
"Is she alright, Man?" Doyle repeated the question.
Wesley looked at the source of the new voice, "Who are you?"
Buffy said, "It's alright, Wes. This is just Doyle."
Ash immediately ran to his niece, "Don't worry about him. What happened to her, Wes? You better tell me what the fuck is going on?"
He looked down at her and she started shaking recklessly. "Somebody damn well tell me what's wrong?"
Faith soon felt something on her shoulder. She immediately grabbed the spot to try and stop the pain.
"What the hell happened?" Gunn asked.
Ash brought Faith to the couch as Wesley told the story.
"We followed a demon to his apartment where he was chanting some kind of spell. After Faith killed him, we took the pages the demon was reading from."
Ash growled getting an idea in his idea, "What kind of pages?"
Wesley said immediately, "The Necronomicon…"
The former promised one cut him off, "Shit! I fucking hate that book!"
Gunn showed a confused look, "What's this Necronomicon?"
Ash snarled, "It's the damn book that ruined my life! There is no way I'm going to lose Faith."
Faith's hand grasped her shirt and yanked it off revealing bare skin. Her skin started to open up.
Buffy's eyes widened, "What's happening to her? There's an eye on her shoulder!"
"Shit! That ain't normal, Uncle Ash!"
Her uncle shook his head, "No! Not again!"
Xander asked, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Wesley stated, "Chances of what your thinking are slim to none on happening again, Ash!"
He glared at him, "You may have studied the book. But I've lived it! I know better than anyone what's happening!"
"What's happening?" Gunn asked.
Soon the cut on Faith's shoulder started expanding showing a nose.
"Shit!" Xander yelled.
"That ain't right!" Doyle yelled.
Faith immediately sprang from the couch and ran to the mantle. Grabbing the chainsaw, she tossed to Ash, "Get this thing out of me! Get this mother fucking thing out of me!"
The hole in her shoulder expanded more and more. A new eye emerged followed by more skin.
"You got to be kidding!" Xander yelled.
Catching the chainsaw in his free hand. "Dismemberment ain't going to do shit!"
"Then what will?" Asked the human/demon half-breed.
Faith hollered, "Then take the chackram!"
Their eyes widened in horror as a head appeared out of Faith's shoulder.
Faith looked in the mirror that was by the right wall, and screamed in horror.
"You got to be kidding me!" Faith yelled.
She started running out of the cabin, screaming into the night.
"We're coming, Faith!" Xander yelled as he sprinted out of the cabin as well. His friends followed suit.
The two-headed Slayer ran into the night. Soon, an arm and another set of legs grew from Faith. It looked like Faith now had a Siamese Twin.
The two of them ran down the street. They started pulling away from each other. And soon, two bodies separated from Faith's body.
"What the fuck are you?" Faith asked.
The other Faith snickered, "'What the fuck are you?'" She repeated with a haunting laugh.
Faith suddenly remembered her uncle's stories. "You're me! Aren't you?"
Ash and the others came running to them.
"It happened again!" Ash yelled.
"There two of you now!" Gunn asked.
Ash growled, "That's Bad Faith."
Faith said, "You're me."
Evil Faith smiled wickedly, "Give the Slayer a prize!"
"What do we do?" Doyle asked.
Faith's evil twin saw the pages from the Necronomicon in Wesley's hands. "I'll take those!" She grabbed them.
"If you thought Bad Ash was bad, wait to you see Bad Faith." Evil Faith said as clobbered Buffy in the cheek. "Slayers may be strong, but I'm stronger."
Buffy recoiled quickly with a left cross but Evil Faith intercepted by grabbing the blond's hand and throwing her onto the Englishman.
Xander charged the double but was kicked in the gut. "Pathetic."
She saw Ash's chainsaw revving, "That won't do any good. You realize that, don't you?"
Gunn grabbed his stake and launched himself at her.
The stake imbedded in Bad Faith's chest, but it didn't do any good.
She kicked Gunn's side forcing the bald man to the ground. "Did you fall and go boom?"
"I'll kill you!" Faith yelled.
"We'll kill you!" Xander said as helped Buffy to her feet.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Bad Faith said as she turned around. "Wait till I come back! I won't be alone next time!" Then she ran off.
"Good. You're all here."
Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill looked at his superior officer, "What's the problem, Sir? I was going to go fishing."
General George Hammond said, "It's going to have to wait, Colonel. We have a problem on our hands."
"What kind of problem, Sir?" Captain Samantha "Sam" Carter asked.
"Please sit down."
The four members of SG-1 and the general sat down in their familiar seating arrangements. "Lieutenant Banks and Caroline have left the premises. When they were stopped by Colonel Hummings, they easily got passed him. No damage was dealt. The two of them just walked off the base."
Doctor Daniel Jackson looked at them. "Well, General Hammond. I saw them earlier. Ryan said he was on his way home."
He nodded, "I called Lieutenant Banks' phone. But nobody was there."
"Perhaps Lieutenant Banks has not arrived home yet?" Teal'c offered.
"That is a distinct possibility. But that was over an hour ago. Lieutenant Banks only lives fifteen minutes away."
Jack nodded, "I saw Banks kissing a woman in the corridor a while ago."
"General Hammond!"
Hammond look at the door and noticed a horrid look on his face. "What is it, Colonel? You better have a good reason for barging in."
Colonel Makepeace said, "I do, Sir. I just went to see Nurse Hall. She's dead."
"Are you sure, Colonel?"
He nodded, "She had two holes in the side of her neck, Sir."
Jack showed a confused look, "Two holes? You sure it wasn't just from a goa'uld?"
Makepeace shook his head, "No, Sir. Two holes in her neck. Her body's cold."
The general looked at the archeologist, "What do you make of this, Doctor Jackson?"
Daniel looked at him in confusion, "I really can't think of anything that would cause two holes in the neck, General."
Jack smirked, "Vampires could."
Sam looked at him, "Vampires, Colonel?"
Daniel said, "Vampires could exist, Jack. Recently, we've found out a lot of Earth's mythology was based on alien influence. Vampire mythology could've been influenced by goa'uld or other parasitic animals' interference."
Jack said, "That would make sense, Sir. Banks' not the type to kiss women."
Hammond looked at him, "What are you suggesting, Jack?"
Jack said, "Well, Banks was never the type of guy that kisses in the base. He was a guy who lived by the book. And plus, don't vampires have that whole sexual appeal?"
"You can't be serious, Colonel." Sam asked. "You really believe that vampires exist?"
Daniel said, "Actually, Sam. It would make sense. Vampires have always been a part of world culture. Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, and a lot of fiction is based on some truth. Who know's if he hasn't come in contact with a vampire?"
Nodding, the captain asked, "What do we do, Sir?"
Hammond gave it some thought, then said, "If either Lieutenant Banks or Caroline are vampires, then this world is in serious trouble. I want SG-1 on the top of this matter."
Sam then remembered something. "Actually General, the whole incident Colonel Hummings experience could be explained by this. Hathor did the same thing. She was able to use all of you to her advantage. Perhaps Banks was just under Caroline's influence."
He nodded, "Either way. I'd like SG-1 on top of this. The problem is, we don't know where Lieutenant Banks or Caroline are. They could be anywhere."
"Indeed." Was the Jaffa's statement.
Sam suggest, "We could just ask around, Sirs. If I were a goa'uld, I'd want to travel in secret. Causing a ruckus wouldn't be the best solution."
Hammond agreed, "That's probably the best solution we can come up with, Captain Carter. I want you four to get going."
Jack sighed, "I guess I'll have to fish another day."
"Afraid so, Jack. You're dismissed."
They left the room with Daniel saying to Sam, "Who knew Jack have the right answer to something."
"I heard that." Jack said from outside the office.
"Here you go, Sir. Two tickets for Los Angeles."
Banks grinned, "Thanks. The train leaves when?"
The teller looked at the clock, "In fifteen minutes, Lieutenant Banks. Thank you for making Western Union Rails your train station. Have a good trip."
Caroline said, "We will. Thank you."
With that said, the two vampires turned around and headed for the right train.
"What do we do now?"
Ash looked at down at her niece. "Fighting my twin wasn't easy, Faith. It took a lot to get rid of him." He turned to Wesley. "What exactly happened?"
He replied, "As I have said before. Faith and I tracked a demon to his apartment. He chanted a spell from the Necronomicon. Then we killed him."
The former promised one asked, "Did he finish the spell?"
Faith thought for a moment. "No. We stopped him in the middle of it."
Ash grunted, "That's what happened last time. I didn't say the right three words and I awoke the army of darkness. Big mistake."
Buffy asked, "So how do we stop her?"
He thought back, "It took a lot of fire power. But what we need to do is train an army." He then remembered something, "Gunn, do you think your team can help us here?"
The bald man nodded, "Definitely. They're always up for action."
He grinned, "Good. Because we have a lot of work to do." He turned to Xander, "You think Kevin will want to help?"
Xander said, "I could ask him. He'd probably want to help. He already knows a lot about us."
Ash smiled, "Good. So this is what's going to happen. We don't have much time. Since tomorrow is Sunday, we need the time to train. Faith's training room wont be enough space for us."
Xander shook his head, "Neither will my apartment."
"Or mine." Buffy said.
Wesley grinned, "I believe I have a suitable solution."
Ash looked at his friend, "What do you suggest?"
He smiled, "Well, my time at the Council has proven to be quite beneficial in other ways besides demonic activities and self defense."
"I see." Ash said in a distinct annoyed tone. "What are you suggesting?"
"I have an acquaintance who runs a firing range. He used to work for the council, but now he owns the range. I'm more than sure that he'd be willing to help us."
Faith said, "Do it, Wes. If it'll help us take down my other half, then do it."
He nodded, "Right. I shall call Mr. Pierce. "
"Cool." Xander said with a grin.
"Right, cool." Wesley said while trying to maintain the teenager's language.
"So, what do we do in the mean time?" Buffy asked.
Gunn said, "I'd say we get a good night's rest, Buff. Tomorrow is a day of training. I need to tell my crew what's going on."
"Wicked," Faith said with a smile.
Xander thought for a minute. "Do you think this blond woman we have to stop is something attached to Bad Faith?"
Doyle shrugged, "It could, and it couldn't. My visions aren't exactly specific. I just remember seeing a blond woman heading for Los Angeles. She had a man with her in army clothing."
Buffy asked, "Do you know where they're heading to in LA?"
The half human/demon hybrid thought back to his vision. "They were heading to a television studio. That much I remember."
(I wonder…) Xander thought for a second. He knew he had to call Hercules at some point tomorrow. He'll warn him about the vision. Being prepared was nothing to sneeze at. "We'll figure it out tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is get some sleep."
Faith looked at the clock, "Damn. I had no idea it was so late. Yeah, I guess I'll get to bed too."
"We shall reconvene here tomorrow at nine o'clock." Wesley said to them. "That shall give me enough time to contact Mr. Pierce in the morning."
"You do that, Wes." Ash said.
With that said, the friends left the cabin, headed for their own apartments, not knowing what was to come tomorrow and the days after.
Bad Faith banged her fist on the desk that she was using.
"These are the wrong pages!"
Sighing, she leaned back her back, and placed her feet on top of the desk. "Where are they?"
Before anything else could be said or thought, she lost her balance and fell off the seat.
"May I help you?"
Jack nodded, "My friend Murray here and I were wondering if you could help us locate a fellow soldier?"
The teller looked at them. "What's the name, Colonel O'Neill?"
Teal'c submitted the answer, "Lieutenant Banks."
Jack reconfirmed, "Lieutenant Ryan Banks. He let the base in a hurry, and forgot his binder. It's urgent that he gets this."
The teller nodded as she looked in the computer system for the name. "One moment please."
"Take your time." Jack said.
"Indeed." Teal'c said.
Shaking her head, "Sorry, Colonel O'Neill. Lieutenant Ryan Banks never came here. "
Sighing, the head of SG-1 said, "Thanks for the help. Come along, Murray."
"Thank you for coming to Colorado Greyhound."
"Excuse me?"
A man turned around in the office and walked to the window. "Welcome to Western Union Rails. How may I help you?"
Daniel said, "Captain Carter and I are looking for a soldier. Perhaps you saw him?"
The man said, "Name?"
Sam said, "Lieutenant Ryan Banks. He bought two tickets."
He nodded, "Lemme check." Then went into his computer and typed in the needed information.
"Right here, Captain Carter. Lieutenant Banks bought two tickets to Los Angeles last night. They should be there now."
Daniel smiled, "Thank you."
With that said, Sam and Daniel left the railroad station.
Sam grabbed her walkie-talkie. She pressed the button, "Sir, it's Captain Carter. Lieutenant Banks left for LA."
"Take it easy, Faith."
Bad Faith looked in front of her and saw a vision of Ash.
She could feel him. This wasn't the Ash that lived back at the cabin. This was…
"…Uncle Ash?"
He grinned, "So my niece finally turned evil, did she?"
She grinned malevolently, "I'm not that pathetic excuse of a slayer. I'm more lethal."
Bad Ash walked over to her. "Good to know, Faith. Good to know. I'm here to help you."
Faith asked, "Help me with what?"
He grimed, "Help you get the Necronomicon. I failed because my damn goody two-shoe twin blew me up. I want to make him pay. And now that you're like me. I want to help you."
"What do I do?"
Bad Ash grinned, "Find the book. Simple as that. Once you do, you'll know what to do."
Faith spat at him figuratively, "Easier said then done. I only got a few lousy pages!"
He walked over to her, "The book isn't that far away. Let the darkness within you tell you. Follow your instincts. The Hellmouth's waiting for you, Faith. It's waiting for you."
With that said, Bad Ash dissipated…"I'll be back."
Bad Faith sighed, "He may be bad, but he's pathetic on the help. Now," she grunted, "where's that damn book!"
Recognizing the voice, Xander smiled, "Hey, Herc. Morning."
"Hello, Xander." He looked at the clock in his bedroom, "it's eight o'clock."
"I know. We got problems, Hercules. Major ones."
Hearing the tone in his voice, Hercules knew that this was serious. "What sort of problems?"
With that Xander said into the phone the problems. He told him about Faith splitting in two, saying that her bad half ran away into the night with pages of the Necronomicon. The boy also told him about the vision that Doyle had.
"Do you know any blond women?"
The demigod said with sarcasm, "You mean like your friend, Buffy?"
Chuckling, he said, "Good point. I just wanted to warn you. We're meeting at Ash's place in one hour. Can you make it?"
Hercules gave it some thought; "This is going to be hard with me trying to keep my secret, Xander. You know that."
"I know, Herc. But Ash said this is going to take some work. He fought his bad self before and it wasn't easy. Fighting a bad version of Faith is going to be worse."
"I'll be there, Xander. I'm going to need your help coming up with some answers."
He returned, "Don't worry. I've been covering for Buffy for a few years now. I don't let just anyone know she's the Slayer."
"Yet you tell a lot of people here. You told Ash, me, Faith, Wesley."
"I told them because they needed to know, Herc. You know that."
"True. I'll be there for nine."
"Thanks, Hercules. I'll see you there."
"Sean Pierce speaking." A British man said in a thick accent.
"Ah, Mr. Pierce. Good morning. It's Wesley Wyndam-Pryce."
Knowing fully well what this would be about, he was prepared for the situation. "What do you need, Mr. Wyndam-Pryce?"
"We need the firing range to do some training. There's danger a foot. Danger that includes the necessity of two vampire slayers and a number of people. I would not be calling you if this was not extremely necessarily."
"I understand, Wesley. What type of training are we talking about?"
"We need help in the areas of combat and firing guns. We truly are short on time, Mr. Pierce."
"Call me Pierce."
"Most certainly Mr. Pierce. I mean, Pierce. We'll be there within two hours."
"See you then, Wesley."
"Good day."
"Good day." Sean said waiting for the other phone to hang up. Hanging up soon after. Taking off his hat, he tossed it in the direction of a coat rack, watching it land on top of it. With a smile, he said, "Works every time."
"Where you going, Callisto?"
Callisto turned to her childe, "I'm going to the studio, Ryan."
He shook his head, "It's Sunday."
"So, places aren't open. I don't think Kevin Sorbo will be in today. Wait until tomorrow."
Sighing, she said, "But I want to kill him now."
"Waiting one day won't be a problem, Callisto. Just think of it this way, it gives him one more day to have life. Tomorrow, we can rip it away from him. Anyway, it's morning now. Not much we can do."
"Fine. We'll leave tomorrow. But I want to go as soon as night comes."
Jack looked next to him, "Yeah, Murray?"
"What happens on these trains?"
"Trains are just a way to travel." He pointed in front of him. "See the monitor."
"Yes, I do, O'Neill."
"We'll be watching a movie to pass the time."
"Will it be Star Wars?"
"Let me check." He said as he pulled out a specific magazine. Finding the page he wants, "Not this time." Sighing his head in disappointment, "It's Soldier."
"Is it a bad movie, O'Neill?"
Shaking his head, "No, it's not. It's just the guy who plays Sergeant Todd. He just bugs me."
"So where we off to?" Faith called out as she exited the hallway.
Looking around, she spotted a ton of people: Xander, Buffy, her uncle, Wesley, Kevin, Doyle, Gunn, and a group of what looked like a dozen men. There was also one young woman within them.
"Damn. This place's packed."
Ash said calmly, "I had a lot more last time, but think of it this way. It looks like all these people know how to handle themselves in a fight."
Xander nodded, "Right. But we're still going to need to learn how to fight better."
Ash nodded, "We're going to have to learn battle formations and gun use properly."
Buffy just glanced at the floor.
"What's up, Buff?" Xander asked his friend.
Looking up, she said, "I never liked guns, Xander. I'd rather fight with a stake, crossbow, or sword."
Ash walked up to her, "I've fought these deadites before, and trust me, you'll want all the firepower you can get. It's the best way to take 'em out."
Wesley agreed, "And Mr. Pierce is the best at what he does. He's been known to have great skill in combat and weaponry. He was an important asset for the council."
Sighing, she said, "I just dunno. I heard using a gun can change a person."
Xander looked at his friends, "Is it alright if I talk to her?"
Around of nods could be seen.
Grinning, he said, "Thanks."
Walking over to his friend, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked out of the cabin.
The two friends made their way down the front steps and walked over to a nearby tree.
Xander looked at her, "Alright, Buff. It's just you and me. No one else. What's the problem?"
She glanced up at him and said in a soft voice, "This is hard for me, Xan. It's really hard for me."
He said cautiously, "Why's it so hard?"
Her eyes started to glaze over with tears, "Because, Xander…"
Xander nodded, "Because why?"
She saw the concern he had for her. She saw the love he had for her. "Because of what happened to my father."
The mention of her father made this conversation more important then what Xander suspected. "What happened to him?"
"He, he, he got shot."
Realizing she said that, tears started to cascade down her cheeks. He immediately pulled her into his embrace and allowed her tears to eat away at his shirt.
He started to let his fingers run through her blond hair. "It's alright, Buff. You can tell me."
Buf she didn't talk, she just let him hold her. She let him take care of her. The way he always did.
She tried to start talking, but couldn't. She never could stop crying whenever this was brought up.
The only people she ever told about this was her mother and father. They would always hold her, much like what Xander was doing.
She raised her head and looked at Xander. He carefully took his thumb and wiped her tears away. "What happened?"
Buffy knew she could tell him. It only seemed right. "It happened when I was eight…"
"Alright, Buffy. What flavor do you want?"
Buffy looked through the display case at the man flavors of ice cream. She grinned, "Chocolate. Two scoops with chocolate sprinkles."
He chucked, "Sounds good to me." He looked at the cashier. "Ill have the same. Two servings of two scoops of chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles."
"Right away, Sir." Said the cashier as she went to get the order.
Buffy hugged her father's waist. "Thanks, Daddy."
He smiled, "Anything for my princess."
She giggled, "I love you."
"I love you, Buffy. Never forget that."
"Here you are, Sir."
Her father went inside his pocket and pulled out his wallet. After paying for the ice cream, he gave one cone to Buffy. "Here you go, Sweetheart."
Buffy grinned, "Thank you, Daddy." She then took a lick of the ice cream.
Taking a lick of his, he said, "C'mon, Buffy. Let's go home."
Her father opened the door and let her go through. Walking through, he closed the door, and they left.
The two of them walked down the streets eating their ice cream and talking to each other.
Soon a man came down the street. He was wearing a trench coat and a fedora. The man went inside his breast pocket and pulled out a gun. He wrapped his left arm around Buffy and pointed the gun at her right temple.
With a sadistic smile, he said, "Give me your money!"
He nodded slowly, "Alright, alright. Just don't kill her."
She dropped her cone and had her eyes wet with tears. "Daddy?"
"I'll kill her if I have to. Give me your money."
"Daddy, I'm scared."
"It'll be alright. It'll be over soon."
Nodding, he took his wallet from his gave it to the mugger. "Here, take your money. Just leave my daughter alone."
He quickly let go of Buffy and took the wallet. Placing the wallet in his pocket, he watched the girl run to her father. "I'm not finished yet!"
The mugger aimed his handgun at Buffy and squeezed the trigger.
Her father instinctively shoved Buffy out of the way, and a look of pain suddenly crossed his face.
Buffy looked down in horror.
Talking about that night was always hard for Buffy. What kind of human being would actually kill a girl's father right in front of her?
Well, maybe not kill. But the mugger certainly made it close to a vital organ. It hurt too much at times to talk about. As she remembered before, her mother and father were the only ones that she talked to about this. Now, Xander knew.
But why Xander? Why was she able to trust Xander with all this information?
Simple answer.
His love, his kindness, his friendship, his loyalty, his honesty, and his ability to tell what really mattered in this world.
And to think it was someone sent by the Powers that Be that told her. She always felt that they should be screwed over…that they made everything difficult. But then they sent Alex.
Alex opened her eyes to what her friends were really capable of. She learned a lot about them, and learned a lot about Xander. Behind this joking man was her best friend. The one person that wasn't her parents. One of the people she could come to. That meant a lot to her, and there was no way in hell that she was going to lose him.
If he died, she'd go insane. Well, maybe not insane, but she'd definitely be emotionally and mentally scarred.
"What happened next?"
She looked back up at him and saw him give that soft smile.
"I mean, if you don't want to tell me, I understand, Buffy. I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Seeing your dad get shot at eight-years-old must've really hurt you."
She nodded, "It did hurt, Xan. It hurt so much."
Taking a deep breath, she continued, "But I need to tell someone. It'll help me get passed this pain."
Looking around, he spotted a swinging bench that Ash must've set up yeas ago. Taking her hand, "C'mon, Buff." He said to her as he took her to the bench and sat her down. Still holding her hand, he said, "Continue."
Taking another breath, she said, "After he got shot, the mugger ran away in horror. Now, that I look back at it. I think he was just full of hot air. It got hot and heavy and he just ran away.
"Running back to my dad, I asked if he was alright. But when he didn't answer me, I really got worried. I looked around and noticed a phone booth. I remembered what my mom told me. Taking the phone I called for an ambulance. Followed by mother.
"Hanging up the phone, I turned back to my dad and held his hand. I kept asking him to live. I kept telling him that I loved him.
"Soon, I heard footsteps. Feeling an arm wrap around me, I was pulled into a hug. Looking up I saw my mom. She held me while we both cried until the ambulance came by.
"The doctors said I called them at that right time. If I waited any time longer, my dad would've died."
With a cautious voice, Xander said, "Did they ever find the guy?"
She nodded, "Yeah, they did. It was a week later. But during the next few months, I had a hard time walking home at night. I made myself not go out. I didn't want to see again what happened to my father. I basically became a hermit crab. That asshole took away a lot more than my dad's wallet. He took away my life"
"And now that I slay vampires, I keep imagining the face of that son of a bitch on all the kills that I make."
"I'm the only that you told this to?"
Buffy said, "Yeah, you are, Xand."
"That's why I don't want to use a gun, Xander. I don't want to use the very weapon that shot my dad. I don't want to know that kind of power. I'm afraid if I do, I might use it by accident and shoot someone that I love. If I ever shot my parents or my friends, I wouldn't know what I'd do."
