Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Sideshow" TEASER MEXICO - SEA OF CORTEZ - 1912 - DAY A cavalry troop of Mexican Revolutionary soldiers is charging towards the sea on an open plain. Horses galloping, guns at the ready. The plain ends on a empty lagoon, and on one side is a set of cliffs. The sea is boiling, bubbling, and a weird pulsating sound permeates the air. CUT TO: EXT. THE CLIFFS - DAY A man dressed in rather formal clothes and carrying a Winchester rifle observes the cavalry charge. He is smoking a cigar and has two Colt Single Action Army revolvers at his hips. He is observing the action through large binoculars. FRANCISCO "Come my Dorados. My Golden Ones! Onwards. And please God, FASTER." To his lieutenant FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Are the others ready?" JOSE "Yes Colonel Villa. They are ready." FRANCISCO "Good." Suddenly from the boiling sea in the lagoon a UFO appears, barely clearing the water. It struggles ungainly into the air and fires into the charging cavalry, who shoot back with guns blazing. Men and horses fall down, stricken by the laser pulse. Again! And again. As more men and horses fall. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Now!" He fires into the air with his Winchester rifle. CAMERA ON THE CLIFFS Men in the cliffs pull ropes and the canvas covering built into their cliffside redoubts fall down. Revealing cannons. The fire on the UFO. Again. And again. Punching holes in the alien craft. The UFO struggles higher, holes leaking smoke and fluid. Until suddenly ... It explodes. FRANCISCO "Scum! Come to MY Country and do these things. THIS is the price you pay!" JOSE "Is it over?" FRANCISCO "For now. At least for us. And for me. [pause] God willing." Throwing his cigar down, he looks at the carnage of his cavalry. Men and horses are dead. The toll is appalling. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Come. Let us see to our Dorados. They have paid a heavy price today. Though those alien scum have paid one heavier." ACT ONE EXT. A CHICAGO BUS STOP - DAY The heading is August, 2003 Chicago as the camera focuses on a bus stop. A Transit Bus comes to a hissing stop, and people exit on the far side of the bus hidden from the camera. The bus pulls away with a groan of diesel engines, revealing: DAWN "OK. Wonderful neighborhood. I miss Sunnydale already. At least there all I had to worry about was demons. Ick. I'm sweating already. And Dawn ... Not good talking to yourself!" A homeless person wanders by, muttering to herself HOMELESS WOMAN "Shiny green, shiny green. I see you. Not real you know. Shiny green. Shiny green." DAWN "Great. That's all I needed. WHERE is Xander's junkyard?" She pulls out a map and consults it. CUT TO: EXT. FARTHER UP THE STREET - DAY A rather effeminate boy of 16 is being pursued by a gang of toughs. Of around the same age. He's Latino as are his pursuers. He has long dark hair, a rather girlish face, and is very worried as his pursuers are GAINING on him. He sees Dawn at the bus stop as he runs from his pursuers. He staggers to the bus stop and asks Dawn RICKY "Do you have a cell phone?" DAWN "No. What's the problem?" The pursuing gang arrives. RICKY "Oh god." DAWN "What the HELL is going on." The gang leader is a fairly muscular boy of around 16. He's got tattoos on both his arms and a tough attitude. Like everyone else in the neighborhood except Dawn he's Latino. GANG LEADER "OK Ricky. Time for your beating. [he looks at him nastily] Fag." DAWN "What the HELL?" GANG LEADER "Get lost White Girl! Before you get hurt." Dawn gets an angry look on her face. Trouble is starting. DAWN "Like hell I will. [to Ricky] Are they chasing you because ..." GANG LEADER "He's a homo. And we don't WANT his kind in our neighborhood." Dawn gets a look on her face. Thoughtful. And full of anger. DAWN "Now I'm thinking YOU need a beating. Big time." She pulls a wand out of her jacket. And shakes it to the ground. It's an ASP Baton. Which she uses to hit the Gang leader over the head with. Twice. DAWN (CONT'D) "Go! NOW!" She pushes Ricky down the street. They turn a corner. Hop a fence. The gang right behind them. The Gang Leader holding his head and ANGRY. They cross an empty parking lot, filled with weeds. Dodge across a busy street into a junkyard. Dawn spies Xander with a crowbar in hand walking across the junkyard. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander! Help!" Xander advances as the gang pursues Dawn and Ricky into the Junkyard. An ANGRY look on his face. XANDER "And here I though today was going to be boring." To Dawn XANDER (CONT'D) "Dawn. There's a monkey wrench behind me. Nearly as good as a mace." Dawn grabs the monkey wrench and stands off to Xander's blind side. She's ready and waiting. DAWN "Gotcha." To Ricky DAWN (CONT'D) "Get behind us." CUT TO: INT. A MILITARY COMMAND POST - DAY A large military command post in an underground bunker is manned by various uniformed personnel. Several monitors are tracking the progress of a object heading towards Chicago from outer space. Both the object's terminal point and the orbital insertion are displayed in a rotating three dimensional wire frame. GRAHAM "Is it confirmed?" SOLDIER AT MONITOR "Yes sir. Ohject has decelerated around the Moon, inserted into Earth orbit, and is descending." GRAHAM "Terminal point?" SOLDIER AT MONITOR "Chicago Sir. Likely Lake Michigan." GRAHAM "Then it's started." He picks up a phone. GRAHAM "Get me the President. They've come back." CUT TO: INT. A DINER - DAY Willow and Kennedy are a table in a greasy, Chicago diner. Buffy is standing at the table taking their order. BUFFY "So? You want fries with that?" WILLOW "I don't think so Buffy. Just a coke. What about you Kennedy?" KENNEDY "No I'm good thanks." Willow and Kennedy are holding hands underneath the table. Buffy sees this. And pouts a bit until she sees a handsome biker. He's at the front counter, ordering. He's rugged, handsome, and has a three day old stubble. He smiles charmingly at Buffy. Who smiles back. WILLOW "Hey, Earth to Buffy? You're not thinking of askingn out THAT guy are