Prophecies Suck

Author: Vlad the Impish <vlad_the_impish[at]>

Rating: R to be on the safe side

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss, Fox, ME and many others do. Please don't sue me, I'm not worth the hassle.

Summary: Sometimes love and death cannot be separated.

Chapter 1

Buffy: "What the hell do you think you're doing Xander!?"

Now I have heard that tone a thousand times before, it is the tone that comes from a very pissed off Slayer. The reason I am hearing that tone this time is because she has just seen me charge into and knock down a group of five Vampires that were charging at her.

Xander: "Come on Buff, you know that I just love hugs!"

I also love killing vampires and I staked one as we hit the ground and staked another before it knew what happened. Another thing I love is being able to make Buffy laugh even when she's pissed with me.

Buffy: "You could have just asked me you know"

She has just finished off the two she was fighting and is now running over to help me out.

Xander: "You were busy and I didn't want to interrupt"

Buffy: "Just make sure that you stay there so I can kill you"

The fang boys and I are now up and fighting. To put it more accurately the fang boys are handing my ass to me on a silver platter. Buffy comes charging in and hits one with a roundhouse kick whilst staking another at the same time. If there were ever a perfect example of poetry in motion it would be right now. God she looks amazing. The last Vamp decide to turn and run but Buffy throws her stake and gets it in the sweet spot and all that's left is a swirl of dust.

Xander: "Do I get to choose how you kill me? Because if I do I want it to involve a bed and a chocolate sundae"

Buffy: "Xander!"

Xander: "What? A man can dream can't he?"

The problem is that a dream is the closest I will ever be. I have been in love with Buffy Anne Summers from the moment I saw her and the feeling has only got stronger over time. What is worse is that she has only ever seen me as a friend; she has even called me 'one of the girls'. If you ever want to crush someone's self-esteem, calling them 'one of the girls' is the way to do it. And now here comes the inevitable argument.

Buffy: "How many times have I told you not to rush into a fight you can't win? You're going to get yourself or someone else killed!"

Xander: "I've lost count. Look, they were charging you while you were busy and I stopped them. I even staked two of them!"

Buffy: "You were damn lucky Xander. Anyway, I knew they were coming and I can handle myself. I am the Slayer after all"

Knowing that this could go on until sunrise, I decide to cut to the chase, something I'm not known for doing.

Xander: "Listen Buff, we both know how this argument ends and we will always disagree. Yes you are the Slayer but all the time I am alive I reserve the right to help my friends out whenever I can, however I can. Before we start, lets just call this one a draw and go home please?"

Buffy: "I can live with that. Will you be OK to get back?"

Xander: "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with me that a few hours sleep can't fix. I'll see you tomorrow Buff."

Buffy: "OK Xan, sleep well."

With that we go our separate way, Buffy moving with the poise and grace she always holds and myself limping like a pirate with a peg leg. That is of course until she is out of range. As soon as she is, I start walking normally, as any injuries she thought I had were faked. I wouldn't have had to if I were out patrolling alone.

You see there are a few things that I have kept to myself, things that not even my adoptive family are aware of. The first is that I have been aware of the thing that go bump in the night all of my life.

Another is that I am one of them. I am a pureblood Savox demon. I have a soul, and although that doesn't guarantee that I am good, I assure you that I am.

I am one of the most rare types of demon known to man. I was born with genetic memory, which means I have the knowledge of every Savox demon that came before me. I know every fighting style known to man, as well as many never seen by man. I am stronger and faster than Buffy can dream of being, in fact I'm not entirely sure there's a limit to how strong or how fast I am. Short of being hit by an atom bomb, there isn't many things that I cannot survive. These things are all very useful when living on a Hellmouth.

That doesn't mean that I will live forever, thankfully I'm not immortal. I will grow old and die like a human does, but I will only die once I have lived a long life, generally two to three times the length of a human.

I look in every way a normal human being and it was my parents wish that I lived a 'normal' life; they didn't want their enemies to find me so they left me at an orphanage. The Harris' adopted me a couple of months after I arrived, although how they were deemed suitable candidates to adopt beats me. At least I couldn't be hurt by the beatings my 'father' liked to give me when he was on a bender, which was any day ending in a 'Y'. The mental abuse though has caused wounds that I don't think will ever be healed

There are a couple of reasons why I never told anyone about what I am. The first was simply that I wanted to fit in. When I was younger if I had told anyone of my true heritage I would either have been ridiculed or taken for testing. That same reason was what stopped me from joining the track or football teams. I could have easily excelled in them but the risk of exposure was too great; it also felt wrong to use my abilities that way. I had great friends in Willow and Jessie and I was happy with the way my life was leading.

That all changed the moment I met Buffy and learned that she was the Slayer. Of course I knew what a Slayer was and what they were chosen to perform. I didn't want to risk telling her in the beginning, as I had no idea whether she would try to kill me or not. It was then that I decided to help her, still making sure that I didn't show my true self.

The longer I knew them the harder it became to tell them but for a different reason. I realised that our group needed an anchor, someone who was normal to remind them why they were fighting. I was the only one of them who didn't have special abilities; of course Buffy was the Slayer, Giles had his knowledge of demons and magic, Willow also started delving into the Wicca arts. Outside of the core group there was Angel, Oz, Faith, Tara, Riley and even Spike. Cordelia wasn't exactly the poster child for humanity so that left me.

It isn't that I don't trust them enough to tell them. Well I don't trust Spike and I'm not too sure about Riley's loyalties when it comes to demons, but they aren't what stop me. Hell, I don't know what has stopped me anymore. But now there is something that is going to force me to tell them: Dawn.

Dawn is Buffy's little sister. She is also a mystical key that can open every door to every dimension that exists. Up until a few months ago she was nothing but a ball of pure energy. A group of monks that were protecting the key used some powerful magic to transform that ball into Dawn and sent her to Buffy for protection. They altered all of our memories so that we would think that she had always been with us.

What they neglected to tell us was that Glorificus, a demon Goddess, wants the key so that she can go home. Buffy has already gone up against her once and got her ass kicked within seconds. The only chance we have of protecting Dawn is if I fight at my full potential, no holding back.

Keeping this secret has cost me a lot over the years. My best friend Jessie was turned and I had to dust him. I'm not sure that I could have saved him but I still feel responsible. When Angel lost his soul and reverted to Angelus I could have staked him the first chance I had but I didn't and people I cared about died. Every time someone I knew was lost to the darkness I felt responsible. Logically I know I couldn't have prevented everything that has happened but I will still hold myself responsible for them until the day I die.

Buffy doesn't stand a chance in hell of defeating Glory without my help, I just hope that our friendship can survive as well.

Chapter 2

I thought I owed it to Anya to tell her first, and I was hoping that she would take it the best. After all, she was a Vengeance demon for more than a thousand years. I guess I was wrong.

Anya: "You're a WHAT!"

Xander: "I'm a Savox demon"

Anya: "Why haven't you ever told me before"

Xander: "I didn't think it would matter"


Xander: "Listen Anya, you are the only person outside of my family that knows. I am going to be telling the others but I wanted you to be the first to know"

Anya: "I don't care! We are in a relationship and we should tell each other everything about each other whether it would matter or not! I told you all about my time as a Vengeance demon"

Yes, how could forget those wonderful conversations when she told me in EXTREME detail about her Vengeance demon days where she would eviscerate or turn her victims inside out.

Xander: "I know you have An, but apart from one small detail you know everything about me"


Xander: "Could you talk a little louder, I don't think they heard you in Brazil"

Anya: "You were supposed to be helping me come to terms with my humanity and you aren't even human! You are actually one of the most feared types of demon known and every other time I have met one of your kind before I was beaten to a pulp. How can that be considered a little detail?"

Xander: "An, those demons you met before were not members of my clan. The Har'Ish clan have always lived peacefully among humans, until myself of course. The reason I consider it a small detail is that to me it is. I have never seen my being a demon as a factor in anything I do. Sometimes I forget that I am a demon, of course then I accidentally crush something…"

Anya: "You just don't get it! I always thought I knew you and now I know that you are just like all the men I met before, a liar! I am leaving you and you better hope that I never get my powers back!"

Xander: "Anya, I am still the same Xander Harris you went to the prom with, the same Xander Harris you came back to Sunnydale for. I have not lied to you but I have kept something from you. If you want to leave me then I can't stop you but I never kept it from you to hurt you. Please don't use this to get your powers back. One of the things you will need to know is that there are times when things wont go exactly how you want but that comes with being human. At least think about it first please?"

Anya: "I will think about it. I will miss the great sex with you Xander."

And with that she left my apartment and probably my life. I thought about trying to persuade her to stay but I know that it would be pointless and probably make things worse.

I have to get the others over now because if I wait until tomorrow I'm not sure I could go through with it, even with Dawn's life on the line. Even though I have only known her a few months I think of her as my little sister and I would move the earth to protect her.

Another ability I have is that I extremely resistant to magic so I have always known that Dawn wasn't really Buffy's sister. I have all the memories of her but I knew they were false. I know the others are having a hard time dealing with the fact that all of their memories concerning Dawn are false. Buffy must have it the hardest as her memories would be the most extensive.

Knowing that I need to tell them now, I decide to get them all over here. The problem is if I call Buffy or Willow, they will keep hassling me until they know why. I decide that the only person I can call is Giles.

Giles: "Hello, Rupert Giles speaking"

Xander: "Hi Giles it's Xander"

Giles: "Ah, good evening Xander, is there something I can do for you?"

Xander: "there is actually, can you call the others and get them to come over to my apartment right away?"

Giles: "I can do that but would you mind telling me why?"

Xander: "Giles I will explain everything but I only want to do this once. You know that I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important"

Giles: "I am aware of that Xander but Buffy and Willow will want more to go on than that"

Xander: "I know Giles, that is why I can't ring them myself. If I did they wouldn't stop until they know and this is something that I need to tell everyone in person"

Giles: "Fine I will arrange it Xander but I will be expecting a FULL explanation once we get there"

Xander: "Giles, I give you my word"

Giles: "That is good enough for me. I'll see you in about half an hour then"

Xander: "OK, bye Giles"

OK, I have half an hour before they get here. I doubt I will even be able to say hello before either Buffy or Willow demand answers. I just hope that when I tell them they take it better than Anya did otherwise we are all dead.

Chapter 3

I had barely opened the door when Buffy and Willow barged in, closely followed by Tara and Riley. Behind them were Giles and Dawn and the last one in was Spike. Buffy and Willow are acting exactly like I thought they would.

Buffy: "Alright Xan, what is so damn important that we had to get over here straight away?"

I told you so!

Willow: "Yeah Xander, you ring Giles instead of Buffy or myself which is strange then all you tell him is that we all need to come over straight away. If this is so important, why isn't Anya here? That's it! You've cheated on Anya and now she is Anyanka and you need us all here to protect you! How could you Xander? Why aren't you talking?"

The fact that the first thought that enters Willow's head is that I have cheated on Anya goes to show what high regard she has for me.

Xander: "Good evening Buffy, Good evening Willow, Good evening everyone"

Sometimes I wonder how I stop myself from doing physical harm to them sometimes. During our one-sided conversation Spike is looking on amused and the others are staying as quiet and still as they can.

I look to Giles with an expression that says 'this is why I called you first' and he decides to take pity on me and intervene on my behalf.

Giles: "I know that everyone would like to know what is going on"

Spike: "I don't bloody care what Droopy Boy has to say"

Giles: "Shut up Spike! Now, Xander gave me his word that he would explain everything and if we give him a chance he will be able to. Xander?"

Xander: "Thanks Giles. I shall answer the question about Anya first; I have not cheated on Anya, nor would I ever cheat on Anya. I learn from my mistakes. The reason she is not here is that I have already told her what I am going to tell you so she doesn't need to be here"

Buffy: "How come Anya gets to know before me or Willow, we're your best friends!"

Giles: "Buffy! Let Xander finish"

Xander: "OK. Giles, what do you know about Savox demons?"

Giles pales slightly and cleans his glasses with his handkerchief. That is a sure sign that Giles is feeling stressed.

Giles: "Savox demons are very formidable and feared throughout the demon world. They are not however classified as evil as they are one of the few types of demon that are born with souls. They are primarily used as bodyguards or assassins for top-level demons. Why do you ask Xander, have you had a run in with one of them?"

Xander: "Not exactly Giles"

Willow: "OH! You don't have another demon trying to kill you Xander!"

Buffy: "You have had more demons out for your blood than me and I'm the Slayer!"

I really can't believe these two sometimes. I have barely started to tell them anything and they have already put two and two together and made a million. No matter what happens they always see the worst in me.

Xander: "Will you two please SHUT UP and let me finish?"

Riley: "Don't speak to Buffy like that!"

I like Riley, I really do but there are times when the urge to rip his head off becomes almost too tempting to resist. Once again, going from the look I am giving him, Giles decides to intervene.

Giles: "Can everyone please calm down. At the moment Xander hasn't even begun to explain why we are here and you two are already thinking that he is in trouble. I feel disappointed in you both for thinking so badly of him. Xander, I think it might be best if you got to the point"

Xander: "Thanks Giles. The reason I was asking Giles about Savox demons is purely to see how much he know and whether what he knows is correct. I can tell you all that as always Giles is right on the money. The reason I know that is because I am one. I, Xander Harris, am a pureblood Savox demon"

The room has now gone so quiet that I can almost hear the hum of the chip in Spikes head. Of course that wont last long.

Buffy/Willow: "WHAT!!"

Xander: "I think you both heard me. I am a pureblood Savox demon."

Buffy: "Stop kidding around Xander and tell us why we're really here"

Willow: "Yeah, you can't be a demon. You're Xander!"

Buffy: "You can't be a demon because I can't sense you. Spike can you sense him?"

Spike: "No Slayer I can't but if he is a Savox demon I wouldn't be able to"

Giles: "Spike is correct, Savox demons cannot be detected by any means, which is why they are such good assassins. Xander, although I am sure that you wouldn't be stupid enough to lie about this, can you give us any proof?"

Xander: "I was expecting you wouldn't believe me. Buffy, in the kitchen you will find a large steel bar I took from one of the sites I'm working at. Could you bring it in please"

Buffy must still be in a state of shock because she goes to get it without comment and brings it in.

Xander: "OK, bend it into a circle"

Buffy: "You know I can bend this Xander. How is my bending it going to prove that you are a demon?"

Xander: "Humour me"

Buffy take a while but bends the bar into a circle

Buffy: "Right now what"

Xander: "Throw it at me as hard as you can"

Buffy: "I am not going to throw this at you, it'll kill you!"

Willow: "Xander you're insane!"

The only way she'll throw it is if I get her angry enough. I hate to do it but I have no other choice.


That did the trick. Before she could even think about it she launches it at me like a missile, realising as soon as she released it what she had done. Both she and Willow scream at me to get out of the way but I just catch it in one hand. I then unfold the bar until it is as straight as it was in the beginning.

Spike: "Fucking hell! I can prove whether he's a demon or not"

Before anyone could register what he said, he ran up and punched me full in the face. He didn't shriek in pain and I didn't flinch.

Xander: "Giles, would you like any further proof?"

Giles: "Uh, no Xander I think that will do"

Once again there was silence. I was going to start to say something else when Riley unholsters his gun, takes aim and fires at me. He doesn't stop shooting until the clip is empty. By this point Giles has managed to take the gun from him before he can reload. The bullets don't hurt me but what does is that neither Buffy nor Willow made any attempt to stop him.

Giles: "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing Riley!"

Riley: "He's a demon Giles and he needs to be killed!"

Xander: "It's OK Giles I'm fine. Riley, yes I am a demon. But so is Spike and so is Angel. I don't see you shooting them every time you see them. I also haven't made any attempt to hurt you in all the time I've known you"

Riley is quiet at this little revelation and looks a little guilty, but I can tell that it's only for show. I know what is going to happen next. It always does when a certain name is used.

Buffy: "Don't bring Angel into this Xander!"

Xander: "Why not Buffy? When you found out that Angel was a vampire, sure you were shocked but you soon accepted him and even fell in love with him. This was after knowing him for just a couple of months. You have known me for five years but make no move to stop your boyfriend from firing an entire clip of bullets at me. You don't even seem to be annoyed or shocked that he did it. Do you think that little of me that you don't even care if I get shot?"

Willow: "Stop having a go at Buffy Xander!"

Xander: "Willow, you have known me longer than anyone else in this room. You are my best friend. When you found out that OZ was a werewolf you were shocked but you didn't try to kill him, you even told us not to kill him. However, you also did absolutely nothing to try to stop Riley from shooting me, nor do you seem angry with him. Do you no longer care what happens to me?"

Giles: "Xander, I think you are being a little harsh"

I try but fail to stop the tears from falling.

Xander: "Giles, I know that what I have just laid on you is a lot, but you still tried to stop Riley from shooting me. Two of the most important people in the world to me didn't and they don't even seem to care. Tell me that I shouldn't be even a little upset?"

At this point Dawn comes running over to me and hugs me as hard as she can. I gratefully return the embrace.

Dawn: "Xander, I know you're not evil and you'd never hurt us!"

Dawn then remembers that I was shot.

Dawn: "Oh my god are you hurt? Are you sure you're OK?"

Xander: "Yes Dawnie I'm fine. Thank you for believing in me, it's nice to know that at least one person does"

Giles: "Xander, I might not be pleased with your keeping this from us, but what you are doesn't change who you are. I know who you are Xander; you are one of the bravest and loyal people I have the good fortune to know. You would never try to hurt us, you would rather die first"

It seems that Dawn and Giles' words have sunk in to Buffy and Willow's heads. Looks of shock and pain flash across their faces and they both come rushing over and join Dawn in hugging me. It is a good thing I am a Savox demon, as I would have been crushed if I were human.

Willow: "Xander I am so sorry! I can't believe I acted like that!"

Buffy: "I'm sorry too Xander. We both know that you would never do anything to hurt us"

Xander: "It's OK you two. Giles is right, I was being harsh to you. It isn't as though I just told you I stubbed my toe"

Willow is the first one to notice my shirt. There are twelve holes in close proximity to each other covering my chest. The look of shock reappears on her face as she finally remembers that Riley shot me.

Willow: "Oh my god Xander your shirt!"

Xander: "That's what happens when someone shoots you Willow, clothes get ruined. Don't worry, I'm fine, they didn't go in. Look on the floor"

Willow, Buffy and Dawn all let go of me and look at the floor. They see twelve flattened bullets. Dawn bends down and picks them up.

Dawn: "That is so cool! Can I keep em?"

Xander: "Yeah Dawn Patrol, you can keep them. Riley, that was some good shooting, you're placement is pretty good, I've seen better though. I'm just glad this isn't my favourite shirt"

Riley was about to say something but Giles cuts him off.

Giles: "OK, it might be wise if we all sit and calm down. Xander, I know that you have reasons why you haven't told us before. It might help us all to understand why if you explain them to us, and then tell us why you have finally decided to tell us."

You've got to love Giles' ability to mediate a situation. If he hadn't been here, I'm sure that thing would be so much worse.

Xander: "OK, I shall start from the beginning. Willow, I never told you when we were younger because I wanted to fit in. You and Jessie were my only friends and I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore. I had another reason not to tell anyone when Buffy and Giles arrived on the scene.

Buffy, you are the Slayer, chosen to kill demons. Giles, you were Buffy's Watcher. If I had told you when I first met you there was a high probability that you would have tried to kill me. At the very least you would never spoken to me or let me help.

Later, the reason changed again. You all had special gifts that helped you, so did Angel and Oz. So do Tara and Riley. You all needed to see what you were fighting for so I decided to become that reason. Without something to keep you grounded, there was a chance that you could have gone the same way that Faith did. She didn't suddenly become the way she did, there were lots of little steps and before she knew it she couldn't turn back.

The reason I am now telling you is because of Dawn. We all know that Glory is the biggest bad we have had to face. Buffy cannot fight her on her own, even with all of your help the chances of defeating her are small"

At this point Dawn starts to cry. I walk over and kneel down in front of her.

Xander: "Dawnie, please don't cry, none of this is your fault. We all love you and there is no way any of us are going to let anything happen to you. This is why I have come clean. With me fighting without holding anything back, everything is going to be fine. Dawn, I give you my word that nothing will happen to you. You know that I always keep my word don't you?"

Dawn: "Yes"

Xander: "Well then everything is going to be fine"

I give Dawn another hug and then return to my seat. I can tell that everyone is taking in my explanation.

Spike: "You know Droopy, this explains a lot"

I'm not sure that I'm going to enjoy this particular conversation.

Xander: "What do you mean Spike?"

Spike: "Peaches was always scared of you since that time you forced him to take you to the Master's lair to find Blondie over there"

Shit. Why the fuck did he have to bring that up. This is not going to go well.

Buffy: "What do you mean 'forced him'?"

Spike: "You never told her did you? I'm going to bloody enjoy this!"

Xander: "Spike, shut up"

Buffy: "No Spike, tell me what you meant"

It seems that the can of worms are open and the little buggers are coming out with a vengeance.

Spike: "Droopy here went to Peaches place and asked him to take him to the Master's lair so he could save you but he wouldn't, saying that there was no point as the Codex prophesied your death and it was never wrong. Droopy then put a cross in his face and told him that if he didn't he'd stake him. So he did"

Buffy: "Xander, is this true?"

I know that if I deny it things will turn out worse. I have no choice but to tell the truth.

Xander: "Yes Buff, it is"

Spike: "I bet you haven't told her about the hospital either"

Xander: "Spike! If you say another word you'll be begging for sunlight before I've finished with you!"

Everyone is shocked by my tone but they ignore me anyway. It seems that it hasn't quite sunk in that I can back up that threat.

Willow: "Xander, what is Spike talking about?"

Xander: "Nothing, absolutely nothing"

Giles: "Xander, do you really think it is wise to try to hide anything at the moment?"

Damn Giles and that stupid logic he likes to use so much. It looks like I have the floor once more.

Xander: "Fine. When Buffy was in hospital with the flu I stayed with her at night in case Angelus showed up. He did and I could tell that he was there to kill her or turn her. I got in his way and he said that I wouldn't be able to stop him. I told him to give it his best shot. He stared at me for a few seconds, said something and ran off"

Buffy: "What did he say?"

Shit, shit, shit. I just can't catch a break tonight can I?

Xander: "It doesn't matter now Buff"

Buffy is using resolve face, it is nearly as potent as Willow's, but still effective.

Buffy: "Xander, what did he say?"

Xander: "He said 'it must kill you that I got there first'"

Once again silence filled the room. Everyone but Dawn knew what he meant. Riley is looking at me like he wants to kill me, even though it was said years ago. Once again it's Giles that breaks the silence.

Giles: "Good Lord! I've just realised something. Xander, you were the one that stopped the bomb"

Those worms still keep leaving that can, don't they?

Xander: "Giles, not you too!"

Willow: "What bomb, I don't remember anything about a bomb?"

Why do these thing have to happen to me?

Xander: "Please Giles, drop it?"

I knew that he wouldn't but I had to try. The bugger even gave me one of his 'Ripper' smiles.

Giles: "I'm sorry Xander but you don't have a say in this. The morning after we fought the Sisterhood of Jhe, I went down to the boiler room to check on Oz. There was a very large bomb there, and the timer had stopped just a couple of seconds before detonation. If it had, we would have all been killed and the Hellmouth would have opened.

My sources had told me that a gang of zombies were responsible and that it was a High School student who stopped them. I had always thought that it was you, especially when I saw that bloody smile of yours when we asked if you were glad you were out of the fight. What I don't know is how you stopped it?"

Xander: "The truth is that I didn't stop the bomb, Jack O'Toole did. He was the leader of the zombie gang. He was stuck in the boiler room and the only way out was to go through me. For a dead guy his need to survive was pretty great so he disconnected the timer when he realised I wasn't moving. There was no way I was going to let you all get killed. I told him to leave and not come back and didn't hear from him again."

Giles: "You wont see him again, Oz took care of that. If you remember the day after he was complaining about feeling overly full"

Willow: "EWWW!!"