Tears started to remerge from her eyes.
Xander pulled her into a hug, and held on to her while she cried.
Buffy was being a blubbery mess. She couldn't handle it anymore. All those years of holding it in was bound to break. Buffy was just lucky it was in front of Xander. He always saw her at her worst and her best.
"I love you, Buffy. I love that you told me."
It took a serious amount of will power to not take advantage of her right now. His heart melted as he held her. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to keep her safe and let her never to feel the pain of seeing someone close to her die.
He knew better. This was Buffy Summers. His hero, the love of his life, his friend. Like his time with the love spell, he couldn't take advantage of her.
"Just hold me, Xander. Don't make me use a gun. I just can't. I really can't."
"Shhh," he whispered into her ear. "I'm not going anywhere. We'll go back in when you're ready. Alright?"
"I love you, Xan. Never doubt that I don't. You're my best friend."
"I love you too, Buff. Don't worry about the gun. We'll talk about it after."
"Do we have to?"
She raised her head and faced him. Tear stains remained on her cheeks.
He nodded slowly, "Like it or not, Buffy. We need to fight these guys. I know that you don't like guns, and I fully understand it."
She knew this to be true. She knew that these deadites were going to be tough.
"I'll tell you what, Buffy. I remember everything about my time as soldier boy. If you want, I'll train you. I'll show you how to do it the easiest and safe way I know how. I won't let this Sean Pierce guy show you. I'll do it."
She smiled weakly. If she had to learn how to use a gun, she'd want it to be taught by him.
"You promise you'll do it."
He nodded, "I will, Buffy Summers. I will show you the correct and safe way to do it. I promise you I won't let you do this alone. I promise you this, Buffy. I promise you that after this, you won't use a gun again until you're ready to use one on your own."
She nodded this time, "And I promise you that I'll train you. I promise that you'll be much stronger when we go out of patrol."
Sighing, he said, "You shouldn't have to keep this to yourself anymore. When this is all said and done, how about we go into counseling."
The word counseling made her made her pull away from Xander. "I don't think so, Xander. Nobody needs to know about this. Before an hour ago, I was ready to fight these guys head on. Now, you want to take me to a shrink? I don't think so."
She stood up and looked at him, "I don't want to pay some guy who has to listen to my problems and use the phrases, 'I feel that,' and 'I think that.'"
Standing up, he said, "I know it hurts, Buffy. But bottling up those emotions are never good. You said yourself that you imagine the bastard's face on the vampires you slay. What if that person you hit isn't a vampire, deadite, or demon? What if you get into a heated argument and you soon see his face on somebody you love. What if you see his face on your mother's body, father's body, Giles' body, Wills' body, or mine? I don't think you'll like the outcome."
"That bastard shot my dad! That son of a bitch had a gun, aimed it at me, and my dad pushed me out of the way and was shot. He was shot right in front of me!"
God no!
Not again!
She started crying again and crumbled to the ground.
She felt arms wrap around her again.
"I hate this! I hate that I couldn't do anything to stop this! I hate that that bastard shot him! I hate that I couldn't protect my dad!"
"Let it out, Buff. Let it all out."
And she did. She wept in front of him.
"Why does this hurt so much? Why does this still bother the hell out of me?"
"Nobody should hold in this much pain."
"God, I want this to stop. I don't want to cry any more. I don't want to be a wreck. I just can't stop crying, Xander. I can't stop these tears."
"Then go into counseling, Buff. When we get home, we'll get your mom and dad together. Together you'll go into counseling. You'll get passed this. You need serious help. I can't do this all for you. You need someone non-family/friend orientated to talk to."
She started to stop her tears. "Will you be there?"
He nodded slowly, "If you want me to. It's up to you. If not me, then just take your parents and see a doctor."
"Please, Xan? I need you there."
"What do you think they're talking about out there?"
Ash walked over to the window where his niece was standing. Together they looked out the window and saw Buffy and Xander sitting on the swinging bench the former promised one built so many years ago.
"Could be anything, Faith. They've been out there for a while."
"Everything okay?"
The two Williamses turned around to see Kevin, "We hope so, Kevin." Faith said. "They just been out there for a while."
Hercules smiled, "I'm sure everything will work out. Xander is the type of man that cares a lot about his friends. I'm sure they'll come through the door any time now."
They noticed Buffy and Xander walking to the door. "See," the demigod said, "they'll be here in a few seconds."
The three of them walked back to the others just as Buffy and Xander entered into the cabin.
"Now that everyone is here again, I suggest that we go to see Mr. Pierce."
"You ready for this, Buff?" Xander asked her.
She nodded with a slight smile on her face, "As ready as I'll ever be, Xan."
"Good." Doyle said, "Let's get going then, Man."
SG-1 met together at the station.
"How was your first time on a train, Teal'c?"
He addressed Daniel, "It was most informative, Daniel Jackson."
"Yes, it was." Jack said, "So, where do we go now, Kids?"
Sam stated, "We find Lieutenant Banks and Caroline, Sir."
"Thank you for stating the obvious." Jack said rolling his eyes.
"You did ask what we were going to do, Sir." Sam said in her defense.
Sighing, he said, "Good point, Carter. Let's go to the front counter. Maybe they saw Banks and Caroline."
"Indeed." Teal'c commented.
"Come along, Murray."
With that said, SG-1 headed for the front counter.
"Excuse me?"
The person behind the desk said, "May I help you?"
Jack said, "I should hope so. Have you seen two guys about this high." He said raising his hand, "one of them in army clothing. Goes by the name, Lieutenant Ryan Banks. He had a girl with him. Blond. Believe she said her name was Caroline. The US Air force needs to get in contact with them."
"Let me check, Sir." The person said. She looked through the computer. "Right here, um?"
Smiling, he said, "Sorry, Colonel Jack O'Neill. This is Captain Carter, Murray, and Doctor Daniel Jackson."
Nodding, she continued, "Right, Colonel O'Neill. Lieutenant Banks and Caroline came to Los Angeles a few hours ago."
"Do you know where they went?" Daniel asked.
She thought back to her conversation with the aforementioned people, "They were asking about hotel accommodations. Try the Holiday Inn."
"Thank you." Sam said.
Sean Pierce placed the last mat on the floor.
His firing range was now fully ready for training matches and gun training. E had no idea why Wesley needed this much training. But giving his time with the Council, he knew that people had to be ready for everything.
Before his time with the Council, Pierce was always in the service to the Queen. He went on a numerous number of missions to stop terrorists and crime lords.
"Mr. Pierce?"
Sean looked up to see the door opening to a group of people. He recognized the person in front of him.
"Ah, Wesley. I'm just setting up the firing range for the training. Now, tell me. What type of villain are going against? Vampire? Demon?"
Faith said, "The bad version of myself."
"Bad version of yourself? What do you mean by that?"
Wesley said, "Allow me to bring you up to speed on our situation, Pierce."
Then for the next while, Wesley and the others told him about the past few days.
"That's an incredible story, Wesley. Well, I'm more than willing to help you. I suggest we break into groups. This firing range has four rooms: my office, the restroom, the training room, and the firing range. I suggest half of the group goes to the training room while the other half goes to the firing range."
"Good plan," Wesley said with a smile.
With that, the group of people split into two groups. Buffy, Xander, Hercules, Gunn, and six of his men went to the range. While the others went to the mat.
Buffy took a breath, "I want to get this over with, Xan."
He nodded, "Let me take a look at the guns." He said with a soft smile. "Mr. Pierce?"
Sean looked at the young man. "How may I help you?"
Xander said, "I want to know if you have a gun that I can teach to a beginner. I want something that would be easy for a slayer to learn with."
"I see," stated Sean. He thought for a second, "then I recommend the Colt 1911. It's fairly simple enough. I suppose you want me to train her then?"
He shook his head, "Nah, it's okay. Last Halloween, I was processed with army information. Thanks to a toy gun I bought at a costume shop. I know a lot of army knowledge because of that."
Sean went over to where his weapons were, and easily pulled out the said model. He gave it to Xander. "If she likes it, and since she's a slayer. I think I may be able to give you that gun for free."
Xander smiled, "Thanks for the offer, but Buffy isn't fond of guns. The only reason she wants to learn is because of the deadites."
Pierce nodded, "Right. Very well then, train her the best way you can."
He took the gun, "I will. Thanks."
Sean smiled as he went over to Hercules while Xander went over to Buffy.
Taking a breath, he held the gun in his hand and showed it to Buffy. "I know this is going to be extremely hard for you, Buffy.
"I'm going to show you how to use this. Alright?"
Nodding slowly, she said, "I need to do this."
"Okay." He opened the base of the handle. "This is how you load the bullets. You load the clip and place it inside. Fairly simple."
Buffy saw what he was doing, and nodded, "So far so good."
"Good." Xander said with a smile. "Then you pull back the slide."
Xander said, "Hold the gun."
Cautiously, she took the gun and held it in her right hand. He stepped behind her and placed his hand on hers. Making sure she could fully understand the weapon.
"Hold the gun like this." He wrapped his hands around hers and helped her aim at the target they were standing in front of.
Taking a breath, "This is hard, Xan. Look at my hands, they're trembling."
He nodded, "That's why I'm helping you. Just remember. A gun is like any weapon. If you don't know how to use it properly, it will be dangerous."
Buffy's memory flashed back to when she first used a stake. She didn't know how to use it and was extremely nervous. Now, she handled a stake like a pro.
"Good point."
Xander chuckled, "I know. That's why I staid that."
"No time for jokes. I need you to be serious. I know you can be."
"Right. Serious. I can do that. Now, aim the gun. Use the iron sights."
Xander clarified, "See this notched thingy back here?" She nodded, "Line up the notch with the fin at the front, then point it at the target."
Buffy nodded as she closed one eye and looked through. "Got it."
"Good. Now, just squeeze the trigger…"
Buffy did.
"…and you just shot your first bullet."
She smiled, "I guess I did." Realizing the position she was in, she said, "You can let go of me now."
Xander chuckled, "Right. Sorry." He then let go of her. Despite the good feeling he had with her in his arms.
Buffy grinned, "Show me again."
He smiled back, "Not a problem, Buff."
"That damn book!"
Bad Faith grunted.
"Where the fuck is that book?"
Shaking her head, she paced back and forth. She kept replaying what her uncle told her in her mind. 'Let the darkness within you tell you. Follow your instincts.'
What the hell did he mean?
"Follow your instincts." She snickered to herself. "Let the darkness with you tell you."
Bad Faith stared at herself in the mirror. "What the hell did he mean?"
Her mirror image popped out of the mirror and grabbed a hold of her shoulders. "What do you think he meant?" The image asked. "Think, you asshole!"
The image morphed into the face of her uncle. "What is with you? Are you full of tar or something? Use your instincts! What are you going to do? Pity yourself? Think about what I said!"
Then the image disappeared leaving a confused Bad Faith.
"Whatcha find out, Carter?"
"I told them I was his wife, Sir. Here's the room number," Sam replied, handing him a small piece of paper.
Jack took the paper, "Good work, Carter. I can't believe that jackass behind the counter gave us the wrong hotel."
"It appears he did, Sir. Lieutenant Banks and Caroline are upstairs."
"Good. Radio Daniel and Teal'c. Let them know where we are. I'll go ahead."
She nodded taking out her walkie-talkie. "Be careful, Sir."
He grinned, "I will."
"So you're the famous Ashley Williams?"
Ash looked at Sean as he met him by the far wall of the matted area. "Call me Ash."
The owner of the firing range nodded, "Fair enough, Ash. Call me Pierce."
He grinned, "Not a problem, Pierce. Thanks for letting us use your place here."
Sean grinned, "Think of it as my way to help, Mr. Williams. I mean, Ash. I just wanted to know how you were?"
He shrugged, "At the moment, okay. But my life has been really fucked up because of that book."
Sean nodded, "I can understand it. Wesley and I studied that book. I just never expected to meet you. With the chances slim to none and all."
Ash flashed a lopsided grin, "Consider yourself lucky then, Pierce. So, what's the Sean Pierce story? Why'd you leave the Council and end up here?"
Pierce answered, "I worked for the Council a number of years, Ash. After doing work for the mother country, I got interested in the unexplained. I always thought that it was bloody insane for people to believe in this stuff. Until however I came against my first vampire."
"Ah, the first vampire experience. That would do a lot to a person."
"Yes, it opened a lot of curiosity for me. During my downtime from the service of the Queen, I took it upon myself to do some research on the matter. One night I met Quentin Travers."
Wesley mentioned that name before to Ash, "You met that Asshole."
He chuckled, "You could say that I dropped in on him."
"What happened?"
He answered honestly, "One night I was on one of my pre-Council missions when I tracked my challenge to a rooftop. I lost my footing and fell through the sunroof ceiling. I landed on Mr. Travers."
Ash smiled, "That's one way to make a first impression."
"Yes, it is. I suppose." He looked at the clock, "would you like a martini?"
He grinned, "I'd like that, thanks."
"Come along then, Ash."
With that said, the two men went into Sean Pierce's office.
Sean opened a cabinet and pulled out some alcoholic ingredients. "Shaken or stirred?"
Ash grinned, "Shaken."
"A man after my own heart."
He did the drinks as the two decided. As Sean passed Ash the drink, the former promised one asked, "You never told me the reason you left the Council. What happened?"
The Britain sat down on the edge of his desk. He took a sip of his drink, and answered, "Well, Ash. I left because a lot of what the Council did was research. They researched a lot of information on demonic histories as well as histories based on the slayers and the powers that be.
"I was able to get sent to their university. I trained some of the watchers in training and some slayers in training. It was nice and all, but it got rather tiresome.
"One thing always interested me was the United States. The country had a lot of demonic history of its own and it did not require the use of the Council.
"It had the history that I found interesting and I didn't have to do the research. However, I needed a place to pay the bills.
"So, I opened this firing range. This way I could still train people, study demonic histories, and not have to be in relation to the Council. I could do my work the way I want to. I wouldn't have to stay within the guidelines of the Council."
Ash grinned, "That's quite the story, Pierce."
Sean chuckled, "It is, isn't it?"
"Can I ask you another question?"
"Go right ahead, Ash."
The former promised one smiled, "What do you think of them?"
He showed a confused look, "Them?"
Ash nodded, "Yeah, y'know, the people I came in with."
Sean smiled, "Right. Some of them are rough around the edges. Training more can easily fix that. You seem to handle yourself well as well as Xander. Buffy and him seem to be rather close."
"Ever since Buffy found Xander dead. She hasn't left his side. They're practically joined at the hip."
"Well, considering the amount of history the two share, I'm surprised they're not more than friends."
Ash smiled, "Good point. But I've got Buffy stealing glances at Xander. I wouldn't be surprised if the two hook up."
Sean chuckled, "When did we become gossiping teenagers?"
The younger man looked at the clock, "Since fifteen minutes ago."
"You certainly are entertaining, Ash."
"Nobody move!"
A woman screamed.
Jack O'Neill looked at the woman in the hotel room that he busted in. "Is this room 606?"
The woman shouted, "Yes! What do you want?"
Jack went into his pocket and took out the paper Carter gave him. He looked at it, and then flipped it around. "Oops. Wrong room. Sorry to barge in. The Air force will pay for the broken door. I'll let myself out."
Then he left thinking, (909. Not 606. Damn it Carter.)
That was what it was.
Plain and simple.
Her mind kept replaying the whole experience she just had with the mirror. She first saw her self, then the bad version of her uncle.
Why the hell would he say that her head was made of tar? Why tar? What was so special about a substance that smelled awful, that held fossils, that held artifacts…
…artifacts like an ancient Sumerian book? Like something bound in human flesh and inked in human blood.
A smile crossed her lips malevolently, realizing that the Necronmicon could be in tar.
But where in Los Angeles, could you find tar?
La Brea Tar Pits!
Now she knew where to go.
"Do you smell that?"
Her childe looked at her, "Smell what, Callisto?"
She grinned, "It's that man from the SGC. The one that smacked you on the back?"
He asked confusingly, "Colonel O'Neill?"
The vampiress asked, "Was that his name?" She sniffed the air again, "It's the same person. We have to get out of here! I won't lose my chance at taking down Hercules!"
He nodded slowly, "Y'know, Hercules was the just the character he plays?"
Callisto grinned slightly, "Right. We got to get going."
"But how? It's still day out."
She snarled, "Grab the blankets. I'll take care of O'Neill."
Knowing the ability of his sire, Ryan did what he was told.
Soon the door barged open and in walked a man with a weapon pointed at her. "Hello, Caroline."
She smiled back, "Greetings, Colonel O'Neill."
Pointing his head to the door as he spoke, "We're going back to the SGC."
Shaking her head, "I don't think so, Colonel. Look into my eyes."
"You know what? I don't think so. Already went through that with Hathor."
Walking closer, she said, "But I'm not goa'uld, Colonel."
Allowing her face to morph to the demonic creature that she truly was, her eyes turned feral yellow and her skin crunched forward changing her facial appearance.
Smiling wickedly, she said, "I repeat. Look into my eyes."
Surprised by her appearance, he looked into her eyes and lost all ability to function on his own.
"Give me your jacket."
Nodding, he took off his jacket and gave it to her. "Here you go, Caroline."
Grinning her thanks, she took the jacket and put it on. "You have the blankets, Ryan?"
Nodding, he walked next to her, "I do, Caroline."
"Give me one, and wrap the other one around yourself. We're moving elsewhere."
Doing as told, he gave his sire a blanket. The two of them wrapped them around themselves.
Morphing her face back to normal, she said, "Thanks for the jacket, O'Neill. We'll see ourselves off."
With that said, the two left.
"Where you going, Xan?"
He looked at his friend, "I just wanted to see how the others were doing. That's all."
Looking back at her target. She could see the amount of bullets that hit it. "I dunno if I can do this by myself. Sure, I'm hitting the target, but that's only because you're here. I dunno if I can do this by myself."
He wrapped his around her back, his hands meeting his arms causing a circle to form around Buffy. "You're doing fine, Buff. I just wanted to see how Faith was doing. You may be a slayer, but she's one too."
Still remember her story, he said, "But if you want me here, I will. I won't leave you until your ready."
Feeling the comfort from Xander, she couldn't help but smile. She patted his arm gently, "I guess I can do this myself. Just promise me you'll come back."
He grinned. "Nothing on this Earth will tear me away from my Buffy." He meant that with all his heart.
She could trust him, "Well, my Xander better not leave me. Now, go and hang with the others."
"I'll be back, Buffy." He then withdrew his arms from her and walked away.
Sighing from the loss of contact, she pulled back the slide like she learned, and continued shooting.
No answer.
His friend walked into the hotel room and made it to the colonel. Placing his hands on his shoulders, the doctor tried again, "Jack?"
"Huh? What?"
Jack suddenly shook his head as Daniel released his grasp. "Daniel?"
"What happened to Lieutenant Banks and Caroline, Sir?"
He looked at the door as Sam and Teal'c came in.
"Tell me, Teal'c. Do you have any friends that can entrance you by just their eyes?"
"Hathor, O'Neill."
He shook his head, "Besides her. I mean someone that isn't a goa'uld."
"Isn't goa'uld, Sir?"
Jack nodded, "Nope. Not goa'uld. This one had their face change, eyes turn yellow. It was something out of a horror movie."
"You mean like vampires, Jack."
"Right. Those. You think that these vampires are real? And not goa'uld?"
Bad Faith drove her motorcycle down the highway. The wind hallowed through her long dark hair. The midday sun was shining on her back as she continued on her ride.
The tar pits weren't that far away. Her insides were burning. She could feel this yearning. A yearning for the book…the Necronomicon Ex Mortis.
Her uncle was right. Just follow her instincts.
The book was within her grasp, and soon she could make her plan a reality. She just hoped that her goody two-shoed twin and the twin's uncle didn't get in the way.
"How's it going, Faith?"
Faith dropped her gun to the side as she turned to her best friend, "It's going okay I guess, X."
Nodding, he asked, "Just okay?"
"Well, how would you feel if you were split in two? How would you feel if the book Uncle Ash is always complaining about suddenly shows up? He must be going through hell!"
He sighed, "I guess I can see why. He has said he's lost a lot of people over the years."
"He has, Xander. Too many if you ask me. And like hell am I going to give up on him! He ain't going to lose any more people!"
Xander approached her and asked, "How can you be so sure, Faith? How do you know he isn't going to lose anyone else?"
She glared at him, "Because I'm the slayer! I have the power! I have the strength! I can protect him!"
He said slowly, "Faith…"
Taking a breath, the slayer said, "I know, X. I know. I may have super strength, but it can only help so much. I don't want to lose him, and he doesn't want to lose me."
Xander smiled, "I know what you mean. You want to protect your uncle in every way that you can. You want him to be safe and not want to experience any more pain. It's the same with me and Buffy. I want to protect her in every way possible, but I can't. Protecting someone forever could never happen. You just have to try and deal with what you can do and make the person you want to save the most comfortable they can be."
She responded, "I get you, X."
"Good. Now, show me what you can do, Faith."
Faith grinned, "Get ready to see some real fire power."
"Are you telling me that vampires exist, Sir?"
Colonel O'Neill asked, "Well how do you explain what I just saw, Carter? A woman, an attractive woman no less, had her face change! Her eyes turned yellow and her skin was crunched forward, Carter!"
"Are you sure, O'Neill?"
The colonel looked at his eldest friend of the group, "Daniel, you know this stuff. You're into that whole mythological mumbo-jumbo. Tell them that vampires could exist!"
The archeologist said simply, "Anything's possible, Jack. Like I said before, a lot of Egyption mythology was created by the goa'uld. So who knows what else could exist? Do you have any other proof?"
Jack searched his memories as he scanned the room. He saw a mirror on the back wall. "She didn't have a reflection. Vampires don't have a reflection!"
"He's right, Guys. According to myth, vampires were never known to have a reflection."
Sam sighed, "I know, Daniel. Mark used to tell me horror stories when we were kids."
"Just pointing out some truths, Sam. So, it appears that we're dealing with a real vampire."
"Indeed, Daniel Jackson." Teal'c said to his team.
"Do you have any idea on how to deal with this vampire problem, Sir? Don't we need some holy water, wooden stake, or something? Will a zat do?"
"It's worth a try, Sam. According to vampire folklore, wooden stakes and holy water work. As for a zat, I don't know. It might still have some effect on them."
Jack smiled, "Well, Kids. It looks like we're going vampire hunting. Who knew I'd ever actually get to say that?"
"Where do we find Caroline and Lieutenant Banks, O'Neill?"
"At this point, it's still in the afternoon. Almost night though. Right now, they probably be away from the sun. I suggest that we split in two teams. Daniel and Sam as one and you're with me, Teal'c. When someone finds them, they'll radio the other team. Then we'll come running."
"Agreed." Teal'c said.
Bad Faith parked her motorcycle outside the tar pit fence. She jumped off of it and leaned it against the fence.
Grabbing one of the links of the fence, she started to climb up. Reaching the top, she swung her leg around, followed by her other. Now on the other side, she climbed down and scanned the area in front of her.
It was rather spacious. Covered by the sands of the Earth. It truly had a dessert atmosphere.
Her insides burned as she walked to the tar pit. She could feel the book calling to her. The darkness within her and the evilness of the book were connected. It seemed only natural for her to have the book in her possession.
The area looked deserted.
It was Sunday after all.
Maybe they closed early.
Shrugging that off, Bad Faith walked into the tar pit. She walked deeper and deeper into the tar. Her body was getting covered, the tar was sticking to her body.
Turning to her left, she saw a cavern. She approached it with ease. Her footing wasn't as balanced as it was normally. Tar would do that, easily.
Reaching the end of the tar, she climbed out and headed inside.
It was dark. Pure dark. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face. But there was a light. A light by the far wall. She walked closer to it.
The inside of the cavern was calm. Too calm. She could hear the sound of a pin dropping if a pin were to drop. Bad Faith walked slowly inside, trying to prevent any disaster from happening.
Reaching the end, felt around her. Her hands felt a rough surface. A surface that she knew too well. Her hand moved down the object's side, feeling all around. Realizing they were pages, she flipped opened the book and a bright light flashed throughout the cavern.