you?" BUFFY "Oh no. Certainly not. Especially since Giles wants me to go to England and help him and Andrew rebuild the Council. [pause] God with Andrew the Council will be more annoying than ever." She turns back to Willow. WILLOW "And besides, you were gonna go out with Xander tonight? I mean it would be nice. You. And Xander. And stuff. After Anya. And Spike. Nice. [a pause] And I'm shutting up now." BUFFY "Oh yeah. Xander. I'd forgotten. Yeah I can hang with him. [she looks over at the biker again longingly] I guess." Kennedy looks at Buffy KENNEDY "I thought he was your friend? How come you haven't done the nasty with him? [a smile] Or have we corrupted you?" Buffy's taken aback BUFFY "You HAVE been hanging with Faith too long. Good thing Faith and Robin went to Cleveland already. Xander IS my friend. He's just ..." WILLOW "You're friend?" BUFFY "Right. I mean come on ... He's Xander. He's gonna be alright. He can handle stuff. And he's just ... Well Xander." Kennedy looks at Buffy with new insight KENNEDY "You mean you're not interested." BUFFY "Exactly. He's not ... Romantic." KENNEDY "Not like that guy over there?" BUFFY "Well, I like my men ... sorta mysterious. And well ... men. Xander ... He's one of the girls." Kennedy snorts at this. BUFFY "You know what I mean. Guys, they have to have some mystery to them. Xander is just a nice guy. No surprises. I like surprises." WILLOW "Yeah I know." BUFFY "Hey! Not fair. Besides Xander's never been evil. And I like my men with a touch of evil." Seeing Willow's look Buffy adds. BUFFY "Just a touch though. JUST a touch. No more vampires for Buffy." WILLOW "So you ARE gonna hang out with Xander tonight? He seems so down lately. All he does is go to that Junkyard or watch reruns." Buffy shoots Willow a look BUFFY "Have I EVER let my friends down." Buffy goes over to the counter and starts flirting shamelessly with the biker. Kennedy and Willow observe this. KENNEDY "Five bucks says she dumps Xander tonight for that Biker." WILLOW "UH uh. No takers. Hey! Maybe we can hang with him for a while?" KENNEDY "Willow! I thought tonight was our romantic night? He'll be OK." WILLOW "Are you sure? This Anya thing and his eye? It hit him pretty hard." KENNEDY "Sure. I mean he's got his friends, right?" CUT TO: EXT. THE JUNKYARD - DAY The two groups stare out at each other. Dawn and Xander are standing next to each other. GANG LEADER "You're in a lotta trouble White Boy. And you're gonna get a beating little girl." Dawn snorts at this. XANDER "As opposed to before?" He gestures to his eyepatch. XANDER (CONT'D) "You chase a friend of mine into MY Junkyard. And I'm in a real pissy mood." GANG LEADER "Walk away. You don't get hurt. We OWN this neighborhood." Hefting his crowbar. XANDER "And here I thought it was Mayor Daley." Pulling out a Makarov pistol and pointing it at Xander. GANG LEADER "You better walk away. Now." Xander smiles. It's NOT pretty. XANDER "Like I care? Dead here or dead in Sunnydale. All the same to me." He advances towards the group. DAWN "Xander! No." Suddenly a man steps forward from off camera. He's got a careworn face with well worn clothing from another era. An era of horseback. And rifles. He has on a rather battered hat, is chomping a badly chewed cigar, and is hefting a rather large bore Winchester rifle. Which is pointed directly at the Gang Leader. FRANCISCO "I think you had better leave now. This rifle would leave a very large hole in your heart." He smiles at this. GANG LEADER "This isn't your ..." He trails off as he looks at the calm and deadly demeanor of the man with the rifle pointed directly at him. GANG LEADER (CONT'D) "Forget it. Later Ricky. Later. [he pauses and looks at Dawn and Xander] And I'll catch you two later. This is our neighborhood." The gang leaves sullenly. There is an awkward pause. RICKY "Thanks. Those guys were gonna beat me for sure." XANDER "Why were they after you?" Angrily. DAWN "Cause he's gay." XANDER "So?" RICKY "Not too popular in THIS neighborhood." Dawn holds out her hand. So does Xander. DAWN "I'm Dawn." XANDER "I'm Xander." RICKY "Ricky." They all shake hands. Xander, Dawn, and Ricky look at the man with the rifle. Questioning. XANDER (CONT'D) "Thanks for the save. It was very Burt Lancaster of you. [a pause] That was a joke. Never want to offend a man with rifle." DAWN "Thanks. [shooting Xander a look of concern] Things could have gone ... Badly without you here. Mr?" FRANCISCO "My name is Francisco Villa. But you Miss Summers, and you Alexander Harris, [a pause] and of course you Ricky, may call me Francisco." DAWN "How did you know? How did you know my name?" RICKY "You know me?" XANDER "Say! You're not some evil thing from Sunnydale are you? Cause hey, been there, done that, got my eye poked out." FRANCISCO "Ah well, that's a very good story. About knowing all of you. But I'm here to help." He slaps both Xander and Dawn across their backs. It's a hearty slap since Francisco has put some weight behind it. DAWN "Help with what? Those gang members?" XANDER "Not that, ah we don't appreciate the help of the Mexican Chuck Connors. Who somehow knows our names." DAWN "Xander. You have GOT to stop watching TV Land." XANDER "Hey. One eyed guys get their social life where they can." Looking a bit puzzled, Francisco points to the sky. FRANCISCO "No. I'm here to help. With that." A pause. Then, a spacecraft similar to the one seen before streaks across the sky, low, heading for Lake Michigan. The air is filled with the pulsing sounds of the spacecraft. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "They've come back. The aliens have returned. And only you Dawn Summers, you Alexander Harris, and you Ricky Cortez, can stop them." XANDER "Oh crap." DAWN "I TOLD Buffy we should never have left California." Ricky is looking dumbfounded. RICKY "Aliens. OK. WHAT THE ..." ACT TWO EXT. THE JUNKYARD - DAY Everyone is standing around not knowing what to say. Dawn attempts to break the silence by hitting Francisco. FRANCISCO "Hey. Stop that." DAWN "Xander! I can touch him." RICKY "So?" XANDER "So he's not the First." FRANCISCO "The First what?" DAWN "The First Evil. And Xander, do we KNOW he's not working for it? He KNOWS our names." XANDER "Good point." FRANCISCO "The First Evil? No." He laughs FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "I don't work for THAT. I work for her. The Mother." XANDER "OK, I'm going to regret this. Whose mother?" FRANCISCO "The earth of course. The mother of us all. She wants you to defend her. From them. And other threats." Dawn's not buying this. She asks him skeptically with arms crossed defensively. DAWN "Why are you here? With us? Why not the Slayer? She has the power. We're just ..." XANDER "A one eyed guy and girl from Sunnydale." RICKY "Sunnydale? The town that disappeared?" XANDER "Pretty much." Francisco interrupts, urgently. FRANCISCO "Dawn Summers. The Earth has called you. To her defense. YOU are needed. You. Mr. Harris. And YOU Mr. Cortez. The earth needs you." RICKY "OK. NOT what I was expecting." FRANCISCO "Your sister the slayer, Faith, Kennedy, even the Witch, Willow ... They can do nothing. Leaders, defenders are needed. NOT the slayer." He pauses. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "The monks who created you knew better than the Knights. It is Dawn Summers who is needed. And I am truly sorry for that, but it cannot be helped." XANDER "Wait a minute. What can Dawn and I and ... Ricky? Right?" RICKY "Yeah. Ricky." XANDER "Sorry." RICKY "No problem." XANDER "What can we do? And let me say Aliens? Not that sucky Aliens Resurrection Movie by any chance? [he pauses] We don't have any power?" FRANCISCO "You can stop them. The aliens. From stealing people, and doing ... Doing I do not know what. But it's bad. The Earth doesn't like it." DAWN "With what?" FRANCISCO "You are a leader. So is he [pointing to Xander]; and so is he [pointing to Ricky]" Dawn doesn't buy this and raises an eyebrow. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "With my men, my Dorados, and only a few cannon, I destroyed those scum the last time they came. It's why the Earth sent me to you. To advise you. To help you." RICKY "Ah, you are some sort of ... " FRANCISCO "I am Francisco Villa. Doubtless you know me." RICKY "Are you like ... no offense Felix Arellano? Or ..." Angrily he's cutting Ricky off. FRANCISCO "You are born in this country? Correct? [Ricky nods]. If you were a Mexican you'd recognize me. I suppose your parents were not Nortenos. [Sigh] Well it cannot be helped I suppose. [More vigorously] I was NEVER a bandit. That was lies. Spread by that bastard Carranza. I was a patriot of the ..." He breaks off seeing that NO ONE has any idea of what he's talking about. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Never mind. [Sadly] It doesn't matter now. We have other things at hand." DAWN "OK, let's start again. WHY can't the slayer just ... " FRANCISCO "Slay? [Dawn nods] Because the aliens, they come from VERY far away. From another world, orbiting a different sun. Magic, slayers, even demons and vampires ... They just stop around them." He pauses and decides to tell of this: FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "We had a brujo. A very powerful one. He tried to cast a spell on them. HE lost all his magic and cried for days. We tried to set a demon on them. It just ... Vanished." XANDER "So you are saying ..." Looking at Dawn intently. FRANCISCO "Against this threat ... Your sister Buffy Summers is just a girl. And her friend is worse than useless." Xander's tired of this; angry at the world, and not wanting another stupid fight. XANDER "Look. Thanks for the help with those guys. And the Clint Eastwood look? Definitely you. But we're just ordinary people. All we've got is a junkyard. And a half built trebuchet." DAWN "Can I see it? I mean you're really building it? For the competition?" RICKY "Trebu ... What?" DAWN "Trebuchet. It's a medieval siege engine. Xander and I are building it ... For this contest. Winner gets a thousand bucks." XANDER "And a chance to compete in Junkyard Wars." RICKY "Cool. I always wanted to be on that show. Well that or Trading Spaces." XANDER "Oh yeah did you see that one where they redid the house in a nautical motif ... " Looking at Dawn XANDER (CONT'D) "I REALLY need to stop watching TLC." Dawn's sorting at this DAWN "We need some help with the Trebuchet. And a third person for the team IF we ..." XANDER "Win. To compete in Junkyard Wars." RICKY "Hey! I'm in. This Buffy? She's your sister? And some sort of ... Superchick?" DAWN "Pretty much." RICKY "Like all those girls on TV? Throwing cars around and stuff?" XANDER "Buffy's never ACTUALLY thrown a car around." DAWN "She did fight a hell god once though." XANDER "And don't forget Adam." RICKY "Adam?" XANDER "This Frankenstein Monster." DAWN "And there was the Mayor. Turned into a giant Snake and tried to eat the town." XANDER "Oh and the Master." DAWN "A vampire. Then there was Angel. Buffy's boyfriend. ALSO a vampire." XANDER "When he was evil." DAWN "Xander [laughing] he was ALWAYS evil." XANDER "That's true. God I ..." DAWN "Miss that?" XANDER "Yeah. Good times." Dawn and Xander smile at each other. Remembering the the closeness they felt then, and their lost home. Ricky's puzzled. RICKY "OK. You guys are all officially WEIRDER than I am." XANDER "Of course." DAWN "Hell yeah." Dawn sees Francisco poking about in the Junkyard, looking for the Trebuchet it seems. He turns the corner and finds it. DAWN "Hey. What are you doing?" FRANCISCO "This, this is .... [he pauses and smiles at the approaching Xander, Dawn, and Ricky] ... EXCELLENT." XANDER "Ah what?" FRANCISCO "You've made this ... Mostly out of wood. And stones for the counterweight." He points to the wood frame, with much lashings of rope, peg and glue construction, the only anachronistic elements being large rubber tires mounted on the bottom of the frame. Dawn smiles at him DAWN "Always the craftsman Xander." She touches his arm affectionately. Which makes Xander happy and proud. XANDER "Hey. Ex carpenter here. Of course it's wood. FRANCISCO "The aliens ... They are good at detecting metal. But this ... This is WOOD. And Stone. They won't discover it. Until