Giles: "Indeed"

Xander: "Right then, now that everything is out in the open, I suggest that everyone go home and get some sleep"

Buffy: "You still haven't told us about your time as a stripper"

If Dawn's eyes got any wider, they would pop out of their sockets.

Dawn: "Xander was a STRIPPER!"

Xander: "As I said, NO POWER ON THIS EARTH WILL EVER MAKE ME TELL THAT STORY! Now if you please, leave my apartment. It will be best if you all sleep on this, I shall see you all at the Magic Box tomorrow"

Giles: "Right you are Xander. Come on everyone, let him get his beauty sleep"

I think that went better than I could have dreamed. I told them all who I really was and they still want to be around me. Now that stage is over, the really hard stuff begins. The first thing I need to do is speak to Giles before he has a chance to speak to Buffy.

Chapter 4

I decided to get to the Magic Box early to ensure that I could speak to Giles alone. Neither Buffy nor Willow are known to be morning people so I have some time, but I know that if we talked in the shop they would come in at the wrong moment.

Xander: "Giles? Are you here?"

Giles: "Yes Xander, how are you this morning?"

Xander: "Same old, same old. Can I have a word, preferably somewhere we'll get a heads up if anyone comes?"

Giles: "Yes, of course. Lets go to my office"

Xander: "Giles there are a few things I wanted to talk to you about without the others hearing. The first is that I want you to know that if I knew what Angelus was planning, I would never have let him live. Not killing him when I had the chance will always be my deepest regret"

Giles: "Xander, I do not hold you responsible for Jenny's death, that position has been taken by Angelus. I know that you would never have allowed what occurred to happen if you had prior knowledge of it"

Xander: "Thank you Giles, I really needed to hear that. All I need to do is believe it. The second thing I wanted to talk to you about was Dawn. As you have probably worked out, I always knew that Dawn wasn't actually Buffy's sister.

The reasons I didn't tell anyone was that firstly I didn't think you would believe me when you all had five years of memories that told you otherwise. The other was that I knew she was no danger to us. I surmised that anyone with the power to create a human and supplant memories of that person into all of us would have simply wiped us out of existence if their intention was to harm us"

Giles: "I thought that was the reason. I am guessing that you would rather not let Dawn know that you were aware she wasn't who even she believed she was"

Xander: "She has had to deal with so much in such a short space of time, I don't want to add to that. The third is about the prophecy that I know you have found by now"

It is always nice to get that look of surprise from Giles, especially when it is focused at me.

Giles: "I am going to have to get used to your new found intelligence"

Xander: "I would almost find that insulting if you weren't telling the truth. It was always there Giles, I simply felt it wasn't right to use it"

Giles: "Yes, I suppose having thousands of years worth of knowledge at your disposal would give you an advantage in any subject. I take it that the prophecy you are talking about is the one in the Codex?"

Xander: "Got it in one Giles. 'The love of the Slayer and the Savox White Knight will bring about the end of Glory, but only through the sacrifice of the Savox White Knight'. Does that about cover it?"

Giles: "Yes it does. I take it you have worked out what it means?"

Xander: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it basically means that Buffy will finally return my love just in time for me to die defeating Glory. I've said it before and I've said it again, prophecies suck."

Giles: "I never knew that you still had feelings for Buffy? Are you sure it is you the prophecy talks about?"

Xander: "As far as my having feelings for Buffy are concerned, there hasn't been a moment since I saw her that I haven't loved her. I knew that you would remember that prophecy as soon as I told you I was a Savox demon. I found it in the Codex myself a couple of years ago; I have been reading up on demon lore and prophecy secretly since I met you.

When I first read it, I originally thought Glory meant happiness, which was why I stopped actively pursuing Buffy. There was no way I wanted to be responsible for destroying happiness, there isn't enough in the world as it is.

As soon as I found out what we were facing, I had to come forward. I didn't talk about the prophecy last night, as the only person I want to know about this other than myself is you. As for being certain it talks about me, I am certain because someone has already called me Buffy's white knight"

Giles: "Who?"

Xander: "Angelus called me her white knight that time in the hospital. Who would have thought that Angelus would be useful?"

Giles: "OK, I agree with you that the prophecy concerns you, but it also concerns Buffy. Don't you think that she has a right to know?"

Xander: "If it didn't talk about my death, or her falling in love with me, or if it didn't come from the codex I would have said yes. She has played a part in a codex prophecy before, and we all know how that went. Buffy will hate the fact that she is in another and we both know that she would devote too much time in trying to find another way.

The same reasoning applies to the fact that it says I'm going to die. The thought of one of her friends being destined to die will eat her up inside, making her useless to us when it comes to the final fight.

The third is more complicated. If she is to fall in love with me, it needs to happen of her own free will. It won't work if it was because a piece of paper says she will"

Giles: "Xander, I understand your reasons behind it, I even agree with some of them but I still think they need to be told"

Xander: "For God sake Giles, you and I both know that the only other way to prevent Glory from opening the gateway is to kill Dawn. I will not allow Buffy to even consider having to choose between us. We all know that the guilt would consume her completely.

Don't forget that I am going to die Giles, I would rather they not have to time to dwell on that. I don't know that I could go through with it if they knew, it would be too hard for me"

His tone and face soften as soon as the reakisation that I will die hits him.

Giles: "I'm sorry Xander. I am having a hard time getting over the fact that you're going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. If you remember I didn't take the fact that Buffy was to die too well. I cannot imagine how you have been able to cope with the knowledge all on your own, but I still cannot bring myself to lie to the others"

Xander: "Don't worry Giles, I would never ask you to lie to them about it. They'll have to find out at some point, but I would rather it would be when there was no turning back.

What I am asking is that you don't volunteer the information. I don't need them stressing themselves over something they cannot avoid, especially when that something is my death"

Giles: "Xander, I realise that this whole situation is not easy for you and I wish that things were different. I promise you that I wont tell anyone about the prophecy, but I will not outright lie about it. If anyone asks me directly about it I will tell him or her what I know.

There is something else that I feel needs to be discussed. I hate to be blunt about it but Buffy has never shown any feelings toward you other than friendship"

Xander: "Giles that is something I have been aware of for nearly five years. I also know that if and when she does start to feel that way, she will fight them as much as she can. She won't want to ruin the relationship that we already have, not to mention the fact she is in a relationship with Riley. But as you have told me before, the codex is always right. It is a shame really"

Giles: "What is?"

Xander: "It's a shame that she couldn't have fallen in love with me when she thought I was Xander Harris, average human being. She has to know I'm an extremely powerful demon before I even get a look in"

I can't help but sound bitter, I mean the thought of Buffy feeling the same way I do has been my greatest wish for as long as I've known her. When I found the prophecy, I thought that we would fall in love and then I could finally tell her the truth. Then when Glory showed up I realised that she would never fall in love with whom I am but what I am.

Giles: "Xander, I just want you to know how proud I am of you, of you all. I have come to think of you as my children and in that respect I am the luckiest father on the planet"

Xander: "Thanks Giles, you have no idea what that means to me"

Giles: "Xander, I have just realised something. You haven't called me G-Man for a few days now"

Xander: "I always used that name to distract you when I came up with a good idea. Once I realised I had to tell you all, I started to tone down the way I acted. I have always used humour as a way of deflecting the way I really feel, I know you had all worked that out. You just thought that I was doing it for different reasons"

Giles: "I must admit that you did go over the top at times but your knack for easing a tense situation has always been useful"

Xander: "Don't worry Giles, the Humour hasn't gone completely, I just won't be using in every sentence anymore"

Our conversation ends when we hear the bell of the front door ringing.

Buffy: "Giles! Where are you?"

Giles: "In my office. I'll be right out"

We leave his office to find Buffy, Willow, Tara and Dawn waiting in the shop. I didn't expect Riley to show, he's still probably conflicted over how to treat me.

Willow: "Xander, you're here early"

Xander: "Good morning Willow. How nice it is to see you"

Willow: "Sorry Xander, morning"

Xander: Don't worry about it. Morning Buff, morning Dawn Patrol"

Buffy/Dawn: "Morning Xaanderr"

They know that annoys me, which is why they insist on doing it.

Xander: "To get to your original question, I knew Giles would want to compare notes as far as my abilities were concerned, so I thought I would get it out of the way. There's still a couple of things he wants to go over but we can do that tomorrow, right Giles?"

Giles: "Yes, of course Xander"

I knew that Giles wanted to talk to me about my family history, who am I to begrudge him? Anyway, I want to let him know as much as possible while I can. Although I haven't talked to Giles about it, I know what he is about to do.

Giles: "Now you are here Buffy, I thought it would be an idea for you to train with Xander. This way you don't have to worry about holding back. It would also be a good chance for me to see Xander in action"

Willow: "You've seen Xander fight before Giles, it wasn't much to look at"

Even with everything that happened last night, Willow still can't get the idea of bumbling useless Xander out of her head.

Xander: "Will, you have never seen me fight. You saw how I knew you all expected me to fight; badly"

Dawn: "You mean that every time you got beaten up by a vamp or a demon you allowed them to?"

For a girl so young she has a wicked sense of humour.

Xander: "Well, yes I did but not because I wanted them to or because I liked it. Throwing them around like rag dolls would have required an explanation"

Buffy: "Come on Xan we all know you're strong, your little demonstration last night proved that, but that doesn't mean you can fight"

Giles and I look at each other and smile. I have a feeling that Giles is going to enjoy this.

Giles: "Buffy, I believe your opinion on Xander's fighting skills may well change after your training session"

Xander: "Before that, I just want to have a quick word with Tara if that's OK?"

Tara: "S-sure X-xander"

Willow: "Why do you want to talk to Tara Xander?"

Xander: "Don't worry, it's nothing bad I promise Wills. Is it OK if we use your office Giles? Buffy needs to do her warm up exercises first anyway"

Giles: "Of course Xander"

Xander: "Great! Coming Tara?"

Tara: "Y-yes"

Tara and I leave them to it and go to Giles' office.

Xander: "There's no need to panic Tara. I just wanted to see if you were OK, you didn't say a lot last night"

Tara: "I didn't think it was my place"

Xander: "Tara, you're part of the family. You opinion matters to me, to all of us in fact"

She looks surprised that I would say that. We really need to help her with her self confidence.

Tara: "I was just thinking about when I cast that spell to hide my 'demon' half. We couldn't see those demons that came to attack us but we could still see you"

Xander: "That is because Savox demons cannot be detected by any means, including magic. As your spell would have needed to detect me as a Demon for it to affect me, it couldn't make me invisible. I can still be effected by magic, but the effects are greatly diminished"

Tara: "Was there something else you wanted to talk about?"

Xander: "I just wanted to say that you have been the best thing to happen in Willow's life. I can see how much you love each other. I'm just sorry I haven't said so before, I must admit it took me a while to get used to Willow seeing another woman. I think that it was the best decision that Willow has ever made"

She smiles at that. Tara has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen and she needs to use it more often. We go back into the shop and Willow comes over looking worried.

Willow: "Is everything OK Tara?"

Tara gets a mischievous look in her eyes, something I had never seen from her before.

Tara: "Everything is fine sweetie, Xander just wanted to tell me that he loves me and wants to go to Vegas and elope"

Tara then puts her arm around my waist. I am shocked but I quickly recover and put my arm around her shoulders.

Willow: "WHAT!"

Xander: "I'm sorry Willow, I can't help how I feel. I mean she's so HOT!"

Willow looks as though she is about to explode. It only takes a few seconds before Tara cracks and begins to laugh. I soon follow and it doesn't take long before Willow cotton's on. She pulls us apart and starts to hug Tara.

Willow: "How could you do that to me, that's just mean!"

Tara: "Sorry honey, I just couldn't help myself"

Xander: "I would just like to say that I had no idea she was going to do that, but I have no guilt about joining in. I would also like to say that I still think that Tara is hot"

Tara's face now blends in perfectly with willow's hair. Giles and Buffy come out of the training room.

Buffy: "Come on Xan, I'm all warmed up and ready to kick your ass!"

Xander: "I've had dreams that begin like that Buff"

Buffy: "Now I'm really going to kick your ass Harris!"

Xander: "Whatever you say, Slayer"

Buffy: "Who do you think you are, Spike?"

Xander: "Well I know that vampires turn you on, so if you want to role play that's fine with me"


Xander: "As you wish"

Buffy storms off into the training room, if this was a cartoon there would be steam coming from her ears.

Giles: "Do you think it is wise to anger her like that?"

Xander: "She wont fight to her full potential unless she actually wants to hurt me, which only happens when she's angry. She still sees me as just a normal human"

Giles: "Good point. Let's get this over with, I can't wait to see her face"

Xander: "Neither can I Giles"

We both go into the training room to find a very pissed of Slayer waiting for me in an attack posture. She also has a smug little smile on her face. That won't be there long. Giles, Willow, Dawn and Tara all sit down to watch the show.

Buffy: "Let's see how the great and powerful Sanex demon fairs against the Slayer shall we?"

Xander: "As you wish. By the way, that's Savox demon, little girl"

Buffy: "LITTLE GIRL! Let's do this!"

Xander: "As you wish"

I knew that would do it. She comes charging at me, expecting to finish it early. It won't be. At the last moment, I sidestep her and she runs into the wall.

Xander: "Aww, did the little girlie miss?"

She charges me again and once again I sidestep but this time I trip her and she lands hard on the mat.

Xander: "Are you going to hit me or can I sit down?"

She gets up and get into a fighting posture once more. This time though she doesn't try to rush me. It looks like she's wised up.

Buffy: "Why don't you come over here so I can hit you?"

Xander: "As you wish"

I walk over to her and match her stance. She tries to knock me down with a foot sweep but I jump it. She then tries a roundhouse kick and I duck it. For the next couple of minutes, she tries every attack she knows and I dodge them all with ease. With every growing second she is getting madder.

Buffy: "Stay still so I can hit you!"

Xander: "As you wish"

I do as she asks and stay still. She hits me with an uppercut and follows it with a kick to my ribs. I don't move an inch. She hits me with everything she's got and I still don't move an inch. After a few minutes of this I can see that she is close to completely losing it.

Buffy: "Fight back you son of a bitch!"

Xander: "As you wish"

She goes to hit me with a right cross, I block it and get her with a palm strike to the chest followed by a roundhouse that catches her right on the chin. In the same motion I sweep he legs and she comes crashing down on the mat. She looks dazed but otherwise unharmed. She jumps up and tries to hit me with a spin kick; I trap her leg under my arm right arm and then throw her into the air. She manages to land on her feet but before she can do anything I kick her in the stomach, which knocks the wind out of her. I throw her to the ground and pin her arms above her with one hand and sit on her legs before she can do anything about it.

Buffy: "Get off me!"

Xander: "As you wish"

I immediately get up and move a few paces away. I glance over to the others and find Giles smiling and Dawn and Tara with their mouths open. Willow looks shocked as well but I can see she's thinking about something. She's probably worked out what I'm doing. In the corner of my eye I can see Buffy charging at me again but as she is expecting me to sidestep I decide to stay perfectly still. She runs into me and falls back.

Buffy: "Damn Xander, it feels like I've run into a brick wall! Help me up will you?"

Xander: "As you wish"

I offer my hand, which she accepts and pulls herself up. As soon as she is up, she kicks me in the side as hard as she can and then kicks me full in the face, all while holding onto my hand. She then does the one thing I never thought she would do to me, she kicks me as hard as she can in the balls. I flinch but only through reflex, I doesn't actually hurt. When she sees that I'm unharmed, she looks even more pissed off, if such a thing were possible. A moment later her expression changes when she realises she just kicked her best friend in the balls as hard as she could. I can tell she wants to apologise, but her anger stops her.

Buffy: "OK, OK, you can stop now Xander"

Xander: "As you wish"

I walk over and grab a towel and a bottle of water, greedily drinking until the bottle is empty. Giles is still smiling, Tara and Dawn have their jaws almost touching the floor and Willow has a look of astonishment. Buffy has a look of pure defeat, in fact her entire posture is screaming 'I just got my ass whooped'. I hate to see her that way but it would be the only way she would accept my abilities.

Dawn: "Xander, that was WOW!"

Tara: "I-I have to a-agree with D-dawnie"

Xander: "So Giles, does that give you an idea of my abilities?"

Giles: "Yes, I do believe that will be sufficient for now Xander"

Xander: "Buffy, I hope you know that I wasn't trying to humiliate you"

Buffy: "You have a funny way of showing it"

Xander: "You are a formidable fighter and you are rightly feared in the demon world. But Glory is a demon GODDESS, she could destroy this town without breaking a sweat. The only reason she hasn't is because the key is here and she needs it. If I went one on one against her I would last maybe a minute before she would hand you my carcass on a silver platter. I know that you like to face everything head on, but this time we need to avoid a fight unless we have no choice"

Buffy: "I know you're right Xander, it's just frustrating that this isn't a problem I can fix by killing something. I also know that you would never try to humiliate me, it's just going to take some getting used to not being the strongest person in the group"

Xander: "No matter what happens Buff, you'll always be my hero"

Willow still hasn't said a word. I know she has worked it out by now; I need her to work it out so she can explain it to Buffy. One of the things I have learned over the years, is that taking the direct approach with Buffy never works out, she hates to back down from a confrontation and almost always picks the opposing viewpoint to your own. Subtlety works much better, which is why I am bringing Willow into the equation, even if she doesn't realise it.

Xander: "Are you alright Willow?"

Willow: "Huh?"

Xander: "Wills, come on what is it?"

Willow: "Nothing Xan, honestly I'm fine, better than fine in fact"

Xander: "OK, do you really think I would fall for that?"

Willow: "No, not really but I thought I would give it a shot anyway"

Xander: "Tara, do you mind if I borrow your girlfriend for a while, I need to have a word with her"

Tara: "I-I don't mind X-xander"

Xander: "Good. Come along Willow, there's a good girl"

Willow: "I'm not a damn dog you know!"

Xander: "Believe me I know, dogs are better trained"

That little remark gets me a punch to the shoulder and a kick to the shins. It didn't hurt but I pretend it does, Willow would only keep hitting me until I did.

Buffy: "Don't you go too far Xand, I want a rematch!"

Xander: "As you wish"

I lead Willow out to the back of the shop and sit her down on one of the crates.

Xander: "Come on Wills, spill. What is it?"

Willow: "You love Buffy"

Xander: "Yes, I love Buffy. I love you too. I also love Tara, Dawn and even Giles. What's your point?"

I can't give it up too easily or she'll know something is up. I also can't resist annoying Willow a little bit.

Willow: "You know what I'm talking about. You LOVE Buffy"

Xander: "Didn't I just agree with you on that?"

Willow: "Xander don't annoy me! You know and I know what I'm getting at. You don't just love Buffy, you're IN love with Buffy"

Xander: "Again I have to ask what your point is?"

Willow: "You're not even going to deny it!"

Xander: "What do you want from me? You accuse me of being in love with Buffy and then when I admit it you have a go at me! You have got to make up your mind woman!"

Willow: "What are you going to do about it?"

Xander: "Nothing"

Willow: "WHAT!"

Xander: "There is nothing I can do. Buffy is with Riley and unless that changes, which I can't see happening; I will not act on those feelings. I learn from my lessons Wills, I will not go through again what happened with us"

I know that it hurts for her to remember what happened senior year, but she understands that if I did act, I would be doing it all over again.

Willow: "How long have you felt this way?"

Xander: "Since the day Buffy started at SHS"

Willow: "How can that be?"

Xander: "Don't get me wrong, the strength of my feelings for her hasn't been the same all this time. I wouldn't have gone out with Cordy and Anya if they were. My feelings for her started to increase a couple of months ago. Even if Anya hadn't left I would have broken things off with her before too long, it wouldn't have been fair on her if I had stayed in a relationship with her feeling the way I do. All I know is that I will never love another woman before I die. Buffy is it for me, whether she ever finds out or not"

Willow pulls me into a hug.

Willow: "Oh Xand, I wish I could do something for you"

Don't worry Willow you will help. You just don't know it yet.

Xander: "There is nothing you can do Wills, but it's good to know that you're there for me"

Willow: "Always"

Xander: "OK, lets get you back to Tara before she gets jealous"

Willow: "And of course you have your rematch with Buffy to look forward to"

Xander: "I love her more than life itself but I can't help but enjoy kicking her ass"

That is the first part of the plan completed. The second part is going to be more difficult. No matter how Buffy feels, all the time she is with Riley nothing will happen. However I recently found something out about Riley that really won't be happy about. I feel bad about it but I need them to break up and this is the only way this will work.

Chapter 5

It has been a week since my little revelation, and Buffy and I are walking through the warehouse district of Sunnydale. It's about noon and there isn't a cloud in the sky. I can't remember the last time we have taken a walk together in daylight. Buffy looks beautiful in moonlight but she looks even better in the day. The suns rays catch her hair in such a way that it makes it glow, a glow that is reserved only for God's most cherished creations. I could wax lyrical about the limitless beauty that is Buffy Summers but I am brought out of my reverie when we reach a three-storey building. It has seen better days and it seems that no one wanted to build next to it as it has wasteland on all sides. I stop and Buffy turns to me with a questioning look on her face.

Buffy: "Why are we here?"

Xander: "I thought that you would want to see how I can handle myself against some vampires and this is the perfect place to do that. I wanted to come during the day because it would ensure I got them all"

Buffy: "If Vamps are here why hasn't Giles never told me about it before?"

Xander: "They don't pose a threat to you. This is a vamp version of a whorehouse"

Buffy: "Huh?"

Xander: "Humans and vampires come here and pay to have sex with them or to bite them"

Buffy: "That's sick!"

Xander: "I agree but they have never posed a threat as the only people that go there do so willingly. I would have taken it out sooner but that would have raised a few questions that I didn't want to answer. However, now you all know about me I can. By the way, how come Riley isn't here, I would have thought he would have come along, if only to try and protect you from me"

Buffy: "He's been pretty busy recently. To be honest he hasn't really been the same since the Initiative came back"

I know the real reason why he isn't here and in a few minutes Buffy is going to find out. I just wish there was another way to do this but I doubt that she would believe it if she didn't witness it with her own two eyes.

Xander: "I was hoping to have a word with him. Since my revelation last week he has been giving me looks that give me the impression that he wants me dead"

Buffy: "I have noticed and I'm sorry about that. I think he still has a problem with there being demons that are not evil. He had the same problem with Angel and Oz"

Xander: "I can't talk about Oz but I think the problem he has with Angel is more personal than that. I don't think Riley likes to think you have had boyfriends before he showed up. I don't suppose that it helped that one of them, even if he is a good guy"

Buffy: "You think that Angel is a good guy?"

Xander: "Of course I do"

Buffy: "Then why don't you like him?"

That answer is far too difficult to answer right now so I go for the easy option; a patented Xander answer.

Xander: "He wears too much hair gel. I ask you, how does someone with no reflection manage to get their hair to look like that?"

Buffy tries but fails miserably to hide the giggles that are building within her. God she looks even more beautiful than normal.

Buffy: "You know, I never thought about it, Spike is the same way. It must run in the family or something"

I have about a thousands comments I would normally make right now but I just can't bring myself to use any of them.

Xander: "Anyway, lets go in and I want your word that you will not help me in any way"

Buffy: "I promise I won't help you, but if they come at me all bets are off"

Xander: "As you wish"

We go inside and I can tell that Buffy is already fighting the urge to not to vomit. The first thing that hits you is the smell; a mixture of sex and death so pungent that it overpowers your senses. Then there are the sounds of the clients; their moans and screams bombard your ears and you soon begin to wish that you were deaf.

There are no doors so you can see into all of the rooms, which just makes it worse as the sounds aren't muffled at all, as well as the fact you can see all of the depraved things that people need to give them pleasure. Every window is boarded up so that no sunlight can get through, that way they can be open for business 24 hours a day. There are people having sex with vamps, some are getting beaten, some are beating others. Then there are those who go to be bitten by vamps. The sudden blood loss can give a euphoric effect without the side effects that come with narcotics. They are never drained, as they rely on repeat business, as well as the fact that Buffy would become involved and that would not do their long-term survival any good.