There in front of her was what she was looking for.
Bad Faith now had the Necrononicon Ex Mortis: The Book of the Dead.
"It's about damn fucking time!" Bad Faith yelled out in triumph.
Returning back to her apartment, she placed the book down on the desk.
Sitting down, she rested her hand on the cover of the book. The evil version of the brunette slayer could feel the rough texture of the human skin.
Bad Faith needed a distraction. She needed something to distract her enemies so she could do the spell she needed to do.
A distraction.
She began flipping through the pages, searching for something. Anything that could help her.
A evil grin appeared on her face as she found a spell for a lost warrior to come. The warrior would help take down her opponents leaving her free to control the hellmouth.
She looked down at the page. The spell seemed a little different from the rest of the pages, but Bad Faith could make out the words.
Taking a breath, she began to read, "Alpo mutzi rocco galootus capatous nizro blajox."
The apartment building started to shake, and could tell that the spell was working. With a grin, Bad Faith said, "You're time is up."
"Hi, Baby Bro."
Hercules sat up from his couch in his trailer, as a bundle of golden sparkles appeared out of nowhere.
He placed down his script for the latest episode when he saw a blond figure walked toward him. "What do you want, Aphrodite?"
The Love Goddess sat next to him, "Can't a girl see her brother?"
"True. But whenever you show up, you want something. What is it this time? And it better not be for me to introduce you to Joey."
She shrugged, "As if. Hephy keeps me busy."
"The other day you told me that you thought he was cute."
The blond smiled, "I have two eyes after all, Hercules. I love Hephy. That's not why I'm here."
"Why are you here?"
She said simply, "Joxer's waking up."
His memories flashed back to that fateful day so many centuries ago. "Are you sure?"
She nodded, "Yeah, I was looking at him an hour ago. He's coming out of his suspended animation."
He showed a confused look, "But why? We never woke him up."
"Don't look at me, Hercules. He was waking up. We better see why he is."
Hercules nodded, "Meet me back at my place. I got to get someone to help us."
Aphrodite showed a confused look, "Who are you going to get?"
The demigod smiled, "Just meet me underneath my house. I'll be right there."
"Shop smart. Shop S-Mart."
"So I guess they really do make you say that."
Xander sighed, "You have no idea on how stupid I feel when I say that."
"It comes with the job, Xander. Having a job is nothing to laugh at."
With an annoyed voice, Xander asked, "What do you want, Gunn?"
Gunn smiled, "Right to the point, I like that. Anyway, I'm worried about Buff."
"What's wrong with her?"
He asked, "When you on break?"
Xander looked down at the clock behind him. Noticing the time, he returned back to his new friend, ""Right now actually. Let me just clock out."
After clocking out, he said, "Take over, RF. I'll be back in one hour. Taking my lunch break."
"Not a problem, Xander. See you later." Said the apartment building owner.
"You have lunch, Gunn?"
Gunn and Xander turned around to spot Kevin coming.
"Hi, Kevin." Xander greeted. "You remember Gunn, right?"
The demigod nodded, "Yeah, we met yesterday. Anyway, I need you to come with me. It's important."
Glancing back at Gunn, he asked, "Can I take a rain check?"
Gunn said, "Sure, I guess. I'll come by your apartment tonight. Alright?"
"Sure thing." Xander said as he walked over to his Greek friend. "What's the problem, Kevin?"
"Come with me, Xander. It involves an old friend."
The two friends jumped into Hercules' car.
"What's the what, Herc?"
He smiled, "We have to back to my place. An old friend has finally woken up. I need your help."
The boy nodded, "Why me?"
"Because this friend is from ancient Greece. He needs to know what year this is. Seeing me will make him think that it's still Greece. I need someone who's from this time period, and that's you."
He showed a confusing look, "Which friend?"
"Joxer? As in the character from Xena. The one played by Bobby Wheeler."
"The one in the same. Aphrodite is waiting for us at my place. We have to get there before he fully awakes."
"Anything, Carter?"
Sam and Daniel looked at Jack coming in from through the door. "Not yet, Sir."
Jack looked at the two friends as they had a bunch of books on the table. "You guys have been at this for hours. How hard is to find information on vampires?"
Daniel said, "Well, you could always contrbute to make the search go faster."
He shook his head, "No, that's okay. You do your thing, and I'll do my thing. You're much better at it then I am."
He looked down at his watch and said, "I'm going back to Teal'c. See if he needs anything."
Daniel nodded, "We'll let you know when we're done."
With that said, Jack left the room.
He glanced at her, "Yeah, Sam?"
"According to this book, there are girls who fight vampires for a living. Have you ever heard of a vampire slayer?"
Hercules and Xander walked out of the elevator as they walked down a long hallway.
The demigod turned to his new close friend and said, "Joxer's going to need some training. He's been way out of the loop."
He smirked, "We all need training. Buff told me she'd train me too."
The son of Zeus smiled, "I wouldn't be surprised if she did. You two are always together."
Xander shrugged, "She told me something that was hard to talk about. She confided in me, Herc. Not a lot of people do that."
"Well, like Buffy, I confided in you. You were the first person I told my identity to in a long time."
"And I appreciate that. So, is Joxer like the Joxer from Xena?"
He grinned, "More or less. Like I said, he needs to train, and he's a bit egotistical."
"He's egotistical? Just how egotistical? Because I've dated Cordelia, and she's really egotistical."
He chuckled, "Not that egotistical. Joxer just brags a lot about his victories and sometimes takes the credit for doing things. He needs to learn how to mellow out some. But like you, he has the humor thing."
"Humor thing? Is that the technical term?"
Hercules smiled, "I don't think so."
Remembering the other part of Hercules's statement, he said, "So, he's a bragger? That's not cool."
"No, it isn't. And he wondered why he and Gabrielle never got together."
He showed a confused look, "Gabrielle? You mean Joxer was in love with her in real life? That wasn't just some relationship the writers were toying with?"
The demigod, "Nope. I have my hands involved with Hercules and Xena. I try to keep them historically accurate."
He grinned, "Any chance on Autolycus getting his own show?"
Hercules smiled, "We're thinking about it. It'll probably be called Autolycus: King of Thieves."
Xander asked, "In your show, Ioulas hangs around with you. In Xena, it was Gabrielle. Who would hang around with Autloycus? Salmoneus?"
He chuckled, "Autolycus and Salmoneus have worked together on occasion. We're thinking of using Alicia."
The boy showed a confused look, "Alicia?"
Hercules nodded, "Alicia was Autolycus's wife. He later married. The two of them were able to pull off some great thefts. Of course Ioulas and I stopped them every now and then. But I'm sure they pulled some away from us."
The brunette said, "Well, I wish you the best of luck. Have you thought what you'd do after Hercules wrapped?"
Just as the demigod was about to answer, a familiar set of golden sparkles flew around. "Good, you're here."
Hercules smiled, "Xander, meet Aphrodite. Aphrodite, meet Xander." He turned to his young friend who had a surprised look on his face.
"Ah, ah, ah…"
The demigod shoved him a little, "That's my sister, Xander."
"Ease off, Baby Bro. I am the goddess of love."
He nodded, "That doesn't make me feel better."
She interjected, "Hey!"
Xander said finally, "Sorry. So you're the goddess of love?"
The blond giggled, "Guilty, Sweetcheeks."
Xander said in annoyed voice, "I don't need you to call me that. Lorne already does."
"Well, where do you think he got it from, Xander? He's a demon that helps get people together sometimes. We were bound to meet at some point."
Hercules said, "So how's Joxer coming? Did you clear up the language problem?"
Xander showed a confused look, "Language problem?"
The demigod said, "I learned English over the years and gods know it easily. They know all languages. Joxer sill speaks Greek."
Aphrodite grinned, "It's taken care of, Herucles. I talked to Athena, she gave Joxer the ability to speak English too."
"Good." Was the actor's response. "Now that, that's taken care of, how's Joxer?"
"Ask him yourself, Hercules. He's over there."
The three of them walked to the destined area and spotted a man with a weird looking armor. And an obscure hat.
"Morning, Joxer." Hercules said to his friend.
Joxer looked at the three of them strangely, "Hercules? Aphrodite?"
"Hi there, Studmuffin. How you feeling?"
Taking his hand, he covered his chin and stretched out his mouth. "A little stiff." He turned to the new visitor. "Uh, Herc?"
He chuckled, "Right. Joxer, this is Xander. Xander's a new friend I made a couple days ago."
"So, you're Joxer? I kinda expected someone to be, well, stronger? You know, bigger."
Joxer said, "Hardy har har. Very funny." He glanced at Hercules and noticed the strange cloths he was wearing. "What year is it?"
Xander grinned, "1998."
His eyes widened, "1998? That's over…over…"
Hercules said, "5,000 years."
"Woah. That's a long time. Do you mind filling me in on what's happened, Herc?"
"Eventually. Right now, we got to find out why you woke up early."
"You got it, Joxy. You woke up early."
"Early from what?"
"...and that's why Aphrodite and I are so worried. He's early."
Xander nodded, "So if he's early, what do we do?"
Hercules replied, "We get him accustomed to the twentieth century."
The three of them looked at Joxer who was busy stretching his arms. "Let me get this straight, Hercules. I'm currently in the 20th century? What's the 20th century?"
Hercules said, "A century is one hundred years. The year now is 1998. This means, we are in the twentieth century."
Aphrodite smiled, "You got in one, Joxy. Wait to you see bathroom plumbing. It's going to knock your socks off."
He showed a confused look, "Plumbing?"
Xander grinned, "Forget about that, Joxer. Wait to you see television. Think of it as a small play in your home. But you get to change plays any time you want."
The confused man asked his friend, "Television, plumbing? Anything else I need to know?"
The demigod nodded, "A lot more, Joxer. Xander and I'll help you get used to this time period."
"I'll help Joxer too, Baby Bro."
Hercules chuckled, "I don't think so, Aphrodite. The last thing Joxer needs is for you to show him how to live."
She scowled, "Hercules? C'mon. Joxer and I are buds."
Joxer stared at her, "Friends? Friends don't let their child go crazy with his bows and arrows."
Aphrodite said in her defense, "That was Cupid, Joxer. It wasn't me. Cupid's son went crazy as you put it with his father's arrows."
Xander asked, "Bliss?"
The Grecian looked at him, "You know about Bliss? How does he know about my life? Did you tell him, Hercules?"
Hercules said, "Well, it's like this…"
"Vampire slayer?" Daniel asked his friend.
Sam nodded, "Like I said, Daniel. According to this book, there are girls who fight vampires for a living."
The archeologist said, "Well, there has been myths about young women warriors having to go against vampires. So I suppose these 'vampire slayers' as they are called might be relating to the ancient myths. What else does the book say?"
The blond went back to the book, and continued on reading. After coming to the bottom of the page, she said to her friend, "Apparently these girls have been fighting vampires for centuries. They all seem to die young. When one dies, another one is called." She placed the book down and looked at Daniel, "My question is though, if vampires have been around for centuries, how come we never seen any before this Caroline?"
He answered, "That's a good question." Thinking back to his college days, he remembered something. "Does it say anything about 'Boca Del Inferno'?"
She went to the book's index and looked for the words Daniel just mentioned. The captain found the desired page and went to it. Sam started reading, "Well, according to this, Boca Del Infernos or 'Mouth of Hells' are all around Earth. They draw demons to their locations."
Daniel said, "Maybe that's your answer, Sam. Colorado might not have one."
Thinking for a second, she said, "You think there's one in Los Angeles?"
"Either that, or one close by. That could be the reason why Caroline headed here. Maybe the power of this 'Mouth of Hell' called to her. She did come from the Stargate. We don't know how long she's been on that other planet."
"Anything new, Kids?"
Sam and Daniel looked up to see Jack with Teal'c.
"Actually, Jack, we found something interesting."
"What you find out?"
The captain said, "Well, Daniel and I found out that there are girls fighting vampires for a living called vampire slayers. Vampire slayers have been around for centuries, Sir."
"Wow." Jack said "Really makes you think, huh? Wonder if I ever met one of these slayers and never knew about that this girl was one."
Teal'c nodded, "It is possible, O'Neill. It seems that there is this whole other world that we never knew about."
Jack glanced at his friend, "One of these days Teal'c I'm going to get a real reaction out of you."
He raised his eyebrow, "Real reaction, O'Neill?"
"What? Have you ever seen Teal'c smile?"
Daniel interrupted, "As much as I find this interesting, I suggest we try and locate one of these vampires slayer and get her to help us stop Caroline."
Jack asked, "And where do you suggest we find one of these vampire slayers?"
"So what's the deal with you and X?"
She showed a confused look, "Huh?"
Faith said, "Ever since you found Xander, you never seem to leave his side. Why is that?"
The blond said simply, "Xander's my best friend, Faith. He and I have the most history in our little gang here."
"Gang? We have a gang?"
She nodded, "Yeah, according to Xander. In Sunnydale, Xander and I are part of the 'Scooby Gang.' Xander decided to come up with another name for us."
The brunette nodded, "And what name is that?"
"Scrappy Gang."
Faith sat down, "Xander watches way too much TV."
Buffy sat down next to him on her couch. "I think it's kind of cute."
The two of them were in Buffy's apartment.
After Buffy got out of work, Faith met up with her. They haven't really spent that much time together. With her always hanging with her uncle and Xander.
Buffy was always with Xander.
She grinned, "You like Xander, don'tcha?"
She immediately shook her head, "No. Of course not. I love Xander. Don't get me wrong, but I don't feel that way about him. He's my best friend. That's it."
"Feel that way about him? Look at the evidence, B. You two never seem to be apart. He ran to LA to bring you home. I've seen you stealing glances at his ass."
She said sternly, "Xander and I are the closest friends people could have. In a platonic way. Nothing more."
Gunn nodded, "Uh huh. And I'm the Pillsbury Dough Boy. You like him."
She glared at her, "I do not like him like that way, Dough Boy. The only reason why I've been hanging around with Xander this much is because I've learned a lot about him these past few weeks. I reevaluated my life and realized that Xander is my best friend. He would go at any length to protect me, to save me. I confided in him, Faith. Xander and I have nothing between us, alright?"
The younger Slayer nodded, "Alright, alright, Buffy. Take it easy. Didn't mean to strike a nerve."
She said calmly, "Bottom line is this, Faith Williams. Xander and I are best friends. We love hanging around each other. That's it."
"I guess I can see that, Buff. Seeing someone die in front of you could do that. It would definitely bring people closer together if that person came back to life."
"Yeah, it would. He saw me die, and I saw him die. The two of us has been put through hell and we still hold onto our friendship. It's the only strong bond I have that's keeping me sane right now."
Bad Faith flipped through the book at an energetic pace. Her smile widening as she flipped further into the book.
Suddenly, she stopped.
With a growl, Bad Faith slammed the book shut. "Where the fuck is that warrior?"
Hercules looked at his friend, "Yeah, Xander?"
He said simply, "Joxer's going to need a name?"
Joxer showed a confused look, "Another name? What's wrong with Joxer? I am Joxer the Mighty!"
"For one thing, Joxer. People don't go by names like that any more. Nobody I know adds 'the Mighty.'" Xander said to his new friend, "you are going to need a last name though."
"Last name?" The warrior turned to Hercules, "What's a last name?"
Hercules said, "Almost everyone now has three names. A first name, a middle name, and a last name. First names and last names are crucial to live in this word. You can go without a middle name though. Which is one reason why I go by Kevin Sorbo now."
"Kevin Sorbo?"
The television star said, "People today are not the same as ancient Greece. People are not ready to know the truth. Things could get hectic if I started calling myself Hercules now anyway. People might to try and put me in a mental hospital."
"Mental hospital? Herc, I have no idea what your talking about. Man from the past remember?"
Hercules chuckled, "Right." He turned to his half-sister and two friends; "we're going to need to give Joxer here more of an update. I'll tell you what. Since it's pretty much getting late, I got to stop by the studio before I go on patrol with you Xander. Why don't you two come along?"
Xander grinned, "I'm game."
"I'll meet you there, Baby Bro. I got to meet up with Hephy. Great to have you back, Joxer. Catch ya later, X-Babe." She then disappeared.
Xander showed a confused look, "X-Babe?"
The demigod said, "She has an unusual way of giving people nicknames. She called Ioulas, Curly."
The boy sighed, "Lorne calls me Sweetcheeks and now Aphrodite calls me X-Babe. Can I get any more bad names?"
Joxer said, "Two names? That's nothing. I've been called worse. At least now, nobody knows me. So, I get a fresh start."
Hercules nodded, "Yes, you do. If I was you, I'd seriously think about trying to make a good impression."
"I always make a good impression." He lost his footing and tripped.
"You should look into getting glasses too."
Joxer asked, "What are glasses?"
Xander sighed again, "We have a lot of work to do, Joxer. We'll talk in the car."
Xander shook his head, "Listen, Joxer. I know you're new to everything and that you need to learn. But in order to not to sound annoying, don't keep asking questions like that."
"How am I supposed to learn then?"
"You might want to put the coffee on tonight, Herc."
"I can't take it anymore!"
Ryan looked at his sire, "Take what?"
Callisto snarled, "I need to take out Kevin Sorbo. The sun is going down, I want to leave now."
Ryan looked at the clock and smiled, "I'll drive. Come on."
With that said, the two vampires left for the studio.
Hercules slipped on his seatbelt as he turned the key, "Welcome to California, Joxer."
Letting the engine roar to life, Hercules back out his car and drove off.
"Drive already, Ryan."
Her childe nodded, "We're on our way, Callisto."
"By the gods, Herc! This place is incredible!"
Xander clarified, "It's Kevin when we're out in public."
Joxer said, "Right. Kevin it is. See, I'm learning."
The demigod chuckled, "Yeah, you are. Just keep doing that."
"We'll be there in ten minutes."
Callisto smiled, "Excellent. Tonight, Kevin Sorbo, you die." (I'll be the one to kill Hercules!)
Hercules parked his car, and turned to Joxer, "This is where I work, Joxer. Watch where you step. I don't want to cause any trouble."
The warrior smiled, "Don't worry about it, Kevin. Nothing's going to happen."
Xander smirked, "Yeah, nothings going to happen."
"Everybody out." Hercules said as he closed his door.
"Here's the studio, Callisto. We're here."
The blond smiled, "Excellent. C'mon, Ryan."
Ryan parked the car in the parking lot, and the two got out. They headed for the front gate.
Hercules closed the door to his closet in his dressing room holding a hanger with a shirt and a pair of jeans.
"What are those?" Joxer asked.
The actor said, "These are for you, Joxer. Try them on." He then handed them to his friend.
He grinned, "Thanks, Hercules."
Xander said, "Go into the bathroom and change. We'll be in here."
Hercules opened the door, and said, "Just change in there."
Joxer nodded, "Sure." He then walked into the bathroom. "When you come back, we'll head for Ash's."
"Good." Joxer said as he closed the door.
"He's in here." Kirk said as he tried to breath.
Ryan smiled, "Thank you, Kirk." He glanced at his sire, "He's in there, Caroline."
Caroline grinned, "It all ends now."
Banks placed the hand on the door knob and twisted. There was some restraint from the lock, but Ryan's grip broke the knob off.
"Hi, Hercules." Callisto said with a mealovent grin.
Hercules twisted around and stared in recognition as the blonde woman charged through the doorway and pounced on him.
The vampiress snarled, "I am not Gabrielle!" She punched him across the face. "You know who I am, Dammit! I'm Callisto."
His eyes widened as he flipped her over to her back. "You really think you're Callisto?"
He pinned her down while she morphed her face to the vampire image that she's became accustomed to for over 5,000 years. "I've been waiting along time for this, Hercules."
Hercules looked up as another vampire was about to drain Kirk's neck. "Xander, take care of him."
The boy grinned, "Right." He went to his pocket and pulled out a stake. He leaped forward at the vampire and pulled him away from Kirk. "Get the hell away from him, Fangface."
Ryan smirked, "What are you going to do? Stake me?"
Xander launched his hand forward and aimed for the demon's heart, but Banks intercepted his hand and grabbed the stake. He tossed aside as the very vampire pinned down the boy. "Pathetic mortal."
Kirk was too frozen in fear. He didn't know what to do. So, he just stood there and watched as these two people fought off the vampires.
Hercules said to his opponent, "I don't know why you took the name, Callisto, Gabrielle. But you are Gabrielle. You traveled around with Xena. Remember Xena? You remember Joxer?"
His eyes widened getting an idea. He knew some things about vampires over the years and knew how they worked. "Joxer!"
The door to the bathroom opened with Joxer saying, "I think I got my shirt stuck in my zipper. It is called a zipper, right?"
The warrior looked at the scene unfold as Hercules and someone else were rolling around on the floor. "Do you really think this is the time for that? I mean, you are the son of a god and all, but learn to keep it in your pants."
Hercules looked up at him, "Joxer, just look at who I'm fighting."
Joxer nodded as he looked underneath Hercules. His eyes widened, "Gabby?"
The tone of the voice hit the vampire like a ton of bricks. She flipped Hercules around so she was on top. The blond looked up at the eyes of the new visitor. She could feel something happen in her body. Something broke free as she saw that goofy grin from thousands of years ago.
In a lowered voice, she asked, "Joxer?"
He nodded as he walked over to her. Joxer crouched down and clasped the sides of her face with his hands, "Yeah, Gabby. It's me."
She shook her head as tears started to emerge from her eyes, "But you're dead."
Joxer shook his head, "Nope. I'm alive and kicking."
The vampire released Hercules and stood up. She walked over to Joxer who was now also standing up. The blond took her hands and touched Joxer's cheeks, making sure he was alive. "You're alive, but how?"
He wrapped the vampire in his arms and pulled her into a hug. "It's a long story, Gabrielle. But it is me. I'm alive."
The blond vampire looked at the person in front of her, and could feel something happen within her. She didn't want that.
The vampiress pulled away from the man in front of her. "No! No! No!" She yelled in anguish. "I'm Callisto. I want to kill Hercules."
Glaring at the man in front of her, she morphed her face once again and growled, "Get away from me!"
She ran to the door and looked back at the three men, "I'll be back Hercules! You hear me! I'll be back!"
Xander grabbed his stake that was lying on the floor. He managed to turn around and jam the wooden weapon into the demon's heart.
Ryan looked up to see his sire hugging this mortal, "Callisto?" He whispered as he crumbled to dust.
The boy stood up as he dusted himself off. "I needed that." He looked at Hercules, "What's going on?"
The demigod smiled, "I was talking to Kirk. I told him that he better layoff the alcohol."
Xander showed a confused look, "He believed you?"
The actor chuckled, "I smelt alcohol on his breath. He already was drunk. I just took advantage of that."
The two friends turned around to see Joxer hugging the other vampire. Xander was about to launch himself at the demon when his friend yanked him back. "Don't, Xander."
He showed a confused look, "Why?"
The elder man smiled, "That's Gabrielle."
All of a sudden, they heard, "I'll be back Hercules! You hear me! I'll be back!"
Then she ran away from the dressing room.
"So, how do we find this vampire slayer?" Jack asked. "It's going to be like finding a needle in a haystack."
"Needle in a haystack, O'Neill?"
Jack nodded, "It's an expression, Teal'c. It means that it's going to take a while to find it. A needle is something small, and a haystack is big. It's going to take you a while to find something that small in something that big."
The alien nodded, "Indeed."
"Do you have any contacts, Daniel?"
The archeologist looked up at the colonel, "Why do you think I'd have any contacts, Jack? I'm just as new to this as you."
He said, "Well, I thought that since you were all about that ancient artifacts stuff and into the unexplained phenomenon, you'd might be well into this kind of stuff."
Daniel shook his head, "I don't know anyone, Jack. I can't think of anyone."
Sam showed a confused look remembering a past conversation, "What about Merrick?"
"Who is this Merrick, Daniel Jackson?"
He said simply, "Merrick died a few years ago, Sam. How can I contact him when he's dead?"
"Danny boy's got a point, Carter. It's not like he can go talk to him. With being under a grave and everything."
