Ruler of the Waves

Author: Simone of the Zordiak <burning_night[at]>

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, it all belongs to other people, but I can still dream, can I?

An eleventh drabble in my Helloween Drabble series. Different answers to the challenge:
'what if Xander dressed as something different for Halloween'.

Authors Note: I have given up killing bunnys with bunny-b-gone and am going to write out short drabbles to all the bunnies that have attacked me. Afterwards I hope I will be able to continue my other fic. I might expand on one or the other drabble, but which one remains to be seen.

He was digging through the bin of cheap props for something to go with his costume, when something caught his interest. Sure, it wasn't what he was searching for, but it has possibilities. All he needed to make this work was some stuff he'd either at home already of could get her cheaply. And it would make a much better costume than the solider.


Sea-shells... Check.

Blue and green hairdye... Check.

Fishnet... Check.

Trident... Check.

Crown, covered with sea-shells and algea... Check.

Yes, he was ready.


Ethan had never expected something like this to happen. He'd thought he had covered every possibility, but h had never even dreamed that this was possible.

Humans had lost their rulership of the Oceans.

The God of the Seas was back and boy was he pissed at all the junk people had dumped into the oceans and all the species, that had died out.

He outright denied humanity access to the ressources of the Seas, except for a few minorities that used to hunt and work with the seas like their forefathers had done. They respected the seas and thus they were allowed to continue in their ways.

Ethan couldn't help, but laugh.

One spell, one costume, one boy.

Far more chaos, for a much longer space of time he'd imagined.

Janus would be pleased.