We go up the stairs where more clients are being seen to; again all of the doors are missing. I guess that they must have had an accidental staking incident and decided to remove them to stop it happening again. We climb the stairs to the top floor and we start to hear a familiar voice moaning. As we get to the room the moans are coming from, we a familiar face and for Buffy a familiar ass.


Riley: "Buffy, it's not what you think!"

Buffy: "Riley, you're fucking one vampire while being bitten by another!"

Ooh, busted!

Riley: "OK, it is what you think"

Xander: "Buff, get Riley and the other humans out of here and I'll take care of the rest"


Xander: "You gave me your word Buff, please don't break it over this prick. I promise you that they won't live to regret it"

During our little conversation, Riley has been wise enough to put on his trousers and shirt. He looks annoyed that I called him a prick. If I were speaking factually I would have called him a little prick.

Riley: "Stay out of this Harris, you're nothing but a stinking demon!"

That was all I needed to justify knocking him out. I had wanted to do it as soon as I found out what he was doing. The bastard says that he loves her and then goes and fucks something else. I know that I have been in a similar situation so I can't exactly take the moral high ground, but I would have never have paid a stranger to have sex with, let alone a vampire. Buffy grabs the unconscious Riley and not very carefully throws him over her shoulder.

Buffy: "Listen up! Anyone who can leave without bursting into flames do so now! Anyone that stays will make the mistake of their life!"

After giving her warning, she then walks down the stairs. I can hear her giving the same message to the clients down there and then I hear her smash down the front door. I wait until Buffy, Riley and all the other clients have left before I begin, I don't want her to see just how vicious I can be, not yet anyway.

The first thing I do is punch through the chest of the vampires that were 'servicing' Riley, removing their hearts and crushing them in my hands. I found out a few years ago that this was another way to dust a vamp when I went on a solo patrol and ran out of stakes. I use it when I am angry because it really hurts the vamps before they start blowing in the wind.

Now those two are gone, I start to systematically kill every single demon on this floor. Using my superior strength and speed I go from room to room, using the sword I brought with me I begin decapitating one demon after another. They barely know what hit them before they turn to dust, a look of surprise on their faces.

Once I finish with everyone on this floor, I go downstairs and start taking heads. They try and make a fight of it they're no match for me. Unluckily for me some of the workers here aren't vampires and I soon get covered in demon goop, something which although not uncommon in this line of work is still extremely annoying.

By the time I've finished I've taken out thirty-five vamps and five demons. I go outside and catch the tail end of the 'conversation' between Buffy and Riley.

Riley: "You're a hypocrite! You fucked Angel and that went SO well didn't it!"

If you needed proof of inbreeding and that it lowers intelligence, Riley just provided it.

Buffy: "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! What happened with Angel and I was completely different. We loved each other when we slept together; we had no idea that his curse would be lifted, if we had known we wouldn't have. You're paying vamp WHORES to fuck and bite you. Don't you DARE try and say that I'm a hypocrite!"

Although I don't quite believe that bit about them not sleeping together if they had known about the happiness clause, I do believe that if she could change what had happened, she would.

Riley: "If you had paid more attention to me I might not have had to find it somewhere else"

Just when you thought that someone couldn't get any more stupid, Riley proves you wrong.

Buffy: "Lets see; My mother has a brain tumour and my sister is required by a Goddess to open a portal between dimensions, which will destroy the world if opened. I do apologise if these tiny problems stop me from giving you my undivided attention!"

Riley: "Now you've got Harris he can look after all that and you can spend your time with me. It isn't as though it would matter if he died anyway, he is just a demon after all"

It is at this juncture that I decide to let my presence be felt. I feel that he needs to learn not to insult me.

Xander: "Hey Riley, want to see a neat trick?"

Before he could respond, I start to push against the side of the whorehouse. After a few seconds, you can start to hear sounds of movement from the building. I apply more pressure as I need to do this fast. Soon the building begins to tilt, I hear gasps of surprise from both Buffy and IowaBoy.

Knowing that the building will soon collapse, I give one more push and topple the building onto its side. As it hits the ground, it collapses, sending a large cloud of dust into the air. Once the dust had settled, I turned round to face Buffy and Riley. They are both looking stunned and rightly so. After a couple of seconds of giving Riley a glare that, if it were able to, would have melted his skin from his bones I speak.

Xander: "Riley, what is going on between you and Buffy is exactly that, between you and Buffy. It has nothing to do with me, Angel, Dawn or anybody else. If I hear that you are trying to pass the buck again instead of dealing with the real issues, I promise that I will separate every part of you from every other part of you. Buffy, if you want I will leave you and G.I. Joe here alone and meet you at the Magic Shop."

Buffy: "Don't worry Xand you can stay, I'll be with you in just a minute. Riley, there is nothing you could say that would justify what you have done or the way you have just talked to me. I cannot be with someone who wants me to forget about my family and friends. We are over; if I ever see you again it will be too soon. You aren't needed here, now FUCK OFF!"

Riley: "You can't mean that Buffy, I love you and you love me!"

Buffy: "You can't love me or you would never have gone to those THINGS instead of talking to me like an adult. I may have had feelings for you before, but seeing you in there doing what you were doing has destroyed them. Goodbye Riley"

With tears in her eyes, Buffy runs off in the direction of her home. I knock Riley out again and then run after her. It doesn't take long for me to catch her up, even with her slayer-enhanced speed.

Xander: "I'm sure that this is going to be a stupid question, but are you OK?"

Buffy: "I'm not filled with the joys of spring but I am going to be fine. Why does every man I know betray or leave me? Do I deserve this?"

Xander: "No one deserves to be treated the way Riley has treated you. I am probably the last person you should speak to as far as betrayal is concerned, I mean I have lied to you all from the moment I met you. I didn't tell you about Willow trying to put Angel's soul back; I cheated on Cordelia with Willow. I am no better that Riley is"

Buffy: "You're right Xander, you have done all of those things. But you're wrong about being like Riley"

Xander: "No, I'm worse"

Buffy: "You are my best friend Xander. When you didn't tell me what Willow was doing, it was because you knew I would not have gone all out against Angelus and the world would have ended. The whole 'Fluke' thing was as much Willow's fault as it was yours, you were both in relationships and neither one forced the other. The reasons you never told us you were a demon were all valid, although it did hurt that you didn't trust us with it"

Xander: "You have no idea how many times I wanted to tell you all. Something always came up to stop me. The times when you tried to exclude me from the group for my own safety were the worst. I wanted to tell you then just to rub your noses into it, but I knew that if I did it would have destroyed our friendships completely. I am just so grateful that you have not told me to leave"

Buffy: "There is nothing that could happen for me to tell you to leave. Anyway, you have lived here longer than me so I would have no right to do that. What I am trying to tell you is that you have always tried to do what was best for us all, not just what was best for you. You are nothing like Riley, you are my Xander-shaped friend"

How can one phrase make you happy and break your heart at the same time?

Xander: "As you wish. Are you sure that you want to break up with Riley? I know that what he has done is bad, but you love him don't you?"

What the fuck am I saying? There are times when I am sure that my voice is not attached to my brain!

Buffy: "I don't think I ever loved Riley, I cared for him a lot but I was never in love with him. Now I feel nothing for him, what he has done is worse than having an affair. With an affair it would have been someone else that he cared for, I might have been able to forgive him. He has been paying a complete stranger to fuck him, even worse to bite him and drink his blood. I could never stay with a person who could do that"

Xander: "Well at least we know he won't be doing that again"

Buffy: "Yeah. Anyway, what you did with that building was amazing! If you have always been able to do that it must have been unbearable to have allowed yourself to get beat up all those times"

Xander: "You have no idea how many times I was close to snapping and using my favourite way of killing a vamp"

Buffy: "What's that?"

Xander: "You won't like it. I punch into their chest, pull out their heart and crush it"

Buffy: "EWW, that's just gross! I didn't even think that would work!"

Xander: "Neither did I until I was out patrolling one night while I was on my 'journey of discovery'. I went to stake a vamp but I didn't realise that I didn't have one in my hand. I punched into its chest and pulled out its heart. I have never seen a vampire as shocked as I had that night. When it went to attack me again, I crushed its heart and it went 'poof'. I admit it is a little gory but it is the best form of stress relief I have found outside of the bedroom"

I don't get to see Buffy blush very often but it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

Buffy: "I've just remembered, with everything that has been going on I had forgotten that Anya has left. How are you doing?"

Xander: "OK really, although I never figured that she would take my news so badly. I thought that of all of you she would have been the most supportive, being an ex-demon herself. I can't really blame her for leaving, I had said I would help her rediscover her humanity when I wasn't even human myself"

Buffy: "I would have thought that you would be more upset that she was leaving?"

Xander: "If I was being really honest, our relationship didn't have much beyond great sex. She hasn't got used to her human emotions so she couldn't understand what the feelings she had for me meant. I care for her but there was never any real love there, although I know that with time there could have been. She is just to new to our world for anything to happen"

There was of course the small matter of being totally, madly in love with a certain Buffy Summers.

Buffy: "Do you think she'll come back?"

Xander: "I honestly don't know. I hope that wherever she does end up, she is happy"

Buffy: "So do I. I may not have liked her very much, but she came through for us a few times so I don't wish anything bad to happen to her"

Xander: "If she does come back, it might be wise not to wish anything around her until we know she can't fulfil them"

Buffy: "Do you think she'd go get her powers back?"

Xander: "I hope not but she was pretty hurt over everything that happened"

Buffy: "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We make quite a pair don't we?"

If she only meant that the way I wanted, I would be the luckiest man on the planet. OK, so I would be the luckiest demon on the planet. Either way I would be very lucky.

Xander: "Yes, yes we do"

Buffy: "OK then, lets get back to the Magic Box"

Xander: "As you wish"

Chapter 6

It has been a couple of days since the incident at the whorehouse and there has been a lull in activity so we have been making the most of it. Buffy and the others have been asking for demonstrations of my strength and speed, the last of which was a race between Joyce's car and myself. I can tell you that Buffy was more than a little annoyed when I was there when the car arrived to open the door for her. Giles has been more interested in my family history; I think that he wants to compare notes with the watcher's archives. I have told him everything he has asked but I can tell that there is a question he wants to ask but is unsure of how to ask it.

Xander: "Out with it Giles"

Giles: "What do you mean Xander?"

Xander: "Ever since you have been asking questions about my families past, you haven't asked the question or questions you really want to"

Giles: "I am still having trouble getting accustomed to your keen observational skills"

Xander: "They were always there, I simply used them in a more discreet way. So having given your subtle confession that I am right, why don't you ask away"

Giles: "I have two questions really. The first is why don't Savox demons ever take power in demon circles. They only ever seem to either protect demons in power or assassinate them"

Xander: "Basically it's because we're too smart"

Giles: "What do you mean 'too smart'?"

Xander: "You are never in more danger than when you are at the top Giles. As we can almost guarantee a person's safety, we get very well paid for our services. It also gives us more freedom; it is very rare for a leader to be able to go where they want or do what they want. Even if it is almost impossible to kill us, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't have a go. Having to endure one assassination attempt after another would become annoying in the extreme"

Giles: "Yes, I can see how that would. As to my other question I was wondering whether you know if you can defeat Glory?"

Xander: "Nope, not a chance in hell"

Giles: "Please Xander, don't beat about the bush and give me an honest answer"

Xander: "It's only been a few years but we've finally managed to get you to use sarcasm Giles. This is a day to be remembered"

He starts to chuckle before he has a chance to stop himself.

Giles: "Yes it is. It is definitely going on my calendar. I believe I may have found something that will help you in defeating Glory"

Xander: "Well don't keep me in suspense Giles, tell me what it is"

Giles: "There is a legend of a sword that can defeat gods, called the Sword of Avalon. It was believed to have been used in ancient Greece to defeat the god Ares. As you know, all legends have some semblance of truth within them and so I believe that this sword does exist. I have all of my contacts looking for it and I have contacted Angel and he is also in search of it"

Xander: "OK, I am guessing that there is a but in there somewhere, otherwise you would be telling everyone and not just myself"

Giles: "Once again your observation skills are correct. The legend states that the sword can only be wielded by a demon. Also for it to have the power to defeat the god, it will need to take the life force of the wielder"

Xander: "Ah, which would seem to be in keeping with the prophecy"

Giles: "Indeed. The only problem is that the legend does not describe how to activate the weapon"

Xander: "I'm guessing that if it didn't need to be activated, every demon that touched it would die"

Giles: "Exactly"

Xander: "I have a feeling that the trigger is love"

Giles: "Why do you think that?"

Xander: "It is the only part of the prophecy that hasn't been explained yet"

Giles: "You could be right. It is a theory at least"

Xander: "Well now we have that out of the way, I need to leave to meet up with Buffy and the others. By the way, I may be able to help Joyce"

Giles: "HOW!"

I knew that Giles still had a soft spot for Joyce, he has never done anything about it for fear of Buffy disapproving.

Xander: "Normally healing spells are very dangerous for the caster. Luckily you are in the presence of someone who is very hard to kill. Several of my ancestors were very adept with magic and as I have genetic memory so am I. I didn't want to bring it up until I was almost certain. I wont be completely certain until I do it"

Giles: "When will you be doing it?"

Xander: "Tonight. Joyce says that she wanted to talk to me about the whole being-a-demon thing. I have already told everyone that you would be there to help explain anything I was unable to"

I knew that Giles would want to be there to ensure that I did everything correctly. Everyone is still getting used to the confident and self-assured Xander that I have finally been able to become.

Giles: "Your ability to manipulate is worrying"

Xander: "I only use it for the greater good Giles, anyway I didn't want to get Buffy's hopes up. Joyce won't even be aware I am performing the spell until it is completed, I'll perform a glamour spell before we get there so she will believe that she is having the usual light hearted conversation that she has had to get used to since we found out about her condition. I'll meet you here at seven as I said we'll be there at seven-thirty, OK?"

Giles: "Absolutely Xander, I'll see you then"

I leave the Magic Shop and make my way to the park where I'm meeting Buffy, Willow, Tara and Dawn for a picnic. As I approach them I can see that they are deep in conversation. Being the nosy individual that I am, I decide to sneak up and hide in some nearby bushed to listen in.

Buffy: "He is really starting to piss me off Wills!"

I hope that Riley isn't causing her any trouble. If he is I may have to pay him a visit.

Willow: "What is Xander doing that has got you so mad?"

Ah, it seems that I have finally got to her. I must admit that it has taken longer than I thought, what with her famous short temper and all.

Dawn: "You're not still annoyed because he didn't tell us about his being a demon are you?"

Buffy: "No Dawnie. Demon or not, he is still Xander and that is enough for me. The reason I am so annoyed is that almost every time I talk to him his response to me is 'as you wish'. He says it in the same way every time. No matter what I talk about he always manages to get that phrase in. All I know is that if he keeps doing it, indestructible or not I am going to kick his ASS!"

Willow is trying to hide the fit of giggles I know are welling up.

Tara: "Don't you think that would be rather excessive?"

Buffy: "Not if I want to keep my sanity"

Willow by this point is in a fit of hysterics.

Dawn: "Willow, what's so funny?"

Willow: "Buffy, what is Xander's favourite movie that doesn't include a light sabre?"

Buffy: "The Princess Bride, why?"

Looks of realisation appear in the faces of Dawn and Tara. Buffy of course remains oblivious.

Tara/Dawn: "OH!"

Buffy: "What?"

Willow: "Do you remember what Westley always said to Buttercup?"

A small glimmer of recognition flickered across Buffy's face.

Buffy: "As you wish"

Willow: "And what was it that he meant?"

I don't think I have seen Buffy look quite as surprised before.

Buffy: "I love you. Are you trying to tell me what I think you are trying to tell me?"

Willow: "If you mean am I trying to tell you that Xander loves you, then yes I am. If you don't then no"

Buffy: "Oh"

Oh? Oh? She has just found out that I love her and all she says is oh! Bloody marvellous! I have to spend less time with Spike. I decide that this would probably be the best time to make my presence known so I make my way back to where they would expect me and jog over.

Xander: "Hi guys, sorry for my tardiness. You know how Giles gets when he gets into something. Buffy, are you OK?"

Buffy: "Huh? Oh, yeah Xand I'm fine. Could you pass me a bottle of water, I'm feeling kinda thirsty"

I just can't help myself.

Xander: "As you wish"

I pass the bottle of water to Buffy, who is trying to decide whether to blush or hit me, the blush winning out but only just. Willow, Tara and Dawn are all trying to fight giggles. I feign confusion.

Xander: "Did I miss something?"

Tara: "No Xander, Willow was telling us a funny story as you got here and we are still trying to fight the laughter"

Xander: "OK Wills, tell me the story"

Willow: "What? Sorry Xand I only tell a story once a day so you have missed out until tomorrow"

I know she won't tell me anything, so I give in gracefully and start rummaging through the hamper.

Xander: "Fine. What culinary delights do we have today? Ah, peanut butter and jelly, my favourite. The only sandwich that can be classified as it's own food group; Xandercalorific"

Tara: "I have to agree with you there Xander, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the foundation of any balanced diet. Along with Twinkies of course"

Xander: "Tara, are you sure that you're a lesbian? The reason I'm asking is that I have suddenly fallen in love with you"

We spent the remainder of the day doing our usual talking about nothing. It felt like old times when we were all in high school, apart from the fact that Tara was here instead of Oz. After our picnic we played a little catch with the Frisbee Dawn had brought with her. It is good to see Buffy and Dawn having fun; they haven't had much reason to be happy as of late.

I hope that tonight I will be able to give them both a reason. I am starting to get worried with the way that Willow is using magic to catch it without even trying to do so normally. I can see that Tara is worried as well; it looks like this sort of thing has been happening a bit lately. I think that I need to have a word with Willow about using her magic so much, but I have something more urgent to deal with first. I look at my watch and see that it is already six-thirty, I need to go home and get ready to meet Giles.

Xander: "Sorry girls, I have to go and get ready to have dinner with Giles and Joyce"

Buffy: "You never told me why you are having dinner with my mother and my watcher"

Xander: "I have been having regular dinners with Joyce for the last couple of years. When she got sick I stopped going and now she is felling a little better I thought I would start up again. Anyway, she wants to talk to me about the whole me-being-a-demon thing. Giles is going along to help explain things from a more adult perspective"

Buffy: "You never told me you went to see her before"

Xander: "You never asked. I really have to go now before I'm late"

Willow: "How could you be late, you can run faster than most cars!"

Xander: "Just because I have an ability doesn't mean that I should constantly use it Wills"

Tara gives me a look telling me she understands why I said that but Willow looks at me like I'm stupid.

Willow: "Why not? If you've got it, flaunt it!"

Xander: "I can't get into this conversation right now Wills, but believe me when I say that this conversation will be happening soon"

With that hanging in the air, I turn and leave. I know that Willow doesn't get what I am on about but that will all change tomorrow, I hope. By the time I get to my apartment building, I realise that I'm going to be late to pick up Giles. I rush into my apartment and gather everything I need, I was going to change but now I don't have the time. Once I have everything I need, I head over to Giles' apartment. Once I arrive, I knock on the door and let myself in.

Xander: "Giles, are you ready?"

Giles: "Yes Xander, I shall be right with you"

About a minute later, Giles is coming down the stairs. Before we go to Joyce's I need to let Giles in on what spell I shall be using, as well as cast the glamour spell that will hide our real purpose for being there.

Xander: "OK the first thing I need to do is cast the glamour, then I will explain the healing spell to you"

Giles: "Why cast the glamour now?"

Xander: "I don't trust Buffy or Willow enough to think they'll leave us alone tonight, so the sooner I cast it the sooner we can talk in private"

Giles: "I understand. Is there anything you need me to do?"

Xander: "Nothing at all - NOITCELLOC NIETSREMMAH DNA SREGDOR EHT - all done"

Giles: "I don't think I recognise that incantation"

Xander: "It's something a few of my ancestors have used when they needed to both be seen and not be seen at the same time. The glamour makes anyone we meet believe they are seeing one thing when they are actually seeing something else. It also has the added bonus of giving us the memories of what our glamour selves said and did when it is reversed, that way we won't get caught out by anything that 'we' say or do"

Giles: "Quite an ingenious spell, have you used it before?"

Xander: "Now that would be telling, wouldn't it Giles"

I can tell that he wants to press the matter but isn't quite sure whether he actually wants to hear the answer. He eventually decides to drop it.

Giles: "Quite. Now that is out of the way, what is this healing spell you are going to use? I had been looking into healing spells myself and haven't been able to find one that would be lasting or complete in healing the illness Joyce has without causing harm to the caster"

Xander: "That is because you were looking for spells that a human could cast, as you know I'm not human. There is a spell that has been used by my Great-Great Grandfather several times in his lifetime that completely cures an individual to 100% health, it will also ensure that the tumour she has will never come back"

Giles: "That type of spell is incredibly powerful, not to mention dangerous for the caster. Are you sure that you will not be harmed?"

Xander: "Giles, you forget I'm a Savox demon. The worst that can happen is that I will have a slight headache for a few days, which was what happened whenever my Great-Great Grandfather got when he cast it and he had used it to heal people in far worse condition that Joyce. Also remember that I am stronger than he was and I will be perfectly safe"

Giles: "Are you certain? Xander don't think that I am underestimating your abilities, it is just that we have no idea when Glory will strike and we need you at full strength if we have a chance of surviving this"

Xander: "All the more reason to get this over with now Giles. The longer I wait the greater the chance that Glory will make her move. Buffy will be able to focus more on Dawn if she doesn't have her mother to worry about"

Giles: "OK I agree with you. Why do you need me to help, Willow is more powerful than I am with magic, I would have thought she would have been a wiser choice"

Xander: "You are right that Willow is more powerful, but she does not have control over that power. When I cast the spell, there will be some residual magical energy that will be passed to you for a short time, no more than an hour. I know that you will be able to handle the extra power, we both know that Willow would not"

Giles: "I have noticed that she doesn't have the control that she should"

Xander: "She is also using it far more than she needs. She was using magic to catch the Frisbee today; she didn't even try to catch it normally and from the expression that Tara had on her face, that wasn't the first time she has used her magic in such a way. I am going to have a talk with her tomorrow about it, I just hope that she takes it to heart as she won't like the consequences if she doesn't agree to curb her use"

Giles: "What do you mean Xander?"

Xander: "I mean that if I she won't restrict her use of magic, she'll leave me no choice but to bind her powers"

Giles: "You would do that? You do realise that if you did she would never forgive you?"

Xander: "I would never forgive myself if I didn't and she hurt herself or someone else. She is already very close to the edge Giles. It isn't that big a leap from using magic to catch a Frisbee to using it to ace a test or tamper with a persons memories so that they forget an argument they have. I don't want to it, but if I don't feel that she can change, I will bind her powers. And I will make it permanent so she can't get Tara or anyone else to reverse it"

Giles: "I didn't think that could be done?"

Xander: "Strictly speaking it can't, I would have to transfer her powers into myself, leaving her completely free of any magical energy. I would then disperse that energy into the Earth, which is where the magic came from in the first place"

Giles: "I hope that you don't have to do that but I will support you if it has to be done. I have seen what happens to people when they are consumed by magic and I would hate to see Willow go the same way"

Xander: "As would I Giles, as would I. I better start telling you about the spell, as we will need to be going soon"

Giles: "Right, what do I need to know?"

Xander: "You won't need to help me with the actual spell casting, but I will need you to double check that I have prepared everything correctly beforehand. I also need you there for moral support. Joyce is very important to me and I don't want anything to go wrong"

Giles: "Xander I know how much Joyce means to you and I know that everything will go smoothly. Knowing you like I do I have complete confidence that this spell will work and that Joyce will be right as rain by tomorrow morning"

Xander: "Thank you Giles. Here is a copy of the preparations required for the spell; I thought that it would be easier than trying to explain it to you. It's pretty simple as far as spells of this calibre are concerned, but I still feel safe with a second pair of eyes checking that everything happens as it should"

Giles: "I wish that Buffy had the same foresight when it came to patrolling. Speaking of Buffy, how is everything going?"