She nodded, "I know that, Sir. But if this Merrick was someone that Daniel knew, maybe Merrick left some notes behind. We could use that to research."
Daniel scratched his head; "He did live in Los Angeles for a while. I was told that he was found dead with…" Suddenly he remembered something.
"With what, Daniel?" Sam asked.
He answered, "With two holes in his neck."
Jack asked, "You remember his neck getting bitten now?"
The archeologist replied, "I haven't thought about Merrick in awhile, Jack. So if he died by a vampire bite, maybe there is some recorded information. Sam and I can go to the library and read his obituary. I think he has a sister here now too."
Jack nodded, "Alright. Teal'c and Sam will go to the library and look up this Merrick guy. Daniel and I'll go visit his sister."
"So that was Gabrielle?" Xander asked the two people remaining in the room with him.
Joxer nodded, "And she went out the door."
Hercules sighed, "It appears that way."
The warrior said in heated voice, "We need to go after her, Hercules. We have to find Gabrielle."
The demigod said, "We will, Joxer. I just gained two of my eldest friends back, I'm not going to lose them."
Xander said, "I'm going to call Ash and tell him that you, a new friend, and I are going on our patrol. We'll meet up back at Ash's after we're done."
Hercules said, "You do that, Xander."
All of a sudden, Xander thought of something. He turned to Joxer, "You love Gabrielle, right? I need to know completely, Joxer. Do you, Joxer the Mighty, love Gabrielle?"
Joxer just looked at him, "That's kind of an awkward question Xander."
The demigod asked, "What are you getting at, Xander?"
The boy said, "Well, if love is involved, I'd think Aphrodite might be able to help us. After all, she was with you Herc when you placed Joxer into suspended animation."
"Good point." The actor said to his young friend. He looked to the ceiling, "Aphrodite!"
A sudden burst of golden sparkles flew in the room as the Love goddess appeared, "Hey Baby Bro, Joxy, X-Babe."
"We need your help, Aphrodite." Joxer said in an urgent voice. "I don't know how to tell you this, but Gabrielle's back."
She squealed, "Tubular. Go get her Joxer. You finally can be together. After all these centuries."
Hercules said, "Problem is, we don't know where she is. We were hoping you could cast a spell that would help Joxer find her."
The blond said with a wide grin, "If it finally helps get Joxer and Gabrielle together, I'm all for it."
Joxer said, "Give me a spell that actually works, Aphrodite. Or that doesn't cause trouble. I don't want another scroll where it read, 'Gabrielle awoke with a jerk.' I still don't get it."
The Love goddess smiled, "Don't worry about it, Joxy. You have nothing to worry about." She clicked her fingers, and said, "There you go. You'll find her. Just start walking, and you'll reach her. Problem solved."
"What I want to know is why was she calling herself Callisto? From the show, she was a psychopath who wanted to kill anything in her path."
Hercules said, "That's pretty much what she was. Then she became a goddess and then Xena killed her."
He nodded, "I remember that. I was there."
The tall man said, "We'll find her, Joxer. Don't worry about that."
Xander asked, "Vampires lose their souls when they get turned. But it looked like Gabrielle had two people within her."
Joxer questioned, "Two people?"
Hercules thought back to the meeting, "Now that you mention it, she did look like she was confused. It was like there were two people inside her. I wonder what happened to her during all those centuries. We lost her in Egypt."
The warrior sighed, "I remember, Hercules. I remember searching for her. I remember going a long time trying to find her before Aphrodite came to me."
Xander said, "She seemed to be more in control when Joxer was talking to her. Maybe Joxer can get through to her. But what I want to know is how come there still some good in her. I need to call Giles."
Hercules said, "You call Giles, I'll call Ash. Then we'll head for Gabrielle."
"What are we looking for, Captain Carter?"
Sam said as she sat down in front of a machine. "I'm using the Microfilm Reader, Murray."
He raised an eyebrow, "Microfilm Reader, Captain Carter?"
She nodded, "It's a way for people to get old articles from Newspapers. According to Daniel, Merrick died April 15, 1996. So I'm looking for his full name, Merrick Jamison-Smythe. I'll be able to read his obituary."
With that said, Sam and Teal'c started to go through the old articles.
Sam stopped temporarily looking at an article.
Teal'c questioned, "Who is this OJ Simpson?"
Sam looked back at her friend and saw that he was interested. The blond answered simply, "He was a football player that was accused of murder."
"Did he get caught?"
She nodded, "Yeah, he did. There was a highway car chase and everything. Of course OJ was proven innocent." Taking a second she said, "Forget about OJ, Murray. We need to worry about Merrick."
She continued to go through the microfiche when she found an article, "According to this Merrick was found with two holes in his neck like Daniel remembered. However, there was a hole found in his head too. The article says that Merrick also had a gun wound that was self-afflicted."
"I see. Does it mention anything else?"
Sam returned to the screen and pulled down the article more. "Merrick has a sister named Sylvia Jamison-Smyth. Let's just hope Daniel and Colonel O'Neill get some better information."
The vampire screamed into the ceiling, "What the fuck is going on!"
Inside her mind, two people were circling around each other.
"Give me my body back!"
Callisto smiled, "I don't think so. I enjoy this youthful body. After all these centuries, I'm just as beautiful as the day that we were turned."
Gabrielle glared at her, "That's because you used the sarcophagus. I want my body back you bitch!"
Then the blond bard pounced onto her vampire self and shot a right cross across her face. "You've been in control way too long."
Callisto used her feet and kicked Gabrielle off of her. "You wouldn't be fighting back if you didn't see your precious Joxer. What is with him? You see his stupid grin and all of a sudden you fight back?"
Gabrielle picked herself up and said, "So? What does Joxer have to do with this?"
"You tell me. Why does Joxer make you have the strength?"
Gabrielle thought back to her days of fighting beside him, "Because he cares about me. Because he's saved my life a few times. Because…"
"Because why?"
"When was the last time you talked to Merrick, Daniel?"
His fiend answered, "It hit my pretty hard when I found out. I was on Abydos when it happened."
Jack said, "Good alibi. Better not tell his sister that. Tell her something else."
Daniel stated, "I was planning to."
The two friends walked up the sidewalk to the front door. Daniel reached out his arm and pressed the doorbell.
Soon a woman answered the door, "Hello?"
Soon a woman answered the door, "Hello?"
Daniel said with a saddened smile, "Hello, Sylvia."
The woman smiled, "Dr. Jackson. It's been a while. Good to see you." She glanced at the man next to him, "and who is?"
The archeologist said, "This is my friend, Colonel Jack O'Neill."
Jack grinned, "It's nice to meet you. Sylvia, is it?"
She grinned, "Yes, it is. Come inside."
With that said, Sylvia opened the door further and allowed the two people entrance.
Daniel said, "I want to apologize for not making it to your brother's funeral. I was in Cairo at the time, stranded. I had difficult trying to get the radio to work."
She nodded, "I'm sorry to hear that, Dr. Jackson."
He smiled, "Daniel. Call me Daniel."
The woman said, "Alright, Daniel it is. Merrick will be sadly missed. Please sit down."
The three of them went into the living room and sat down. Jack and Daniel sat on the couch while Sylvia sat in the armchair in front of them. "How did you leave Cairo?"
Daniel responded, "My ex-girlfriend found me. She was in the next city over. Got worried when I never returned."
"I'm sure that's quite the tale and I'd like to hear it at some point." Seeing Daniel's face at that moment reminded her of something her brother said to her. "Oh, it's a good thing you came by, Daniel. Merrick wanted me to give you something."
He nodded, "He did?"
Sylvia grinned, "He did. I didn't know how to contact you, so I'm glad you stopped by." She turned to Jack, "You're certainly quiet, Colonel?"
Jack smiled, "I didn't want to interrupt. Seemed you two had stuff to talk about. I'm sorry for you loss by the way. I'm sure Merrick was a good man. Daniel told me that he was."
The woman said, "Merrick was a good man and a good brother. Although he spent many hours on his work. He was quite a loner. I was surprised to see a young blond woman at his funeral. She was the only non-family member. She just kept to herself at the back of the church."
Sylvia stood up and said, "I'll be right back with what Merrick wanted to give you, Daniel."
With that said, Sylvia left the room leaving Jack and Daniel to talk.
Daniel said innocently, "It was the only thing I could come up within that ten minutes, Jack."
"I know, but Cairo? You could've said you had a sick relative of your own or something else."
Just as Daniel was about to answer, Sylvia came back into the room, "Here you go, Daniel. This was his notebook. He wanted to give it you."
He got off the couch and approached the elderly woman, "Thank you."
Sylvia nodded, "Merrick left me explicit instructions not to look what was inside. And I respect him for that. I believe you saved his life, Daniel."
Jack asked, "You saved his life?"
Daniel said, "Merrick needed a blood transfusion and I was the only one at the time with his blood type."
"Yes, AB negative is a rare type indeed. Anyway, this book was only met for your eyes."
He grinned, "Thank you, Sylvia. I'll cherish it." He brought the book to his side, "By the way. I wanted to ask you something."
"What can I do for you?"
Jack said, "Recently we came upon a problem dealing with something that your brother worked with. We were hoping to get some information on that matter."
Sylvia said, "As I said earlier, Colonel. My brother was very indulged in his work. He kept to himself. Everything he knew, he wrote into that book. Now, if you excuse me, I was expecting company any minute now."
Daniel said, "Well, we must get going anyway, Sylvia. Thank you for the book and again, I'm sorry for you loss."
She grinned, "It was lovely of seeing you again, Daniel. It was nice to meet you, Colonel. Do come back."
"We'll keep that in mind, Ms. Jamison-Smyth."
"Good. Now, if you don't mind, I have to get ready."
Daniel nodded, "It was good to see you again. Goodbye."
Daniel, Jack, and Sylvia said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
Callisto snarled again, "Because why?"
Spending all those centuries on the other planet, it gave her the time to think about her life. It was all she could really do. She knew that none of her friends would be alive if she ever got back home.
Realizing that, she gave into the darkness. Knowing that there was no hope for her, that she would be alone forever more living in this eternal torment.
When Callisto was in Hercules's dressing room, Gabrielle not only laid her old eyes on Hercules but also on Joxer. Joxer gave her the strength to finally fight back, but the question was, why?
Though all those years, she thought about Xena and Joxer. The two best friends she had. Xena was a person with a troubled past and the three of them worked together in helping Xena deal with her inner demons.
She remembered the first time she met Xena and how much she wanted to be like her. She wanted to become just like Xena, but soon, Gabrielle found her own path and it was to aid Xena. She grew from there and became another person entirely.
The two were best friends and had a great partnership. They worked well together.
Then she thought about Joxer. Joxer was a mystery in itself. Since she met him, he wanted to become a warrior. Someone who wanted to be like Xena also, but he seemed never to try and work towards that goal. He seemed to always just be there to make her laugh.
To laugh.
That was something that she hasn't done in ages. Joxer was always able to do that, and as soon as the vampire saw Joxer in Hercules's dressing room, Gabrielle saw that goofy smile and couldn't wait to laugh again.
Was that what gave her the strength to fight back. To laugh? No. That wouldn't be enough.
But why did he make her want to fight?
Throughout the past centuries, it gave her time to think. That's pretty much all she could do. She thought about all that Joxer has done for her, besides being able to make her laugh. He has saved her life a few times and that's always an aspect of a person that would be honored. He cared about her a great deal. He always tried to comfort her. He's seen her at her best and at her worst.
It also made her realize that maybe Joxer did more than care for her. The time made her realize that he, Joxer the Mighty, was in fact in love with her.
Did she love him?
Gabrielle didn't know. But if she can brake free from Callisto's hold on her, she'd use this time to help him become a warrior. She'd train him like how Xena trained her.
"Because why?"
Gabrielle pounced on her, "Because he loves me!" She grabbed Callisto by the arms and threw her over her shoulder and she launched her to the other side of the room.
Now, Gabrielle had to find a way to defeat Callisto.
"Hi, Giles."
"Why, hello, Xander. How are you?"
The boy said, "Physically fine. Mentally fine at the moment too. I need some help on vampires."
Giles sat down on his couch, and spoke into the phone, "What kind of help do you need?"
Xander thought about what he had to say. He had to think of a way where he would explain the Gabrielle/Callisto problem without giving too much away. "When people are turned, the soul leaves, right?"
"For the most part, yes."
"Most part?" Xander asked in surprise.
His friend answered, "When a human is turned, the placement of the soul is quite interesting. Most people believe that the soul leaves right away, but other people believe that that this is not the case."
"Is not the case?"
The watcher nodded, "When vampires are first introduced to the human host, the demon feeds on the host's family. With each family member they kill, the soul gets weaker and weaker. As soon as the vampire kills the last of the immediate family, the soul departs from the body."
Xander tried to clarify, "That means the soul never leaves until the last of the human's immediate family is dead."
"That is one theory on how the soul leaves the body when a vampire is sired."
"So that means Angel had to kill his family in order to become Angelus."
Giles said, "Precisely. The host's family is something that is very powerful. It has to be dealt with in order for the vampire to be free."
Xander grinned, "Thanks, Giles. One more question. If I remember correctly, Spike wasn't his real name. And I believe Angelus wasn't his real name either. Am I right?"
Giles thought back to his days of researching Spike and Angel. "You are correct, Xander. Sometimes, a vampire changes their name to clean their history of the former host."
"And the vampire remembers all the memories of the host?"
"Again, right. Xander, what are you asking about?"
Xander answered, "Well, a group of us are hunting down a vampires and wondering what happened to the soul. Buffy and Faith weren't with my group tonight, and Wesley wasn't around. I called you because I knew you'd have the information."
Giles said, "Fair enough. I wish you well, Xander. Now, do you have any more inquires. I have some other matters to attend to."
The teenager said, "No more questions, Giles. Thanks for the help. Goodbye."
"I'll talk to you later, Xander. Goodbye."
With that said, Giles and Xander hung up their phones.
Giles final thought before getting to his other matters was, (Something doesn't seem right. What were you really asking about, Xander?)
Xander looked at his friends, "Well, I think I figured out the Gabrielle/Callisto situation."
"Oh," Hercules said in interest. "Do tell."
"That's it!" Bad Faith yelled. She opened the book once more. "There's got be a spell that can help me find this warrior. Why the fuck hasn't he shown up?"
She flipped through the pages looking for a spell. "C'mon, c'mon. I've had enough of this waiting crap. Where the hell is this warrior?"
"Over hear, Sir!"
Daniel and Jack looked to Sam and Teal'c sitting in a park bench in Henson Park.
"How'd you guys do?" Jack asked as he approached them.
Sam said, "We looked up information on Merrick, Sir. It all seems to be what Daniel remembered. He had three holes in though, not two."
Daniel asked, "Three holes?"
Teal'c nodded, "Indeed, Daniel Jackson. Two from a vampire bite and one from a gun shot wound. It appears that he committed suicide."
Daniel nodded, "It makes sense."
Jack and Sam asked at the same time, "It does?"
The archeologist said, "The book Sylvia gave me was his personal diary. I went to his last entry and it appears that he planned to do that in case of something drastic happened. It appears Merrick was more into the vampire mythos then I suspected."
"Vampire mythos?" Jack asked.
He nodded, "Apparently Merrick was a part of a group of people from London. It was called the Watchers' Council and they were responsible of training vampire slayers as well as other supernatural creatures. It appears that vampires are not the only creatures of the horror genre to actually exist."
"What are you saying, Daniel?" Sam asked.
"Vampires do exist, Sam. As well as werewolves, witches, mummies, demons. All the things that your parents told you as a child that didn't exist, actually do. And it's the vampire slayer's responsibility to defeat these creatures."
Jack asked, "Just one girl has to fight these creatures. That hardly seems fair."
"You're right, Jack. It isn't fair. But life isn't fair either. If it was, I'd still have Sha're and Skaara would still be safe." Getting excited, he said, "but what gets me interested, is that this world isn't the boring world we were brought up to believe in. Recently we found out that the goa'uld existed and then the tok'ra as well as other alien species like the Nox. Now, there's also vampires, werewolves, and so on. This is completely mind blowing. But also explainable on a lot of problems that people have wondered about over the centuries. Maybe that's how the Easter Islands formed."
"That's all well and good, Daniel. But, we need to know about the vampire slayer. Does it mention one that is currently active?"
Daniel said, "Right. Sorry." He went though the pages again and said, "According to Merrick, he was training a girl named Buffy Summers. She was also blond."
"Why does that matter, Daniel Jackson?"
The Colonel said, "Sylvia said there was a young blond woman sitting in the back of the church during Merrick's funeral. Maybe that young woman was this Buffy Summers."
Teal'c asked, "How do we find this Buffy Summers?"
Xander nodded, "It's like this. You said Gabrielle was missing. I'm guessing around 5,000 years ago?"
Joxer looked at Aphrodite and Hercules.
The demigod nodded, "Around that."
Xander grinned, "Alight, so it's been 5,000 years since she went missing. We suddenly find her as a vampire calling herself Callisto. However, when Joxer talked to her, it seemed as if Callisto disappeared and Gabrielle emerged. Am I right?"
Joxer went back to his confrontation with the vampire and said, "Yeah. When I talked to her, her eyes were different. There was something in them asking for help. I think Gabby is still alive."
Hercules said, "In my experience, I've never seen a vampire do what Gabrielle did. It seems that she might very well be alive. Only as a vampire."
Joxer said in confusion, "But vampires lose their soul. That's what you said."
Xander stated, "I talked to Giles, Joxer. When a person is turned, the soul is placed in a difficult position. The vampire has to kill the host's family in order for the soul to leave the body. Now from what I've seen from the show and from talks with you, Herc. Did Xena or any of Gabrielle's other friends die with two holes in the neck?"
Hercules, Joxer, and Aphrodite looked at each other. Neither of them could say that had happened.
Aphrodite said, "Now that I think about it, Sweetcheeks, no. Xena died from her battle with Warlord Zylox. Gabrielle's family died of naturally causes."
Xander smiled glad his idea was proving to be true. "Now, if Gabrielle was denied that, of killing her friends, it's a good chance that her soul never left. That in fact, the vampire could very well still have the soul of Gabrielle."
Hercules asked, "But why go after me now? Why calling herself Callisto?"
Xander commented, "Being from Sunnydale, I've had to fight vampires who were named Angelus and Spike. From research, I found out that Angelus's real name was Liam. Spike's real name was William. I'm thinking Gabrielle took a new name. The demon went inside Gabrielle's memories and chose a name from a person that was long dead, that was a psychopathic murderer…Callisto."
Hercules said getting the gist, "So, it would seem. That Gabrielle never got the chance to kill her family, allowing her soul to still reside within her body. Sometime, the demon must've taken over and called itself Callisto."
Joxer asked, "But why did she attack Hercules now?"
The boy shrugged, "Must've been trapped or something until now. I'm thinking going after Hercules would be something a vampire Gabrielle would first do. Well, you know after she killed Xena, Joxer, and her family. Something must've kept her away. And something finally let her loose."
Joxer said, "Let me get this straight. Gabby somehow became a vampire and was taken away from her family not allowing her soul to leave the body. Sometime as a vampire, the vampire Gabby picked a new name for herself…Callisto. So at that point in time, two entities were in that vampire…our Gabby and Callisto. Suddenly, now Callisto comes to kill Hercules and takes a look at me. Gabby sees me and suddenly fights back. I was able to talk to her for a few seconds, and then Callisto came back in control. Now, Callisto and Gabrielle are fighting for control?"
The Sunnydale visitor said, "That's what I'm thinking. Hercules, being a demigod is immortal."
"Ageless. Xander, ageless. I can still die."
Xander corrected himself, "Right. Callisto figured you'd still be alive. But seeing Joxer alive, someone that was a close friend wasn't suspected. That gave Gabrielle the power to fight back. I'm thinking that Joxer has to confront Gabrielle again and help her defeat Callisto."
Joxer asked, "But how do I do that?"
Xander and Aphrodite looked at each other. Then she looked at Joxer, "Confess your love to her, Joxer. When I touched Gabrielle's string I saw her return as a vampire. The only way I knew to save her was for you to come back at a later time. Which of course was why Herc, you, and I agreed to put you in suspended animation. But as I said earlier, you woke up early. Gabrielle's coming wasn't something that caused you to wake up. You obviously woke up from something else."
Bad Faith slammed her foot on the motorcycle and drove down the highway with the book on her back. She kept glaring at the road in front of her. "I'm coming for you warrior. I'm coming for you."
"Hi Ash."
Ash smiled allowing Buffy and his niece to come inside.
"Hi, Uncle Ash."
The former promised one said, "Hey girls. You're just in time."
The two slayers walked into the room noticing Gunn and Wesley were already inside.
Noticing someone wasn't there, Buffy turned to her friend, "Where's Xander?"
Ash shrugged, "He hasn't come yet. I'm sure he'll be coming around shortly."
Buffy nodded to herself and walked over to her other friend, Gunn.
"I hope the kid's alright." Ash said to Faith.
She grinned, "I'm sure he's fine. He and Kevin are probably going over some lines or something. X told me that Kevin was trying to give him a guest spot on his show."
"That's cool. Well, when Kevin and Xander come, we can go and patrol."
"Five by five." Faith said with a grin.
Together, the two Williamses sat down with their other friends.
Soon the phone rang, and Ash went to pick it up. "Ash Williams speaking."
"Hi, Ash."
The S-Mart employee said with a lop sided grin, "Hi Sorborino."
He chuckled, "Just trying something new."
Hercules said, "Stick with Kevin, Ash."
Faith's uncle nodded, "Consider it done, Kevin."
Hercules got right to the point of the matter, "Ash, Xander and I are going to do our own patrol. We met up with some other friends and thought we just do it by ourselves. Alright?"
"Yeah, it's cool. See you in a few hour then?"
"A few hours. See you then, Ash."
"See you later, Kevin."
Ash hung up the phone and looked at the people in the room with him. "That was Kevin. He, Xander, and a few other people are going on their own patrol. They'll meet us back her in a few hours."
Faith got up, "Alright. So, X and Sorbo are already on patrol. I say we split into two groups and do a patrol tonight. Meet them back here after."
Daniel went back into the notebook started flipping though the pages. Finding something, he said, "According to the this, she's a student of Hermery High School."
"And he died in 1996 which was two years ago. Do you think Buffy is still a student there?"
Sam said, "It's the summer, Sir. Chances are she wouldn't be attending right now."
The archeologist said, "Well, the records would still be there. And on records. There are addresses. We find the address, we find Buffy's home. We find her home, we find the slayer. We find the…"
Jack cut him off, "We get the idea Daniel. We find Buffy, we get her to help us slay Caroline and Banks." He got up, "Let's move on out."
"Uh, Sir?"
Jack looked at the captain. "Carter?"
Sam looked at the clock in the room and said, "It's 11:00 at night. The school's closed at this point. Might as well as go in the morning."
The colonel nodded, "Good idea. Well, kids. Tomorrow's a school day. We better get to bed."
Daniel smiled getting an idea, "Yes, Dad."
He just rolled his eyes, "Just go to bed."
Joxer, Xander, and Hercules walked down the night streets of Los Angeles.
The three friends could feel the night's wind on their backs. A moon hung in the sky. Only a crescent of the moon was visible.
Stars speckled through the sky creating a polka-dot patter in the dark sky.
Joxer walked around in amazement. Everything was new to him, yet there was the familiar trees, rocks, and of course the sky. He looked at the architecture of the buildings and was in complete awe.
"This is incredible."
Hercules chuckled, "Yeah, it is, isn't it? Earth has gone through major changes since our days in Greece." Remembering a conversion they had ealier, he glanced at Joxer and at Xander, "we need to give you a name."
Joxer frowned, "I can't keep Joxer?"
Xander shrugged, "You can keep it as a last name. You still need a first name."
"First name, huh? What do people go by nowadays?"
The youngest friend said, "Let me think. Well, there's: Shawn, John, Daniel, Tom, Josh, Jeff, Nick, Bruce, Tim, Aaron, among others."
Joxer thought for a moment. He didn't know what they meant, but some of them sounded interesting. "I kinda like Tim."