it's too late." XANDER "Hate to disappoint you, but this thing can't hit what we just saw. It was too high and too fast." FRANCISCO "It doesn't need to. They're in the lake." RICKY "Why would Aliens be in Lake Michigan?" FRANCISCO "Because the air, it ... Corrodes their ship, their metal, their devices. They have to HIDE in water. And we can hit them when they come out. [he pauses] it's how I beat them when I fought them. They are vulnerable then. They can't move fast." RICKY "OK, ten minutes ago I was running from the neighborhood tough guys who don't like ..." XANDER "My best friend is gay. It's cool." DAWN "Yeah it's cool." RICKY "And now we're talking about fighting aliens with ..." FRANCISCO "Me. Francisco Villa. [A few words in Spanish to Ricky who looks at him uncomprehendingly]" RICKY "Sorry man. Don't speak Spanish. I was born here." FRANCISCO "So it would seem. Do not worry. You will not fight alone. The neighborhood that pursued you will turn to you. Soon." He turns to them all and and takes his hat off and bows slightly. FRANCISCO "I will see you all soon. I must arrange our weapons." And with that he takes his leave, lighting a cigar and with a certain sauntering air as he walks away. DAWN "I told you we should never have left California. And did I mention? Freezing cold in January?" XANDER "Don't remind me." CUT TO: EXT. A HELICOPTER OVER LAKE MICHIGAN - DAY Graham is looking out over Lake Michigan with large binoculars. He's thoughful. A uniformed Navy enlisted man approaches him. NAVY NONCOM "Sir. We can't find them. But radar DEFINITELY tracked them to Lake Michigan. So far we haven't been able to locate them with Sonar, but the thermal gradient could be hiding them. Or they could be in amongst the shipwrecks. There are literally hundreds around here." GRAHAM "Keep looking. Use the standard grid pattern." NAVY NONCOM "And when the Press asks" GRAHAM "Anti-terrorist drills. That should hold them for about a day. Maybe two." NAVY NONCOM "Sir?" GRAHAM "Yes?" NAVY NONCOM "A lot of us ... We have families here Sir." GRAHAM "And?" NAVY NONCOM "Is this going to be another Sunnydale? Another LA? If you are worried about leaks it's gonna start with this. People are scared. For their families Sir." He sighs. GRAHAM "No. Tell the men it's not LA. Not Sunnydale. No magic involved. Not a bit. Just your 100% normal Alien Invasion." NAVY NONCOM "Thank you Sir." CUT TO: INT. A DINER - DAY Buffy is flirting shamelessly with the biker. BUFFY "So. What's your name?" MACK "Mack. And yours?" BUFFY "I'm Buffy." MACK "Nice to meet you Buffy." BUFFY "Same here. I mean to meet. You that it is." She smiles at Mack. It's a winning and seductive smile. MACK "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before?" BUFFY "Yeah. We moved here after Sunnydale ..." MACK "Disappeared?" BUFFY "Pretty much." MACK "We?" BUFFY "I moved here with my sister. And some friends." MACK "So. You wanna go out tonight?" BUFFY "Sure. I get off in a couple of hours." MACK "Sounds cool." CUT TO: INT. A WAREHOUSE - NIGHT A console with various switches and and monitors is being operated by a shadowy figure. As the camera pulls back it's revealed to be a figure in a dull grey space suit, the helmet covered with a reflective silvery sheen masking the features of the being inside it. Slowly and with great care the figure takes a device looking like a handgun crossed with a Palm Pilot, touches the display screen to adjust the device. The figure walks over to the a large metal container. He peers through the window, and picks up another device. The camera sees the heat signatures of ten human beings. Including one by the door. The figure sees this and points the device at the figure by the door, then the other figures. We seem them drop as thermal images one by one. The figure opens the door. The room is filled with teenagers. Boys and girls. One of the girls awakes from her unconcious state, and sees the figure dragging the boy who stood by the door. She screams, loud and long, as she's struggling to get to her feet. The figure points his device at her and she's suddenly still. Very still. The figure drags first the boy out, and straps him to the table. The figure then drags the girl out. He does not strap her to the adjoining table. He instead goes to a panel in the wall. And takes out of it various containers and a very sharp looking scalpel. He returns to the form of the very still girl, and proceeds to cut her open. The boy regains a small measure of conciousness. He screams as he sees the girl being cut open. CUT TO: EXT. THE JUNKYARD - NIGHT There are floodlights on the still unfinished Trebuchet. Dawn and Xander are hauling some large timber frames to add to the trebuchet. Various small metal bits for the hook and trigger are lying about, as well as various power tools. They take a break from the work. Dawn and Xander wiping sweat from their brows. DAWN "Sorry Buffy stood you up Xander." XANDER "Hey. That's OK. I got my best pal with me helping." Dawn brightens at this. DAWN "Really? I'm your best pal?" XANDER "Really. [he pauses to smile at her] You know that." DAWN "Buffy and Willow ... They're just ..." XANDER "Uncomfortable with me?" DAWN "Xander ... See these scars?" She holds out her wrists. XANDER "What scars Dawnie? I don't see any." DAWN "That's cause you're not looking. Xander ... Buffy sees them EVERY day. So does Willow. Anyone I meet, even Ricky ... They know I tried to kill myself in the first five seconds." XANDER "Anyone that knows you wouldn't care. I don't care." DAWN "And I don't care about your eye. Same thing. You still look the same to me." She hugs Xander, it's a long and strong hug. Xander's eye moistens. SOMEONE still loves him. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander?" XANDER "Yes?" She looks up at him. Troubled. DAWN "Are you trying to commit suicide?" Xander's appalled. He pulls away. XANDER "What?" DAWN "Don't bullshit the Suicide Queen Xander. [She holds up her wrists] The other day? With those guys after Ricky? Looked like it to me." XANDER "No. Dawnie no I just ..." Pissed off with the wrath of Dawnie DAWN "Just goddam DON'T. Don't ever. [she pauses] I NEED you Xander. You're all I've got." XANDER "Hey ... You're talking about Mr. Happy here. And besides, you've got Buffy, and Willow and ..." DAWN "Xander I've just got you. I lost Mom. I lost Tara. I lost Cassie. I lost Molly, and Amanda. And we lost Anya. [she places her hand on his arm] Xander I know how much you hurt. We left Sunnydale with NOTHING. [she pauses] I don't even have a picture of Mom or Tara. I can't even ... visit their graves. It's all gone." She paces away a bit DAWN "I love Buffy. But I know, I know she doesn't love me. Not the same way. Not any more. Not like she used to. [bitterly] She still talks about Spike all the time." XANDER "I know it's tough Dawnie. I know." He's close to crying now. DAWN "So you see, I need you. Besides, Anya made me promise. To ... Look after you. If anything happened to her." Xander's stunned by this. DAWN "You don't want me to break my promise now do you?" She smiles up at him. XANDER "She made you promise?" DAWN "Xander ... no one who loved you could ever try to hurt you, to try and kill you ... Like she did." Xander starts to say something, but Dawn cuts him off. DAWN (CONT'D) "She knew it was wrong, and that she hurt you, hurt you bad. She didn't want you to ..." Huskily he asks Dawn XANDER "What did she tell you?" DAWN "What you told her. God Xander you're not your Father. You do stupid things all the time but that's not one of them. You're not the guy who hits women. It's why I love you." XANDER "I do stupid things?" Hugging him again and looking in his face. DAWN "Yeah." XANDER "And you love me?" DAWN "Of course. Even when you're being stupid. But don't be stupid anymore. Or else." XANDER "Or else what?" DAWN "I'll have to do something stupid too." She gives him a searching look, playfulness mixed with ironclad determination. XANDER "I'll try not to be stupid." DAWN "Better. Besides. I need you to watch my back. I don't trust this Francisco 'I work for the Earth' guy, and it was a bit too convenient that Ricky showed up." XANDER "Are you saying?" Dawn hugs him closer. She looks intently at him. DAWN "I need you to watch my back Xander. And I don't trust anyone else to do it. Not even Buffy. [She smiles] Be happy to watch YOURS." Ricky arrives and clears his throat. Dawn and Xander break their hug, which had perhaps threatened to turn into something else. XANDER "Hey Ricky." DAWN "Ricky" Quickly changing pace, Xander asks ... XANDER "Hey Ricky, You want to give me a hand with this?" He motions towards the large timber. RICKY "Sure." Xander strips off his shirt, it's getting hot as the work pace increases. Xander and Ricky wrestle the timber into place as Dawn watches with great interest, a smile on her face. Francisco appears before Dawn, and nods at Dawn's interest in Xander. FRANCISCO "So it would appear you have an interest? In seige engines of course." DAWN "Of course." FRANCISCO "He is dangerous you know. Never forget that." DAWN "Ricky?" FRANCISCO "No. The other one. Xander. The one you are thinking of taking to bed." DAWN "What the hell? And excuse you." FRANCISCO "I was young once too. And he has his advantages. For you. As a leader. Of men [he pauses] and of course women as well." Xander and Ricky are hard at work. Power tools making noise and totally engrossed in their work. They don't notice Francisco talking to Dawn. DAWN "Again with this leader stuff. Wrong sister. You want Buffy. Short, blonde, beautiful, POWERFUL. Dates dead guys." FRANCISCO "I can see this will be difficult. Perhaps it's only fair. I handled it little better when I found out. [he pauses] It was thought that El Cid and that bandit Juaquin Murietta would appeal to me. El Cid was a snob, and Murietta a drunken pig. I was neither. I was a revolutionary and a patriot and ..." Seeing Dawn's puzzled look. DAWN "Again with the huh?" FRANCISCO "The Earth has always had defenders. You know the story, the demons? They were here first?" DAWN "Giles 101. I got that." FRANCISCO "And that the Earth did not love them? They came from ... elsewhere. They were not wanted. Parasites. So the Earth created us. Her children. Mankind." DAWN "So we pushed them out? I thought we came from somewhere else?" FRANCISCO "No. We came from the Earth. Created to love and defend her. We are her children. Though perhaps we do not always love or defend her enough. Still, she loves us beyond all reason." DAWN "Because we are her ... Children?" FRANCISCO "Yes that is the way of it. And among these children, are those who are special, important." With a bit of jealousy. DAWN "The Slayer." FRANCISCO "No. NOT the Slayer. She IS important, but she is not ... Have you ever been to the Circus?" DAWN "The Circus? When I was little. My Dad took Buffy and me to see it in LA when I was ... Well he didn't really." FRANCISCO "Yes I know. Your memories, they are not ..." DAWN "Real." FRANCISCO "But you are. You are perhaps the greatest of us all. You see in the circus ... There is the main event. And then there is the sideshow. I saw Barnum's circus in El Paso once. The sideshow was VERY entertaining. Bearded ladies, dwarves, a man who could bend himself backwards into ..." DAWN "Gross!" FRANCISCO "But it was NOT the main event. The Slayer has her role, she always had it, but it was never the main event. That's you. Your sister, the Slayer?" Comprehending DAWN "Buffy was just the sideshow?" FRANCISCO "And you are the main event." DAWN "What am I then? Slayer Junior?" FRANCISCO "No. The leader. In time of need the Earth has always had one. Hammurabi, King Arthur, Robin Hood, El Cid, Wyatt Earp, even for a very short time ... Me." DAWN "Then why me? I don't have any powers?" FRANCISCO "Powers are not needed. In fact they are a drawback. A leader must ... Lead. Powers get in the way of that. Besides ... You are the Key." DAWN "But I don't open anything anymore." FRANCISCO "Yes you do. Your human potential. You will become simply ... More of Dawn Summers. Smarter. Tougher. Able to learn things quicker. Like languages. Or fighting." CUT TO: INT. A CHICAGO NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Buffy