Xander: "As I expected. Buffy will probably want to have 'the talk' in a day or two, after that it is all down to chance. As I said before, I will not take advantage of her in any way the decision is completely hers. Any news on the weapon?"

Giles: "Wesley is following a couple of leads and will be getting in touch with me in a few days"

Xander: "Good, now we better get going before we're late"

On the way to Joyce's, Giles looks over the spell and checks that I have everything I need. When we get there we have dinner and chat like always, Joyce being the perfect hostess as usual. While Joyce is talking to 'us', Giles and I are going over the spell making sure that we have covered all the bases. After the meal, we all move to the living room and Joyce continues to talk to our glamour counterparts.

Giles: "Xander it would be a good idea for Joyce to be asleep during the spell, as she would start to worry when she suddenly begins to glow"

Xander: "I can't believe I didn't think of that, I knew having you along would be a good idea. While I start preparing for the spell, couldn't you slip her a Mickey or something?"

Giles gives me a look before answering.

Giles: "I don't think that drugging her would be the best way to do it Xander, as it could react with the other drugs she is having to take. I do know of a spell that will suffice though, which will not interfere with the spell"

Xander: "Good idea. It's going to take about five minutes to set everything up"

Giles goes over to Joyce and begins to chant, Joyce begins to look drowsy and it isn't long before she is fast asleep. It isn't long after that I have prepared everything for the spell. Giles comes over and checks that everything is correct, which he thankfully tells me that it is. I sit down and begin to centre myself, Giles sitting behind me doing the same. Once I feel that I am ready I begin.


Once I have finished, Joyce begins to glow; it isn't long before she is glowing an almost blindingly white light. I can hear Giles chanting a mantra behind me in an attempt to control the extra magic he has just received. Luckily it will only be temporary and his power level will be back to normal in about an hour. After a few minutes the glow emanating from Joyce dies down and she begins to wake up. Now would be as good a time as any to remove the glamour but I needed to check on Giles before I did so.

Xander: "Giles, how are you feeling?"

Giles: "I've felt better Xander but I will be fine. I have the extra power under control although I am glad it is only temporary. I am guessing that the spell has worked?"

Xander: "Yes Giles the spell worked. Joyce has already woken up and is talking to 'us' again. I think now would be a good time to remove the glamour. As I told you before, we will receive everything our counterparts have done. It will disorient you for a couple of seconds so get ready"

Giles: "Thanks for the warning"

Xander: "Here goes - ERCASSAM EROTSNIAHC DROFTNERB EHT - that should do it"

Joyce: "What should do it?"

Xander: "Joyce, how do you feel?"

Joyce: "I feel good actually, why do you ask Xander?"

Xander: "I have something to tell you and I hope that you don't get mad at me. You see I came over here under false pretences. The real reason I came over tonight was to perform a spell that would return you to full health. The reason you feel fine is that your tumour is gone and will never return"

Joyce: "You can't be serious"

Xander: "I am very serious. As of this point, you do not have a single thing wrong with you. You are a part of my family Joyce and I do whatever is necessary to protect my family"

Joyce: "Why didn't you tell us you were going to do it?"

Xander: "I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up. I told Giles, as I needed someone to help me with the spell. I knew that it would work but with the luck we have living on a Hellmouth, if I had told everyone something was bound to go wrong. I am sorry that we had to deceive you but I didn't want you to be disappointed if it didn't work"

Joyce comes over to me and gives me a hug and then kisses me on the cheek. There are tears threatening to fall in her eyes but I can tell that they will be tears of happiness.

Joyce: "I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you"

Xander: "There is nothing that needs to be repaid. Knowing that you are healthy and happy is all the repayment I need, although a batch of your wonderful cookies would be a bonus"

Giles: "It is good to see you looking healthy again Joyce"

Joyce: "Thank you Rupert, not just for the compliment but also for helping in making me well again"

Giles: "The pleasure is all mine"

Xander: "OK, I think it is time that you ring your daughters Joyce and give them the good news. I of course will now be leaving, once I have cleaned everything up. Giles are you going to keep Joyce company while she waits for the whirling dervishes to arrive?"

Giles: "Yes Xander but why do you need to leave?"

Xander: "I don't want to get into an argument with Willow as to why I didn't ask her to help with the spell, tonight should be a night of celebration. Also I have never really been good at taking compliments and I feel that there will be a few forthcoming"

Joyce: "There is no way that I am allowing you to leave. You are staying Xander and that is final"

Damn those Summers women and their ability to make me do whatever they want. At least Joyce doesn't use that on me too often, Buffy and Dawn use it almost non-stop.

Xander: "Yes Joyce"

Joyce: "Good, now I shall ring Buffy and give her the good news"

Joyce goes off to phone Buffy at her dorm room, where she, Dawn, Willow and Tara are having a 'girlie night'. While she is gone Giles and I clear everything up. Knowing that willow will want to know why she wasn't involved, I decide to make something up as long as Giles agrees to a little deception.

Xander: "Giles I need you to help me with a little white lie about tonight"

Giles: "No Xander I will not take the credit for this"

Xander: "I wouldn't ask you to and anyway Joyce already knows the truth. What I need you to do is concerning Willow. Knowing that she will want to know why I didn't ask her to help, I'm going to tell her that I asked for your assistance, as I needed assistance from a mentor or father figure. It isn't exactly lying as that is how I see you"

I can tell that Giles never thought I saw him this way as he has a look of surprise on his face and is unable to talk for a few seconds.

Giles: "I don't quite know what to say Xander"

Xander: "Giles we all see you as a pseudo-father figure, Buffy especially. We may not say it but we all feel it. I know that I need to have it out with Willow but tonight is not the time, will you go along with my little deception?"

Giles: "I will do so only to keep the peace, I do not want Joyce to feel anything but happiness tonight"

Xander: "It probably isn't my place to say this but as the only male friend you have on this continent, I think that you should tell Joyce how you feel about her"

Giles: "I have no idea what you mean"

Xander: "Pull the other one Giles, I can see how you look at her, it's the same look I use whenever Buffy enters a room. Take it from someone who knows, the longer you leave it the harder it will be. You know better than all of us how quickly things can change. At the end of the day the choice is yours but don't waste any opportunity you may have for happiness, you don't know how many you will get"

Giles: "Although I still have no idea what you are talking about I will however think about what you have said"

Xander: "That is all I ask, I want everyone to see everyone happy before I'm gone"

Joyce comes back into the living room at this point with tears in her eyes. I would be worried if I didn't know that they were tears of joy.

Joyce: "They're going to be here in a couple of minutes. Xander, could you help me in the kitchen please?"

Xander: "Of course Joyce"

I follow her into the kitchen leaving Giles to finish up packing everything away, I offer Joyce a tissue which she takes and wipes her eyes.

Joyce: "Buffy has been keeping me in the dark about the whole Glory situation. Dawn is my daughter in every way that counts and I need to know what is happening"

Xander" "I won't sugar coat it for you Joyce, Glory is a demon goddess and virtually indestructible and with almost limitless power. At the moment our biggest advantage is that she doesn't know that Dawn is the key. Once she does know she will be coming at us with everything she has, which at the moment is more than we can handle. I need you to believe that we can and will stop Glory, of that I have no doubt"

Joyce: "Thank you for being honest with me. Is there anything I can do?"

Xander: "The best thing you can do is to act like the wonderful mother you have always been. Buffy needs some normality in her life and you are the best person to give that to her"

Joyce: "I can do that, I am just so worried that something will happen to my two little girls"

Joyce is starting to tear up so I pull her into a hug. She is surprised but returns it anyway.

Xander: "I give you my word that I won't let anything happen to them"

Joyce: "I know you won't Xander, I have always known that you would look out for them"

Xander: "They're my family, just like you are"

Joyce: "Your parents must be very proud of you"

Xander: "I wouldn't know, they died when I was young. The people that raised me weren't exactly the most loving in the world"

Joyce: "I'm so sorry to hear that Xander. I thought that you were very difficult to kill?"

Xander: "We are. I know who did it but I have never had an opportunity to do anything about it without risking you and the others. They would not take it lying down and they have a lot of power behind them"

I hear the front door open and decide that this was the best time to let go of Joyce. I give her another tissue to wipe the tears from her eyes and then we both go into the living room.

Buffy: "Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this Xander"

Xander: I wasn't 100% certain it would work, I didn't want you to get your hopes up"

She comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. Tears are in her eyes but I can tell that she's smiling.

Buffy: "Thank you for saving my mother's life Xander"

She leans up on tiptoes and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I can't help but blush, which makes her smile.

Xander: "It was nothing really Buff, I just did what anyone else would have"

Buffy moves out of the way and Dawn then comes over and hugs me.

Dawn: "It was more than nothing Xander, I will never be able to thank you enough"

She then leans up and kisses me on the other cheek, making us both blush. She gives me a weak smile and then runs upstairs.

Joyce: "I think Dawn has a crush on you Xander"

Xander: "I doubt that Joyce, I'm not exactly crush worthy material"

Willow: "I had a crush on you most of my life Xander"

Xander: "You're the exception that proves the rule Wills"

Willow and Tara come and hug me at the same time. They too decide to embarrass me by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Tara: "You are a good man Xander, don't ever think differently"

Xander: "It's difficult to do when everyone tells you otherwise Tara, even if I think they're wrong. Also don't forget that I cannot be classified as a man, I'm a demon"

Knowing Willow the way I do, the look on her face tells me exactly what she is going to say next.

Willow: "There is something I want to ask you Xander. Why didn't you ask me for help with the spell, you know I could have"

Xander: "You couldn't have this time Wills, I needed a mentor or father figure to help me and I couldn't think of anyone better than Giles"

Willow: "I still could have helped"

Xander: "If I thought you were able to I would have asked Wills, honestly"

I wasn't lying, if I thought she could have handled it she would have been the first person I would have gone to.

The rest of the night is spent the way it should be, laughing and joking. We were able to forget, if only for one night, the problems that we are all going to face over the coming weeks. That is something that they all need.

Chapter 7

It has been a few days since our impromptu party at Joyce's, and things have been relatively quiet on the Hellmouth. Buffy has been patrolling and keeping the vamp population down to a minimum. We haven't heard much from Glory but we do know that she has been destroying demon hideouts trying to find the key. Her minions have been trying to bribe demons into finding it for them but so far they have been out of luck. I know however that it is only a matter of time until she comes after Buffy and the rest of us to find out where the key is. I have a plan but there is something that needs to be done first.

That thing is to talk to Willow about her misuse of magic. My relatives have seen what happens to people who misuse magic and I don't want Willow to go the same way. As I told Giles, if I don't think she can change her ways I will remover her powers. I have to be ruthless as I won't be here to hedge my bets with her.

The last straw came after I saw her making dinner last night only using magic. This morning I decided that I couldn't wait any longer, so I left a message with Tara a little while ago to ask Willow to come over. A knock comes to the door and when I open it I am surprised to see that it is Willow.

Xander: "Hey Wills, come in"

Willow: "Thanks Xand, Tara said you wanted to talk to me?"

Xander: "I left that message with Tara about ten minutes ago, when did you get it?"

Willow: "A couple of minutes ago, I teleported over once I got it"

Xander: "Why didn't you just walk or drive here?"

Willow: "Because teleporting was quicker. What's wrong Xand?"

She doesn't even consider doing things normally anymore. This just gives me even more proof that I needed to talk to Willow about her misuse of magic.

Xander: "I am worried about you Wills"

Willow: "Why are you worried about me?"

Xander: "You're using too much magic"

Instantly she stands in a defensive posture.

Willow: "Don't you start as well! Tara and I have been having this argument for weeks. I don't agree with her and I don't agree with you!"

Knowing I can't come right out with it, I realise I need to lay down some ground work.

Xander: "Do you know why I never joined any clubs at high school?"

Willow: "Because you were no good at sports"

Xander: "Wills, I can kick a football a mile and run fast enough to catch it at the other end without breaking a sweat. I could easily win a gold medal in any event at the Olympics without any practise. OK, let me ask you another one. Why didn't I ever enter any science fairs or spelling bees, or do well in class?"

Willow: "Because you weren't very academic?"

Xander: "Wills, I have thousands of years of knowledge in my head, I am fluent in practically every human language and dialect, not to mention thousand of demon languages and dialects. Every class I took I could have aced without ever attending a class. I could have easily ruled that school"

Willow: "Then why didn't you?"

Xander: "It would have been wrong for me to have used my gifts that way"

Willow: "Why is it wrong to use what you can to get ahead?"

Now I know that she is thinking about it, I need to start pressing the point.

Xander: "If someone were to give you the answers to a test, would you use them to pass that test?"

Willow: "Of course not that would be cheating"

As soon as she answered me, I could see a little light going on in her head.

Xander: "That is what it felt like for me every time we had a test. I knew the answers without having to work them out. If I had used my knowledge, it would have been the same as cheating. The same goes for my physical abilities, if I had used them I would have been cheating everyone who had put in a lot of time and hard work"

I can tell Willow understands what I am trying to tell her but that damn stubborn streak she has is fighting it.

Willow: "What does that have to do with me?"

Xander: "I have seen you use your magic to turn lights on and off, to open and close curtains, to catch Frisbees. Every time you use magic to do something you can do normally, you are cheating. Every time you misuse your magic you go further down a road you don't want to go down, the more you do it the harder you will find it to get back to the right path"

Willow: "I'm not harming anyone, why does it matter that I'm using magic to do a few things quicker?"

Xander: "You aren't just using the magic to do things quicker anymore Wills. I know that you are starting to use magic for the sake of it because you enjoy the feeling it gives you. Soon the feeling you get won't be enough, and you'll start to do more powerful magic, until that isn't enough and you start to do even more powerful magic. Soon you won't even be able to control yourself and will start to harm yourself and others in the quest to maintain the feeling"

Willow: "I won't let it get that far"

I don't know whether she's trying to convince herself or me. I know I am getting through to her but I need her to admit she has a problem before I know she can change.

Xander: "The more you misuse magic, the harder it will be to finally stop. If I left you to do this alone, by the time you realise you have a problem it'll be too late. My ancestors have seen people consumed by magic and the only way to stop them was to kill them. I don't want that to happen to you"

Willow is crying now and if there is one thing I can't stand it's to see a woman crying. I bring her into a hug that she eagerly returns, resting her head on my chest and drenching my shirt with her tears.

Xander: "Willow you are my oldest and closest friend and I love you more than life itself. I would never say this to you if I didn't truly believe that you needed help. We can't help you if you don't want it Wills, but please believe me when I say that you do need our help"

Willow: "I need help Xander. I never thought about what I was doing, I just thought it was saving me time. Then I started feeling depressed when I wasn't using magic so I started using it more often and the depression disappeared. I can't believe I have let it go this far, I just didn't think I was doing anything wrong"

Xander: "The problem was that you were so consumed with learning new spells you never thought about learning to control the power required to perform them. There are techniques you can learn that will help you control your power. It will take time but you would be able to harness your power without the intoxicating side effects that you have been experiencing. This will only work if you are willing"

Willow: "I want to get back to who I was, I want to be the person that Tara fell in love with"

Xander: "Tara still loves you Wills, she wouldn't be with you now if she wasn't. She knows that you can beat this; you need to prove that she is right. You will lose her if you don't and I know that you don't want to lose her"

Willow: "I love her so much Xand, I couldn't cope if she ever left me"

Xander: "Then you need to make sure she never has a reason to"

Willow: "I want to change Xander, I want you to help me to change"

Xander: "I will do everything I can to help, as will Tara and everyone else. There is something else I need to tell you. I don't want to add any further pressure on you but if I don't feel that you can keep your power under control, I will have no choice but to take your power from you"

Willow: "What do you mean?"

Xander: "If you can't stop misusing magic, I will remove all of your magical abilities. I don't want to do and I hope that I won't have to, but I won't"

Willow: "I promise you that you won't have to. I will get my power under control; it will no longer control me. I know that there is no quick fix and that it is going to be hard but I know I can do this"

I release her from our embrace and I can see she has her resolve face on, a clear sign that she is being serious. I hand her a leather bound book.

Xander: "If anyone can you can. Here are a few meditation techniques that will help you to centre your mind, allowing you more control over your power. I know that Tara will help you and she can even do them with you"

Willow: "Thanks for everything, I'm not sure I know what I'd do without you"

You're going to find out soon, Wills.

Xander: "You'd be fine Wills, you'd have Tara, Buffy and everyone else here"

Willow: "You're right but I never want to find out"

Well we can't always get what we want I'm afraid.

Xander: "You better ring Tara, I know that she is worried about you. You know where the phone is"

Willow: "Thanks again Xand, for everything"

Xander: "What are best friends for. Ask Tara to come over Wills, I need to speak with everyone about something, I already talked to Buffy and Giles and they are all coming over in a couple of hours"

Willow: "What is wrong Xander?"

Xander: "Nothing, this is more of a precautionary tactic rather than anything else. I will explain everything when everyone is here. Before you panic, it is not another revelation like the last time I asked you all over, I said the same thing to Buffy and Giles"

Willow: "Me worried, never"

Willow goes off to ring Tara, while I go into the kitchen and start to make a few snacks, as it will be about lunchtime when everyone arrives. After Willow has finished speaking to Tara, she comes in and starts to help me. I can tell that she is fighting the urge to use magic, I give her some reassuring glances and hugs and she manages to get through it.

Once Tara arrives, she decides to take over the kitchen and bake a cake; luckily I have all the ingredients she needs. It seems that cooking is something that Tara knows she can do well; her confidence in the kitchen provides proof of that. Willow and I go into the living room and sit watching TV, Tara joining us once she has put the cake in the oven.

Before I realise it, the time has come for everyone else to arrive and as I think it, there is a knock at the door. I open it and let Buffy, Giles, Joyce and Dawn in. Once everyone is seated, I begin.

Xander: "OK, firstly I want to reiterate that I am not going to suddenly announce that I'm an alien or anything.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relief and I put on a mock annoyed face

Giles: "Then why are we all here Xander?"

Xander: "I think it is time for you all to leave Sunnydale for a while"

Buffy: "What are you an about Xander?"

Xander: "Every day Glory is getting that little bit closer to finding out the truth. The only advantage we have is that she doesn't know that the Key is in human form and that won't last forever"

Dawn starts to tear up, Joyce puts a protective arm around her and she instantly feels better.

Buffy: "Well what do you suggest Xander, that we keep running forever until she finally catches up with us?"

Buffy I a good fighter, but she doesn't understand battle tactics.

Xander: "Of course not Buff. What I am suggesting is that you all get to a safe, secure location now, before Glory comes at us full force. It will give you all time to get ready for when we kick her a- behind"

Buffy: "Behind?"

I look towards Dawn.

Xander: "There are innocent ears here Buff, I don't want to be a corrupting influence"

Dawn giggles at that and Buffy rolls her eyes.

Giles: "Where do you suggest we go Xander?"

Xander: "I am not as cash strapped as everyone thinks. As you all know I have the memories of all previous members of my real family. That includes bank account details, which means that I have a little spending money"

Joyce: "I hope you don't mind me asking Xander, but how much is a little?"

Buffy: "MOM!"

Xander: "It's OK Buffy, it isn't as though none of you wanted to ask the same question"

Buffy: "I know that, I just didn't think that my mother would be the one to ask first"

Xander: "In answer to your question Joyce, I could buy Microsoft and IBM with money to spare"

The silence that permeates the room is only interrupted by the thud Willow's body makes as she faints and hits the floor. Tara helps her up and into a chair.

Tara: "Sweetie, are you alright?"

Willow: "I just had the strangest dream, where Xander told us he has enough money to buy Microsoft and IBM"

Dawn: "That wasn't a dream Willow, Xander is a billionaire!"

Giles: "I think that we have got a little off topic here. Xander you were going to suggest where we should go?"

Giles is as always the voice of reason.

Xander: "Sorry Giles, I bought a nice quiet place a few hours north of here during my road trip. I thought that we would be able to use it as a holiday place, of course things have been kinda hectic the last couple of years so I never got around to telling you about it. It's in a nice secluded spot and I have put the strongest protection spells I know there, so you'd be safe from any unwelcome guests. It will be able to keep Glory out for a while, but I doubt anything can keep her at bay forever. At the moment, it is the safest place on the planet for you all to be"

Joyce: "You won't be coming with us will you?"

The motherly concern in Joyce's voice warms my heart.

Xander: "No I won't Joyce, someone needs to stay here and keep up appearances. I'll set up a number of glamours around Sunnydale, making everyone else believe you're all still here. There also has to be someone here to patrol at night, we don't want anyone getting suspicious. We can't wait until the last minute, playing a game of cat and mouse with a goddess won't be fun"

Giles: "I have to agree with Xander"

Buffy: "Giles, we're not going to leave Xander here on his own!"

The tone in Buffy's voice speaks volumes to me; I need to talk to her before they leave.

Giles: "Buffy, Xander is more than capable of looking after himself, and we need someone free to keep researching ways on how to defeat Glory. With Xander finally able to use his abilities freely, he will have the best chance of finding something"

He knows the other reason why I need to stay. Once we know where the Sword of Avalon is, I will need to get it. Joyce can sense that Buffy doesn't want to leave, so she tries to persuade her.

Joyce: "Honey, I know that you don't like the thought of running from a fight, but Dawn has to be our first priority. If Xander thinks that doing this is the best way to keep her safe then I think we should do it"

As soon as Joyce mentioned Dawn, I knew that Buffy would go along with it.

Buffy: "I just don't like the thought of Xander being here in his own"

Willow: "You know that Xander wouldn't let himself get hurt, he knows we'll kill him if he does"

Willow's comment brings a small smile to Buffy's face.

Buffy: "That's true"

Xander: "No one is being forced to go. I just feel that this is the best plan we have at the moment. Who is going?"

Joyce: "I am and so is Dawn"

Buffy: "You're not going without me so I'm in"

Giles: "As am I"

Willow: "Me too. Tara?"

Tara: "Where you go I go"

Dawn: "What about Spike?"

I knew that if anyone were to mention Spike it would be Dawn.

Xander: "Dawnie, the bottom line is that Spike is evil. I do not trust him. He cannot know where you are going"

Dawn: "OK"

I know that Dawn likes Spike, and since he's been chipped he has been of some help. But he still helped ADAM last year and unlike Angel he has no soul. A demon with a soul doesn't necessarily guarantee they're good, but not having a soul does guarantee they're evil.

Giles: "When do you suggest that we leave?"

Xander: "No time like the present. Everyone go home and get a few changes of clothing and meet back here in a couple of hours"

Giles: "Don't you think that is a little quick?"

Xander: "The longer we leave it the more risk there is of people finding out what's going on"

Giles: "You haven't told us yet how we're getting there. Don't forget that you're the only one who knows where it is"

Xander: "And that is how I want it to stay. Once you're back, you will all be flying Air Xander. I went there yesterday and fully stocked the kitchen with enough supplies to last a couple of months. I'll give Giles a cell phone so you can be contacted. There's plenty there to keep you entertained, you'll want for nothing"

Everyone gets up to leave, but there are a couple of people I need to speak to first.

Xander: "Willow, Buffy, can you hang back a couple of minutes?"

Buffy/Willow: "Sure"

Xander: "Willow I know that you are a little upset that I will be using so much magic when I have suggested that you curb your own use"

Willow: "It does seem like a double standard"

Xander: "I have been able to use magic since the day I was born. I have had twenty years to learn how to control my power, as well as the thousands of years worth of control passed down to me by my ancestors. I promise you that I am taking every precaution when it comes to using magic and I am only doing so now to ensure everyone's safety"

Willow: "I do understand, it's just that I feel that I can help but you won't let me"

Xander: "I have not told you to not use any magic, I just said that you need to restrict it to emergency use only. If yours or the others lives are in danger, you do what is necessary, OK?"

I pull her into a hug.

Willow: "OK, thanks for talking to me. I better go and catch Tara up"

Willow gives Buffy a hug and then runs off to find Tara.

Buffy: "What did you want to talk to me about Xand?"