Xander said, "Alright. Kevin Sorbo, meet Timothy Joxer."
Joxer asked in confusion, "Timothy?"
He nodded, "Timothy is the full name. Or if you want, you can go by Tim. My full name is Alexander, but I go by Xander."
The Greecian mortal said, "Tim is fine."
Hercules said, "Well, Tim. I assume you know where you're going."
Timothy Joxer said, "In truth, no I don't. But I got this feeling in my gut. I'm just walking to where it sends me. That is what 'Dite told us."
The son of Zeus smiled, "It's a nickname Hephaestus gave her. It just stuck with her."
Xander grinned, "'Dite's cool. I always thought last part of first names were cool ways to form nicknames."
Joxer smiled, "I wonder why you would say that, *Xander.*"
The boy just glared at him, "You made your point, Joxer. C'mon, let's go free Gabrielle."
Hercules said, "We better get going. We've been searching for Gabrielle a few hours now."
"Long time no see, Honey."
The vampire looked as a bundle of golden sparkles appeared out of nowhere.
The blond stared at the goddess, "Aphrodite?"
She smiled, "You remember me! Tubular. So, who am I talking to? Callisto or Gabrielle?"
The vampire snarled and pounced onto Aphrodite, "You bitch!"
She disappeared letting the vampire fall to the floor and Aphrodite appeared a few feet from her. "You got a real problem, don't you?" The Love Goddess walked to the fallen form of the vampire and pulled her up. "Honey, you listen to me. Your friends are coming."
She watched as the vampire's eyes changed to a different color. In a pained voice, the demon said, "Friends?"
Aphrodite nodded, "Hercules and Joxer are coming. They'll be here soon."
A tear manages to escape from the vampire's face, "Joxer?"
She smiled realizing who she was talking to, "You got it, Gabrielle. So fight it. Fight Callisto and come back to us."
The vampire pulled away in rage. "No! It can't end like this!"
Callisto punched Gabrielle across the face, "No! It can't end like this!"
Gabrielle narrowed her eyes and kneed her vampire half in the chest. "I'm not alone anymore, Bitch."
The demon smiled wickedly, "Oh, but you are. Why would Hercules want you around? It looks like Hercules gave up the hero life. He's an actor now. And Joxer? Why would you want be around him? You found him annoying. You always hurt him. Why would he want to be around you anymore?"
Gabrielle turned her head to the left not wanting Callisto to see the pain in her eyes.
The vampire turned to look at the Love Goddess. "What do you want?"
"I want to help you, Honey. Hercules and Joxer are on their way. They love you."
She yelled in disgust, "They don't love me! They only love me because you're here. You cast a spell on them to make them think they love me!"
"We do love you, Gabby."
The vampire looked to her right as three people came in. She immediately recognized them.
"No you don't, Joxer!"
"No you don't Joxer!"
Gabrielle yelled at Callisto, "Yes, he does! They're here because they want to help me."
Callisto laughed, "Help you? Don't make me laugh. Wait. I am laughing."
Joxer grabbed the shaking vampire. "Gabby, listen to me." He glanced at Aphrodite who nodded.
He glanced at Hercules and Xander who both said. "Tell her."
Joxer nodded as he turned to the vampire. "Gabrielle. I gotta say, this vampire thing is kinda different. If you can come back from being a bachae. You can come back from being a vampire."
"Shut up, Joxer!" The vampire yelled at him.
"Is that what you want, Gabby? Do you want me to shut up?"
"No. Yes. No. Yes."
He grinned, "Make up your mind, Gabrielle."
Her eyes glared at him, "My name is Callisto."
"No, it's not. Your name is Gabrielle. You're from Poteidaia. You had a sister named Lilla. You were best friends with Xena. You're my best friend. I love you, Gabrielle. Fight her. Fight her, Gabby. If not for me, for you."
"It's not true!"
Joxer said in a stern voice, "Listen to me, Gabrielle. I know you. I know you love writing. You wrote some amazing stories. I love the way you laugh, I love the way you smile. I love the way you think. I love that you let me hang around with you and Xena. I love that you became and Xena became my family. I love you, Gabrielle. I truly love you with all my heart and soul."
"…I truly love you with my heart and soul."
Gabrielle pounced at the vampire. "He loves me!"
Callisto shook her head, "He could never love you."
Gabrielle kicked her in the side. "Didn't you just hear him? He's telling us what he remembers. He's telling me to fight back. That's what I'm going to do! Now, be a good girl, and give me my body back, you bitch!"
Callisto grabbed her, "Never!"
Gabrielle tossed her aside, "I'm done with the torture. I'm done of being alone. I'm done using that sarcophagus. I'm done drinking blood. I'm done with killing innocent people. I'm done listening to you. I want to be my own person. I want to be what I once was."
Callisto launched herself on to the bard. "I'm not going to let you."
Gabrielle smiled, "Wanna make a bet?"
"I love you, Gabby. Please fight it. Fight Callisto and come back to me."
"Shut up!" The vampire punches him in the gut and knocks him down.
Joxer looks up at her, gets back to his feet, takes a breath and said, "I love you."
She glared at him, "Stop that!"
"I remember our first meeting. I remember you hurting me. I remember all the times you hurt me, Gabrielle. But you know what? Over the years I heard a saying. You always hurt the ones you love. You've hurt me quite a bit, yet I still keep wanting to be around you. Back in Greece, you were always full of life.
"You had your bad days too. But you were human. Human beings make mistakes. Gods know I had my share, and so have you. Come back to me and we can work through our problems together."
She slammed him across the cheek, followed by punches to the chest. "Shut the hell up!"
Joxer smiled, "I love you."
Her face morphed to the vampire's. She glanced at him, "You can love this? No way!"
He said, "I still love you, Gabby. I fell in love with the inner you. You can be a minotaur and I'd still love you."
Gabrielle's friend got an idea, "Remember my song?"
She looked up at him, "Song?"
Joxer nodded and started to sing:
Joxer the Mighty Roams through the countryside He never needs a place to hide With Gabby as his sidekick Fighting with her little stick Righting wrongs and singing songs Being mighty all day long He's Joxer-he's Joxer the Mighty!"
As he concluded his song, she crumbled down in tears, "I always found that song annoying."
He chuckled, "It may be annoying, but it was misunderstood."
The vampire looked up at his brown eyes and could see the love he had for her, "I think it finally was understood."
In a surprised voice, he asked, "Gabrielle? Are you back?"
The blond pulled him into a hug and held him tight, "What does this tell you?"
He pulled away from her, "It tells me nothing. It tells me that you want to suffocate the life out of me."
Gabrielle giggled, "I missed you so much, Joxer. Can I tell you three words?"
"Go ahead."
"I love you."
The next couple of minutes, two long separated friends just held each other. They sought comfort in something so old yet suddenly was now refreshed and full of life.
Hercules walked up and coughed suddenly, "Uh, Joxer? Remember us?"
Joxer smiled in embarrassment. "Sorry." He glanced at Gabrielle and said, "You remember, Hercules?"
Gabrielle grinned, "It's been a while, Hercules."
The demigod chuckled, "It certainly has." He turned to his friend, "Gabrielle, I'd like you to meet Xander."
Xander walked up to the forming group and smiled at the vampire, "So your Gabrielle, huh? The show doesn't do you any justice."
She showed a confused look, "Show?"
Aphrodite smiled, "Honey, a lot's happened since you disappeared. You and Joxer have a lot to catch up. I believe Hercules would be willing to do that."
The actor nodded, "No doubt about it." He looked at her, "What do we do about Callisto though?"
Gabrielle snarled, "I want her out." She turned to the goddess, "can you do anything about it?"
The Love Goddess said, "I can talk to Hades or someone. There might be some way to make her be dormant. I'll have to look into it."
She grinned, "Thank you, Aphrodite. I just want to be free of that bitch."
Joxer nodded, "And you will, Gabby. I already lost you once. I don't want to lose you again."
The blond said with sincerity, "You're not going to, Joxer. You two are the only link I have to Greece."
Cupid's mother questioned, "What about me? Aren't I a link to Greece?"
"I don't know, Aphrodite. You've caused some trouble over the years."
Joxer said with a grin, "Gabby, 'Dite was the one who told me about your future. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here."
She glared at the goddess, "You knew? You knew about my future and you didn't do anything about it?"
Aphrodite said in her defense, "Gabrielle, we didn't know what happened to you. We searched all over Greece and couldn't find you. Joxer here traveled farther than any of us. I myself didn't know until I touched your thread that was watched over by the Fates. They may not be able to change destiny, but I could try to prevent it. So I told Joxer and Hercules. Joxy decided to place himself in suspended animation so he could be alive when you returned to us."
She had tears glisten in her eyes, "You did that?"
Joxer nodded, "Yeah, I did. After Xena died, I didn't have much to do with my life. I searched for you for years. Everyone did. But I was the last one to give up. I didn't want to live in world that didn't have you in it. After Aphrodite told me what she found out, I decided to put myself in suspended animation. We still don't know why I woke up early, but I did. Believe it or not, Gabby, it's been over 5,000 years since you went missing."
She asked in confusion, "5,000 years?"
Hercules nodded as he explained the use of the year. "In other words, its been a very long time."
Gabrielle nodded, "I guess it has." She wrapped one arm around Joxer's waist as she glanced at the only human she didn't know. "Not to be rude or anything, but who are you?"
Xander chuckled, "As Herc explained before. My name's Xander. We met a few weeks ago."
"Nice to meet you, Xander." Gabrielle turned to Hercules, "So what do I need to know in order to live in this world?"
Joxer said, "One think you need is a name."
She showed a confused look, "Name?"
Xander said, "We already went over this with Joxer. In today's society people go by three names. A first name, a middle name, and a last name. A middle name isn't needed though. Gabrielle is actually a good name for a first name. You still need a last name though."
"What are you going by, Joxer?"
He said honestly, "Tim Joxer."
The warrior nodded, "Tim is a name Xander suggested. What we need to do is come up with a last name for you, Gabby."
"What do you suggest?"
Xander looked around the room. "We need a name that is on the brink of something normal. Man, this is going to be difficult."
Gabrielle asked, "Brink? What does that word mean?"
Hercules said, "Brink means you're on the edge of something new."
She said to herself, "Brink." Taking a moment, she said, "Interesting word."
Xander shrugged, "Brink isn't much to go on. If you want to use that word, you might want to add something to it. In the past, people used to add the word 'son' too their last name in order to give respect to their father's name. Johnson is an example of that. It just means that he was the son of his father who was named John."
"So what do I add?"
Hercules said, "There's son obviously, there's also: witz, burg, smith, man, lutz, and so on."
Gabrielle thought for a moment. She needed to know, what sounded good with brink. The only thing that seemed to work was, How about Brinkman?"
"Not a bad choice, Gabrielle. So, we have Kevin Sorbo, Tim Joxer, and Gabrielle Brinkman." She turned to Xander, "all we need is Xena, Ioulas, and Autolycus."
Xander immediately flashed back to a conversation he had with Hercules, "Actually, according to Herc, Ash is the reincarnated form of Autolycus."
Joxer asked, "You mean Autolycus is still around?"
Hercules shook his head, "He's not actually here in this time frame. But we have reason to believe that Ash is Autolycus reincarnated. They look exactly alike. Just wait to see you Ash. Judge for yourself."
Gabrielle questioned, "So, what about Xena and Ioulas?"
The demigod said, "I really don't know. I haven't run into them yet."
Xander looked at his watch, "Guys, I hate to break up this reunion. But we really need to get to Ash's. Buffy and the others are really going to get worried if we don't show up."
Gabrielle asked, "Buffy?"
Hercules said, "I'll explain on the way. You coming Aphrodite?"
She sighed, "I'd love to, Baby Bro. But I really got to see Hephy. Plus, the Goddess of Love has work to do."
With that said, she teleported out of the room.
"C'mon, Guys. Let's get a move on."
"Am I too late?"
Ash and the others looked up as a man entered the cabin.
"Sorry I didn't come earlier, Ash. I kinda got preoccupied."
Buffy said, "Everything alright?"
The demon/human hybrid nodded, "Sure am, Princess." He went over to the others and sat down on the free space beside the young brunette slayer. "Have any of you seen Faith's evil twin recently?"
Faith lowered her eyes to the ground and then back at her new friend, "Nope. Bad me hasn't shown her face yet."
The link to the powers that be smiled, "We'll find a way to deal with her." He glanced at the rest of people in the cabin and then to Buffy. "Where's your friend?"
She shrugged, "I dunno, Doyle. He should be here soon. He's with Kevin, and some new friends."
"Aye. Did you all ready go on patrol?"
Wesley said, "We just returned, Doyle."
Doyle sighed, "Sorry I missed it. Like I said, I was preoccupied."
All of a sudden a knock was heard on the door.
Faith got up from her seat and approached the cabin door. She opened it to reveal Xander, Kevin, and two people she never met before.
The younger slayer grinned, "How was patrol?"
"So who is this Buffy?"
Hercules looked at the vampire bard and said, "Buffy's a vampire slayer, Gabrielle. Her job is to slay vampires."
Her eyes widened, "And you want to introduce me to her?"
Joxer shook his head, "I'm not going to loose Gabby again."
Xander said simply, "We won't let anything happen to her, Tim." Pausing, he remembered something, "Although it's going to be difficult."
Tim asked, "Just how difficult?"
Xander scratched the back of his neck, "Buffy's kind of sensitive when it comes to vampires at the moment."
Gabrielle asked, "How sensitive?"
He said honestly, "Buffy's last boyfriend was a souled vampire."
The blond gulped, "Souled vampire?"
The boy nodded, "Buffy got involved with Angel. The two of them were in love. Due to recent history, Buffy doesn't fair well with vampires with a soul. She doesn't fair well with vampires at all at the moment."
Joxer asked, "What happened?"
"Buffy and Angel slept together and Angel's soul was removed. A long time ago, Angel was a vampire named Angelus. Some gypsies got a hold of him and cursed him with a soul. This way he could feel the pain of the people he tortured, maimed, raped, drank, and killed. Having a soul, Angelus renamed himself as Angel and began a quest for redemption."
"Like Xena?" Joxer asked.
He nodded, "In a way, Tim. Angelus was now cursed with a soul. But as soon as he experienced a moment of true happiness, he loses his soul. After that happened, we had to take Angelus down. During his reign as the big bad, he killed Jenny Calendar and his childe killed Kendra, another vampire slayer."
The two new people to the group listened as Xander told the tale of Angelus and Angel.
"So I'm afraid once Buffy sees Gabrielle, another vampire with a soul, she's going get pretty upset."
Joxer looked at his eldest friend and back at Xander, "We can reason with her, can't we?"
Xander chuckled, "You know what? Before this summer started, I'd say it would be pretty hard for her to reason with other people. But since she left for Los Angeles, Buffy has almost become a different person entirely. So, she might be able to be reasoned to."
Gabrielle smiled, "Good. I don't want to cause any trouble."
"I don't think she wants that either, Gabrielle. I'm just warning you."
Hercules said, "This is going to be interesting."
The teenager said, "No doubt about it. "
The bard looked at the pavement, and then back at her friends, "Do you think there is a way to become human? Now that I'm back in control and have friends again, do you think I can become human again?"
Hercules shrugged, "Anything's possible, Gabrielle. We can certainly look into it."
She smiled, "That's good to know."
"Here we are." Xander said as they stepped on to the drive. "Remember, my warning about Buffy."
Tim grinned, "We'll be ready."
Hercules stepped onto the front step and knocked the door.
Soon the door opened.
"How was patrol?" A voice asked.
Xander said, "It was truly an eye-opening experience."
Hercules chuckled, "Can we come in?"
The brunette chuckled as she opened door further. She still got nervous when Kevin Sorbo was around. However, she was getting better at it, "Come on in."
Hercules smiled, "Thank you, Faith. Allow me to you introduce you to some of my old friends."
The four of them entered as Hercules introduced them, "Everyone. This is Tim Joxer and Gabrielle Brinkman."
Faith suddenly felt something as the blond woman entered the cabin. She automatically pinned her against the wall. "You let a vampire come in here?"
Xander shook his head, "It's not like you think."
Buffy stood up and stormed to her friend, with a snarl, she yelled, "You brought a vampire in here! Why would my best friend bring a vampire? Especially someone who was always against vampires!"
"Take it easy, Buffy. Gabrielle isn't an evil vampire." Hercules said in a calm voice.
Gabrielle shook her head, "I'm not like Angel."
The blond slayer glared at Xander, "You told them about Angel? What gives you the right to tell them about my personal life, Xander?"
Joxer nodded, "He did tell us about him, Buffy. She does have a soul, and you better leave her alone."
Buffy glared at the warrior, "Why should I leave her alone?"
"Because I love her!"
Her eyes widened, "You love her? You love a vampire, Tim? You have no idea what kind of trouble that can lead to!"
"Yeah, I love her, Buffy. You got a problem with that?"
Xander said under his breath, "Big mistake, Tim."
Buffy said with conviction, "I know first hand, Tim. Dating a vampire can't lead to anything good. Vampires lead to trouble. Having a soul isn't permanent-especially for vampires."
Tim stated, "I know, Buffy. Xander told me. Gabrielle and Angel are nothing alike. Gabby's soul is permanent."
She glared at Xander, "How is her soul permanent? Why did you tell them about Angel?"
He stated, "I wanted to warn them what would happen if Gabrielle came here tonight, Buff. As Tim said, Gabrielle and Angel are completely different."
Faith snarled, "Just how different? I suppose G here is cursed."
Gabrielle and Hercules exchanged looks.
Hercules was about to say something, when Joxer interrupted, "Gabs isn't cursed, Buffy. She always had her soul."
She snarled, "Vampires lose their souls when they get turned."
Gabrielle said, "Not at first."
Buffy said with venom, "What do you mean, 'not at first?"
Xander explained, "I talked to Giles."
She asked, "What did Giles say?"
Her friend said, "Giles told me that a vampire never loses their soul at first."
The eldest slayer asked, "What do you mean they don't lose their souls as first?"
Xander explained the information that Giles told him. The boy explained to her what he learned. He kept out everything Tim and Gabrielle's true identities. "She never got the chance to kill her family, Buff. Angelus did. That's why he went without a soul. Gabrielle never did."
"But Gabrielle could very well kill her family now."
Tim shook his head, "That can't happen, Buffy."
"And why not, Tim?"
Gabrielle addressed Faith, "Because my family was dead a long time ago. And I wasn't responsible. Throw in a number of years where I was cut-off from society."
"Just hold on here!"
The people by the door looked to the other side of the room as they saw the head of the cabin walking forward.
"Why the hell would you invite a vampire in here, Kid?"
Gabrielle and Joxer both looked at each other in surprise, and then at Hercules who nodded in acknowledgement.
Hercules said, "Ash, it's alright."
He showed a confused look, "How is it alright? How is inviting a demon into my cabin alright?"
The demigod said calmly, "Do you trust me?"
Ash turned his head to look at his other friends who were coming to the group. Just as he was about to say something, Buffy walked over to Xander and grabbed his arm. "You're coming with me."
Xander said without thinking, "Whatever you do, don't touch the ear."
She grinned, "Thanks for the idea." Releasing his arm, she twisted his ear and pulled him into the other room.
"Smooth move, Xander." He said to himself as the two exited the room.
Returning to the conversation at hand, Wesley said, "We do trust you, Kevin. The odds of having another souled vampire is rather hard to believe."
Gunn said as he pulled out his stake, "A vampire is a vampire to me. Clear the way, Tim."
Joxer shook his head as he approached him. His hand automatically went to where his sword usually was place, "Shit," he said to himself as he realized that he didn't have the sword anymore.
Taking a look back at his beloved, he saw the terror in her eyes. Turning back he grabbed the stake out of the young man's grasp. "Listen you, leave her alone!"
Feeling the wooden weapon fall from his fingers, he pinned the new visitor to the wall, next to where the blond vampire was pinned. "If I were you, Tim, I'd shut up. Things don't really look good for you right now."
Gabrielle and Joxer exchanged worried glances as they nodded in agreement.
Though they were recently reunited, their memories flashed back to the days of Greece. After a moments pause, the two pinned people kneed their opponents in the groin causing them to release them.
Gabrielle shook herself free and said to the other people calmly, "I assure you. I am no threat to you."
Ash walked over to his niece to make sure she was all right, "You're no threat to us? You just hurt my niece."
Faith shook her head, "I'm cool, Uncle Ash. No big."
Gabrielle said, "Sorry, Ash. I won't hurt you or any of you. I already did enough of that."
Joxer nodded as he reset his collar, "I've know Gabrielle for years, Ash. I can say with complete honesty, never once has Gabrielle killed someone in cold blood. It's always been self-defense."
She smiled sweetly, "I only want to help you."
"Talk to me, Xander." Buffy said as she let go of his ear and threw him on the empty bed.
Xander immediately went for his ear, and covered it to lesson the pain, "First of all, let me say ouch."
She stood beyond the foot of the bed, "What the hell were you thinking?"
He grinned looking where he was. Couldn't help a grin appearing on his face, "You sure you ready for this, Buff?"
Her eyes widened at what he just said, but immediately shook it off. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Xand. Why did you bring a vampire into this cabin?"
Xander pushed himself into a sitting position, "Kevin said Gabrielle could help, Buffy."
She glared at him, "But you brought a vampire here! You brought a souled vampire here! You told them about Angel!"
He got to his feet and said, "I told them about Angel because I wanted to warn them. I know Angel will always be a sensitive subject for you. But we're talking about a souled vampire that doesn't have a curse."
His friend narrowed her eyes, "So having a vampire without a curse is alrght! You're saying if Angel didn't have a curse, you'd be okay with us dating, with us being in love."
He shook his head, "No."
Her eyes kept glaring, "Then what are you saying? Are you saying that isn't okay for me to be in love with a vampire, but it's okay for Tim to be! Why can Tim be in love with one, and I can't! What's so special about Tim!?"
He took a step back and fell onto the bed. Xander looked up to his friend and saw the tears in her eyes, "Are you that jealous of Angel? Do you want me that much? Do you want me to be your girlfriend so much that you'd sacrifice my happiness only to make you happy?"
He immediately shook his head, "No!" He bellowed at her.
"Do you enjoy seeing me in pain, Xander! Do you enjoy seeing my life be in terror? Am I some ultimate prize for you? Am I someone that you crave, someone that you can tell your friends that you got to get in bed with a slayer? Do you even care about me?"
A wave of confusion washed over him, "What are you saying, Buffy?"
She continued on her tirade, tears pouring down her cheeks, "What makes Tim so special, Xander? Why is it okay for him to be in love with Gabrielle but it isn't okay for me to be in love with Angel?"
She ignored him, "Tell me Xander! Tell me why you think Gabrielle is an okay vampire? Why is it all right for Tim to love her? Why was it not alright for me to be in love with Angel?"
Xander got off the bed and approached her. Carefully, he raised his arms and wrapped them around her shoulders.
She pulled away, "Why? Why do you feel this way?"
Xander took a breath, and rewrapped his arms around her. She didn't pull away this time, instead she just crumpled into his arms, "Why, Xander? Tell me why."
He just held her as she cried into his chest. Lately, it seemed that all he did was to comfort her. But if he wanted Buffy to go home to Sunnydale with him, he'd had to be this way. With a sigh, he just held her.
Taking the initiative, he walked them over to the side of the bed, and sat down. He placed her next to him, with one arm wrapped around her still. The other arm went to his side allowing his hand to go to her cheek. He caressed the side of her face lovingly, wiping the tears away from her eyes.
"You want to know why Tim and Gabrielle are alright, but you and Angel aren't?"
Buffy nodded, "Please, Xander. Tell me."
Xander sighed, "It's because Gabrielle was denied something. Angelus wasn't denied."
Taking a breath, "You mean the killing of the family?"
Xander agreed, "Gabrielle is a vampire who recently found her way back to the side of good. I can only imagine what was going on insider her mind, Buffy. But when I was around her, she looked like she was in complete torture.