and Mack are seated at the bar. It's noisy and smoky. Buffy smiles winningly at Mack. MACK "Want to get a free drink?" BUFFY "Sure!" MACK "Watch this." He approaches a slightly built guy who's nursing a beer and looking hopefully around for any unattached girls. Mack looms over him with a grim look on his face. MACK (CONT'D) "You've been looking at my girlfriend." GUY "Ah. No I haven't." Placing his hand on the guys shoulder and SQUEEZING hard Mack looks in his eyes only inches from his face. MACK "Yes you have. And unless you buy me and my girlfriend this next round I'm gonna pound you so hard you won't be able to [noise drowns out his words] for a week. Mother [noise drowns out the rest] GUY "Hey man. Really. I didn't ... One round? On me?" MACK "And make sure you tip the bartender. He's gotta put up with your puke." Mack winks to the bartender. As the guy hands the bartender his credit card. GUY "Hey. A round for this guy and his girlfriend." Mack returns to Buffy. BUFFY "What did you say to him?" MACK "Oh he's a guy I know. I asked him to buy us a round and he did. I'm real popular around here." BUFFY "Hey that's great!" CUT TO: EXT. THE JUNKYARD - NIGHT Dawn and Francisco are continuing their conversation. Not very happily for Dawn. DAWN "Then the monks?" FRANCISCO "Acted as the Earth wanted. The Key can be neither created nor destroyed. It is nearly as old as the Earth itself. And wrapped inside YOU it makes you more ... Dangerous." DAWN "I don't want to be dangerous." FRANCISCO "And I didn't want to ... Never mind. The Earth wants and needs you dangerous. To defend her. It's why it sent me. Besides helping you defeat the aliens I am to advise you, and train you a little." DAWN "Advise me?" FRANCISCO "Yes. Xander has his advantages. He is not divisive like your Sister's boyfriends, and is loyal. He can help smooth out arguments among your followers. He did this for your sister. Correct?" DAWN "How did you know?" FRANCISCO "The Earth told me. But for all that he is too dangerous. I advise letting him get himself killed. It is the best course." DAWN "What? What in hell are you talking about?" FRANCISCO "He is attractive, but he is older. And missing an eye. Perhaps one day you will wish for someone younger, stronger, healthier. If you have taken him as your ... You cannot undo that. Take my advise in this matter, one's lover can be VERY jealous at just the wrong time. And betray you." Dawn is not happy with this advice. DAWN "So I should?" FRANCISCO "Let him die. You will feel his loss, but you will not be vulnerable to jealousy, or fear for his life. He will be already dead. And your enemies cannot touch you through him. [he smiles] Besides, you can take many lovers. You will be alone of course. But it is for the best. Trust me this is the best way." Dawn's been simmering at slow boil. Now she's blowing up in anger. She jabs her fingers into Francisco's chest as she makes her points. DAWN "So you are gonna advise me on my lovelife? Who I'm gonna sleep with or not?" FRANCISCO "It's my job. There will be others." DAWN "Tell them to go away. I don't WANT to be this great leader, the ..." Helpfully he adds FRANCISCO "Defender. Protector of the Earth." DAWN "Tell them I quit. Get someone else." FRANCISCO "You can't quit." DAWN "Like hell I can't." Xander and Ricky turn away from their work, noticing Francisco and Dawn's angry reaction. DAWN "Xander we're getting out of here." XANDER "What's wrong?" DAWN "This guy is offering me Buffy's deal. Guess what?" XANDER "You don't want it?" DAWN "Yeah. [Turning to Francisco] See?" RICKY "You mean you get superpowers like your sister? [a pause] Are we fighting vampires? I thought it was Aliens." Suddenly a group of neighborhood toughs, the same ones that chased Ricky earlier, burst into the Junkyard. There are a LOT more of them and they have baseball bats in their hands. GANG LEADER "OK Ricky. We said later. And here it is. Later." RICKY "Hey Martin. Leave these guys out of it OK?" GANG LEADER (MARTIN) "Uh uh. Time for you and your gay friends to learn who runs this neighborhood." Xander casually picks up an axe. This one's made for cutting wood not combat but he figures it will do. He starts swinging it back and forth, building up speed as he presents a formidable, berserker like appearance. Seeing this the Martin sneers MARTIN "So you got your boyfriend to back you Ricky? You're still gonna get a beating." DAWN "No. He's MY boyfriend." She's got a crowbar in hand. And has moved oh so casually to Xander's blind side. A somewhat nasty smile on her face. DAWN "Now I'M in a real pissed off mood." XANDER "Ricky get behind us. Dawn, just like at Sunnydale High. We'll take them out. Can't be tougher than vamps." MARTIN "Sunnydale? Vampires? That shit's real?" XANDER "Very real. And we've been fighting them for years. So kicking your ass?" Dawn completes Xander's words with a smile. DAWN "Easy" They begin to fight. Francisco leans against a wall, un noticed by the gang members. Two, three, four gang members rush Xander, who turns the cutting edge of the axe AWAY and uses it as a mace. The gang members are bowled over by the intensity of the attack. Dawn simply jabs the crowbar at her attackers midsections, cutting in between swings. One, two, three, attackers fold beneath her. Soon there are many gang members strewn around the ground in front of Xander and Dawn. There's a bright flash of light, and ... A part of the wall collapses. Amidst the smoke and noise ... Several figures in dull grey spacesuits appear. They start pointing devices at random people who fall down, immobilized. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander! It's the aliens!" XANDER "Yeah. I figured. Those space suits? Dead giveaway." DAWN "Ricky! Get these guys out of here. The wall's weak at the back. Knock it down and get everyone OUT." DAWN (CONT'D) "We can't stay here and fight them. We can save you but you have to follow us." Dawn starts dragging fallen gang members, shoving and pushing the panicked boys who were moments before their attackers to the rear. DAWN (CONT'D) "Don't panic. Just keep moving. Carry those who can't move. Grab him." Xander's also moving people along. Shoving them, pushing them, until he notices an spacesuited figure who appears to be the leader focusing on Dawn. He's still got his axe in his hand. XANDER "Dawn! Watch that guy. He's after you." Too late. The alien pauses to study Dawn a moment before aiming his device at her. Dawn drops like a stone. Instantly Xander's axe flies from his hand. Burying itself edge deep inside the shattered helmet of the spacesuited figure. The aliens are stunned. Their leader has just been killed. By a primitive weapon. They have never seen this before. Moving swiftly Xander scoops up the immobile Dawn and rushes her to rear of the junkyard, through the gap in the back wall, and down the side street and into another. He reaches the rest of the group, former attackers and Ricky mingling with the ease of those who just escaped an unearthly horror together. Dawn's coming to. DAWN "Xander? Are we?" XANDER "We're OK Dawnie. Everyone got out OK." MARTIN "What were those things?" XANDER "That would be your Chicago aliens." DAWN "Was that Cockroach guy in Sunnydale a demon or Alien?" Appearing suddenly Francisco answers that. FRANCISCO "That was a Demon. As you well know, Miss Summers. NOW can we go get the weapons?" ACT THREE EXT. CHICAGO SIDE STREET - NIGHT The group is milling about, the gang members bunched together, Dawn still a bit groggy and leaning on Xander, close to Rick and Francisco. Everyone's got questions. GANG MEMBER "Who the hell is this guy?" FRANCISCO "I am Francisco Villa. A Mexican." GANG MEMBER "Hey I'm Pedro, a guy who's gonna ..." MARTIN "Don't start Pedro. Those guys ... they saved our asses man. I mean those things they ... " DAWN "OK is everyone OK? Can you move?" General groans and grunts but they can move. DAWN (CONT'D) "Good. Then I want YOU [pointing at Martin] to get these guys out of here. Go home. Stay off the streets." XANDER "And I think you all owe someone an apology." MARTIN "Apology? Oh yeah hey thanks man." XANDER "I didn't mean for me. I meant for my buddy here. Ricky. I saw him carry you out. You would have been Alien bait without him. Didn't you SEE those movies?" He moves in closer, a troubling good humor to his face when approaching Martin. XANDER (CONT'D) "I figure any MAN would admit it; and say he's sorry for being a first class jerk. [pause] Seeing as how he saved your life." Martin's non-plussed by this. NOT what he expected. The faces of the gang are blank, they tell him nothing. A pause and then ... MARTIN "Hey Ricky. Thanks man. I owe you. Sorry about ..." Sourly he says RICKY "Forget it. No big DEAL." He pushes past to the head of the street. RICKY (CONT'D) "Come on. Let's go guys." Francisco raises an eyebrow, and leads the way, while the gang members disperse. They walk up the street, and Dawn and Xander traipse a bit behind Francisco and Ricky. XANDER "Dawn. You OK?" DAWN "My head hurts and I feel like puking my guts out." XANDER "I guess that would be a no then." DAWN "Definitely." XANDER "About that whole boyfriend deal?" She cuts in quickly DAWN "I didn't want them hitting on me. AND they have to learn. To know ... that straight people won't [pause] tolerate that crap. Not ever." XANDER "You miss her don't you? Tara?" She's got tears streaming down her face, and a determined look. DAWN "Every goddamn minute of every goddamn day. I miss her all the time." Softly he puts a hand on her shoulder. XANDER "I know. I do too." A pause and then XANDER (CONT'D) "That was a brave thing you did. Standing there, getting people out." DAWN "And that was a brave thing YOU did. That guy, that thing would have had me." XANDER "Well I just had to Axe him something." Dawn laughs DAWN "SEE? This is why I need you to cover my ... " She looks at him and takes his hand. DAWN (CONT'D) "And after? That was nice. What you did for Ricky. Calling that guy on his crap." XANDER "Ricky stood up and got counted. Someone needed to notice. [pause] Up for research on the Villa guy?" DAWN "Oh yeah." XANDER "Do you think he knows the Hometime guy?" DAWN "Xander that's BOB Villa. [pause] You watch too much Home and Garden Television. You need to stop watching TV and get out more." XANDER "You watch it with me." Laughing. DAWN "This is true. We BOTH need a date." Moving up to match Francisco's pace, she draws even with him. Ricky drops back to talk to Xander. DAWN (CONT'D) "How much further?" FRANCISCO "It's not far." DAWN "Those guys, those ..." FRANCISCO "Aliens. It is what they are." DAWN "Were they after me and Xander or ..." Sighing FRANCISCO "That is hard to say. Perhaps they knew somehow that the Earth had picked you. Or perhaps they merely saw a lot of people they could capture. They like to do that you know. Capture people. [pause] The Earth simply does not know. Nor do I." DAWN "I haven't agreed to do this you know? Fight them I mean." FRANCISCO "Yes. I know. You are here merely to LOOK at the weapons." DAWN "Yes. JUST to look. I'm tired of all this ... violence." Xander and Ricky are talking. XANDER "Must be tough. Being out and all. In this neighborhood." RICKY "Hell I was going to say must be tough, losing that ..." XANDER "Hey it's OK. The eye? Some superpowered Demon guy had a BB gun in Sunnydale and then it WASN'T fun and games anymore." He pauses. XANDER (CONT'D) "You were SUPPOSED to laugh at that one." RICKY "Sorry man. Ah really? A BB gun?" XANDER "No. Some superpowered creep." A pause, then ... RICKY "Is what they say true? About Sunnydale? And LA? That vampires and demons and magic and stuff is all REAL? That they put out the SUN? Took over the whole STATE?" XANDER "Ricky man, you don't know the HALF of it. The stuff I've seen. Sometimes ... " RICKY "What?" XANDER "I just feel like giving up. I mean here I am, a guy with no superpowers, up against all these supercreeps. I'm just an ordinary guy. I mean ... what can I do?" RICKY "Dude. Plenty. You saved your girlfriend from those things." Xander's a bit stiff and awkward. XANDER "Dawn's not ... she's not ..." RICKY "Hey she's hot. I thought she was?" XANDER "No. My girlfriend, well my EX