Xander: "I need to let you know something Buff. These last few months, my feelings for you have been growing beyond just friendship. I tried to deny it, to fight it, but I couldn't. I love you Buffy and I think in a way I always have"

Buffy: "I uh, don't know what to say Xand. You're my best friend along with Willow, and I do love you. I just don't think I love you in that way"

Xander: "You don't think you love me that way?"

Buffy: "Xander I uh, I just don't know"

Xander: "I don't expect an answer now Buffy. I just wanted to tell you how I feel. All I ask is that you think about how you feel about me. If you don't feel the same way I'll understand, it won't be the first time. You will never lose me as a friend, whatever you decide"

Buffy: "I promise you that I'll think about how I feel Xand. I just can't guarantee that you'll like my decision"

Xander: "As I said, whatever your decision our friendship will not change. Just don't take too long to think about it Buff"

Buffy: "I won't, as soon as I know I'll tell you, I give you my word"

Xander: "Please don't think I'm trying to sway your decision in any way, but would it be possible to have a hug?"

Buffy: "You know you can"

We embrace and I wrap my arms around her protectively. I start making little figures of eight on the small of her back with my thumb. She leans into me a little more and lets out a little moan before she can stop herself. She suddenly realises what she did and gently but quickly ends the embrace. I can see that her face is a little flushed but doesn't look embarrassed. I take that to be a good sign.

Buffy: "I'd better be going"

Xander: "I'll see you in a couple of hours"

She leaves and I shut the door behind her. When she said she didn't think she loved me that way my heart nearly jumped out of my throat. I never really thought I had a chance before, no matter what the prophecy said, I always thought that I would never be anything more than her Xander-shaped friend.

To know I have a chance at her heart is both exhilarating and scary as hell. I know it sounds selfish but her love is also my guaranteed death sentence and although I am prepared to die to save everyone I love, it doesn't mean you want confirmation that you have to. Of course if having to die is the price of her love I am more than willing to pay.

Oh no, my life isn't complicated in the least. And to think I thought that high school would be the death of me.

Chapter 8

It has been a few days since everyone left town and I have had fun leading Glory's minions on one goose chase after another. I have been having fun patrolling as well, with everyone else out of the way I have been able to let loose and the demon population has taken a nosedive. I use a glamour making everyone believe that Buffy is doing the patrols so nobody is suspicious.

I gave Giles a cell phone so he could keep in contact with his sources and myself, knowing that Buffy would want to check up on me from time to time. I was hoping that she would have her answer for me, but so far I haven't heard a thing. I am brought out of my inner monologue when the phone begins to ring; the caller display is showing his number.

Xander: "Hey Giles, is everything OK?"

Giles: "Hello Xander, yes everyone is fine. I have some news concerning the sword. Wesley has found out that a law firm that they have had some dealings with has it in its possession"

Xander: "That's great, I'll head to LA as soon as possible and get it"

Giles: "It may not be that simple. Wesley has told me that this law firm has some major demonic backup"

Ooh, it sounds like I'm going to have some fun in the city of angels, especially if my guess is right.

Xander: "They wouldn't be called Wolfram & Hart would they?"

It is going to feel so good to get reacquainted with the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart. they say revenge is a dish best served cold, I think after 20 years the dish is cold enough.

Giles: "Yes, how did you know?"

Xander: "A few of my relatives have had some dealings with them. I know what they are capable of and it is going to be a pleasure to meet them, of course they won't be able to say the same of me"

Giles: "Remember the reason you're going Xander, you don't have time for any personal vendettas"

I know that Giles is right but I can also tell that he is worried about my safety as well.

Xander: "Giles I know that the sword is the priority but that doesn't mean I can't cause a lot of damage retrieving it. This is personal Giles, I won't get another chance will I?"

Giles: "Just do one thing for me Xander; take pictures"

Xander: "Now there's the Ripper I know and love!"

I can hear him cleaning his glasses before he responds, a touch of mirth in his voice.

Giles: "Just be glad I'm on your side"

Xander: "Don't worry I am. I will definitely bring you back a memento, nothing gory so don't worry"

Giles: "Thank you. I shall ring ahead and let Wesley know that you're coming"

Xander: "OK Giles, I'll see you when I get back"

I have been driving for a couple of hours and I am now only a few minutes away from Angel Investigations. I can't believe it's been almost two years since I've seen Cordelia. I know that we patched some things up before she left but I know that there will still be some animosity between us, mostly from her and I can't blame her for any of it. Wesley is going to want to talk to me about it like Giles did, I'll just get him to compare notes with him as I don't have time to get into it all again.

Then there's Angel, the only one of them I will enjoy telling who I really am. I must admit that a lot of the anger I felt towards him has gone, but he still annoys the hell out of me. This is why I can't believe what I am going to do for him.

Well I've just reached the Hyperion Hotel where they have set up shop. I park across the road from it and I must admit I like the place, I won't be telling DeadBoy that of course. I walk through the front doors and find Cordelia, Wesley and a guy I haven't met in the lobby.

Xander: "Hi guys, miss me?"

All three turn round towards me, Cordelia looks happy to see me for a couple of seconds before the usual Queen C expression returns. Wesley looks pleased to see me, which is strange, as we never really got on when he was in Sunnydale. The other guy just looks at me as though he is seeing a stranger, which of course he is.

Cordelia: "What are you doing here Harris?"

Xander: "And it is wonderful to see you too Cordy, you're as warm and welcoming as ever I see. I take it you didn't tell her I was coming Wes?"

Wesley: "It slipped my mind to be honest Mr. Harris, other things have been getting in the way. Angel has just fired us"

Xander: "Why has DeadBoy fired you?"

Gunn: "He's going after Drusilla and Darla. By the way, the names Gunn"

I walk over and shake his hand, he seems like a nice enough bloke.

Xander: "Xander Harris. What do you mean Darla, I thought that Captain Hairgel killed her years ago?"

Wesley: "He did, Wolfram & Hart brought her back"

Xander: "Sounds like something they'd do"

Cordelia: "How do you know Wolfram & Hart?"

Xander: "My family have had dealings with them. Where's Mr. Broody?"

Wesley: "In his office over there in the back. Why would your family have dealings with Wolfram & Hart Mr. Harris"

Xander: "Please call me Xander Wes, all my friends do. To explain how I know of them is a long story and I need to speak with Angel first, we have some unfinished business to discuss. I'm also going to get him to give you your jobs back"

Cordelia: "How is a loser like you going to do that?"

Xander: "You'd be surprised how persuasive I can be when required Cordy. I'm not as useless as you think I am, in fact I never was"

Cordelia: "Once a Zeppo, always a Zeppo"

I know by the tone in her voice that she's saying it more out of habit than out of malice.

Xander: "As much as I love our little name calling sessions we always used to have, I am afraid I don't have time for them at the moment. Angel and I are going to have a little chat and then we are all going to pay a visit to the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart to retrieve what I came for. Wes while I'm in with the ensouled one, it might be wise to get the weapons ready. By the way don't worry, I don't have any stakes or axes with me so DeadBoy will be fine"

Wes and Gunn go off to the weapons closet and Cordelia just glares at me. I walk off to Angel's office and walk straight in.

Angel: "I told you Wes to leave…Xander, what are you doing here?"

If I didn't know better, I would have thought that I saw a look of surprise on his face. If I didn't know better.

Xander: "Good to see you Angel. I take it that business is bad as you've just fired your entire staff?"

Angel: "It's none of your business Xander"

Angel decides to get up and step into my personal space. He has never been able to intimidate me and tonight is no exception.

Xander: "Well I'm making it my business. I know that you're going after Dru and Darla. I know that you're going to have to go full out to kill them, show no mercy to the people helping them and you want to keep the others out of it. I can understand that and I actually think it is good that you care for them enough to try to keep them out of danger. What you should realise though is that they won't be out of danger, not really. You know as well as I do not one of them can stop fighting the darkness now that they know it exists. If it isn't Drusilla or Darla it'll be something else. It just so happens that I am willing to help you out"

Angel: "What can you do Harris?"

Xander: "Wolfram & Hart have something I need and I am going in to get it. If you want to come with me to take out Darla and Dru you're more than welcome. Darla turned my best friend Jesse so I want to see her blowing in the wind. Killing Drusilla will piss Spike off royally and that is reason enough to do it, the fact she killed Kendra is another"

Angel: "What if I don't want your help?"

Xander: "Then I won't anchor your soul to you"

Angel: "WHAT!"

Now I KNOW I saw surprise in his face this time.

Xander: "I can anchor your soul to you DeadBoy. That means no more happiness clause; you can get all the jollies you want without worry of Angelus rearing his ugly little head. I will only do it if you let us all help you with your 'family' problems. All I really want is to retrieve a sword we need back in Sunnydale"

I can tell what Angel is going to say next.

Angel: "Is Buffy alright?"

Predictable, thy name is DeadBoy.

Xander: "Yes Buffy is alright, as is Dawn, Joyce, Willow, Giles and Tara; which I'm sure would have been the next question you asked. That of course may well change if I don't get that sword back to Sunnydale. We are going up against a demon goddess that wants to open a portal back to their dimension, taking the planet along with her. This sword will help me kill her"

Angel: "Being Buffy's White Knight again?"

I grab him and shove him against the wall.

Xander: "Listen to me, you don't want to call me that again if you want to stay out of a dust buster. The only person that ever called me that tried to kill everybody that I love, and there is nothing I would like more than to kill him"

I let him go and move to the opposite side of the office.

Xander: "You help me get the sword and apologise to the few friends that you have, I'll help you kill Dru and Darla and anchor your soul. Do we have a deal?"

Angel: "How can you anchor my soul? Your previous attempts at magic weren't exactly successful"

He is of course talking about that wonderful incident where every woman in Sunnydale became madly in love with me.

Xander: "Amy cast that spell, not me. You would be surprised what I am capable of Angel, there are things about me you don't know"

Angel: "I know everything I need to"

Xander: "I doubt that. Listen, I don't have time for this bullshit. Do we have a deal or not, what have you got to lose?"

Angel: "You have a deal"

Xander: "Good. Lets go see the troops then shall we, I have a law firm to see"

I let Angel leave the office first and follow him out. Wes and Gunn have a nice selection of weapons waiting for us and Cordelia looks like she is about to burst.

Cordelia: "Listen to me Xander, you are going to tell me what you are doing here and you're going to tell me NOW"

Xander: "All in good time Cor, all in good time. First, Angel has something he wants to say, don't you Angel?"

Angel: "Xander has shown me that I was wrong to treat you the way I have, I apologise for sacking you all and I want you all to come back"

The three of them are stunned into silence. Gunn is the first to regain his speech.

Gunn: "Listen man, we never left. I don't know what Xander said to get you to change your mind but I'm glad he did"

Wesley: "The same goes for me Angel"

Cordelia: "You have some major sucking up to do Angel, but we will be fine. Now that's out of the way, what the HELL are you doing here Harris?"

Xander: "Wolfram & Hart have something that we need back in Sunnydale and I am here to get it"

Cordelia: "What are you going to do, offer to fetch them donuts in exchange for what you want?"

Xander: "No, I am going to walk through the front door and kill everyone and everything that gets in my way until they give me what I want"

Although she's shocked at what I said, she continues.

Cordelia: "And how are you going to do that?"

I know that they won't believe me, so I need to give them some proof.

Xander: "Angel I am going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime. I want you to pick your favourite weapon and attack me with everything you've got. I don't want you to hold back, your intention is to chop me into little pieces. I will not have any weapons apart from the ones I was born with. Come on Mr. Broody you know you want to"

Cordy looks at me in disbelief.

Cordelia: "Where do you want me to send the body Xander?"

Xander: "Liam was born in Ireland wasn't he?"

Using Angel's real name was enough to push him over the edge. With all the speed he has available, he grabs a broadsword and charges at me. He takes a swing at my head, which I easily duck. The same thing happens with the next ten attacks he tries. Knowing that my time is limited, I can't piss about so I hit him with a palm strike to the chest and he goes flying across the lobby. By now everyone in the room is shocked, their shock grows when I move fast enough to be there to catch Angel before he lands on the floor.

Xander: "I didn't want to hurt you, only to prove what I am capable of doing. You can continue if you want but I suggest that you focus the anger you have for me to the more important task at hand"

I release Angel and he snaps round and hits me with a haymaker, followed by a roundhouse kick. Just as with Buffy, I don't flinch. I whisper low enough so that only he can hear me.

Xander: "Angel, I am a pureblood Savox demon. Unless you have a tactical nuke in your weapons closet you won't win. I don't want to fight you Angel but this was the only way I knew that would convince you that I am capable of what I said"

For a moment it looks like he is going to attack me again but he instead turns round and walks to the others.

Angel: "OK here's the plan; Xander and I are going in the front door. We will not be showing any mercy to anyone who works in that building. I want you three to wait fifteen minutes before following, if we're not out by then we'll need the help"

With that he walks out of the hotel with his broadsword resting on his shoulder.

Cordelia: "What the hell did you say to him and how were you able to do that?"

Xander: "Does it really matter?"

I go and follow Angel. He is waiting for me as I get outside. We start walking to my car.

Angel: "Do Buffy and the others know?"

Xander: "I told them a couple of weeks ago. Glory is after a key that opens portals to other dimensions. Dawn is the key; a mystical device that can open portals to other dimensions. She was created by a group of monks from that mystical energy and sent to Buffy for protection. I couldn't let anything happen to her so I let them all know what I really am"

Angel: "Anything we can do?"

Xander: "Not really, apart from helping me get this sword. I need you to promise me something, after Glory is defeated I want you to stay in Sunnydale for a while and keep an eye on them for me, make sure they're safe"

Angel: "What's going on Xander?"

Xander: "The sword has the power to kill gods. The catch is that it kills the user after it kills the god, and only demons can wield it"

Angel: "Why you?"

Xander: "Prophecy. Buffy doesn't know and she can't until the point of no return"

Angel: "I understand"

Wes, Gunn and Cordy have now caught us up and we are all getting into my car. Angel decides to ride shotgun, probably to keep the others away from me, leaving Gunn, Wes and Cordy in the back. As I start the engine and start to drive, Cordy speaks.

Cordelia: "How were you able to do that to Angel Xander? Have you been messing with magic again?"

Xander: "No that was all me, no magic required"

Cordelia: "That doesn't tell me how"

Xander: "I will explain everything to you when we get back, I promise. Right now you need to focus on making sure you live to hear it"

Gunn: "How do you two know each other?"

I manage to start talking before Cordy could.

Xander: "I'll give you the abbreviated version. Cordy will no doubt give you the play-by-play account. I have known Cordy since kindergarten; we hated each other until we started dating year before graduation. She dumped me on Valentines so I had someone cast a spell to make her love me so I could dump her, it backfired and made every female who wasn't Cordy love me instead. Luckily the spell was reversed. Eventually we got back together, only for me to screw it up by cheating on her with my best friend Willow. A couple of minutes after she found out she was impaled on a rebar and nearly died in hospital. She dumped me again a few weeks before graduation, she helped us kill the mayor and blow up the high school and then she moved here. This is the first time we've seen each other since graduation"

Gunn: "Ah"

Xander: "You did ask"

I can see Cordy in the rear view mirror and I can tell she wasn't expecting me to give such an honest account of what happened.

Gunn: "How come you keep calling Angel DeadBoy?"

Xander: "It is one of the many name I used to annoy him with when he was in Sunnydale"

Gunn: "So you two don't get on?"

Angel/Xander: "No"

Gunn: "So why are you helping each other?"

Angel: "We both know that the fight is more important than our dislike for each other"

Xander: "In other words, we wont let the world end just because we hate each other"

Wesley: "Although this mindless chatter is immensely enjoyable, I must point out that we are almost there"

Xander: "Lets do this"

I park a block away from the building to ensure that we're not noticed. I get out and retrieve my katana from the trunk of my car, and slip a couple of stakes into my waistband.

Xander: "It's going to be safer if you wait here until its time, there's less chance of you getting spotted. Angel you ready?"

Angel: "As I'll ever be. Just remember, don't dust Dru or Darla unless you have to"

Xander: "Gotcha. Lets get this show on the road"

Angel and I leave the others there and make our way to the front entrance of Wolfram & Hart and casually make our way in.

Angel: "Hello we'd like to talk to Lilah Morgan please"

Security Guard: "She doesn't make a habit of seeing vampires"

Angel: "I'm sure she'd make an exception for me. Just tell her that Angel is here and he'd like a word"

It seems that they're not in a co-operative mood as the security guard sounds the alarm and rushes us. He morphs into his demonic visage and catches Angel with a lucky punch knocking him backward. I rip his head off and he slumps lifeless to the floor.

About fifteen more security guards appear from out of nowhere and attack us. Angel decapitates a couple with one swing before getting jumped by five of them. I know that he can take care of himself for a couple of minutes so I focus my attention to the eight remaining guards.

I charge at them and slice one of them in half before they know I've moved. As I've only got vamps to deal with, I'm guessing my reputation for ineptitude has preceded me, I sheath my katana and grab one of the stakes in my waistband. I grab the nearest vamp to me and hurl them into the others, knocking them all down. I rush over and stake three of them before they know what is happening and manage to stake one more before they get up.

The three remaining vamps are now looking decidedly afraid, their survival instincts caught between fear of me and fear of Wolfram & Hart. The law firm wins out and they decide to rush me at the same time. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, once they're close enough I unsheathe my katana and in one fluid motion take all three of their heads at once.

Now I've dealt with my lot, I go over to help Angel out. He has already taken three of the five he had out but he is taking too long about it. I know he'll need to be at 100% when he faces Darla and Drusilla, so to help out, I quickly finish off the guards and motion him to follow me to the stairwell.

Angel: "I could have taken them"

Xander: "I know you could but if you want to survive your family reunion you'll need to conserve your energy"

Angel: "I didn't know you cared"

Xander: "I may not like you but I no longer want to see you dead. You do a lot of good here Angel. That and Buffy would kick my ass if I let you die. Anyway, who is this Lilah Morgan you asked for?"

Angel: "She's the lawyer I've had the most problems with from this firm. If your sword is here, she'll know where it is. She'll also know where Dru and Darla are"

Xander: "That will make it a lot easier. Any idea what floor her office is on?"

Angel: "Tenth floor. I've been there once or twice, not always voluntarily. How come we're not taking the elevator?"

Xander: "They rig them to explode if unauthorized personnel use them. Last time I checked, vampires aren't flame retardant"

Using the stairwell, we make our way up to the tenth floor. Guards are waiting for us on every floor access, Angel allowing me to do most of the work, taking out the ones I miss. It seems that they are pulling out all of the stops to try to kill us.

Xander: "You must have really pissed these guys off, they're sending everything at us, although it is giving me the best workout I've had in a while"

Angel: "I have a habit of killing their clients, they don't seem to like me for it"

Xander: "That explains it. We're on the tenth floor; time to have a chat with Ms. Morgan"

As we move onto the tenth floor, we're faced with six Fyarl demons. Normally only silver can kill them but I could take them out without it. The problem is Angel can't and he knows it.

Angel: "Don't suppose you brought any silver with you?"

Xander: "No but if you can't bring silver to the demons - ESROM ROTCEPSNI - bring the demons to the silver"

All six Fyarl demons disappear. I can't help but smile, and Angel looks at me questioningly.

Angel: "What did you do?"

Xander: "I sent them to a silver mine"

Angel: "Remind me to never piss you off again"

Xander: "As long as you stay a white hat you don't have to worry"

We reach the office of Lilah Morgan and as we try to enter, Angel gets tossed along the corridor.

Angel: "She's put a barrier spell on her office. She needs to invite me in"

Xander: "I don't need an invitation, I'll be right back"

I walk into her office and find her sitting behind her desk, trying but failing to look calm. I must admit, for a lawyer she is very beautiful and I have no doubt she knows it.

Lilah: "And how can I help you MR.?"

Xander: "You don't need to know who I am to help me Ms. Morgan, or can I call you Lilah? I am looking for a mystical sword and a couple of vampires"

Lilah: "I'm afraid I can't help you so you might as well leave"

I pick up her desk and throw it out of her window faster than she can see. She is no longer even trying to look calm.

Xander: "Can't or won't? Answer one way and I'll kill you slowly, answer the other way and I'll just reunite you with your desk, using the same method of travel. Of course the third option is to invite my associate in and tell us what we want to know"

Lilah: "Come in Angel"

Angel rushes in and grabs Lilah by the throat.

Angel: "Lilah you know what I can do to you, but some of the things he will do makes the demon inside me feel sick. Where are Drusilla and Darla?"

Lilah: "They're in the conference room on the fourteenth floor"

Xander: "Where is the Sword of Avalon?"

Lilah: "In the vault on the twenty-second floor"

Angel moves his face so it is almost touching Lilah's. He puts his game-face on and licks her neck, sending a shiver of fear down her spine.

Angel: "Thank you for your help Lilah. My advice to you is to leave LA and never come back, if I ever see you again you'll be begging me to kill you before I've finished"

Angel then throws her up against the wall, knocking her unconscious.

Angel: "Why didn't you want her to know your name?"

Xander: "I don't want to be the cause of any more problems for Buffy and the others"

Angel: "I understand. I guess we split up here, I'll meet you outside"

Xander: "No, I'm coming with you. You know that they won't be alone, if you go by yourself you'll get your self killed again and I don't know how many times you can come back from hell. I won't kill Dru or Darla, that will be your pleasure, but I will kill everything else"

Angel looks like he is going to argue but changes his mind.

Angel: "You're right. I have been so focused on killing them that my judgement gets clouded. Once we've dealt with them we'll go get your sword and get out of here"

Xander: "I have an idea on how to get there without as many distractions but you'll have to trust me"

Angel: "I may not like you but I do trust you. What's your idea?"

I grab Angel and jump up, smashing through the ceiling. I repeat this until we reach the fourteenth floor. I let go of Angel and he dusts himself off.

Angel: "You could have given me a little warning"

Xander: "There's a good chance they have the entire building bugged, I didn't want to risk there being a welcoming party"

We leave the office we landed in and find that the conference room is down the hall. I'm about to work out a plan of attack with Angel when he kicks in the door and charges in. I follow him in, katana at the ready. I see around fifty vamps, not including Dru and Darla. Knowing that Angel will get killed before he even reaches them, I erect a shield around us.

Xander: "Angel I need you to stay inside the shield for the next couple of minutes"

Angel: "Why they're right there!"

Xander: "Listen to me! This entire room is no match for me but I would still be too preoccupied to ensure you live long enough to finish what you started. Give me a couple of minutes to level the playing field and they're all yours"

I erect another shield around Darla and Dru, ensuring they don't get caught in the crossfire.


The whole room fills with flames, and all the vamps outside of the shields catch fire and turn to dust. Once the flames dissipate, I remove the shields.

Xander: "Angel they're all yours"

Angel: "Thanks"

Drusilla: "Are you here to kill me daddy? Have I been bad?"

Angel: "Shut up Dru, I'm not him"

Darla: "No but you could be, join us and everything will be as it was"

Angel: "It didn't work before Darla and it won't work now. I've killed you both before, I get to do it again"

During their banter, they've slowly been circling one another, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Drusilla's impatience wins out first and she charges Angel, he only just manages to move in time. I guess that he's still not used to the more lucid version of Dru. As he dodges her he gets caught with a kick to the ribs, delivered by Darla. His emotions are still clouding his judgement making it harder for him to defeat them. As he is recovering from the kick he gets another kick sent his way, this time from Dru, which connects with his jaw. There is an audible crack as his jaw breaks.

I can tell now that behind all of his anger, he still isn't ready emotionally to go full out against them. He still feels responsible for Dru being the way she is and I can tell he still has feelings for Darla. Knowing that if I don't do something he'll lose, I decide to break my word and help him out.

Moving faster than they can see, I charge into the two lady vampires, knocking them both off their feet and sending them flying into the wall. They both land on the floor dazed but otherwise unharmed. Taking full advantage of the situation, I freeze them in place and turn towards Angel.

Angel: "I want to do this alone"

Xander: "do you know the reason why I lied to Buffy that night?"

We both know what night I'm talking about.