"Angel was cursed with a soul. He killed his family when he was first turned. Gabrielle didn't have that chance. As she said, she was cut-off from society. She just recently became free and Tim was there for her. Before Gabrielle was turned, her and Tim were best friends.
"Gabrielle went missing. For the longest time, Tim searched for her. So did Kevin. But they couldn't find her. Gabrielle's family died, and it wasn't by supernatural causes. They were natural ones.
"When Tim got to her, he told her he loved her. He had to break through to the girl that he remembered her as and that was through his love. Buffy, Tim loves Gabrielle unconditionally. He knows all her faults and her positive aspects. Buffy, Tim is someone that needs Gabrielle in his life. Gabrielle needs Tim in her life. They work well together, and it looks like they finally found each other.
"Angel and you had love. That I won't deny you. But can you live without Angel? Now that Angel's gone, are you alright? Are you able to on in life without him?"
Before she was about to answer, Xander said, "Buffy, since you found me, it seems you're in a much better place in life. You seem happier, more self confident, and a better person in general. You're willing to have help when you need it. To me, Angel's death was also the beginning of a new life for you. Angel gave you a better life. He could never have a life with you, but now that he's gone, you seem to be in a better place. Are you, Buffy Summers, in any pain? I mean, at this moment, within the last few days, are you in pain?"
Buffy looked at the ground and then back at him, "No, no I'm not."
He grinned, "That's good, Buffy. You can live without Angel and you seem to be doing that extremely well. Tim and Gabrielle are different. They recently found each other and they need one another. That's why I'm okay with them dating. Because they need each other right now, because they know each other, because they need each other to survive right now. They depend on one another."
"Everything alright?"
The group of people looked to the pathway leading to the hallway as two teenagers entered the main room.
Hercules nodded, "Everything's alright, Xander. Gabrielle and Tim are now welcomed members of the Scrappy Gang. It is the Scrappy Gang, right?"
Xander chuckled, "As far as I can tell." Glancing at the clock, Xander sighed, "It's getting kinda late, Guys. Want to call it a night?" He then glanced at his best friend, and hugged her shoulders to him. "You okay?"
Buffy looked at Gabrielle and Tim. She noticed how close they looked. She had to admit. Xander was right, they looked like they needed each other right now. Looking into Xander's eyes she said in a low voice, "I'm getting there."
The boy grinned, "Good. In the immoral words of Snagglepuss, 'Exit stage left.'"
Joxer asked, "Snagglepuss?"
Buffy giggled, "Old Hanna Barbarra character, Tim. Think of him as a pink mountain lion."
Hercules noticed the confused look at Joxer, and smiled, "They don't know you don't watch much cartoons."
"Cartoons?" He looked at Gabrielle who glared at him, smiling, he added, "Right. Never really got into them."
Ash nodded, "Alright. Let's call it a night and meet back here for patrol tomorrow night."
"This feels weird, Jack."
Jack looked at his friend, "You mean going back to highshcool?"
The archeologist nodded, "Yeah. Never had many good memories here."
"This is not your highschool, Daniel."
He sighed, "I know, Sam. But highschool was never a fun time for me. Partially because I never really stayed in highschool that much at a time."
The colonel smiled, "Highschool was alright I guess. Never really cared for it. When to the prom though."
She said, "Have fun, Sir?"
Jack nodded, "The night went by okay, hang out with my friends. I missed out for Class Clown though."
"O'Neill, it appears that the students finally left the school."
Jack grinned, "C'mon, Murray. Let's go find us a slayer."
Bad Faith slumped off her bike as she walked down the sidewalk.
The only think she was holding was the Necronomicon. She had no idea what happened to the warrior that she called out for. The warrior was going to be the perfect distraction for her enemies to withstand.
Sighing, she sat down on a bench that she passed, and opened the book. She started to go through the pages looking for the spell to help locate her warrior. With that done, she'll find him, and then work towards her goal to contain the Hellmouth.
SG-1 walked down the empty hall.
The four of them sporadically looked at their environment. Lockers lined down the hallway. The grayness of the lockers blended with the tan brick walls.
"Where would these records be, O'Neill?"
Jack said simply, "Principal's office."
Daniel smiled, "I'm sure you spent a lot of time there, huh, Jack?"
Sam stated, "You know Jack the longest, Daniel. Any interesting stories?"
Jack's eyes widened remembering an incident. But sighing in relief, he realized that he never told any body any stories.
The archeologist shook his head, "Nope. No stories."
The colonel smiled, "There's nothing to tell anyway, Carter."
She nodded, "Sure, Sir."
"May I help you?"
The four members from the SGC turned to see a brunette woman.
Daniel said, "Actually, maybe you can. We're looking for a student here."
The woman said, "School's over, Mr?"
He chuckled, "Sorry. My name is Daniel Jackson. This is Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter, and Murray."
Her eyes widened looking at the uniforms these people were wearing. Her memory flashed back to her days at highschool. One of her friends' father was in the army.
"And you are?"
She knew from her friend that honesty was always the best way to handle issues with the army. Taking a breath, she said, "My name is Mrs. Kelly Kapowski Morris. I'm a teacher here."
"Well, Mrs. Morris."
"That's Kapowski Morris. I married four your years ago."
Jack continued, "Alright, Mrs. Kapowski Morris, we're looking for a student. It is very important that you cooperate."
She nodded, "One of my friends' father is in the army. Maybe you know him, Major Martin Slater?"
Jack thought back to his days of training and shook his head, "Sorry, no. Anyway, we're hoping you can help us find a young woman. Goes by the name Buffy Summers. We believe she's a student here."
The name hit her like a ton of bricks, "She used to be a student here."
"Oh." Was the colonel's response.
Daniel spoke up, "Do you know where we can find her. It is important that we locate her."
The teacher remembered something, "Well, I saw her a few days ago at Helen's Diner. It appears that she's working there now. Although she goes by another name, Anne Phillips."
Sam grinned, "Thank you, Mrs. Kapowski Morris."
Mrs. Kapowski Morris said, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Jack shook her head, "Nope. Everything's fine. We'll let ourselves out. C'mon, Kids. We're going to Helen's Diner."
With that said, the four members of the SGC turned around and left the highschool.
"Excuse me?"
A woman looked up from her cash registrar as she saw four people dressed in army fatigues.
Jack smiled, "I was wondering. Does a Buffy Summers work here?"
She showed a confused look, "Who is Buffy Summers?"
Daniel corrected his friend, "Anne Phillips he means."
The clerk smiled, "May I ask why you want to talk to Anne?"
Sam said, "We need Ms Phillips help on something. We were told she would be a good source."
Her eyes narrowed, "What kind of source? No offence, uh?"
A grin appeared, "Captain Carter. That's Colonel O'Neill, Murray, and Daniel Jackson. We're with the air force."
"Why would the air force want Anne?"
Jack grinned, "That's confidential."
Her eyes scowled, but sighed knowing nothing was going to be spoiled, "I'll get her. By the way, the name's Danielle."
Buffy looked at her co-worker as she placed the last dish in the washer. "Yeah, Danielle?"
Her friend said, "People from the army are here to see you."
The blond's eye brows shot up, "Army?"
Danielle nodded, "Yeah. The say they need your help."
She asked, "What kind of help?"
Her friend shrugged, "Dunno. Confidential. Want me to call Xander or someone just in case?"
Buffy thought about if for a second, but shook her head, "No. I can handle this." (I hope,) she thought of anyway.
With that said, Buffy washed her hands, dried them, "Thanks, Danielle. I'll go see what they want."
Then it hit her. She looked at Danielle and said, "Actually, do call him. Tell him to meet me here and soon."
Danielle grinned, "Sure."
The Slayer stated, "Thanks." (With Xander's army knowledge, I can tell if these guys are right.)
Then she left the kitchen.
SG-1 sat at one of the booths with Teal'c looking around the establishment.
"This place seems to be quite full."
Jack said, "Well, it is a restaurant, Murray. People tend to eat here."
Daniel said, "I'm more interesting on meeting Buffy. Wonder why she's going by Anne Phillips now."
Teal'c looked at him, "Perhaps to create an identity for herself." He glanced at the colonel, "Isn't that what Spider-Man would do, O'Neill?"
Sam asked confusingly, "Spider-Man, Sir?"
He shrugged, "Used to read comics when I was a kid, Carter. I have a couple comic books in my office. And besides, Spider-Man is a cool character."
"You're looking for me?"
SG-1 looked to their left as they saw a young blond woman.
"Miss Summers?"
Her eyes widened as they called out her real name. She immediately shrank in fear. Here was an army team that knew her true name.
She smiled slightly, "My name is Anne Phillips. I'm sorry. You're mistaken."
With that said, Buffy started to leave for the kitchen.
Daniel spoke up, "That's not what Merrick knew you as, is it?"
The name of her first watcher made her turn around and look at the members of the SGC.
"You knew Merrick?"
The archeologist nodded, "You could say that. We just came from his sister's house."
Buffy nodded as she pulled up a chair from an empty table. She sat down in front of the four person team.
She said in a sad voice, "He died two years ago."
Daniel nodded, "We know. Merrick left a notebook for me and we need your help."
"There you are, Anne."
Buffy looked up as her best friend came walking inside. "Hi, Xander."
Noticing the people in army clothing, he became more serious. "Everything alright?"
She shrugged, "Dunno, Xand. These people know who I am."
He chuckled, "Yeah, you're Anne Phillips."
The blond shook her head, "No. They know who I really am."
Xander noticed the seriousness of the comment from Buffy. He took another seat from the same table Buffy did earlier. Sitting down beside her, he asked, "Everything okay, Colonel?"
Jack's eyes widened, "You know I'm a colonel?"
He nodded, "Noticed your uniform. And by the type of uniform, it's an air force uniform. Danielle called me telling me that Anne wanted me here. So, I just left from my break at S-Mart."
Sam turned the conversation back, "Miss Summers?"
Buffy said, "Call me Buffy. That's Xander. Everything you need to tell me, you can tell him. He knows a lot about the army and how it works."
Jack asked, "He does?"
The boy nodded, "I do, Colonel. And if I were you, I'd be cooperative."
The colonel smiled slightly, (This guy is getting on my nerves. How does he know this information?)
Sam introduced herself, "My name is Captain Carter. This is Murray, Daniel Jackson, and that is Colonel Jack O'Neill."
Daniel added, "As we said before, we need your help. It has to deal with a vampire."
The head of SG-1 nodded, "We recently came across this vampire and found out through Daniel's friend that you are a vampire slayer."
She nodded and said to herself, "One of two."
Xander heard her because he was sitting right next to her. He said, "Colonel O'Neill, why would the army be interested in Buffy?"
Thinking for a second, Xander corrected himself, "Scratch that. My question is why would the US Air Force be interested in Buffy? As long as I known her, she never took up any flying lessons."
Jack looked at his friends. Daniel just shrugged, Teal'c raised an eyebrow, and Sam smiled slightly.
Daniel spoke, "Well, it's like this."
Jack scowled, "Daniel?"
He sighed, "Jack, they have to know about Caroline."
The colonel said in a somber tone, "Oh."
Buffy asked in surprise, "Caroline?"
Sam nodded, "Caroline is a vampire we recently came across. We found out that she came to Los Angeles and decided to go after her."
Buffy nodded, "Let me guess. And you thought the vampire slayer would help?"
Daniel said, "Exactly. We never came across a vampire before. If you asked us a few days ago, we'd never know about vampire. We'd think they wouldn't exist."
The blond slayer said, "I'm just surprised the US Air Force wants my help."
Xander said, "You are the slayer, Buff." He turned to SG-1, "We got some friends that might be able to help." Glancing at Buffy, he asked, "When do you get off work?"
Buffy looked at her watch, "Four more hours."
The boy grinned, "Alright. Meet us here at 8 o'clock. Then we'll go to Ash's."
Jack asked, "Ash?"
The male Scrappy member nodded, "One of our friends." Looking at his watch, he noticed the time, "I hate to stop this, but I have to get back to work. See you guys in four hours."
Bad Faith turned to a page. She began to read it. Getting to a spell, she smiled. After reading it through once silently, she closed her eyes and said in a menacing tone.
"Garaca bulno brorias japka laus brozo elzo bob funas."
Closing the book, she could feel something happen in her stomach. With a sadistic smile, she said to herself, "I'll find you warrior. You're mine."
She looked as her eldest friend came through the door.
"Hi, Joxer."
She smiled at the mention of her old nickname. "How are you?"
She shrugged, "Okay, I guess."
Joxer asked, "Just okay?"
She got up from his chair and sat down at the bed Hercules said he could use. "Come in, Joxer."
The brunette nodded as he walked into his bedroom. "Yeah, Gabby?"
Watching him sit down, she said to him, "I'm just thinking about the past."
He lowered her eyes to the ground, "You miss them, huh?"
She agreed, "Everything we know is gone, Joxer. Xena is long dead. Lilla is dead as well as my parents. I'm no longer human. I'll live forever while you'll die eventually. Hercules is only ageless. He can die at some point. I'm going to be all alone at some point."
Taking her hand in his, Joxer said, "Gabby, we'll find a way to turn you human. Becoming a vampire wasn't your fault. Being separated from us wasn't your fault either. You were taken from us, and now that your back. I won't ever let you go."
She smiled at the sincerity of his words. He loved her. Simple as that. Gabrielle looked to her right and could see the emotion the man held in his eyes. She reached her hand up to his cheek, and caressed it lovingly. The vampire lowered her face to his, and gave him a kiss on the lips. A brief one at that.
Withdrawing from him, she could see the shocked look on his face.
"What was that for?"
Gabrielle grinned, "That was my way of saying thank you."
He showed a confused look, "For what?"
The bard said honestly, "For being you.
"For placing yourself in suspended animation. For telling me you love me. For helping me get rid of Callisto. For loving me for me. For being my best friend. For being you."
He couldn't help the wide grin appearing on his face, "You're welcome."
"Hi, Faith."
The brunette turned around to see her friend coming up the driveway.
She greeted him, "Hey, Eric."
The man from Philadelphia smiled, "It's been a while, huh?"
Faith shrugged, "It's only been three days, Eric."
He nodded as he stepped on the front porch by his friend, "I know, Faith. It's just been a few days since we last talked. Wanted to know if everything was alright."
She grinned, "Everything's five by five."
He nodded with uncertainty, "Uh, and my brother Cory, he doesn't love Topanga."
The young slayer looked at her friend, "No. Everything's cool."
Eric sat down on the front step. Faith sat beside him, and looked at him. "I mean it, Eric. Everything's cool."
He sighed, "Faith?"
"I don't believe you. Ever since we met at your birthday, I've been learning a lot about you. You're a very loving. Especially to your uncle."
Faith said with certainty, "I just know what's important in my life."
He grinned, "That's always good. It's just that I am worried about you. What aren't you telling me?"
She sighed, "There's nothing to tell you." (I'm not ready to tell you yet,) she thought sadly.
The security guard nodded, "Well, I know something is bothering you. And right now, it looks like you aren't going to tell me." He got back to his feet. "When you are ready to tell me. Call me. You do know the number."
With that, Eric started to walk down the stairs. Turning around, he said to Faith, "I'll be here when you're ready to tell me. Just remember, I can't wait forever."
Taking a breath, Eric Matthews left Faith to think.
"It's 8:01, Sir."
Jack nodded, "I know, Carter. It's only one minute passed eight."
"I know, Sir." Sam said with a sigh, "I'm simply just stating the time. That's all. Nothing wrong with that."
He shook his head, "Nope. Nothing wrong with that, I guess." The colonel tucked his legs behind the legs of the stool that he was sitting on. Taking a quick spin, Jack spun around on the stool he was sitting on. When coming back to the counter, he looked up at the menu. "What looks good?" He asked himself.
"This isn't the time to eat, Jack. We have to take care of the Caroline situation."
He nodded, "And Banks. Don't forget him."
"I didn't forget him, Jack. We just been using Caroline's name more recently, and I decided to keep with the trend."
"Perhaps we should see if Buffy Summers is alright?"
The colonel said, "Easy, Murray. I'm sure Anne will be right out."
"Hi, Colonel."
Jack and the other members of the SGC looked as Xander came in. "Glad you made it."
He shrugged, "What exactly were we going to do? We don't know LA that well, Xander. Besides, I was thinking of getting a slice of cherry pie."
The boy chuckled, "Yeah, this place does have a pretty good cherry pie. I'm sure Anne will be out soon."
"Somebody mention my name?" A voice asked as she walked out of the kitchen.
"Hiya, Buffster."
She smiled at Xander's nickname for her. "You haven't called me that in a while."
The teenager shrugged, "I thought I start using the name again. You ready?"
Buffy said, "One second." She opened the door to the kitchen, "I'm leaving Danielle."
"You can go, Anne. I'll clock you out."
She grinned, "Thanks. See ya tomorrow."
Closing the door, Buffy turned on her heals. Looking at her best friend and the people in army fatigues. "Let's get going."
Jack sighed, "And I wanted that cherry pie."
Xander grinned, "Another time, Colonel."
"You ready?"
Joxer and Gabrielle looked up as Hercules entered the room.
"Where we going again?"
The demigod looked at the human, "We're going to Ash's, Joxer. We patrol every night."
She asked confusingly, "Aren't you worried somebody will find out your secret?"
He grinned, "You mean, like yours and Joxer's?"
The vampire nodded, "Yeah, I guess I do mean that."
The actor said, "When I first met Xander, I was nervous. But now, I'm feeling a little more comfortable."
"How so?" Was the blond's question.
Kevin answered, "For one thing, Xander knows about me and I trust him. I also now have you two to help me back up stories. And since Gabrielle is a bard, all the better for us."
The mention of her former life made tears glisten in her eyes. "I haven't written so many centuries."
Joxer smiled, "You were somewhere else." Thinking for a second, he asked, "Where were you exactly?"
Gabrielle said simply, "Another planet."
He nodded, "Okay, another planet." Joxer looked at the demigod, "Gabrielle was on another planet."
His eyes widened, "Another planet? What in Tartarus is a planet?"
Hercules chuckled, "Remember my theory where the Earth was round."
Joxer sighed, "You still telling that crap. Hercules, the Earth is flat."
He laughed, "Actually, a man named Christopher Columbus proved that wrong. He went by boat to America, where we're standing now. America is on the other side of the Earth from Greece."
The warrior made the connection, "You mean the Earth is actually round?"
"That it is, Joxer."
He showed a confused look, "What are planets though?"
The demigod said, "Earth is classified as a planet. Centuries ago, people found objects in the night sky that resembled to what Earth looked like. The people classified them as planets."
Hercules sighed, "This is going to take a while to explain. Why don't we just go to Ash's right now? Then I'll explain it in a way that you'll understand. Alright?"
He looked at his best friend who nodded in understanding. Joxer looked back to the eldest man in the room and said, "Alright, Hercules. I guess that mean's we're going."
Gabrielle, Joxer, and Hercules walked up the steps to Ash's cabin.
The bard looked at the demigod and said, "Ash really looks like Autolycus, doesn't he?"
He nodded, "Yeah. They do look a lot alike. I keep wondering if he would recognize us from Greece."
Joxer smiled, "You never know, Kevin. I'm just afraid that Ash might blow our cover."
The son of Zeus said, "I doubt Ash or Autolycus will blow our cover. That is of course if we talk to him first. Should be interesting I must say."
At that point, Gabrielle knocked on the door as they reached the front door. "I just hope tonight goes right. "
The door opened to reveal a scarred man.
"How ya doing, Kevin?"
Hercules grinned, "I'm good, Ash. Gabrielle and Tim came tonight too."
The former promised one looked at the three of them for a second and took a step back in shock. "Woah."
Hercules looked at him in curiosity, "You alright, Ash?"
He nodded as he scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, I just had a strange sense of déjà vu. I don't know why, but when I look at you three, I suddenly got this strange feeling as if we met before."
Joxer grinned, "We have those types of faces."
The clerk shrugged, "Well, either way. Everyone's not here yet. Come on in."
With that said, the four of them walked into cabin and saw some of their friends inside.
Faith and Gunn sat down on the couch. Wesley was looking through a book at the table by the other side of the room. Doyle walked through the doorway, drinking something.
"Glad you made it, Man."
The demigod nodded, "Had a free night, Doyle. Xander here yet?"
Faith shook her head as she got up from her seat, "Not yet, Kevin. X and B haven't turned up yet."
Joxer grinned, "They're probably on their way, I'm sure."
Ash grinned, "You're probably right, Tim. They'll show up eventually."
The blond nodded, "Eventually."
The atmosphere in the room just turned a little stale. Gabrielle cursed herself knowing that everyone wasn't comfortable with her yet. She could understand.
A vampire that none of them knew was inside the cabin. She could tell that they didn't like vampires. And she didn't blame them.
Making a sudden giggle to try and lighten the mood, she turned to Joxer who noted the looks of fear in her eyes. Gabrielle hoped so anyway that Joxer would understand.
Creating a smile on his lips, Joxer said, "So, how'd you guys meet Xander? Kevin introduced him to me the other night."
For some reason Ash had to say something. Looking at the three of them made him feel like he knew them from somewhere. But from where? He didn't know. Ash knew he had to contribute his story.
"Xander and I work at S-Mart. He met me one night when we were called in to work."
Faith added, "Uncle Ash invited X over for dinner one night. He's the one that found out that I was a vampire slayer."
Hercules grinned, "I met him at Caritas. You should hear him sing. He doesn't have a bad voice."
Joxer smiled, "I've been known to sing at times. Pretty good at it."
Faith asked, "You sing?"
Gabrielle smiled, "Yeah, he sings. Believe me, he sings. Whenever you hear his voice, you know it's from him."
He grinned not getting the idea, "Thanks, Gabby."
All of a sudden the door made a sound.
Ash said, "I'll get it." He opened the door to reveal six people. The former promised one recognized two of them immediately. "Hi, Kid. How are you, Buffy?"
He then noted the rest of the people behind them. "And you are?"
Xander said, "Easy, Ash. This is Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter, Daniel, and Murray."
Jack smiled as he extended his arm, "You must be Ash."
The scarred man nodded as he shook the man's hand with his normal hand. "That be me. May I ask why you people are here?"
Sam said, "We needed Buffy's help, Ash. Can we come in?"
He looked at Xander who nodded. With a smile he said, "If Xander says you're okay, then that's fine by me." He moved to allow them inside.
He said, "Come on in."
The six of them entered the room as Xander said, "Everyone, meet Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Muray."
Wesley walked up to them, "What is your last name, Mr. Murray?"
Teal'c raised his eyebrow, "Last name?"
Ash nodded, "Yeah, a last name. You know. My full name is Ash Williams."
Jack looked at Teal'c and said, "Don't be rude, Murray. You know your last name is Jaffaman."
The Jaffa nodded, "Indeed."
Wesley grinned, "Was that so hard, Mr. Jaffaman? My name is Wesley Whyndam-Pryce. Next to me Doyle, Faith Williams, Gunn, Tim Joxer, Gabrielle Brinkman, and Kevin Sorbo."
Jack's eyes widened at the site of the blond. He growled, "Caroline."
Joxer asked, "You must be mistaken. That's Gabrielle."
Jack went to his side and took a zat. He aimed it at the vampire and placed his finger on the trigger.
Joxer didn't know much about this world yet, but one thing seemed not to change was weapons. With all the strength he could muster, he leapt forward to protect the woman he loved.
Jack squeezed the trigger and the electricity of the weapon discharged and made it's way to the vampire, but Joxer intercepted and got hit instead.
Suddenly, his body fell to the ground with a thud.
Gabrielle screamed, "No!"
She immediately went down to his side and went to check his pulse. "What did you do to him?"
Knowing Tim was alright, Jack aimed his weapon at the vampire and was about to shoot when he heard a familiar click.
"Put the weapon down."
Watching the scene unfold, Ash went to his mantle and grabbed his shotgun. Loading it quickly he aimed it at the colonel.
After it clicked, Ash said, "Put the weapon down."
"It's alright, Sir. I have Ash." Sam then aimed her zat at Ash to make sure Jack was alright.
Thinking Ash would surrender, Sam relaxed a little, but still had her zat ready. Teal'c followed suit.
Normally, anybody would give into the statement, like that. But Ash knew otherwise.
With a wild grin, he dropped to the floor and did a foot sweep watching the two of them drop to the ground. Ash got to his feet and aimed his shotgun at Sam and Murray.
"I wouldn't move it I were you."
Teal'c jumped back to his feet and knocked the weapon out of Ash's hand.
He aimed his zat back at the man as Faith pulled back her chackram and said, "Leave my uncle alone!"
"Uh, Jack?"
Jack said, "A little busy right now, Daniel."
"You might want to take a look at this."
Sighing, he shot Gabrille once with the zat and looked at the others.
Jack turned around with his zat tightly in his hand. Ash picked up his shotgun and aimed it at Teal'c. Sam was standing as well now with her Beretta aimed at Faith.
Faith held up some kind of weapon toward Teal'c while Gunn held his axe, standing in front of Jack.
Xander, Buffy, Kevin, Wesley, and Doyle all had stunned expressions on their faces.
Jack aimed his zat at Ash, "Well, isn't this a fun party?"
Hercules suddenly broke free of his trance and walked to the center of the room. Taking a breath and holding his hands up, he said, "Alright, everyone. Calm down."
Ash snarled, "Not until these people yank their weapons away from my niece, Kevin!"
Daniel said, "This isn't going to get us anywhere. Like Mr. Sorbo said, everyone calm down."
Jack glanced at his friend, "They're protecting a vampire, Daniel! She killed three people!" Looking around the room, he yelled, "And where's Banks!?"
Xander looked at the fallen forms of his friends, "First of all, Colonel. What did you do to my friends?"
Wesley said, "Before we get into discussion, I suggest we place our weapons down."
Ash said, "I'll do it once she gets that Beretta off my niece!"
She glanced at the colonel, "Sir?"
Jack surveyed his surroundings. Then he glanced down at the people he shot. Knowing Daniel had the best interest in mind, he sighed, "Stand down."
Slowly, he lowered his zat as he watched the others lower their weapons.
"Somebody damn well tell me what the hell is going on!" Jack said to the group. "For crying out loud! Why would you protect a vampire?"
Suddenly, Gabrielle's eyes popped open. She slowly raised her hand and cleared the blurriness from her eyes. Trying to remain calm, she turned over to face Joxer.
He was still out…
…but alive.
She leaned down and kissed his forehead. In a quiet voice, she said, "Come back, Joxer."
Suddenly remembering what was happening, she stood back to her feet and punched the colonel across the face. "What the hell did you do to him?"
Jack took a few feet back and glared at blond, "You should be stunned!"
Teal'c said, "O'Niell, the zat'nik'tel effects people differently."
He stated, "Thanks for telling me that now, Murray."
Gabrielle approached her assailant, "What did you do to him?"
Jack snarled, "I shot him, Caroline."
The name shot through her like a ton of bricks.
What was she going to do? If she told him that she was Caroline, the others would have to know about her true identity. She would have to explain about Hercules and Joxer as well.
From what she recently learned from Hercules, people right now weren't ready for the truth.
But how would she explain Caroline?
Only if she had a twin.
Xena had four look-alikes. Diana, Meg, Leah, and Lyla.
If Xena had four, why couldn't Gabrielle say Caroline was a look-alike of her? Even Hope at one point looked like her.
Her eyes widened at the sudden thought of her daughter with Dahok.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts of Hope, she glanced at the man staring at her.
"My name is Gabrielle. It's not Caroline."
He nodded slowly, "Well, you look like Caroline. And how does the line go? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and moves like a duck, it probably is a duck."
Sneering at him, she said, "I can assure you. I am in no shape or form this Caroline you mention."
Spinning around he looked at Daniel, "What Daniel?"
The archeologist said to the colonel, "Banks isn't here."
He nodded, "I see that, Daniel."
Sam said getting the idea, "So, Sir. Maybe Gabrielle is telling the truth. When you faced Caroline at the motel, Banks was with her."
Gabrielle smiled thinking her idea was actually pulling off.
She glanced at the demigod hoping he would understand the Caroline situation.
Hercules looked at his friend from so many centuries ago and noticed something in her eyes.
Was she trying to tell him something? He didn't know. Maybe the colonel was right. Maybe there was some truth in the Caroline mention?
But why? But how?
Thinking back to the a few days ago, Gabrielle emerged as Callisto. It seemed as if Callisto knew what was going on.
He then thought back to Xander's evaluation on the situation between Gabrielle and Callisto.
Back in Greece, Gabrielle was a very intelligent woman who trained well and fought well with Xena. Xena took a young innocent woman and taught her everything she knew.
It was a simple fact that Gabrielle became a tough warrior who was also very intelligent. She faced Callisto many times. Callisto even slew Gabrielle's husband, Perdicas.
Gabrielle and Xena had faced Callisto many times in the past. Hercules even fought against her a few times as well.
Now, Hercules and Gabrielle reunited an old friendship after a 5,000 year hiatus. Only thing different was that Gabrielle was now a vampire who took on the persona of Callisto.
Knowing how clever Gabrielle was, he wondered if the colonel was right. Maybe Gabrielle was Caroline. It would make sense. He himself chose numerous names over the centuries to blend into Earth's history.
Maybe Gabrielle chose another name too when she showed up on Earth. Gabrielle called herself Callisto for so long, it would be only natural for the vampire to chose another name when she came back to Earth. Calling herself Gabrielle would be a mistake on Callisto's part. It would give Gabrielle some strength to fight back and take over.
So maybe Callisto chose the name Caroline to blend into the current Earth's history.
There was also a man with Callisto that dressed like the colonel. Was that this Banks the colonel was talking about? It had to be.
If Callisto started calling herself Caroline, then that would make the man with her be Banks.
One problem though.
Xander staked that man. Xander staked Banks. That's had to be who the boy slew.
Hercules smiled in triumph realizing the truth. So now, he had to help his friend out.
"Gabrielle's right, Colonel O'Neill. She isn't Caroline."
The colonel looked at the television actor, "How do you know? How do you know that this woman isn't Caroline?"
He said calmly, "Because I dusted Caroline myself. Same with Banks."
His eyes widened, "What do you mean dusted?"
Buffy spoke up, "When you kill a vampire, they turn to dust, Colonel."
Jack glanced at Daniel, "They do?"
The archeologist shrugged, "I dunno, Jack. I never 'dusted' a vampire before."
O'Neill looked at Teal'c who raised an eyebrow and at Sam who said, "Don't look at me, Sir. I don't know either."
He glanced back at Buffy. She was a slayer for at least two years now. If she knew vampires turned to dust, then it had to be true.
Jack looked at Kevin and then Gabrielle. Maybe they were right. Doubles were nothing special. He himself was cloned at one point and took on his identity. He'll never forget the blue crystal. Because of the crystal, he was able to see Charlie again. His son.
Jack looked at Teal'c forcing him to come back to the present.
The colonel didn't know how long Caroline was on that planet. Maybe Caroline and Gabrielle were related some how. Maybe not. Anything is possible.
Sighing, he lowered his zat and looked at Gabrielle, "Alright whoever you are. Maybe you are Gabrielle and maybe you are Caroline."
Gabrielle said on her behalf, "I am Gabrielle. As Kevin said, he staked Caroline and Banks."
Nodding, the colonel said, "Well, this trip was pretty much a let down, huh?"
At that point, Joxer began to stir as he pulled himself into a sitting position, "Gabby? What happened?"
Gabrielle went to inspect her friend as the door flew open.
"You!" A voice said as she walked inside the cabin.
The people in the cabin looked as the doors flew open and in stormed a familiar brunette woman.
Jack's eyes widened at the person who entered the cabin. Looking back at the rest of the people in the cabin, he saw two Faith Williams.
"For crying out loud! There's two of you!"
Faith snarled, "Bitch!" She then aimed her chakram at her bad self and let loose.
Bad Faith watched the weapon whiz up to her as she easily snatched it with her free hand. "You don't stand a chance against me, Faith. I'm you. I'm just the super evil version of you." She then launched the weapon back at Faith and watched it whiz by.
Hercules's eyes widened as the weapon through the air. He launched himself forward and caught the weapon before it was too late.
Bad Faith snarled as he caught the chackram. She looked around the room and spotted something bright white by the corner of the cabin.
Inside the bright area was a man…her warrior. It had to be. "Get away from my warrior, you stupid blond!"
Gabrielle left her friend's side as she saw Bad Faith charging forward. The bard stood back to her feet and grabbed Bad Faith by the arm. "I don't think so." Gabrielle then threw Bad Faith to the other side of the cabin.
Soon Bad Faith felt cold steel against the back of her head, "As I told my bad self so many centuries ago. Good, bad, I'm the guy with gun! You leave my friends alone."
Bad Faith smiled wickedly as she lowered herself and quickly did a foot sweep causing Ash to fall on the floor. The bad version of the brunette slayer growled, "Obviously the spell didn't work if it brought that imbecile here. At least I got the Necronomicon!"
The others minus SG-1 started to charge at Bad Faith, but soon she chanted a spell under her breath, "Galaticus flojon numbus corius."
Eyes widened around the room as two objects poked through her skin. Soon, two wings emerged, jumping up into the air, with a powerful thrust; she crashed through the roof and flew into the night's sky.
"What the?" Jack asked in surprise.
"Right there with you, Sir."
Ash raised his shotgun again and aimed it through the hole the bad version of his niece made and shot twice. Both buckshot whizzed through the air but easily missed the target.
"Shit! That bitch ruined my cabin!"
"C'mon, Ash. We got to stop her!"
Ash nodded as he saw Xander heading for the door, "Right behind you, Kid."
Jack watched the scene go into chaos as he shot a bullet from his handgun into the ceiling, "Somebody damn well tell us what the hell is going on!"
Gabrielle helped Joxer to his feet as Hercules spoke, "You just met Faith's bad self."
Daniel asked, "Bad self?"
Ash nodded, "Take it from me, Danny. Bad Faith isn't going to be easy to beat."
Jack looked at Teal'c, "Do you know what's going on, Murray?"
He said, "I do not comprehend what is going on."
Wesley said, "Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter, Dr. Jackson, Mr. Jaffaman, what you just saw was the bad version of Faith here. Bad Faith came from the Necronomicon Ex Mortis: Book of the Dead."
Daniel's eyes widened, "The Necronomicon! You mean it actually exists!"
"What is this Necronomicon, Daniel?"
The archeologist answered, "It's an ancient Sumerian book, Sam. A book bound in human flesh if I'm not mistaken and inked in blood."
Jack nodded slowly, "Book of the dead?"
Ash asked, "You know about this book, Danny?"
"Ash, right?" The former promised one nodded, "Well, I've never studied it, but I've read about it. Supposedly, it's as Wesley put it, a book of the dead."
Faith spoke up, "All this is well and good, but my bad self is out there flying around. We got to take her down!"
Buffy agreed, "We will, Faith." She glanced at Sam, "Will you be willing to help?"
Jack said, "Hold on! How do we even take this Bad Faith down?"
Ash said simply, "A lot of firepower. It took a catapult and explosives to beat Bad Ash."
Hercules said, "I suggest we split into three groups and stop Bad Faith. We all had our training with guns recently. We'll capture her, get the Necronomicon out of her hands, and defeat her."
"Good idea, Kevin." Xander said. He looked at SG-1, "You willing to help?"
"What do you say, Sir? You have to admit, fighting this Bad Faith is an interesting ordeal."
Jack looked at Sam, "All I care about is stopping her before she kills someone."
"So how do we split ourselves up, Jack?" Daniel asked.
Gunn gave a twirl of his axe in his hand, "I can go get my crew if you want."
Hercules looked at the group of people in front of him, "I suggest that we do four groups then. Gunn and his crew will be one group. Buffy, Ash, Faith, Doyle, and Wesley will be another group. Colonel O'Neill, Captain Carter, Daniel, and Murray as group three. This leaves Xander, Gabrielle, Tim, and myself as the final group."
Jack said, "I think we should arrange the groups better, Kevin. If we're going to stop this Bad Faith, we're going to need well-balanced teams. It will only help in the long run."
"What do you suggest, O'Neill?"
The colonel said, "Well, Buffy and Faith are vampire slayers. They'll have the strength factor. Apparently Xander here knows his army information. Seems Ash has experienced this book before. Wesley and Daniel know about this Necronomicon, and we have the training, Murray."
Buffy added, "We better figure this out fast, Colonel. We don't even know what Bad Faith has planned."
Gunn questioned, "Does it matter? Just get the book and destroy her. Pretty easy answer "
Wesley nodded, "And let's not forget to read the spell correctly. Due to Ash's experiences with the book, we have to be extremely careful with it."
Hercules said, "Right. The only reason suggested these groups are because these are the people we are used to working with."
Xander added, "And we haven't that much time to work on battle strategies."
Jack nodded, "Fair enough. I suggest we meet back here at," he looked at his watch, "22 hundred hours."
Joxer asked, "22 hundred hours?"
Xander confirmed, "Army time. Meet back here at 10:00."
The warrior wanted to figure out the answer but quickly thought that Hercules and Xander would explain right after.
Faith landed in the middle of the forest.
With a grunt, "Why did that warrier have to be him? He's no threat!"
Soon a thunderclap was sounded as someone said, "Because you fucked up the spell!"
She turned around and spotted the who she thought it was.
"What do you mean I read it wrong, Uncle Ash?"
He glared at her, "Show me the spell you read."
Bad Faith opened the book and flipped to the certain page. She showed it to him. "It's this spell!"
Bad Ash looked at the spell, and read it silently not to read it aloud to cause it to happen again. "You twit!"
"You read the spell wrong! It's wrong.'"
She showed a confusing look, "It is?"
He hollered, "Yeah! It's galoutus cabatous nizo. It's not galoutus capatous nizo. You sent a warrior alright. But you sent a warrior to help them, not to distract them!"
"You mean…"
Bad Ash nodded, "Yeah. You brought that fool to help them, not to hurt them."
He grumbled, "Forget about the warrior spell now. Just bring the Hellmouth here. It's too late to get someone to distract them. The spell will make deadites and any demon come forward."
Ash placed his shotgun down on the couch as he walked over to a nearby trunk. Taking a key from his pocket, he opened the lock, followed by the lid.
Sticking his hand inside the chest he said, "After we left Pierce, he gave us some weapons to fight these deadites. I got something for everyone." He turned to the four army figures, "I already know you got your own weapons."
Jack walked up to the chest and looked inside, "You sure do have a lot of firepower, Ash."
He nodded, "You never went up a deadite before, Jack. As I said before, it takes a lot to take them down."
With that said, Ash started giving guns to the Scrappies. He turned to Buffy with a specific type of gun. The former promised one said to her, "Pierce said for me to give you this one."
Buffy took a deep breath and carefully took the gun out of his hand, "Thanks, Ash." She withdrew the weapon from his hand and looked at Xander who returned her gaze with a comforting smile.
That made her feel better.
He nodded, "Not a problem, Buffy."
Ash then returned to the chest and handed out the rest of the weapons.
Xander walked over to Buffy and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "You alright, Buff?"
Buffy looked down at the gun she held in her hand and nodded, "Yeah, Xan. I'll be okay. I just wish you would be in my group."
"Walk with me, Buff."
Together, the two walked to the other side of the room. The rest of the people were still with Ash. They didn't seem to notice.
"I know you'd like me to be with you, Buffy. But Kevin needs me. You need to start being your own person again."
"It's just so hard, Xander."
He pulled his arm away from her and grabbed her shoulders. Now they were looking into each others' eyes. "I know it's hard, Buffy. But you are a strong confident person. You need to be that again. I'll never leave you, Buffy. I don't plan to. But you have to start being yourself again."
She nodded, "I know."
He smiled and kissed her gently on the forehead, "I'm just going to be with Kevin, Tim, and Gabrielle."
The blond smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you."
Xander grinned, "Not a problem."
"Here you go, Tim. Be careful with this."
Joxer smiled as he took the weapon from Hercules, "You got me my sword?"
The demigod nodded, "Yeah. I'd thought you'd be more comfortable with it."
The warrior grinned, "Thanks, Kevin." He then gave the weapon a quick twirl of the wrist.
Hercules walked over to the coat rack and pulled out a familiar pair of weapons. He walked over to Gabrielle and gave them to her, "I believe these are yours?"
Her eyes widened and a smile crossed her lips. "Are those my sai?"
He nodded, "Yeah. After you disappeared, I kept them with me. I had your staff with me as well as Xena's chakram. Which by the way Faith is using now."
She showed a confused look, "Won't Xena mind?"
The demigod shook his head, "I don't think she'll mind. Faith's a vampire slayer. She's one of the only few people that can handle it anyway."
"What's the story with those two?"
Hercules and Gabrielle looked to the other side of the room and saw Buffy and Xander talking.
The actor said with a chuckle, "Those two are always together. Funny thing is, it's actually the story of you two."
The bard showed a confused look, "Story of us?"
Kevin's eyes widened as he realized what he just said. To correct himself, he said, "I don't think I should answer that. You two should figure it out on your own."
Gabrielle looked at the floor, "Oh." She turned to her friend, "What does he mean, 'story of us'?"
Joxer looked at Hercules, "Uh, Kevin. Can you give me a second?"
Hercules grinned, "I'll go see what Ash wants."
With that said, the demigod left the two friends.
Joxer immediately placed his hand on her shoulder, "Gabby. You know I love you, right? You know I really mean that, right?"
She thought back to the other night on how much he said to her and what he did say to her.
"I remember."
Joxer took a breath. She needed to hear this, which he knew. "Well, like you and I, Xander loves Buffy. But like you, Buffy only thinks of Xander as a friend. You do the same with me."
Her eyes soon started to glisten with tears.
The warrior placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's alright, Gabby. When you don't feel love, you don't feel love."
Joxer continued, "I love you, Gabrielle. You're my best friend."
She looked up at him, "I love you, too. You're my best friend too. And I don't think of you as just a friend anymore."
Her friend showed a confusing look, "You don't?"
The blond shook her head; "Things have been getting really confusing for me lately. When the colonel shot you, I lost it. I couldn't do this in this world without you. I do love you, Joxer. And I think there might be a time in the near future when we can start courting."
He grinned, "You serious?"
The blond nodded, "Yes, I am. That time on the other planet really made me think of my past. I know you love me. Because of your love, you broke Callisto's hold on me."
The warrior shook his head, "That was all you, Gabrielle."
She kissed him on the forehead, "I love you, Tim. Don't ever leave me."
He chuckled, "Don't plan too."
She looked up to see her watcher standing in front of her, "Hey, Wes."
He noted the hurt look in her eyes, "Don't worry, Faith. We'll stop your bad version."
She nodded, "That's not what I'm thinking about."
Wesley squatted down in front of her, "Then what's the problem."
The Slayer got up from her seat and looked at him, "You wouldn't understand." She then took a few steps away from him.
The Watcher got back to his feet and walked over to her, "I wouldn't understand what?"
Faith sighed, "Forget about it, Wesley."
He shook his head, "Faith, you are my slayer. It is my duty to make sure you are alright."
She turned around and glared at him, "You're duty? That's what I am to you?"
Taking a step back in surprise, "Of course not!"
The young woman said, "That's what you just said, Wesley. You said it was your duty to make sure I was alright."
She shook her head, "I don't want to talk to you right now, Wes."
With that said, she left for her room.
He said to himself, "Good show, Wesley. Good show indeed."
"Everybody ready?"
Wesley coughed, "Well…uh."
Ash looked at the people in the room and said, "One second." He then walked over to the Englishman and said with narrowed eyes, "What happened, Wesley?"
He smiled, "Faith is rather…"
The former promised one nodded, "Rather what?"
The Englishman said, "Rather in distress. She's in her room."
"I see," Ash said as he scratched his chin, "what did you say to her, Wesley?"
Wesley smiled weakly, "I told her it was my duty to make sure she was alight."
Ash lowered his face in and shook his head, "You may be Faith's watcher, Wesley and might love her. But you certainly don't know her that well."
He glared at him, "What do you mean I don't know her, Ash? She's the slayer, the chosen one."
Ash held his hand up trying to quite him down, "Stop right there. Yes, she is a slayer, Wesley. But she is also a girl, a girl that has a lot on her mind. Once you said duty…"
Wesley rolled his eyes, "I can't believe I said that, Ash."
The former promised one said, "Well, you did. She's obviously having a problem. Why don't you go see what's wrong. I'd go myself, but Faith needs to hear it from you. We'll wait for you to get back before we go."
The Watcher nodded, "This should only take a moment. Thank you, Ash."
He flashed a grin, "Just go, Wes. We don't have that much time to spare."
With that said, Wesley left to talk to Faith.
"What does he mean its his duty?" Faith said to herself in the mirror. "I am so not his duty!"
She pulled out a chair from her desk and sat down. Lowering her arms on her legs, she rested her forehead on her limbs. "I am not somebody's duty."
After a second of breathing, she added, "I am not a obligation."
Her head shot up after hearing the voice. Recognizing it right away, she said, "I'm not in the mood, Wes."
"Faith, can I talk to you?"
"Faith…" He said with pure sincerity.
He hit his hand on the door, "Faith, we need to talk."
Knowing that she would have to talk to him at some point, she got out of her seat. She shoved the chair back to its place and went to the door. Opening it, she said, "You got five minutes, Jeeves."
Disliking the nickname she gave him from a while ago, he knew he'd had to let it slide. He wanted to fix this problem.
"Five minutes is all I need."
She just stood there.
"Can I come in?"
Faith shrugged and opened the door further. Taking a step back, she said, "Sure."
The Slayer retreated to the bed and sat down. Wesley closed the door behind.
She looked at her watch, "Make that four minutes."
He nodded, "Right. First of all, Faith. I feel I must apologize."
She nodded, "Go on."
"Of course. I was wrong. You're well being is not my duty. It is my own concern for you."
Wesley took a deep breath, "And, it was wrong of me to you place you as an oblogation. I truly am sorry."
She smiled, "Good."
He grinned, "Good indeed."
"Now, that you realize that, let's go kick my ass!"
Wesley showed a confused look, "Your ass?"
Faith smirked, "Not my ass. Bad Faith's ass."
The Englishman nodded, "Right." He went to the door and opened it, "Shall we?"
Faith walked through the opening, and said, "Let's go."
"We are nearing Earth's atmosphere."
"Excellent. The Necronomicon will be mine again."
Ash saw his niece and her watcher enter the room. Realizing everything was set, he said, "Alright, guys. We've got no idea what Bad Faith has up her sleeve. But you can pretty much count on it being extremely difficult. As Jack said before, we meet back here at 10. The time is now 8:00 which means we've got two hours."
Jack said, "Kids, Ash is the only one that has faced this type of menace before. We must take her down beyond anything. Shoot to kill."
The former promised one took the chainsaw from its usual location and attached it to it's proper limb. "Deadites are extremely tough. Dismember if you have to."
He glanced at Gabrielle and Tim, "I recommend that you use one of my weapons."
Gabrielle shook her head, "Thanks, Ash, but I prefer my sai here. I'm used to them."
Joxer grinned, "And I never part from my sword. It's important to me."
He nodded, "Alright, then. Using those are only going to make things more difficult."
Hercules smiled, "Don't worry about them, Ash. Xander and I are with them."
Ash said, "Right." He looked at SG-1, "I assume you four know what your doing."
Sam said, "Don't worry about us, Ash. We'll be fine."
"Indeed." Was Teal'c's response.
The scarred man looked at Gunn, "You called your crew right?"
Gunn nodded, "They'll be here soon, Ash. These deadites are as good as dead."
"Excellent." The clerk looked at the two slayers, the watcher, and the demon/human hybrid, "And we're good to go."
He walked up to the door and opened it. He glanced at his friends, both new and old, "Tonight you face something that you never went up against. Vampires we've fought and won against. Same with demons and everything else. But tonight, we go against something that is new to you. Something truly old and powerful. The last time I went up against something like this was in 1300 AD. That was a long time ago, but I remember it just as if it was yesterday. We're going against the same thing. Except something far worse.