Angel: "You were jealous of me and wanted me out of the way"

Xander: "No, when I looked into Buffy's eyes I saw that she was finally prepared to go all out to stop Angelus. Before then she had never wanted to kill him in hope of getting you back. If I had told her she would have held out waiting for the spell to work, getting herself killed in the process. Even when she did go all out she nearly lost"

Angel: "Why are you telling me this now?"

Xander: "What she was going through then is what you're going through now. Your head knows what needs to be done but your heart is preventing you to go through it. If you don't focus and go all out you'll die Angel and I doubt you'll come back this time. They'll unfreeze in a minute; you have until then to make your decision. I won't interfere either way"

I doubt he expected me to but he now knows that I will let them kill him. He knows that what I have told him is the truth and is probably surprised I bothered in the first place. I was telling him the truth when I said he has done a lot of good here. He has saved a lot lives.

There's only a few seconds before the freeze spell wears off, Angel must be aware of it too as he grabs a stake from inside his jacket. What I didn't expect was for him to rush over to them and stake them both before they could move.

Angel: "I can't believe I'm going to say this but thank you Xander. I doubt that I would have been able to do that without you"

Xander: "Everyone needs to be reminded of the bigger picture sometimes, especially when you're so close to the smaller one. I hate to rush you but I have a sword to steal, and a score to settle before I leave"

Angel: "What score?"

Xander: "Wolfram & Hart were the ones that killed my real parents. The Senior Partners combined their energy to destroy them. Before you say it, I know the sword is the main priority"

Angel: "I was just going to ask how you were going to get them back"

Xander: "That's for me to know and you to amaze at. We better get to the vault, you ready for another trip?"

I don't wait for him to respond, I grab him and start jumping through ceilings until we reach the vault. I don't have time to piss about so I rip the vault door off of its hinges and walk inside.

Xander: "You better stay here Angel, I don't know what countermeasures they'll have installed in here, and they may not be vamp friendly. I'll holler when I've found it. Want anything while I'm in here?"

Angel: "Surprise me"

I walk inside and I notice that the vault looks a lot bigger on the inside than the outside. It must be like a TARDIS or something. As nothing has tried to kill me, I'm guessing that nobody figured anybody could get this far.

Xander: "Coasts clear Angel, you can come in"

Seeing the amount of weapons and other mystical artefacts that they have, I wish I had asked Giles what the damn thing looked like. Walking through the vault, I started to feel a pull, as if I was being drawn somewhere. Knowing that I could handle practically anything they could throw at me, I decided to allow myself to be taken wherever this force wanted me to go. I can vaguely sense Angel following behind me and as I went deeper into the vault, the pull on me strengthened. The urge to run to wherever it I was going became almost impossible to resist. I started to walk faster and faster until I was almost running until I felt the pull stop. It was then that I realised that it wasn't Wolfram & Hart that was luring me it was the sword. The sword is about three feet in length, with a jewel-encrusted bevel and the blade has silver and gold gilded writing on it. The writing is in a language that I have never seen before, and with thousands of years of memories is rather strange. I pick up the sword and I am surprised at how light it is. Another thing that surprised me was that it felt like it was mine, like I had been looking for it my entire life and I am now whole.

Angel: "Is that it?"

Xander: "Yeah this is the Sword of Avalon"

Angel: "Are you OK Xander?"

Xander: "I feel that this belongs to me, like it is part of me"

Suddenly, Angel starts to look at me concerned about something.

Angel: "Didn't you say that it drains you of your life force?"

Xander: "Don't worry Angel I'm not dying, yet anyway. The sword needs to be activated first"

Angel: "How is it activated?"

Xander: "OK Angel I need to talk to you about something but now is not the time. I will tell you everything you want to know then"

I know that he wants to press the issue but decides against it, probably having to remind himself of what I'm capable of.

Angel: "Now you have the sword, wasn't there something else you wanted to do?"

I haven't seen Angel smile before. I've seen Angelus smile, but never Angel. The smile he has on his face would unnerve me if I hadn't got the exact same smile on mine.

Xander: "Yes there is. There is a very good chance you will not agree with what I'm about to do Angel. If you want to leave and meet the others I'll understand"

Angel: "You helped me, I'll help you. I am well aware that the world is not black and white; I am living proof that it's shades of grey. Whatever you do to them will be nothing compared to what they have done to others over the years"

I definitely think that the relationship between Angel and myself has changed tonight. We may never consider each other friends, but the issues we had are gone.

Xander: "Let's go get me some payback"

I decided that the best place to start would be to lighten their vault of a few items. Scanning the vault I see that they have a lot of items that if used improperly can do a lot of evil. I decide to send the more powerful items to my car. I then cast protection spells over the rest making them useless to the law firm.

Xander: "OK I have some gifts for Giles and Wesley, and put back a lot of their plans for a few hundred years. Do you know where they keep the Files & Records department?"

Angel: "Sub-Level 2 I believe. What have you got planned?"

Xander: "I'm guessing they have info on all of us. I'm going to destroy it, after taking out a few files on some of their more dangerous clients. Forewarned is forearmed and all that jazz. That and I want to know your surname"

Angel glares at me but there's mirth in his eyes.

Angel: "Don't take this the wrong way but I thought that your revenge would be a little bit more bloody. I mean they did kill your parents"

Xander: "You and I both know that I neither have the time or the power to go for the ones truly responsible, anyway my death card has already been filled"

I chuckle a bit but both Angel and I both know there was no humour behind it. Knowing that Angel lost his broadsword during our journey up here, I hand him my katana.

Xander: "I'm taking some of their most powerful mystical items and ensured that they can't use the ones I leave for hundreds of years. I'm going to destroy all of their records concerning the good guys. It will take years before they're up to speed again. If it helps to make you lives even a little easier I'll be happy wherever I end up after."

Angel: "Our fifteen minutes are up, the other will be coming in right now. It'll probably be wise to meet them at the lobby and then we can all go down and finish what we started. Thanks for the use of the katana by the way"

I hold the Sword of Avalon in my hands and look at it with reverence.

Xander: "I have all the weapons I need right here. I thought we'd take the long way down, you up for it?"

Angel: "Lead the way"

Angel and I make our way to the stairwell and start descending to the ground floor. It seems that we must have taken out most of their guards on the way up as we are met with little to no resistance and it only takes us a couple of minutes to get to the lobby. We find out that my earlier assessment was wrong as we discover the other trying to fend off about a dozen different demons. There are a few more dead demon bodies on the floor than there were before so I know that they have already killed a few.

Angel: "You take the six on the left, I'll take the six on the right"

Xander: "Fine with me"

We both charge, I reach my targets before Angel, and begin the quick but enjoyable fight that leave twelve piles of goop and dust on the lobby floor.

Cordelia: "It took you two long enough. That what you came for"

Cordy's pointing at my shiny new sword and I nod.

Xander: "Fang Gang, meet the Sword of Avalon. Sword of Avalon, meet the Fang Gang"

Three sets of rolling eyes are the only response I get, although I do hear a small chuckle coming from Angel. My humour must have finally rubbed off on him. Cordy'll kill me.

Angel: "We have one more piece of unfinished business here. We're going down to Files & Records, want to join us?"

Gunn: "Beats waiting here"

Wes nods his head, stating his agreement with Gunn and Cordy just shrugs. We all then begin our journey down, Angel and I in front. We meet some resistance but as we must have killed about a hundred of their employees tonight, they're running out of people to send against us.

Angel: "Sub-Level 2. Files & Records is the second door to the right"

Wesley: "You didn't tell us why we're coming down here"

Xander: "We're collecting info on their most dangerous clients and then destroying the rest"

Wesley: "I doubt that they keep everything here Xander"

Xander: "Actually I think that they haven't bothered keeping copies, they're so certain that no one would ever be dumb enough to take them head on"

Cordelia: "They've never met you before then"

Xander: "They'll be wishing they never had before the nights through"

We file through the door to Files & Records and I'm surprised by how normal it looks. If I didn't know that the place was run by top-level demons, I would have thought that it was just a normal law firm archive room. It is extremely large; they must have put the same mojo on this place as they have the vault. What does surprise me is that there is a woman sitting at a desk just looking at us like we're regular visitors, not five demon hunters with mean looking weaponry.

Woman: "Hello, this is Files & Records, how may I help you?"

Xander: "Could you please tell me what Angel's surname is please?"

Woman: "One moment"

The realization that she's a demon hits me when I see her eyes begin to act like rolodex's for a few seconds. When they stop she looks at me.

Woman: "Angel's surname is Shaughnessey. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Xander: "Yes, could you please give me a list of your most important clients please?"

Woman: "One moment"

As she starts to do the whirly eye thing I turn to Angel.

Xander: "Is she right?"

Angel: "Yes, now you know why I never use it"

Woman: "Here you are sir, a list of all our most important clients, listed alphabetically"

Xander: "Thank you"

Knowing that if we destroyed this entire room they would still be able to just ask her for the information they require, I chop her head off with my new sword. I saw a look of understanding from Angel, he must have come to the same realisation as I had, but the others looked at me in shock.

Cordelia: "What did you do that for, she wasn't trying to hurt us?"

Xander: "Cordy, I came down her to retrieve some info and then destroy everything else. If I had left her alive that would have been pointless"

Angel: "She had all the knowledge Wolfram & Hart had in her head Cordelia. She was as dangerous to us as any other demon we might face"

Hearing Angel agree with me calmed Cordy down, I look towards Wes and Gunn and they both had looks of understanding on their faces."

Xander: "OK our time is limited, I doubt it won't take them too long before they get reinforcements. That and sunrise is in a couple of hours. I suggest that we each take part of the list to save time. Once we have found all the names on the list, I'll finish up in here and then we'll take our leave"

Cordelia: "Won't they be coming after us?"

Xander: "Don't worry. Apart from us, there is only one living witness to our little incursion and I doubt she'll be in LA by sunset tomorrow. Before I leave, I'll short out the security systems, wiping out all trace of our presence tonight. OK times a wasting, lets get these files"

I split the list between us and we get to work on locating their files. It takes us about half an hour to find everything. I hand my car keys over to Angel.

Xander: "OK you four take the files and go back to the hotel. I'll finish up here and meet you there"

Cordy looks like she's about to argue, but Angel just guides her out of the room, Wes and Gunn follow her. Now I'm alone in the room I decide to let out my anger. I start to destroy one filing cabinet after another, allowing the stress and anger I have built up over the last few months to slowly ebb away. When I finally stop I realize that I've been at it for an hour. Deciding that now would be the best time to depart, I leave them my parting gift as I exit the room.


That room is going to be on fire for the next ten or so years. I know that they would have put protection spells on a lot of the files preventing damage so this way even if they don't perish they'll be unreachable for a while. I make my way back to the lobby, meeting no resistance. I go over to the security desk and create an electrical surge in the system that will wipe all security footage for tonight, as well as causing them a few other problems.

Smiling, I leave the building of Wolfram & Hart and make my way back to the Hyperion. Although the hotel is the other side of LA to the law firm, it only takes me a few minutes to make the journey. One of the benefits of being a demon is enhanced speed.

As I walk up to the hotel, the first rays of sun appear signalling a new day. Ever since I found out my 'destiny' I have tried to see the sunrise every day. Being the lazy son of a bitch that I am though has made that hard so I try to appreciate the ones I do get to see. Unfortunately I won't be appreciating this one long as Cordy steps out of the hotel.

Cordelia: "Harris, get in here NOW!"

Xander: "Coming dear!"

I walk into the hotel lobby and find them all waiting for me. The items that I had 'acquired' from Wolfram & Hart had been brought in with them, I could tell that they were waiting for my big explanation.

Xander: "Before I explain everything, it might be an idea if Angel told you about what happened"

Angel: "Why can't you tell them?"

Xander: "They wouldn't believe me if I did"

Angel: "Good point"

The next ten minutes are spent listening to Angel recounting our little adventure. It seems that being a vampire gives you photographic memory. I'm not entirely sure how much the others took in; as their expressions couldn't have got any blanker if they tried. Once he had finished his story, decided to fill them in on a few things.

Xander: "OK the first thing you all need to know is that I'm not human"

Cordelia: "I've known that for years"

Xander: "I mean that I am a demon, a pureblood Savox demon to be exact. I'm not going to go into detail, Wes can fill you all in on my kind"

I can see Gunn tense up as soon as I used the word demon, so I thought I better speed up my explanation.

Xander: "Before you feel the need to grab a weapon Gunn, I am one of the good guys. Angel wouldn't have allowed me to be anywhere near you if I wasn't. I never told anyone before a few weeks ago. We have a demon goddess in Sunnydale looking for a mystical key that can open a portal to her home dimension. The problem is that the world will go with her and her dimension is not exactly human friendly. There are only two ways to stop that from happening; one is to destroy the key"

Cordelia: "Why don't you do that then?"

Xander: "The key is Dawn Cordy"

Cordelia: "Dawn, Buffy's sister Dawn?"

Xander: "Yes, I don't have time to explain it all to you but she is. This of course means that option one is out. Option two is we kill Glory, which is why I need this"

At this point I show them the sword.

Xander: "This is the Sword of Avalon. It has the power to kill gods, but can only be wielded by a demon. That is why I revealed my true self"

I was going to leave it there, Angel must have guessed.

Angel: "Tell them everything Xander or I will"

Xander: "Fine. There is a catch, for the sword to have the power required to kill a god it must take the life force of the wielder"

Cordy may not like me at the moment but that doesn't change the fact that we have known each other since we were kids.

Cordelia: "That's just great! You finally get to save the day; you must be feeling pretty special. I bet that Buffy and Willow are both fawning over you about it"

Xander: "They don't and can't know, at least not yet"

Wesley: "Why not?"

Xander: "If Buffy knew she would have to choose between Dawn and myself. We all know what her decision would be, I simply want to save her the pain of making it"

Wesley: "How come the sword hasn't killed you yet?"

Xander: "The sword needs to be activated"

Gunn: "How?"

Xander: "I can't tell you"

Cordelia: "Can't or won't?"

Xander: "Won't. I need to be leaving soon and I need to talk to Angel for a while. Can we go to your office?"

Angel: "Sure"

I don't even bother to wait for his answer, I just get up and walk into his office, Angel following closely behind.

Xander: "You better close the door, it'll make it harder for Cordelia to eavesdrop"

Cordelia: "Hey!"

Xander: "Exactly my point"

Angel smiles and closes the door, much to the annoyance of Cordy.

Angel: "What do you want to talk about?"

Xander: "I still need to hold up my end of the bargain and anchor your soul. I also need to talk to you about the prophecy"

Angel: "Why, does it concern me?"

Xander: "No but it will effect you. The prophecy states that the love of a slayer and a Savox will defeat Glory"

Angel: "She loves you?"

Xander: "To be honest I don't know. I know that her feelings for me have grown, I can see it when she looks at me"

Angel: "Why are you telling me?"

Xander: "There was a time in my life when I would have enjoyed telling you this, to rub it in your face. I don't feel like that now, I know that you'll always have a place in her heart, no matter what happens between us. I just thought that you deserved to know, and I didn't want you to know second-hand"

Angel: "Don't hurt her"

Xander: "I wish I could promise that but you're forgetting that her love for me is a guarantee I'm dying soon. If there was any way to change what is going to happen I would. That's the other reason I'm going to anchor your soul. I know that having you around again after I'm gone will bring back her feelings for you and I want to know that if she decides to be with you again that she can be happy. Anyway back to anchoring your soul. You better sit down, this is going to hurt"

Angel: "Before you do this you better tell the others what you're going to do"

Xander: "I'll let you do it, I don't feel like facing Cor at the moment"

Angel: "I don't blame you"

Angel leaves his office, I can hear Cordy's scream of delight when he tells them. He comes back in after a few minutes and sits down in his chair.

Angel: "OK I'm ready"


Angel did his best to deal with the pain, but even the strongest wills have a breaking point. His scream made the rest of the Fang Gang rush into his office.

Gunn: "What are you doing to him!"

Xander: "The pain will pass, his soul is becoming part of him. That sort of thing isn't painless"

Angel: "It's OK Gunn I'm fine"

Angel stands up, he's in pain but he has it under control again.

Wesley: "How will we know that it has worked? I'm not doubting your skills Xander but"

Angel: "I can feel it Wes. Before I could always feel the demon inside fighting for control, now all I feel is peace"

Xander: "Oh I forgot to tell you that a side effect of the spell is that it destroys the demon inside"

Angel: "What!"

Xander: "You're still in possession of all of your vampire abilities but you can no longer be classified as a demon. Try to put your game-face on"

Angel tries to revert to his vampire face but is unable to. He looks at me astonished.

Angel: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

I put on my patented lop-sided grin.

Xander: "I wanted it to be a surprise. I'm afraid that you are still susceptible to sunlight and crosses, but it will be to a lesser extent. It will also grow steadily weaker over time"

Angel: "You mean that I'll be able to go out in sunlight?"

Xander: "In time you would be able to withstand it for short periods of time. It will take many years Angel, decades even, so don't get your hopes up of seeing a sunrise for a while"

Angel: "What about blood?"

Xander: "I'm afraid that you'll still need blood Angel, but the desire to feed that you always had to fight died with the demon"

Angel walks up to me and shakes my hand.

Angel: "Thank you Xander, I'll never be able to repay you"

Xander: "Take care of her and we're even. I better be going, can't stay away for too long"

Angel: "Goodbye Xander"

Xander: "See you DeadBoy"

Cordy comes up to me and gives me a hug.

Cordelia: "I'll see you around Xand"

Xander: "No you won't, but thanks for everything"

Cordelia: "Just don't lose Xander, I like living"

Cordy releases me after kissing me on the cheek and then Wes comes over and shakes my hand.

Wesley: "It's been a pleasure to know you Xander"

Xander: "Thanks Wes. I'm leaving you a couple of the items that came with me from Wolfram & Hart, make sure that they don't get misused"

Wesley: "You have my word"

Gunn comes over and also shakes my hand.

Gunn: "Listen bro I don't really know you but anyone that can match Cor in insults can't be all bad"

Xander: "Thanks man"

Before I leave I grab the best of the weapons I took from the vault and head out to my car. Angel has a good thing going here, I just hope he doesn't fuck it up. Now I have my sword, it's only a matter of time before Glory finds out what happens when you come after my friends.

Chapter 9

I get home about three in the afternoon; I find that I have a message on my answering machine.

Giles: "Xander, Glory came and took Dawn. As soon as you get in you need to come here right away"

Within seconds I'm there, Giles notices my arrival and comes right over.

Xander: "What happened Giles?"

Giles: "It seems that Dawn had told Spike that we were leaving. Once he realised that we weren't going to take him with us, he betrayed us and told Glory whom Dawn really was. She had her mages do a locator spell and found us here. They had us surrounded before we knew what had happened"

Xander: "I'm going to fucking kill him! How long do we have Giles?"

Giles: "I've found out that Glory has to wait for a particular planetary alignment to occur before the portal to her dimension is available. That happens in ten days"

Xander: "So Dawn is safe until then?"

Giles: "Yes. Glory needs her alive to perform the ceremony. We better not wait until then to make our move, in case we fail"

Xander: "Giles, I have no intention of letting that bitch have Dawn any longer than absolutely necessary"

Giles: "Of course not, sorry Xander my mind is not exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment"

It's only now that I notice Giles' appearance. He has definitely seen better days.

Xander: "How are you? Where is everyone?"

Giles: "I have a couple of bruises but I'll be fine. Buffy is trying to calm Joyce down; she's been in an almost catatonic state since Glory took Dawn. Willow is looking after Tara in their room"

Xander: "What's wrong with Tara?"

Giles: "Glory did something to her, we have no idea what though. She's alive but barely aware of our existence. It's as if her mind just isn't there apart from the most basic functions"

Xander: "OK, I'm going to see what I can do for Tara, then I'll check on Joyce and Buffy, then I'll find and kill spike"

Giles gives me a warning glare.

Giles: "We don't have time for revenge Xander"

Xander: "Listen Giles, I have the Sword of Avalon, soon both Glory and I will be pushing up daisies. I don't have the time to wait before I get to see a Spike-shaped dust pile. I know what the bigger picture is and I won't risk Dawns life for anything, especially a piece of shit like Spike. But if I have the chance, I WILL kill Spike. I'll speak to you later Giles"

I leave Giles and go upstairs. I walk into Willow and Tara's room. I see Willow resting her head on Tara's lap, holding her right hand in both of hers.

Xander: "Hey Wills"

Willow comes running up to me and hugs me as though her life depended on it.

Willow: "Oh Xand I don't know what to do, I'm so angry right now it's all I can do not to go and take Glory on by myself"

Xander: "The fact that you haven't proves that you're getting your magic under control. There is no way you would have been able to resist the urge to go after her if you hadn't. Let me see what I can do for Tara, I can't promise anything mind you"

I manage to pre-empt any hopes that might have been dashed if I can't do anything.

Willow: "I know that you will do your best Xand, that's all I ask for"

I walk over to the bed, and gently take Tara's hand in mine.

Xander: "Hey there Tare, I'm going to see if I can help you OK? First I'm going to check to see what she did to you, I promise it won't hurt"

I start to feel for what injuries that she may have. Luckily she is fine physically, the problem is that the damage has been caused mentally and emotionally.

Xander: "It seems that Glory has taken Tara's mind. Physically she's fine but the things that make Tara who she is have gone. I'm aware of a couple of spells that might work in reversing what she's done, but I'll have to check on a couple of things first, it takes time for me to sift through all the memories I have in my noggin. I have to warn you but it might be the case that she'll only return to her lovely self once Glory's dead"

I can see Resolve Face starting to appear on Willow so I have to speak fast.

Xander: "Willow whatever you are thinking of doing, it isn't going to happen. You go up against her, you wouldn't last more than a minute before you ended up like Tara, or worse dead. The best thing you can do at the moment is just to be here for the woman that you love. I promise you I'll do everything I can"

Luckily I managed to get through to her before the Resolve Face had been completed. She brings me into anther hug as another bout of tears threatens to fall.

Willow: "Thanks Xand I needed to hear that. You always seem to know what to say, you can't read minds can you?"

I give her the best lop-sided grin I can manage.

Xander: "I knew you'd say that. Don't worry there isn't anything demonic about it. It's one of the responsibilities of being a best friend Wills, knowing what to say and when it needs to be said. If you're OK for the moment, I'm going to go see how Buffy and Joyce are before I have run a little errand"

I leave Willow who went back to holding Tara's hand and I walk into Joyce's room. I find Joyce and Buffy crying and holding onto each other on the floor. Joyce seems to be a lot calmer than the description that Giles had given me. The guilt of not being able to protect Dawn hits me like a tidal wave.

Xander: "I'm so sorry Joyce"

Both Joyce and Buffy turn to look at me, looking surprised by both my presence and my words.

Joyce: "Why are you sorry?"

Xander: "I should have been here, I should have done something"

She gets up and walks over to me.

Joyce: "There was nothing you could have done. You sent us all here to be safe and if that bastard hadn't betrayed us we would have"

She begins to cry again and I hold her for a few minutes before I say anything further.

Xander: "I give you my word that he will pay Joyce. I also promise you that we'll get Dawn back, if it takes my dying breath to do it"

Of course that's probably what it's going to take. Buffy gives me a look but I can't figure out what it was for.

Joyce: "I know that you will Xander. You've always protected both of my girls"

Tears overcome her again. Buffy leads her over to the bed and then leads me out of the bedroom.

Buffy: "She's right you know"

Xander: "About what?"

Buffy: "About always being there to protect us. I know that you'd take on the Devil himself if it kept us alive. It's one of things that I like about you"

She then hits me square on the jaw with all her might. The shock of it makes me fall to the floor but I quickly return to my feet. Confusion and anger fight to control my expression, confusion winning on points.

Buffy: "Lying to us isn't though. I found the prophecy Xander. When were you going to tell us? When were you going to tell me?"

Xander: "Honestly I was hoping I wouldn't have to until the last minute"

My honesty surprises her but her anger remains.

Buffy: "Why not?"

Xander: "There's only one other way to stop Glory Buff, we both know that. I didn't want you to feel that you had to choose, especially as we both know what your decision would and should be"

Any anger that had been in Buffy's eyes before I had started to speak had gone and tears had replaced it. I pull her into an embrace. It's a few minutes before she speaks again.

Buffy: "Why does it have to be you?"

Xander: "Why does it have to be anyone Buff? I don't like it anymore than you do, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. The thought of dying isn't exactly a happy one, but knowing that my death will help save everyone I care about is. If there was another way to kill her that meant we all survived I would grab it with both hands, but there isn't so we have to play with the hand we're dealt"

Buffy says the next thing so quietly that if I didn't have enhanced hearing I would have missed it.

Buffy: "Is the prophecy why you told me you love me?"

Xander: "OF COURSE NOT! Never think my love for you is anything but 100% real. I have been in love with you from the moment I first saw you. I love everything about you, the good and the bad. If I'm brutally honest, after reading the prophecy it initially made me not want to tell you that I loved you"

Buffy: "What do you mean?"

Once again my honesty surprises her. I guess I shouldn't expect less, I hid my thoughts and feelings so well no one ever knew what my true feelings were.

Xander: "I have always dreamed that one day you would finally return my love and we would live happily ever after. I dreamt about the whole package: the white picket fence, the 2.4 kids, the dog, everything. Knowing that your love would mean my death didn't exactly make me do the happy dance"

Buffy: "Then why tell me?"

Xander: "Because I realised knowing you feel the same as I do means more to me than anything. If the price I have to pay for your love is my life I give it gladly"

Buffy: "What if I don't think the price is worth it?"

Xander: "Another reason why I didn't want you to know about the prophecy. It doesn't matter whether you believe the price is too high or not, all that matters is what you feel and that you're honest about it"

Buffy: "I don't know what I feel"

Xander: "I'm not surprised, it's always tricky working out what your heart desires. All I ask of you is that once you know how you feel you are honest about it and tell me"

Buffy: "I promise you that I will"

Xander: "Good"

We keep hugging each other for another minute or so, taking comfort in each other's arms. Eventually we part. I decide that a change of topic is required.

Xander: "I don't know if Giles told you or not but I just got back from LA"

Buffy: "Why did you go there?"

Xander: "Giles found out that there was a weapon there that would help me kill Glory. Angel and the Fang Gang helped me retrieve it"

Buffy: "You and Angel worked together? You didn't kill him did you?

Xander: "Don't think the thought never cross my mind, but no I didn't kill him"

Buffy: "How are they all?"

Xander: "Better now than they were. They were having some trouble with Drusilla and Darla, but I helped Angel out with that"

Buffy: "Darla? Angel's sire Darla? She's dead isn't she?"

Xander: "She was, she came back, she's dead again. It seems that resurrection is a recurring theme for our little group. Oh, I have some news about Angel"

Buffy: "Is he OK?"

It's like a conditioned response or something. You mention their name and they automatically assume the worst.

Xander: "He's fine Buffy, I just told you that. The news is that I have anchored his soul to him and destroyed the demon inside"

Buffy: "WHAT! How? Why?"

Xander: "You forgot when and where. It doesn't matter how Buff, the important thing is that Angel no longer has the happy clause. It also doesn't matter why I did it, I just did"

Buffy: "It does to me"

She has to know everything about everything doesn't she? I can't exactly tell her the real reason why can I? Luckily that wasn't the only reason, although the others were after thoughts.

Xander: "Whether I like to admit it or not, Angel has done a lot of good since his move to LA. He's got less broody and he even made a joke. I feel that he deserves to be happy. I made sure that the demon inside him was gone to ensure that there was no more chance of Angelus paying us a visit. I promised him I'd be there when Angelus died and I was. I'm happy, Angel's happy, Cordelia was extremely happy"

Buffy: "You seem to be doing that a lot, trying to give people happiness I mean"

Xander: "I'm just trying to do what I can while I can"

Buffy's posture suddenly changes and the anger that had gone was back full force.

Buffy: "WAIT! You said that Giles told you where the sword is? He knew about the prophecy didn't he!"

Knowing that Giles doesn't have the luxury of being indestructible like my self, I need to diffuse this Buffy bomb quickly.

Xander: "Yes he did but before you think about laying into him, I asked him not let anyone know. He agreed but only to not freely giving out the info, if any of you had asked him he would have told you"

The bombs not diffused, but it packs a smaller punch.

Buffy: "Why did you tell him?"

Xander: "I knew that he would have seen the same prophecy I had, not thinking it applied to this situation. Once I told you I was a Savox demon, I knew he would figure it out. By the way, have you told anyone?"

Buffy: "No I was waiting to find out if I was right first"

Xander: "Good, don't"

Buffy: "Why not?"

Xander: "Do you really think Joyce or Willow can take that extra info right now? They have too much to deal with right now, if you add this to the mix they're going to be useless to us in the final battle"

Buffy; "Don't say it like that"

Xander: "Sorry. I need you to promise me that you won't tell them about the prophecy unless they ask. Please Buffy, for me?"

I can tell that she doesn't like the idea of keeping this from he mum or Willow but she realises they won't be able to handle knowing right now. Buffy bomb diffused. Giles owes me big.

Buffy: "OK Xander, I promise. I'm telling you right now though, I will not right out lie to them"

Xander: "I wouldn't expect you to, the same way I wouldn't have expected Giles to. Anyway let's go down and talk to Giles about my LA adventure, and then you and I are going to pay a visit to Spike. I'm going to make him pay for his betrayal, you may not like what I do to him"

Buffy: "Whatever you do to him he'll deserve it and more"

With that said we go downstairs and join Giles in the living room. We find him looking through my 'goodie bag' I brought with me.

Giles: "Where did you get all this Xander?"

Xander: "They are all donations from Wolfram & Hart. Don't worry they won't be looking for them, they'll have their hands full for quite a while"

The grin I give Giles is rewarded with his best Ripper smile.

Giles: "Did you remember to take pictures?"

Xander: "Sorry but I thought that these goodies would make up for it"

Giles: "Very much so"

Buffy: "Excuse me but who are Wolfram & Hart?"

Xander: "They're the ones that resurrected Darla. Angel has been dealing with them since he moved to LA. After last night though he won't be having any problems from them for a long time"

I then spend the next hour or so explaining everything that happened. Afterwards I walk over to the bag and retrieve my sword.

Xander: "Do you like my new toy; it slices, it dices and it reduces gods to lifeless corpses"

Giles: "The Sword of Avalon. It looks better than it's descriptions"

Xander: "Amazing what a spit and polish will do"

Buffy comes over to me and makes an attempt to touch the sword. I quickly move it out of reach and am rewarded with a pout.

Buffy: "No fair! You should share the toys"

Xander: "No offence Buff but only demons are capable of wielding it. I don't know what happens when a human touches it and I don't want to find out"

Buffy: "Can I play with the other toys?"

If I didn't know she was twenty years old, I would have sworn I was talking to a toddler.

Xander: "As long as Giles says you can"

Giles: "Don't bloody bring me into this!"

Xander: "You probably know more about them than I do Giles, I was hoping that you would check they're safe for a Slayer to handle that's all"

Realising that I was being serious, something he still hasn't got used to from me, he relents.

Giles: "Ah in that case I apologise. There is nothing here that would be dangerous to slayers, in fact there are a couple of things that may help us slow Glory down"

Buffy: "Good, the more the merrier. Anything there that will kill her, apart from Xander's sword that is"

Giles gives me a 'how does she know that?' look.

Xander: "She found the prophecy Giles, she knows everything"

He goes from a curious Giles to a scared Giles instantly.

Giles: "Buffy, I hope you understand why we kept this from you"

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, probably to enjoy the growing apprehension on Giles' face.

Buffy: "I understand but I don't like it. I've promised that I wouldn't tell the others unless they ask me first"

Giles: "I do think that's for the best. By the way, Xander are you able to help Tara in any way?"

Xander: "I think so Giles. There are a couple of spells in my head that I think will work, I'll write them down so you can look at them, tell me what you think"

Giles: "Of course"

Xander: "While you're doing that, I'll need to get some magic supplies for them. Buffy and I also need to go and kill Spike"

Giles: "I've already talked to you about not having time for personal vendettas"

Xander: "And I agreed that saving dawn and killing Glory are the top priorities. If we can't find Spike and kill him before we need to prepare, he'll get a reprieve until after. But I will see him dead even if it means haunting him forever until he is"

Giles: "If you do find him make sure he dies in a lot of pain"

Buffy: "From the way Xander tells it he most definitely will be"

Xander: "Don't worry about that Giles, hell will seem like a holiday camp compared to me. Getting back on track, you said that some of those weapons would slow Glory down?"

Giles: "Yes. One of the items here will enable us to imprison her in a time loop for a while"

Xander: "How long?"

Giles: "Normally as long as we want but as she's a god, I'd say no more than a couple of minutes"

Buffy: "That's not a lot of time Giles"

Xander: "It's enough time for me to kill every one of her minions while you and the others free Dawn. Once those obstacles are out of the way I'll be able to go full force against her"

Realising that I mean to go one on one with the glorious one, Buffy instantly moves into her 'I'm the Slayer pose'.

Buffy: "There is no way I'm letting you face her alone! You wouldn't let me so I damn well aren't letting you!"

Xander: "As you wish"

Buffy: "Why do you keep doing that!"

Xander: "What?"

Buffy: "Never mind"

Xander: "It's five now which gives us a few hours until sundown. OK, here's the plan; Giles, you check on those spells that may help Tara. Buffy and I will go to Sunnydale to collect the supplies I'll need, once we have them we'll find and kill Spike in the most gruesome way imaginable. Any questions?"

Both Buffy and Giles shake their heads.

Xander: "Good. Shall we be off?"

I take Buffy's hand and after a small chant from myself, we arrive back in my apartment in Sunnydale.

Buffy: "I'll never get used to that"

Xander: "You shouldn't, I'm already using it too often as it is"

Buffy: "You're not worried you'll get addicted like Willow?"

Xander: "No, I have a far greater control over my abilities. What I'm worried about is that Willow will think I'm a living a double standard; I can use as much magic as I like but she's barely allowed to use any"

Buffy: "Don't worry about that, she knows you're only using it out of necessity"

Xander: "I hope so. I know we left without you getting any weapons, I have a few things in the 'spare room'"

Buffy: "You have a spare room?"

Xander: "In a way. Go over to my bedroom door, tap twice then tap once then tap four times then open it"

Buffy: "You're joking aren't you?"

Xander: "Knowing my reputation that is a logical assumption but I assure you I'm being serious"

Buffy: "OK but if this is a joke I'll be seriously pissed at you"

Xander: "Duly noted"

Buffy walks over to my bedroom door and uses the sequence of knocks I told her. When she opens the door she steps back a step.

Buffy: "Whoah"

Instead of my immaculately tidy room, there is what can best be described as an armoury.

Xander: "It's a present from my parents. The room itself is slightly out of phase from our reality. They set it up so that I could only access it once I turned eighteen. They guessed that I might want to join the family business so they wanted to make sure that I was prepared"

Buffy: "You really could have used some of this stuff during High School"

Xander: "Don't I know it. Hey, at least I won't have to steal a rocket launcher if we need one. Have a look around and pick out what you want"

Buffy: "Thanks"

The look on her face is exactly the same as you the one you would see on a child that's been told they can go into a toy store and take what they want. She is barely able to control her enthusiasm; every couple of steps she takes is more like a bounce. Seeing the way she's acting makes me sorry I didn't bring her here sooner. When she is still looking after half an hour, I feel I have to speak up.

Xander: "Seen anything you like?"

Buffy: "It would be easier to tell to tell you what I don't like!"

Xander: "Just remember we don't have a lot of time here Buff, you'll have plenty of time to browse later"

She spins round and glares at me.

Buffy: "When, after you're dead!"

Is she going to keep bringing that up? I'm sure I didn't go on as much as this when she was fated to die!

Xander: "Yes if there isn't time beforehand. I'm leaving it to you; this is why I got you to open it. It's now keyed in to your aura. Only you or I can open it and it can be accessed from any door. Just pick what would be useful"

She keeps the glare up for a couple more seconds before picking up a few stakes, some holy water and an axe. She's too busy looking round to notice what I choose.

Buffy: "These do?"

Xander: "You're the VAMPIRE SLAYER and you're asking me!"

Buffy just looks blankly at me for a couple of seconds before responding.

Buffy: "Don't mind me I was just having a blonde moment"

Knowing that any comments about blondes and/or dye and she'd be trying that sword out on me, I decide against doing so.

Xander: "There are a few things that to get from the Magic Box before we go after Spike. How about we grab a couple of sandwiches on the way, and eat them there before we go on the hunt?"

Buffy: "Sounds like a plan. Are you going to tell me what you have planned for Spike yet?"

Xander: "Buffy, Buffy, Buffy. You should know that the best things come to those that wait. All I can tell you is that Spike's last memories will definitely be the most vivid of his too long life"

We put our assorted weapons in a bag and leave my apartment en route to the Magic Box.

Buffy: "Do you even know where to start looking for Spike?"

Xander: "I set up a locator spell, I know exactly where he is all the time he's in Sunnydale"

Buffy stops and grabs me by the shoulder.

Buffy: "Well why don't we get him now!"

Xander: "Vampires and daylight don't mix. He'll be staying where he is until nightfall. That gives us plenty of time to have a bite to eat and gather the supplies I'll need to help Tara. I want him to pay for what he's done Buff, but if I have to choose between killing him or making Tara better, I'll choose Tara every time. I know you would as well"

Buffy: "Sorry I got carried away, but he's the reason why my sister's been abducted. I'll see him dust if it's the last thing I do, I've already given that bastard too many chances, if I had just staked him the first time he came to us for help…"

Xander: "You can't live your life with 'what ifs' Buff. I know that more than anyone. If I allowed myself to think about every time I could have done something differently, I'd go crazy very fast and that's something no one wants"

Buffy: "You're not crazy now?"

Xander: "I love you, isn't that proof of my sanity?"

Buffy doesn't respond to my comment right away, I can see she's still not used to my true feelings for her.

Buffy: "I take back any previous comments about your mental health, you are by far the sanest person on the planet"

At least I know that she's finally accepted my feelings, all I need is for her to work out how she feels.

Xander: "I knew you'd see it my way. Ah, food awaits!"

We reach the café we usually go to when food is required and I go in and buy a couple of sandwiches and some sodas. I come out to find a pouting Buffy waiting for me.

Xander: "What have I done wrong now?"

Buffy: "You just went in there and you didn't even ask me what I wanted and you left me to carry the bag!"

I say nothing, I simply hand her the bag. She quickly looks in and decides to stop pouting. Inside is her favourite sandwich; turkey salad on rye.

Xander: "I did more snack runs than all of you combined. I know what all your favourites are. Of course if you want something else I'll just take that back and…"

Buffy: "NO! I mean that's OK; I'll make do with what you got me. Just this once mind you. You still left me to carry the bag, a gentleman would have carried it himself"

Xander: "You never once allowed me to carry your bags before, why would I think you've changed your mind now? Ah, I see what it is; you never let me when I was just 'constantly getting knocked out' Xander, now I'm 'knock down a building with his bare hands' Xander you don't mind"

Buffy: "Shut up before I shove your new sword up your demon ass!"

There is only one response to that.

Xander: "As you wish"

Buffy: "AHH!"

Xander: "What are you shouting about?"

Buffy: "Never mind"

Xander: "Strange woman. Lets get those supplies shall we?"

Buffy glares but doesn't say anything more. I use the set of keys Giles gave me and open the door to the Magic Box, allowing her to go in first. I put the weapons bag on the floor and my lunch on the table, deciding to retrieve the supplies first. She goes straight to her usual seat and starts eating her sandwich. She must have been hungry as it's gone in just a couple of bites. And she has the audacity to call ME a bottomless pit. I watch her looking between my lunch bag and me. I know she wants to eat my sandwich and she knows I know. This is a game we have played many times before, usually ending up with Buffy getting her way. Although I love this game, it's something we don't have time for.

Xander: "I am going to close my eyes and count to ten. When I open my eyes I am going to come over to the table and consume whatever is in my bag"

I close my eyes and begin counting. By two she has the sandwich, by seven she's eaten the sandwich, by eight she has my soda and by the time I've finished counting the soda is gone as well. I open my eyes and see Buffy giving me her most innocent look. She's damn lucky I love her.

I continue collecting the materials I need for the spells, also collecting a few things we will need when we go after Glory. It takes me about an hour to make sure I have collected everything and I put everything into a bag I grabbed from behind the counter.

Xander: "That's everything. Ready to find the Billy Idol wannabe?"

Buffy: "Absolutely. Lead the way, you're the one with the locator spell"

I grab the bags and head out, Buffy following behind me. Although I don't know the exact spot he is, I do know the general area. I head towards Restfield Cemetery, as that's where I'm getting the strongest hit, the closer I get the stronger the feeling.

We check his crypt but don't find anything, except a small shrine to Buffy.

Buffy: "That sick and twisted pervert!"

Xander: "I always thought that he had a thing for you but this is too much"

Buffy: "OH MY GOD! He's got some of my underwear! That bastard has been going through my underwear drawer!"

She starts throwing things and destroying the shrine. Ten minutes later, Buffy and I have destroyed the shrine and the crypt. He must know he's being followed as he's going in circles. After two hours and a few newly risen vamps later, we finally catch up with him.

Spike: "Droopy, Slayer. What can I do for you?"

Buffy: "Spike, you can stay still as I'm going to rip your fucking nuts off!"

Spike: "You may find that a little difficult Slayer"

Before she gets a chance to respond he punches her full in the face, sending her flying into a nearby gravestone. He doesn't show any signs of pain.

Xander: "At least I know what you got for betraying us Spike"

Spike: "You betrayed me first! You left me here to fend for myself while you all go on some happy camping trip"

I don't even bother to respond as I notice a blonde streak that's heading straight for him. I know that she needs to get some anger out of her system. I then remember that she does have a tendency to stake vampires.

Xander: "Buffy, don't stake him. Well not in the heart anyway, I have plans for him"

Buffy: "Do you need his balls?"

Xander: "No, why?"

Buffy: "Just checking"

They are now trading blows, both getting in as many as each other. This could go on forever and I was about to tell Buffy to hurry up when it seems that she has had the same thought. She takes out a stake and plunges it into his balls, leaving it there. Spike is now writhing on the ground in agony, somehow managing to pull the stake out. Buffy takes out another stake and plunges it into his balls once again.

Buffy: "Every time you take one out, I'll just put another one in"

Spike doesn't listen and takes the second stake out, only for a third to take its place.

Spike: "Bloody hell slayer, just get it over with if you're going to kill me"

Xander: "Come now William, you must know that prolonging the pain is the most fun?"

Spike: "You're the good guys, you can't do this!"

Xander: "You've done far worse, in the grand scheme of things I'll still be on the right side of the scale"

Before he can think of something else to try and dissuade us, I kick him in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.

Buffy: "What now?"

Xander: "I have a couple of things to set up and everything will be ready for the last night of Spike's life"


I finally see signs of Spike waking up so I start to talk.

Xander: "I hope that the guest of honour is comfortable?"

Spike notices that he's chained to the inside of a large metal box. He tries to break free but is unable to.

Spike: "Let me go you wanker!"

I walk over to Buffy and put my hands over her ears.

Xander: "Mind your language in front of the lady, William"

Spike: "Show me one and I will"

Before Buffy can do anything, I rush over and punch him square in the face breaking his nose.

Xander: "Now that wasn't very nice William"

Spike: "Stop calling me that, the name's Spike!"

Xander: "Now William, as you're awake I can finally explain what is going to happen. In a few minutes I will open the IV that you now have connected to your right arm. Instead of blood or saline, the bag is full of holy water. The drip is going to be set low, that way you won't get too much into your system to kill you but it will be EXTREMELY uncomfortable. The IV in your left arm is connected to a nerve agent that works on vamps; it'll basically keep you from moving so that you'll not be able to get free, not that you'd be able to. The door to the box is light sensitive; when sunrise begins, the door will slowly move up. This means that you'll slowly catch fire until you finally become engulfed in flames and finally turn to dust. Oh by the way, when you get to Hell don't forget to say hello to Drusilla, Darla and Angelus for me"

Spike: "You fucking wanker I'll get you back for this!"

Xander: "How exactly are you going to do that?"

Before he has a chance to respond I turn on the two drips and slide the door down. Even though the walls of the box are thick, we can still hear his screams through them. I turn to Buffy with a little smile on my face; she's looking a little queasy.

Buffy: "I know he deserves it but don't you think that's a little extreme?"

Xander: "Not at all. I know that it's a little over the top, blame the fact that I watch too many James Bond films"

Buffy: "Just thought I'd ask. Are we going to stay?"

Xander: "No need to, every moment is going to be videoed for posterity. That way everyone gets to witness the joyous occasion. I know Joyce wouldn't be happy if she missed it"

Buffy: "Remind me never to piss you off"

Xander: "Angel said the same thing to me in LA"

Buffy: "What did you do then?"

Xander: "Teleported a bunch of Fyarl demons into the middle of a silver mine"

Buffy: "You have a sick imagination"

Xander: "We had nothing silver and we were on a deadline. We better get back to the others, hopefully Giles and I can agree which spell should be used on Tara"

Buffy: "You know Willow will want to help"

Xander: "I know and I'm going to let her along with Giles. Both spells only require one caster but between the three of us we can ensure everything is prepared properly"

Buffy: "If you pick the wrong one will you just be able to try the other?"

Xander: "No, otherwise I wouldn't have asked Giles to go over them. They are mutually exclusive, basically by doing one the other automatically becomes useless"

Buffy: "You better pick the right one then"

Xander: "Don't worry we will. Take my hand"

She places her hand in mine and I teleport us back to the cabin.

Buffy: "Where is everyone?"

Xander: "Don't panic. Don't forget that it's early morning Buff; they're probably all fast asleep. If you want we can check on them"

She's racing up the stairs before I finish my sentence. Knowing that I haven't slept in two days, I decide to go to my room and catch a few winks. I leave the bags where they are and walk up the stairs. Buffy is walking out of her mother's room when I get to the top.

Buffy: "They're all fine just like you said, I just freaked a bit when no one was around"

Xander: "It's understandable considering everything that's happened. I'm going to my room to get a few hours sleep, I haven't slept since before I went to LA"

Buffy: "You must be shattered"

Xander: "Not really, I don't really require that must rest usually. With the amount of magic and violence I've been doing I do need to recharge the batteries"

Buffy: "I've just remembered, all the rooms are taken"

Xander: "Huh? Oh yeah, I bought this place before Dawn showed up"

Knowing I just let something slip I quickly cover my tracks.

Xander: "What I mean to say is that although I have memories of buying this place and checking there were enough rooms for everyone, including Dawn, I doubt that the monks would have been able to change the actual layout to include another bedroom"

Buffy: "Makes sense"

I'm glad that worked, I didn't need to explain that as well.

Xander: "Where am I going to sleep?"

Buffy: "Well you could sleep in my room"

Xander: "I don't think that would be wise"

Buffy: "I mean that I can share mum's bed and you can have mine"

Xander: "I knew that"

Buffy: "Sure you did"

Xander: "Are you suggesting that I was having impure thoughts?"

How could she believe that I would be thinking of having hours of loud, sweaty, naked sex with her all over her bedroom?

Buffy: "This coming from the man that worked out that less than conventional way to kill Spike or those Fyarl demons"

Xander: "Point taken. Are you sure you don't mind?"

Buffy: "Of course not, you've earned it. I'll see you in the morning"

Xander: "Goodnight Buffy"

We hug and then go to our separate rooms. I doubt I'll be getting much sleep.


I wake up to the smell of breakfast being prepared. The clock on the wall reads 10:15 AM. I get up and go down stairs to find Joyce in the kitchen cooking and Buffy, Willow and Giles all sitting at the dining room table.

Xander: "Morning all"

Joyce turns round from the stove.

Joyce: "Good Morning Xander, would you like some breakfast?"