"You trained and you know all I can teach you. During this past week, we went to Pierce's firing range a few times and trained in our own way.
Taking a breath, he continued, "Let's give them hell!"
Ash turned back to the room and looked at the source of the voice, "Yeah?"
Jack asked, "Do you have any walkie-talkies? So we can keep in contact?"
The former promised one looked at his niece, "Faith, go in the drawer and pull out three of them."
She nodded, "Sure thing, Uncle Ash." Faith did as she was told and pulled them out. "Got them right here."
He smiled, "Good. Give one to Xander, one to Gunn, keep one, and I assume Jack has one?"
The colonel nodded, "Yeah, I do. All we need is the correct frequencies and we'll be able to call for back-up if needed."
The youngest slayer handed them out. She tossed the last one to her uncle, "Head's up."
The clerk caught it easily, "Groovy."
The four groups exchanged frequency numbers and headed out for Bad Faith.
After seeing her uncle disappear, Bad Faith slammed open the book and went to the marked spells. Reading them carefully, she chanted, "Baruk atta morengo kattabo hochimochi golonga."
As soon as she uttered the last word, the ground began to shake signaling the hellmouth to move.
With a wicked grin, she flew up into the air and recited the second spell, "Demoklaus bakas cyrox frumgo wednax clactu varacta nikto."
Deadites started to raise from the ground as well as hollard screams forcing the demons within her 20 mile radius.
Placing the Necronomicon to her chest, she flew upto a strong branch that was attached to a tree. She landed successfully and looked in front of her to see the carnage that was destined to come.
All of a sudden she heard a mighty cry of, "We shall swallow your souls!"
"What are we looking for, Sir?"
Jack said, "Anything that isn't human and who wasn't from the cabin, Carter. We shoot to kill."
Teal'c tightened his grasp on his zat. "I am ready, O'Neill."
The colonel smiled, "This is about to get interesting."
Suddenly the ground began to shake.
"Earthquake!" Daniel yelled.
Sam shook her head, "Don't think it's an earthquake, Daniel?"
The archeologist asked, "How can you be so sure?"
She started shooting a spray of bullets, "Because I don't think that's human!"
"You guys ready?"
Bobby nodded, "Sure am, Gunn. How tough are these deadites?"
Gunn answered, "According to Ash, pretty tough. Tougher than vampires."
James said, "If it ain't human, it's dead to me."
Charles asked, "Is my sister alright?"
Rondell nodded, "She's with a friend. We didn't think she could handle these deadites."
Gunn smiled, "Good. I can't lose her. Let's go kick some ass!"
"I was hoping you'd say that. Of course, we're going to kick your ass."
The ground began to shake.
Faith, Wesley, Doyle, and Buffy looked at their friend.
"Are you sure, Ash?" Doyle asked.
He nodded, "I know they're sent by now." He pointed in front of him, "A couple feet away. Be ready. This is going to get messy."
Suddenly the ground began to shook, "That's how it started last time," Ash said to himself, "It's now or never."
Buffy tightened her hold on the gun, (I can do this. I have to.)
"What's a deadite supposed to look like, Hercules?"
Hercules shrugged, "I don't know, Gabrielle. But hearing from Ash, we're looking for an almost zombie looking creature."
Gabrielle looked at him confusingly, "Zombie looking creatures?"
Xander said, "If it doesn't look like us, don't kill. How well do you know your sai?"
The bard answered, "It's been a while, Xander."
"Definitely a long while." Joxer put in.
She said, "Too long. But I'm hoping I still remember."
Hercules stated, "You should do okay with them, Gabrielle."
The vampire gave one of her sai a twirl in her hand, "It feels familiar to me. It should." She glanced at her best friend, "you doing okay with that sword, Joxer?"
He nodded, "It feels like I never gave it up, Gabby."
She smiled, "That's good."
All of a sudden, Gabrielle dropped her sai and bent over in pain. She grunted, "Not now. Not again."
Joxer looked at her with concern, "Gabby?"
The vampire shook her head, "It's Callisto. She's trying to gain control again."
Hercules added, "Fight it, Gabrielle. You can do it."
The bard looked up to the eyes of Joxer. She could see the concern those brown pupils were holding. "Don't give in to her, Gabrielle."
"What do you think is happening, Hercules?" Xander asked.
The demigod shook his head, "I don't know, Xander."
"Fight her, Gabby."
Gabrielle concentrated on the pain. She could feel Callisto fighting her way back, but Gabrielle didn't want to go back to being dormant. The blond finally had control over her body, she didn't want to lose it. Not again.
Then she saw Joxer with such concern and love.
"We shall swallow your soul!"
She started shooting a spray of bullets, "Because I don't think that's human!"
SG-1's eyes widened as they saw something that they never saw before. All they ever knew were the goa'uld among other aliens. And just recently vampires, but they never saw what was before them.
"We shall swallow your soul!"
Jack raised his arm and his hand tightened on the trigger of the MP5. Launching a spray of bullets, his eyes narrowed at the demonic creatures in front of him. "You know what, I don't think so. I'm kinda attached to my soul. Thank you very much."
"We shall swallow your soul!"
The skin of the creatures started to tear open as the bullets whizzed by through the air. Their bodies burst open as SG-1's ammo rocketed into the woods.
"You shall never possess the Necronomicon!"
"Possess this." Jack said as he continued shooting.
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dead by dawn!"
"I didn't hear them correctly, Gunn. Did they say 'Dead by dawn!?"
Gunn flung his axe forward watching the blade smash through one of the deadites' forehead, "Believe so, Bobby. Let's kill these guys, huh?"
"Dead by dawn!"
"Shut the fuck up!" James yelled as he crossed his tightened fist across one of the deadite's cheeks.
The deadite intercepted the attack and retaliated with a firm roundhouse. "We shall swallow your soul." It then came back with a back kick.
"Can't you say anything original?"
The deadites chorused with, "Dead by dawn!"
Gunn shook his head in disappointment as he yanked his axe from the deadite's forehead and back swung his arm decapitating another deadite's head. "At least now you can't say anything!"
"Dead by dawn!"
"Damn," Gunn grunted. "I forgot there were more of you."
"A little help here, bro."
Gunn, Bobby, and James turned their heads as their friends were trying their best to fight these deadites.
"You hit them hi, and we'll hit them low." Bobby said.
One of the crew said, "I don't care where you hit them, Bobby. Just help us."
"And they're not alone!"
Buffy, Faith, and Wesley looked to where the demon/human hybrid was pointing. "That's rather odd."
Ash looked at Faith's watcher, "What is?"
The Englishman said, "It appears demons and deadites are working together. They never had in the past."
The former promised one revved up his chainsaw, "Well, I fuckin don't care, Wes. Demons and deadites are the same to me."
The five of them looked around as what appeared to be a dozen deadites and six demons charged toward them.
Puddles of mud splashed as the feet from their opponents came forward. "You're too late," one of the demons said, "we already have the book."
Faith's hand immediately grabbed her chakram and let it soar through the air and zip by three deadites-cutting through them as if they were made of tissue paper. "Damn." Faith said to herself, "this chakram kicks ass!"
"Isn't this the pretty picture?" A demon said as it approached his victim. "The Slayer is shaking like a leaf."
Buffy tried to control her hand with the gun, but it was still difficult.
The demon smiled malevolently as he circled around her, "You're friends are fighting off the deadites, and the vampire slayer from Sunnydale can't even hold up a gun."
Feeling the fear boil in her body, she watched in terror as the demon came up to her. Her free hand went to her side for the stake, but it wasn't there. Buffy's two hazel eyes quickly scanned her surroundings-spotting the stake on the ground a few feet in front of her.
The demon chuckled to himself, "The Slayer's stake is on the ground, what's a blond girl to do?"
Fear continued to torture her body. She wanted her stake, she wanted her weapon that she knew all too well, her weapon that she mastered within the past few years.
She needed help, her eyes scurried through the scenery. Ash, Faith, Wesley, and Doyle were all a little busy.
Xander wasn't there either. He was off with Kevin, Tim, and Gabrielle.
"The Slayer is all alone, so scared, so shaken."
Xander's words ran through her mind, 'I know it's hard, Buffy. But you are a strong confident person. You need to be that again. I'll never leave you, Buffy. I don't plan to. But you have to be yourself again.'
Her mind suddenly centered on his last few words to her, 'But you have to be yourself again.'
With a smile, Buffy tightened her grip on the gun.
"You're scared, aren't you?"
Her eyes brightened at that moment, "Not anymore."
Then she saw Joxer with such concern and love.
"We shall swallow your soul!"
Gabrielle looked at her friend, and smiled. She turned to whatever was saying the last statement. "My soul isn't for swallowing! It's already been swallowed for way too long."
Joxer's eyes widened as he watched his beloved shake free of her torture. Gabrielle launched herself forward with her sai aimed high. "You get them, Gabby!"
Suddenly he was knocked to the ground as two of their opened hit him.
"You shall never possess the Necronomicon!" One of them said.
"Leave my friend alone." Joxer heard Hercules say as the demigod yanked the two of them off of him.
The warrior smiled, "Thanks, Hercules." Joxer said as he got to his feet, "Although, they would never have beaten Joxer the Mighty!"
Soon, three more deadites attacked him, "This will be easy." He took his sword and attempted to knock the creatures off of him. But his sword was knocked out of the warrior's hand as one of the deadites yanked it free.
Suddenly, he heard three loud bangs. Joxer looked at his opponents as they fell on top of them. He shoved them off of his body and stood back to his feet, "Of course you got the upper hand for a while, I have been asleep for 5,000 years." He then ran to help Hercules, "Have no fear, Joxer the Mighty is here!"
Joxer failed to notice Xander standing by with a gun in his hands.
All of a sudden, Xander heard Gabrielle shout, "Joxer!"
Bullets tore through the air at rapid speeds. All of them were aimed at the lifeless creatures in front of the eyes of SG-1.
"These guys keep on coming, Sir." Carter said as she continued her onslaught of buckshot.
Teal'c nodded as he shot his zat. "You are correct, Captain Carter. They seem to raising from the ground."
Daniel shook his head in shock, "It seems that these deadites, Jack are a lot like zombies."
The colonel sighed, "Great. Not only vampires and werewolves exist, zombies do too."
The archeologist added, "Among other creatures."
Jack looked at his friend, "Yeah, Teal'c?"
The Jaffa suggested, "Perhaps we should contact one of the other groups for assistance?"
O'Niell stated, "Good call, Teal'c. Radio Ash's team."
With that said, Danielle took his walkie-talkie and said to his friends, "I'm on it."
"Meanwhile, let's take what we can down."
"We shall swallow your souls!"
Jack smirked, "I don't think so."
Gunn and his side of friends ran to where the other half of his team was. The self-proclaimed mail slayer launched his axe forward until it tore into a deadite's chest.
Bobby smiled, "Look, Gunn. It takes a lickin, and keeps on tickin."
He shook his head, "That was lame, Bobby."
Bobby shrugged, "I've been talking to Xander."
Charles gave his axe another thrust and decapitated the deadite's head, "That explains a lot."
James slashed his opponent with his sword followed by one long hook at the end. He smiled at his accomplishment. "This deadite will always know that I was the one who took him down."
Chain looked at him, "How can you be so sure?"
"I cut the letter 'J' into his chest, Chain."
Gunn sighed, "Stop acting like Zorro. C'mon, we got deadite to destroy."
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dammit." Gunn said again. "These guys are still just as annoying as before."
"Dead by dawn!"
"Shut the fuck up!"
Ash cut through one of the deadite with ease. The teeth of the blade rapidly span around as the sharp edges tore through the decaying flesh across the neck. "Ooh, that's gotta hurt."
The deadite tried to speak.
He glared at his opponent, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'We swollow your souls!' Looks like you'll have a hard time swallowing now." He then chuckled a little to himself.
As soon as the blade tore through the neck, Ash brought the chainsaw back and cut through the torso of the undead creature. "It slices, it dices, and it makes julienne fries."
The former promised one than cut through more of the deadite. From one arm, to the right leg, left leg, finally the other arm fell off.
Shoving the remaining body pieces from the blade, Ash glared at the upcoming deadites and demons. "Who's next?"
Doyle and Faith were back to back while a total of six demons circled around them. "This hardly seems fair, doesn't it, Lass?"
Faith brought the chakram closer to her face. "Yeah, it sure does, D." With a quick thrust, the weapon soared from her hand to the nearest demon. After making a quick cut, the chakram rebounded and continuously cut into three more of the said demons.
"You certainly are getting better with that thing."
The brunette nodded, "Damn straight, Doyle."
The human/demon hybrid swung his sword diagonally forcing the blade to run from the right shoulder to the left side of the demon's torso. The two parts of the demons collapsed onto the ground.
Faith cleaned off the demon guts from her weapon as she looked up into the sky. "Now, where's the fuck is my counterpart?"
Buffy launched out a spray of bullets. Each piece of ammunition impacted the demon with rapid flare. Drops of green blood started to squirt out of the newly formed wounds.
"What? No taunt from the big scary demon?"
Her eyes glared at her foe when she quickly did a roundhouse forcing the demon to fall to the ground.
"C'mon. You thought I was this helpless little girl. Didn't you?"
Again, the demon said nothing.
She shrugged not waiting for an answer. With her gun aimed at the demon's left temple, she felt the bullet expload within the barrol as it left the gun and tore through the skin, followed by the skull of the demon.
"Nicely done, Buffy."
The blond looked up from her kill to the watcher that was standing a few feet away from her.
"Thanks, Wes."
"Anytime, Buffy. Anytime. Now, as I believe it. Ash received a radio signal from Daniel Jackson. We're on our way to help."
Buffy nodded as she picked up the stake from the ground that was laying beside Wesley. "Lead the way, Wesley."
Xander watched as the vampire ran toward her fallen friend. "What happened?"
Joxer was on the ground rolling side to side. He held his left leg tightly in his grasp. "By the gods!"
Gabrielle went to inspect him, "You okay?"
As Joxer started to pull himself into a sitting position and glance at his beloved, two deadites came charging forward. With a wild grin, Joxer said, "I can handle these guys, Gabby."
Just as she was about to respond, Hercules grabbed the two of the undead creatures and forced them forward. He heard a loud noise as the two deadites banged together on their foreheads.
"You have to be careful, Joxer," the demigod said as he released his opponents.
Joxer said with pride, "I'm always careful, Herc." He glanced at Gabrielle, "aren't I?"
She smiled weakly, "You really need to train more, Joxer."
Xander looked up into the nightsky and saw something flying. Under the moon's light, he could make out who he thought it was. Remembering his army knowledge, he aimed his gun, tightened his aim, and pressed the trigger.
A bullet exploded within the weapon as it launched itself out of the barrel and flew recklessly through the air.
His eyes widened as the bullet, followed by numerous others, hit the target.
"What happened, Xander?"
"What happened, Xander?"
Xander, Hercules, Joxer, and Gabrielle looked up into the night sky when they saw something falling at incredible speeds.
"I think I nailed that thing, Herc."
The demigod nodded as he saw the target hitting the ground. "We better see what happened."
The four of them ran towards the target-the whole time slashing through deadites and demons along the way.
Just as they were about to reach their destination. The creature that landed leapt onto the boy. "You fuckin' son of a bitch! You ruined my wing!"
Gabrielle launched her sai into the demon's back. Both weapons breaking the joint between body and wing. "Like to see you fly now."
The demon tried to fly back into the sky, but found it to be hard with her wings broken. Landing back to her feet, she glared at the boy that shot her and screamed a mighty sound. "Arrrghhhhhhh!"
Xander immediately covered his ears with his hands, allowing the guns to fall out of his hands. He bent down as if he was in pain, which he was. He felt like he was getting a migraine.
All of a sudden there was silence. Xander looked back at the demon and saw Gabrielle standing over the injured demon. Her body twisting back to a normal fighting stance. "You're a sad excuse for a siren, you know that." The demon was in a kneeling posting from a roundhouse that the vampire shot.
Xander used the opportunity to gather his guns and approach the still out-of-breath demon. He walked up to the demon, and smirked. "Hasta la vista, baby." The teenager then shot a spray of bullets into the demon's forehead.
"What language was that?" Joxer asked his new friend.
Hercules spoke up, "That would be Spanish." He then shrugged, "For the most part that is. Xander just used a reference to a movie called, Terminator."
The warrior showed a confused look, "Movie?"
Xander shook his head, "Later, Tim. We better head back to the others. I'll radio Buffy to see if she needs help."
The four of them started to through the woods. "Joxer?"
The Greecian turned to the demigod. "Yeah, Herc?"
"We need to give you some training, and fast. If you want to survive in this time period, you're going to need to learn to handle yourself better."
He scowled, "I don't need training."
The vampire nodded, "Yes, you do. But, Hercules, Xander, and I are going to help you through it."
"Damn it!"
Gunn looked to his friend, "What's up, Bobby?"
Bobby growled as he decapitated a deadite. "These things are easy to kill, but there too damn many of them!"
The leader said, "We just have to keep on fighting until we hear otherwise, bro."
James successfully dragged his foot across one of his opponents. "We're this Bad Faith anyway?"
"I see someone, O'Neill."
Jack looked at the alien, "What do you see, Teal'c?"
The Jaffa said as he let out two discharges from his zat, "I believe our reinforcements have arrived, O'Neill."
Sam hollered, "It's Buffy, Sir. She and her friends are here."
"Colonel O'Neill, we came as fast as we could. What's the situation?"
Jack glared at the source of the comment, "Harris, we're knee deep in deadites."
Ash growled, "I see that, Jack." He revved up his chainsaw, "And we're here to destroy these guys."
With that said, SG-1's new friends charged forward to get near them, with weapons held in the air.
"We shall swallow your souls!"
"We shall swallow your souls!"
A new wave of deadites came from the east. They appeared to be chasing some people.
Hercules looked to the east, "It's Gunn. Need a hand?"
James said, "Definitely."
What seemed to be nearly three dozen demons and deadites disbursed. Some went towards SG-1, some went toward the Scrappies, and the rest went for Gunn's crew.
"This is so not what I need." Buffy said under her breath, but smiled when she saw Xander releasing a real of buckshot. "But I can use the workout."
Ash took his free hand, balled it into a fist, and shot an uppercut to one of the deadites. It soured into the air a few inches, and the former promised one spun around and felt the teeth of the blade tear into the undead skin as Ash did a full circle.
He came to a halt when he saw Faith's chakram come whizzing by. Ash watched in awe as the weapon rebounded against necks of demons, decapitating them with ease. When the chakram came back to his niece, he said with a grin. "Come get some."
The deadites soon came forward, forming a circle around Faith, him, and Buffy. The three of them soon touched back-to-back. "I'll watch your back, if you watch mine." Faith said to her uncle and friend.
"That sounds like a plan." The blond slayer said to them as they started to cycle.
"Dead by dawn!"
"Dead by dawn!"
Buffy took her gun and stared at one deadite. Narrowing her eye, she aimed the weapon, and placed pressure on the trigger. Still feeling the fear of the gun, she shook it off easily when she saw Xande not that far away. Pressing the trigger, bullets shot out of the barrel and she moved her gun down the line-killing four deadites in a row.
"Nice move, B."
The eldest slayer nodded, "Thanks, Faith. Not bad on that chakram of yours."
"This baby kicks so much ass, B." She then placed it at her hip, "but sometimes hand-to-hand contact is better."
"I still prefer my chainsaw." Ash said as he cut through a demon, lengthwise-from the top of the head, to the bottom of the crotch.
Buffy placed her gun back into her holster, grabbed her stake and said, "I'm with you, Faith."
With that said, the two slayers sprang into action as they headed towards the deadites.
Ash said, "If you two go that way, I'll go the other."
"Can you do me a favor, Kevin?"
Hercules looked at Xander as he decked a demon across its face. "A little busy, Xander."
Xander said, "I'm just wondering if you can do something. You saying is probably the closest way I'll actually get to someone real saying it."
The actor shrugged, "What do you want me to say?"
"Have you read Fantastic Four?"
He showed a confused look, "Fantastic Four?"
Xander sighed, "Just clobber two deadites together and say this line." He then whispered it to the demigod.
Hercules said, "Sure." The son of Zeus then walked toward two deadites, grabbed them by the back of their heads and smashed them together, "It's clobbering time!"
Xander couldn't help but smile, "That was awesome!"
"Sir, look up there!"
Jack looked up, "What is it, Carter?"
Jack's eyes widened, "It's the damn bitch!"
"Sir, look up there!"
Jack looked up, "What is it, Carter?"
Jack's eyes widened, "It's the damn bitch!"
"Who?" Daniel Jackson asked.
Faith glared up into the sky as she saw her counterpart soaring by. With heated breath, she yelled, "This ends now!" The younger slayer grabbed her chakram and let loose. The weapon whizzed into the air, but Bad Faith caught it.
She flew down at her other self. Holding the Necronomicon within her arm, the bad version of the slayer landed on Faith. Her feet crushing down on Faith's shoulders. "You foolish, Bitch!"
Faith collapsed on the ground, and stared at her opponent as she said, "I'm you, remember? I'm just the stronger version!"
A chucking sound could be heard as the two Faiths turned their heads to the source of the sound.
"Sronger, yes. Smarter? I don't think so."
Bad Faith then flew off Faith and hit the ground a few feet back. She looked up and saw Kevin Sorbo helping Faith to her feet.
"Now, be a good whatever you are, and give back the Necronomicon."
She gritted her teeth, "I don't think so, Sorbo."
"You better do what he says." Joxer said.
She smirked, "And that's because why?"
Xander let out a round of buckshot from his gun as he targeted the big bad. "Because you're not facing Kevin and Faith alone."
Bad Faith snarled at Xander as his ammunition hit her. She leapt forward and charged him when she suddenly fell to the ground. She looked up to see Buffy standing by her.
"And that slayer never has to be alone. Neither does this one."
Bad Faith got back to her feet as the rest of Scrappies, SG-1, Gunn, and his crew shot their weapons at Bad Faith.
She flipped open the book to a destined spell when her hand was cut off.
Bad Faith looked up to see Ash's chainsaw ripping through her skin. "No Necronomicon for you. Forever."
As the book fell to the ground, Ash cut her other hand off while the Scrappies , SG-1, and a few members of Gunn's crew shot Bad Faith.
They stopped when Bad Faith's body fell to the ground with a thud.
With Bad Faith gone, the deadites and demons disbursed. The deadites fell to the ground and disintegrated. The demons walked away to their own matters.
"Well, I guess that's why the demons and deadites were working together." Wesley said.
"How so?" Gabrielle asked, "and why wasn't I part of the battle?"
Danielle spoke up, "Well according to what I learned about the Necronomicon, Gabrielle, Bad Faith was the source behind all of this. With her dead, everything she cast nullified. As for you not fighting, I suppose it's because of your soul."
Gabrielle asked herself, "My soul?"
Xander nodded, "It makes sense, Gabrielle. With your soul intact, you were able to fight off Bad Faith's spell. That would explain why you were having trouble back there."
She nodded. "I understand now."
"Good." Ash said with certainty.
"So what do we do now?" Joxer asked.
"Well, Buffy, Ash, Wesley, Faith, and I head back to Sunnydale. Thanks for all your help, guys."
Hercules walked over to Xander and grabbed his forearm. "Don't be a stranger, Xander."
He smiled, "Don't plan to."
Jack said, "And my team has to go back to Colorado. It was nice meeting you all."
No one failed to notice Faith picking up the Necronomicon. "What do we do with this book now?"
Hercules said to her, "I think I can find the perfect place for it."
Just as Hercules was about to take it, a blueish light appeared. When it dissipated, a woman who was covered in gold jewelry walked out. Her eyes flashed silver when she saw the book. "That book is mine."
She then walked over to Faith and grabbed her-placing the slayer close to her body.
"Get away from her!" Hercules said as approached the unknown woman.
She held out her hand, and light came out. A sudden blast shot from her palm and sent the Scrappies, SG-1, and Gunn and his crew back. "I don't have time for this."
With that said, she closed her eyes, and Faith, the Necronomicon, and the mysterious woman disappeared.
"Here we go again." Xander said to himself.