Xander: "I'd move mountains for your cooking Joyce"

Buffy: "Xand, could you please stop flirting with my mother"

Xander: "I am not flirting, I am simply commenting on the greatness of your mother's cooking"

Giles: "Was you visit to Sunnydale productive?"

Xander: "Absolutely, I got all the supplies I'll need for either spell and we managed to complete our side project"

Giles: "Excellent"

Joyce: "What are you talking about?"

Xander: "I might be able to help Tara. There are a couple of spells that could do the job, after breakfast Giles, Willow and I will discuss which one to use n=and then begin preparing"

Willow: "You want my help?"

Xander: "Do you really think I'd keep you out of it? Neither you nor Giles will be needed for the actual spell but I will include you in everything else"

Joyce brings over breakfast for everyone and the next half an hour is spent enjoying the food and the company. Once we have all finished I volunteer to help Joyce with the dishes. Buffy and Giles go into the living room and Willow goes upstairs with some food for Tara. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I decide to ask how Joyce is.

Xander: "I know that this is a stupid question Joyce, but how are you coping?"

Joyce: "Honestly I'm not. No one can ever truly prepare themselves for their little girl being kidnapped. The only thing that's keeping me going is my faith in Buffy and yourself bringing her back to me safe and sound"

I put a hand on her shoulder.

Xander: "I promise that your faith is justified"

Joyce: "I know. Do you really think that you can help Tara?"

Xander: "I certainly hope so. Willow has never been happier than when she has Tara by her side, she completes her in a way no one ever has, including me. I just want to make sure that she doesn't lose that"

Joyce: "If anyone can help her it's you Xander, I know that more than anyone"

Xander: "I just want everyone to be happy, that includes you Joyce"

Joyce: "I'll be happy when I have Dawn back"

Xander: "I don't mean that Joyce. I'm not sure I should bring this up, I don't want to get too personal"

Joyce: "Why don't you start and I'll let you know if it gets too personal"

Xander: "I know that you have feelings for Giles"

I wait for her to comment but when she doesn't I know that it's safe to continue.

Xander: "I think of Giles and yourself as my parents and I want to see you both happy and I think that you can be happy together"

Joyce: "What makes you think that he feels the same way?"

Xander: "I cannot tell you how I know but I know. I also know that it's doubtful that he's going to make the first move"

Joyce: "So you're suggesting that I should?"

Xander: "All I'm suggesting is that you only live once, so live it to the full. If you did decide to make the first move the worst that could happen is that he says no. All I know is that I'd rather try and fail than not to try at all"

Joyce: "You know you're a very remarkable man Xander"

Xander: "Nah, I'm just the usual all powerful, unstoppable force of nature type"

We finish washing the dishes in silence, but it's not an uncomfortable one. We go into the living room to join Giles and Buffy. I sit on the couch next to Buffy and Joyce sits on the armchair opposite Giles.

Xander: "Have you had a chance to look at those spells Giles?"

Giles: "Yes and I do believe that the first spell would have the best chance of working"

Buffy: "Are you sure, as Xander told me that if you choose wrong, you wouldn't be able to do the other one"

Giles: "That is correct Buffy we wouldn't, but I spent most of the night researching them and I do believe that it's the best choice"

Xander: "I agree with you Giles that the first one will be best. We'll give Willow half an hour and then get her in on this. We'll then go over the preparations and I'll perform the spell as soon as possible. Then tomorrow, whether the spell works or not, we'll have to plan how we're going to get Dawn back"

Joyce: "When you go get Dawn, I'm coming with you"

Buffy: "NO! There is no way in hell that you're coming with us!"

Giles: "Joyce, it will be extremely dangerous for you to come with us. You have no experience in this type of thing and we won't be able to guarantee your safety"

Joyce: "Rupert, Buffy, I know that you only have the best intentions but there is no way short of violence to keep me from going!"

Xander: "OK everybody calm down. I know that we can't stop you from coming Joyce, but there is no way we are risking you by actively helping. We'll leave you at a safe distance and bring Dawn to you. I shall cast a protection spell so you can't be harmed, but it won't protect you from a direct attack from Glory. It's safe to assume that she'd go after you as a way to cloud Buffy's judgement in the fight"

My words have a sobering effect on all of them.

Buffy: "I'm sorry I snapped mum but I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt or worse"

Joyce: "That's OK honey I feel the same about you, but I want to be there"

Giles: "I am also sorry Joyce, I have no right to tell you what you can or cannot do"

Joyce: "Don't worry about that Rupert, you were just trying to protect me and I thank you for thinking of me"

Giles: "Xander you said you could put a protection spell on Joyce, would it be possible for the rest of us?"

Xander: "I'm afraid not Giles. The spells would be harder to cast for people on the move and in active combat, otherwise I would have suggested it sooner"

Giles: "Of course you would, I'm sorry"

Xander: "No worries, we all have a lot on our minds. I'm going to go up and check on Willow and Tara, then bring Willow down so we can begin preparing the spell"

I leave them there in the living room and go up to Willow and Tara's room.

Xander: "How is she this morning?"

Willow: "The same as yesterday. She just looks blankly ahead, I'm not even sure she is looking at anything"

Xander: "Giles and I have worked out which spell to use, we are going to go through all the preparations and three sets of eyes are better than two"

Willow: "OK I'll be down in a few minutes. When you do the spell can I be there?"

Xander: "Of course you're going to be there, I wouldn't try to keep you away. What you're going to have to promise me is that you keep your emotions and power in check while I cast the spell. Do you think you'll be able to do that?"

Willow: "I'll do whatever it takes"

Xander: "Good, we'll see you down there"

I go back down and Willow joins us a few minutes later. We spend the next couple of hours checking and double-checking everything that we need to do for the spell. Once we all agreed that everything was ready, we made all the preparations and I was ready to perform the spell.

We decide that we would perform the spell in the living room so we would have enough space; Buffy and I move all of the furniture into the dining room. I carefully bring Tara downstairs and place her on the floor where we had placed several cushions to make her more comfortable.

I sit cross-legged at her head, Giles to my left and Willow to my right. I can hear Willow using one of the meditation techniques I gave her to keep herself calm. Once I had centred myself, I place my hands on her temples and begin the spell.


My hands begin to glow and the glow soon encompasses her entire head. After a few moments I begin to feel a change within her mind and I know that the spell is beginning to work. After a couple of minutes Tara's consciousness has almost completely returned when the spell ends. She mumbles incoherently for a couple of seconds before she falls into a deep sleep.

Xander: "The spell has worked, but the reversal is not complete. I would say that 98% of her consciousness has returned"

Willow: "Will she be OK?"

Xander: "Yes she'll be fine, if anything it's a good thing that everything hasn't returned"

Giles: "Why do you say that?"

Xander: "I think the part that is missing is the trauma she went through as a child. We all know that her family made her believe she was a demon and wasn't worth shit. That has held her back her entire life, but that has not returned so she should be more confident in herself now"

Willow: "That's great but will it change her personality? She won't suddenly decide that she doesn't love me anymore will she?"

Xander: "She'll be the same Tara we all know and love, she will have more self esteem and will probably speak her mind more often. That basically means she'll fit right in with the rest of us, even more than she did before. She'll be asleep for a few hours yet, allowing her mind to adjust to everything that happened"

Buffy and Joyce come in to see how everything went.

Joyce: "Did it work?"

Xander: "Yes Joyce, Tara will be fine once she wakes up"

Buffy: "That's great news Xand, we all knew you could do it"

Xander: "We all played a part, we all share the credit"

Now that Tara is going to be fine, we can all concentrate on getting Dawn back and putting that bitch Glory in the ground.

Chapter 10

The Scooby Gang make their way to the tower that Glory has had erected for the ceremony. Joyce had insisted that she come along, saying that she couldn't just wait and find out whether one or both of her daughters gets hurt or worse. She is going to stay and look after Tara in the van.

Giles: "Is everyone clear on the plan?"

Xander: "We know the plan Giles"


Willow and Tara come down and join Buffy, Xander, Giles and Joyce in the living room to discuss the plan to rescue Dawn and kill Glory.

Giles: "Now that everyone is here, it will be wise to bring everyone up to speed on the situation. Before Dawn was taken, Xander went to LA to retrieve a weapon that will help him to defeat Glory"

Willow: "What do you mean that it will help Xander to kill Glory?"

Giles: "The weapon, called the Sword of Avalon, can only be wielded by a demon. It is written that the weapon has the power to kill gods. This means that Xander has the best chance of defeating Glory"

Joyce: "What about Dawn?"

Giles: "Believe me Joyce when I tell you that our primary objective is to rescue Dawn. While Xander was in LA, he also 'acquired' a few other items that will come in handy in slowing Glory down, allowing us time to free Dawn and get her to safety. Only once she's safe will we endeavour to kill Glory"

Joyce: "I didn't mean to snap Rupert, I'm just worried for my daughter"

Giles: "We are all worried about her Joyce. As I was saying, one of the items that Xander brought with him is known as the Wand of Bakula, which allows the user to put their enemies in a time loop. Normally it is used so that they are unable to defend themselves when they kill them. We won't be able to use it for that but we will be able to use it to stall Glory while we rescue Dawn"

Tara: "I guess that Willow and I have the task of keeping Glory busy"

Giles: "You are quite correct Tara. You and Willow will be needed to perform the spell that will put Glory in the time loop. As she is a goddess, the spell will not last for long, we will need you to keep it working as long as possible. My job will be to protect you from Glory's minions"

A smile appears on Willow's face.

Willow: "Does that mean that 'Ripper' gets an airing?"

Giles: "Yes Willow it does, but I would like you to not make it sound like I have a split personality"

Willow: "Sorry Giles"

Giles: "I'm sure you are. While you and Tara are performing the spell, Buffy and Xander will be taking out the guards and freeing Dawn. Buffy will then take her to Joyce who will be at a safe distance away from the battleground"

Buffy: "I still don't think you should be going mum"

Joyce: "And I still think that I should. And as your mother I out rank you"

Xander: "Don't worry Buff, I'll be using the strongest protection spell I know to keep her safe"

Buffy: "They didn't keep Dawn safe"

Joyce: "Buffy! Apologise to Xander this instant! There was no need for that"

Xander: "Don't worry Joyce she's right, I should have done more to keep her safe"

Joyce: "You did as much as you or anyone else could have done. We all knew that there wasn't anything that could stop Glory once she knew who and where Dawn was"

Xander: "It doesn't make me feel any better"

Buffy: "Mum's right Xand, I shouldn't have said what I did. I'm just really stressed out but I shouldn't take it out on you. Forgive me?"

Xander: "Nothing to forgive Buff, we're all feeling the strain. It's better you get it out of your system now so you're clear headed tomorrow"

Giles: "If I may continue? Once Buffy has taken Dawn to Joyce, she will meet up with Xander and they will kill her"

Tara: "What if the Glory breaks free of the spell before they've got Dawn?"

Xander: "Don't worry about that, neither of us will be holding back tomorrow. It'll take no more than a couple of minutes to get past the guards and free Dawn"

Willow: "Do you know that the sword will work?"

Xander: "There aren't many gods or goddesses around to practise on Wills, but I can feel the power of the sword, I know that it will work"

Tara: "We've worked out what we're going to do, but do we know where Glory is or where she has Dawn?"

Giles: "We do know where she needs to perform the ceremony, she has constructed a tower on an abandoned construction site on the outskirts of town. We are not however going to wait for her to perform the ceremony.

I have several sources that have confirmed that Glory has a mansion an hour south of Sunnydale. She has Dawn in a building to the south of the grounds, guarded by a few of her lackey's. The remainder of her helpers are normally guarding the outside of the building. Glory only has one servant with her at any one time"

Xander: "I have a van that we can use to get there, I've already put a protection spell on it. I'll put another protection spell on the area surrounding it when we get to our destination. I think it'll be best if we park away from the grounds, that way giving Joyce more protection"

Giles: "Good idea"

Xander: "I'll scope out the place and ensure that out intelligence is correct. By the time I've done that and we've worked out the logistics of the plan, as well as a few contingencies, we'll be ready"


Buffy: "Giles we know what needs to be done and we will do it. Nothing will stop me from getting my sister back"

She starts to tear up but Xander gathers her hands in her own, which has an almost instantaneous calming effect. She knows that for them to win Xander must die but she promised him not to tell the others. She hates to admit it but he's right that they wouldn't be able to focus on the task at hand with that knowledge. She's still not sure how she will focus with that knowledge.

Xander: "Don't worry, Dawnie will be back annoying us all by the end of the day, I give you my word"

Willow: "You know Xander always keeps his word Buff"

Buffy looks at him and smiles.

Buffy: "Yes I do"

They sit in silence for a few minutes, Giles stops the van when he realises that they are almost at the mansion where Glory is using. Everyone except Joyce exits the van and Xander casts the protection spell around the van to keep her safe.

Giles, Willow and Tara go to the north of the grounds and Buffy and Xander head to the south, where the building they're holding Dawn was situated. They can both see Dawn in the building, bound and gagged. She is being guarded by several of Glory's henchmen.

Xander: "How long do you think we have to wait?"

As soon as he finished that sentence, a bright red flare shoots up into the sky.

Buffy: "Not long at all it seems"

The flare indicates that Willow and Tara are performing the spell. They both watch as Glory is affected by the spell, seemingly performing the same actions and saying the same words over and over again. Her lackey's look at her in confusion as they can't figure out what is wrong; Buffy and Xander use this to their advantage.

Xander: "Let's go"

Both Xander and Buffy race over to where Glory and her lackeys are and begin killing them all. Xander goes with the ripping out of their hearts while Buffy goes with the hack and slash method. Within a minute all but the lackey's guarding Dawn are left, Buffy leaves the others to Xander while she goes into the building to free Dawn.

Buffy makes light work of the guards inside and breaks the bonds that held Dawn.

Dawn: "Buffy! Thank god you're her, I was so scared!"

Buffy: "Hey it's alright, Xander and I are here now. Let's take you to mum and then Xander and I have a goddess to kill"

Buffy picks Dawn up and rushes to where the van and Joyce are.

Joyce: "Dawn, than god you're alright!"

Dawn: "I'm fine mum"

Joyce: "How are you Buffy?"

Buffy: "A few bumps and bruises that's all mum. I've got to get back to Xander"

Joyce: "I'll see you both soon"

Buffy: "No, you won't"

Joyce: "Buffy?"

Buffy: "He's going to die mum, the only way to kill her is to sacrifice himself"

Joyce: "Oh god no"

Dawn: "He can't die!"

Buffy: "He doesn't want to Dawn, it's the only way"

Joyce: "I'm sorry Buffy"

Buffy: "Why say sorry to me, I'm not the one who's going to die!"

Joyce: "You love him don't you?"

Buffy: "I-I don't know"

Joyce: "I think you do Buffy, you just don't want to admit it"

Buffy: "I have to go"

Buffy races off to meet up with Xander. As she gets closer, she can see that the spell is wearing off. By the time she is standing next to Xander, the spell has worn off completely.

Buffy and Xander were now face to face with Glory. Her minions were dead, Dawn was safe and her chances of getting home were no non-existent. She was not a happy bunny.

Glory: "I'm going to enjoy grinding your bones into powder!"

Xander: "I'm going to give that a 6.7 on the threat scale. Of course you'll never actually live long enough to fulfil it"

Glory: "I'm a god, there's no way you can defeat me!"

Buffy: "You'll be changing your tune when we kick your ass!"

Glory: "I'm going to kill you Slayer and make the boy watch"

Xander: "You harm a hair on her head and I'll make you wish that you never existed, I know I already do"

Glory moves faster than either Buffy or Xander could see. Before they know what's happening, Buffy goes flying into the air, her journey only stops when her spine connects with the steel tower that they'd just rescued Dawn from. Xander looks on distraught; he can see that Buffy is hurt but alive.

A red mist appears before his eyes and with a speed that he never knew he possessed charges at Glory. He begins a relentless attack on the goddess, swinging the sword so fast that it appears as nothing but a blur. For every blow that Glory blocks, two more get through. The blows are causing her pain but are not causing serious damage. He is relentless, not giving Glory a chance to do anything but block the barrage of blows that he is delivering.

Buffy has now regained her senses enough to witness the fight. Buffy thinks to herself that she has never seen Xander fight with such unbridled fury, until her memories remind her differently. She has seen him fight this way every time some demon had got in a lucky shot and hurt her.

It is at this moment that she finally admits to herself that she loves him. She is IN love with him. She doesn't know why, but at that moment she feels an uncontrollable urge to shout it to the heavens.


Xander not only hears the words, he feels the depth of truth held within them. Suddenly the sword begins to glow and soon so does he. The blows that are connecting with Glory are now causing more and more damage. Blood is slowly pouring out of the growing number of slash marks on Glory's body. She tries to get away, to run from the inevitable but whatever she tries ends in failure. Her strength and speed was slowly leaving her and it isn't long before she collapses to the ground, her blood pooling around her.

Xander looks down at the almost lifeless body of Glory and prepares to deliver the final blow, but for a moment he doesn't see the evil demon goddess that she is. All he sees is a young defenceless woman who has a fear in her eyes that was directed directly at him and he hesitates. If Glory had been stronger she would have taken advantage of this opportunity but she simply couldn't move.

Glory: "I'll make you beg for mercy when I've finished with you!"

Xander shakes his head clear of his compassion for the thing that had wanted to kill his family. Determination appears on his face once again and he prepares himself to deliver the killing blow.

Xander: "I love you Buffy"

With his final words floating in the air, he brings the sword down and thrusts it through Glory's chest, piercing her heart and embedding the sword into the concrete floor beneath her.

Glory: "Go to hell!"

With these last words Glory died.

Xander: "Ladies first"

Xander takes a few steps away from the now lifeless form of Glory before he himself starts to feel weak. His legs give way and he crashes to the floor. Buffy was immediately by his side, closely followed by Willow and the others.

Buffy: "I love you Xander"

Even though he is in a lot of pain, her words bring a smile to his face.

Xander: "Took you long enough"

Buffy smiled even through the tears but the realisation of what was going to happen starts to dawn on her.

Buffy: "Please don't leave me"

Xander: "God I wish I didn't have to Buffy. Just remember that as long as I'm in your thoughts, I will always be with you"

Xander looks over the group that is surrounding his quickly weakening form. His family. He addresses each one in turn; fighting to keep the pain he is in from showing on his face.

Xander: "Hey Wills. I am so proud of you, you're my bestest friend in the whole wide world and I hope you'll forgive me for not being around to push you in your wheelchair when you're eighty. Tara will have to do that for me.

Tara you make my Willow happy, which makes you one of the most important people in the world to me. Your love and compassion is far more powerful than any spell can ever be. I know that you'll be happy together.

Dawnie, don't you even consider trying to blame yourself. You are a wonderful young woman with your whole life ahead of you. I am so glad that you were sent to us, our lives would have been less complete without you in them.

Giles you are my father in every way that counts. I doubt I would have become half the man I am without your guidance and wisdom. Look after them for me and remember what I told you.

Joyce, if I could have chosen a mother, I couldn't have picked a better one than you. If everyone had a mother like you the world would be a better place.

Buffy I have loved you from the moment I saw you and probably before that. You are and will forever be my hero Buffy, never forget that. Never blame yourself for loving me, you couldn't resist my magnetic personality"

Buffy: "I'll never forget you Xander. I love you"

Xander: "I love you too. I'm feeling tired, I think I'll go to sleep now"

Buffy: "Sleep well my love"

Xander: "As you wish"

Xander closes his eyes and in moments he's gone. Cries of sorrow surround him, coming from the people that meant the most to him. Almost no one notices when his body starts to emit a blue glow. The glow becomes brighter and brighter until his body disappears and all that is left is a ball of blue light.

They all look upon the ball of light and feel the energy emanating from it, calmed by its presence. After a few moments the ball begins to move upwards into the sky, slowly gaining speed until it all that can be seen is a streak of blue soaring into the heavens. They all hope that it's destination is exactly that.


Buffy and the others arrive at the Summers house after coming from saving Dawn and killing Glory. They are all in differing levels of shock; Dawn hasn't stopped crying since Xander died, willow hasn't been much better. Tara is trying to be supportive to Willow but is having trouble keeping her own emotions in check.

Both Giles and Joyce are very quiet and subdued, only speaking when necessary. Both feel that they have just lost one of their children, as that is how they both saw Xander, as the son they never had.

Buffy hasn't said a word since Xander's death, her features giving no clues as to how she is feeling. Her eyes however show the real story. She is staring blankly ahead, if it wasn't for the fact she was moving around you would think that those eyes belonged to a corpse, there are no signs of life in them.

She goes up to her room, silently closing the door behind her. She notices that on her bed is a pink envelope with her name written on it, the handwriting unmistakably Xander's. She walks over and opens the envelope, removing the paper inside. The paper is initially blank but after a couple of moments writing appears on it.

Hi Buffy,

This letter appeared in your room the moment I died. Each of you will be in receipt of one; you will be the only one capable of reading your letter. I wanted to ensure that no one but you saw what I wrote, allowing you to decide what you tell the others.

The first thing I want to say is that I'm sorry for keeping so many secrets from you over the years. My intention was never to hurt you in any way; I truly believed that what I was doing was for the best. Sometimes I was wrong, other times I was right. I just wanted to make sure you knew I never did it to cause you pain, I hope you believe that.

The second thing I wanted to tell you is that I am absolutely and completely in love with you. It started when I first saw you, your beauty causing me to fall off my skateboard. The feeling steadily grew from that moment. I had always considered you the one that was never within reach. I tried to get over you, first with Cordelia and later with Anya. The problem was that my heart was never truly in it, as I had given it to you a long time ago, even if you never knew it then.

When I first found the prophecy, I jumped around with joy; I had written proof that I would finally win your heart. After the initial euphoria wore off, I read and re-read the prophecy maybe a dozen times, each time my heart broke a little more. You see I thought that 'Glory' meant happiness; the thought that our love would destroy happiness cut me like a knife, so I said nothing and re-doubled my efforts to forget how much I was in love with you.

Then Dawn and Glory came into our lives. Yes I did know that Dawn wasn't your sister, I never said anything, as I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she wasn't evil. I knew that whoever sent her to you wanted her to be protected, and protected she was. The prophecy then took on a different meaning; I knew what it really meant. I knew that I could not hide my heritage or my feelings for you any longer.

Then I was taken back to the fact that you had never shown any signs of feeling anything other than friendship towards me. I didn't want any feelings that you may have had or could have to be anything other than genuine, which was why I didn't mention the prophecy; that and the fact that it prophesised my death. I should have told you but my selfish pride got in the way, for that I am truly sorry.

Now that the whole 'bearing my soul' thing is over, it's time to get to the good stuff. As you are all aware, I wasn't exactly poor. The majority of my money is invested in a dozen or so multinational companies. A company known as Zeppo Industries owns all these; this is a ghost company I set up during my road trip; it cannot be traced to me or anyone else. All of these companies have a list of names, with instructions to give any and all assistance that any of these people may require, whenever and wherever it is required. Both the Scooby Gang and the Fang Gang are on that list.

The reason I have set it up in such a way is that I know that the Council keep close tabs on you all; if they found out that you were the brand new owners of one of the largest conglomerates in the world, they would stop at nothing until they had you under their control. This way you have all of the resources available to you with no way it can be traced back to you.

I have also set up several accounts with banks all over the world, one for each of you. A healthy amount of money will be deposited into these accounts on a monthly basis, to be used as you all see fit. Don't worry, Dawn can only use the account in her name if Joyce countersigns until her eighteenth birthday. I wanted to make sure that you all have the best chance of happiness the only way I can, by ensuring that you never have to worry about where the money to pay the bills will come from.

The cabin is already in your name and the car you saw outside your house is yours as well, you will find the keys next to you when you finish reading this letter. I want you to have a happy life Buffy, I'm just sorry I won't be there to share it with you.

Love always,


Buffy: "I love you Xander"

A small smile appears on her face, even after death Xander looks out for her. She looks to her right and sees the keys to the car. She picks them up and takes them, along with the letter, down stairs.

The End