girlfriend. She ... died in Sunnydale." RICKY "Hey man I'm sorry. I had a buddy die of ..." Xander's face is suddenly full of compassion. XANDER "Ah was it ..." Prickly he's ticked off at the assumption. RICKY "Drug overdose man. Not every gay guy dies of ..." XANDER "Hey I'm sorry ... I mean we just miss them don't we?" RICKY "Yeah. We do." A pause RICKY (CONT'D) "Don't ever give up man. You can't do that. That was pretty cool standing up to Martin for me. He's a bad dude." Xander laughs. XANDER "After Sunnydale he looks like a cub scout." RICKY "That's pretty funny." XANDER "He beat you up a lot?" RICKY "Plenty. All I ever wanted to do was cut hair in my Aunt's Salon and have a boyfriend. That's it. But in this neighborhood? I've taken a pounding since I was fifteen." Xander's amazed. XANDER "Wait. How old are you?" RICKY "I'm Eighteen." XANDER "You've been OUT in this neighborhood for three years?" RICKY "Yeah. Three years. [bitterly] Time flies when you get a pounding." XANDER "And here I thought I had it tough." RICKY "You mean with the eye thing?" XANDER "Yeah. Not too many girls read comics so the Nick Fury look? Not working for me." RICKY "Hey ... dude you got it going on." Xander's delighted XANDER "Really? I mean you're not just saying that to be nice?" RICKY "Hey man, take it from the gay dude in the neighborhood. You've got it." XANDER "Even with the eye patch?" RICKY "Even with the patch man." XANDER "Thanks Ricky. That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while." RICKY "Hey no probs. [pause] You know Dawn likes you." XANDER "Well yeah she's my friend." RICKY "No dude she's checked you out. Trust me on this. You should ask her out." XANDER "Hey! She's only seventeen. And besides her sister ..." RICKY "Dawn's a hottie. Even I know that." XANDER "Yeah she is but ... " RICKY "But what? You like her, she likes you. What's the deal?" XANDER "Seventeen. And she's my best ... I mean she's my ... she's got an older sister." RICKY "Aw man. Dated her older sis?" Xander laughs. XANDER "No. More like her older sister is a friend of mine who would KILL me if she saw me with ..." RICKY "Why? I mean if you haven't dated her? What's the deal?" XANDER "She's got superpowers. And she's always pissed off." RICKY "Man. That really sucks." CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER CHICAGO BAR -- NIGHT Buffy and Mack are dancing at a biker bar. Buffy's looking seductively at Mack who likes what he sees. They start kissing as they dance, and wend their way back to the bar too soon. MACK "Hey. That was incredible. You are so beautiful. [pause] You know that don't you?" BUFFY "Wow. And did I say ... Wow?" The bikers, clad in leather and with riding gear, helmets, and gloves all piled atop tables are checking out Mack and Buffy. One of them is sitting alone at a table, though there is other gear around suggesting his pals are in the restroom. He's slender, and is wearing padded fabric riding gear in the European style rather than the leather of the other bikers. Mack sees him and smiles. MACK "Buffy. I see a pal of mine over there. I'm going to say hi, and he'll get us a drink." BUFFY "Sure." Mack walks over to the man sitting alone at the table. His back is towards Buffy and he blocks her view of the guy. MACK "You've been looking at my girlfriend. I don't like that." The man laughs. MAN AT TABLE "That's funny." MACK "What? That I'm going to pound you into hamburger for looking at my girl?" MAN AT TABLE "No. I was just talking about you the other day." Suspiciously MACK "Do I know you?" MAN AT TABLE "No. But I know YOU Mack. Alias Mack the Badger, Alias Mack Tooker, alias Mack Tooner, alias Mack the Hack. Hell I've been looking for you." Angrily MACK "You've got a big mouth for a skinny little gink. I think I'm going to enjoy making you bleed." MAN AT TABLE "Oh come on Mack. Like you thought you could get away with the old badger game in THIS town without being connected? You have some cheap ho on your arm, scare some tourist into giving up his credit card for a round of drinks, and split the tab run up with the bartender?" He pauses while Mack blinks MAN AT TABLE (CONT'D) "That was naughty. [He shakes his fingers at him] What was worse ... was not cutting the Outfit guys in on the deal. Means you aren't too popular. And one of those guys you shook down was the nephew of a Cook County Judge. Hence my little discussion with DA last week." He smiles. Triumphantly. Mack is angry. And has had enough. MACK "You can go to hell." He pulls his hand back for a roundhouse swing; and is jumped by the man's companion's before he can connect. They're struggling with him and trying to pull his hands back behind him. FIRST GUY "Jeez Tim you sure know how to pick on a guy ten times your size." MAN AT TABLE "That's him. Mack the Hack." SECOND GUY "Oh really?" MAN AT TABLE "Yes really." FIRST GUY "Don't tell me he was stupid enough to try the badger game on you." MAN AT TABLE "I TOLD you I don't look like an Assistant District Attorney." FIRST GUY "Well it's an easy arrest." Buffy sees all this and jumps in. BUFFY "Hey! Leave my date alone!" She tries to pull off the guys from Mack. She throws first one guy off, then the other. BUFFY (CONT'D) "He's my DATE! Leave him alone." Mack sees this opening and clocks the man at the table hard, knocking him down. While the two men Buffy threw off reach behind them. They bring out pepper spray containers and spray both Buffy and Mack with the stuff. Buffy and Mack fall down to their knees, eyes streaming, coughing, faces burning. The two men handcuff them with plastic ties. FIRST GUY "Chicago PD. You are BOTH under arrest. For assaulting an Officer." SECOND GUY "And you Mack the Hack, are under arrest for extortion, fraud, grand theft, and whatever the hell ELSE we can throw at you." He pauses. SECOND GUY (CONT'D) "You knocked out my Brother in Law. Mr. Assistant District Attorney." Another pause. SECOND GUY (CONT'D) "Thank you. I really HATE that guy." Coughing and wheezing MACK "You're welcome." FIRST GUY "Let's go." BUFFY "Oh god." CUT TO: EXT. A DINGY CHICAGO SIDESTREET - NIGHT In a very run down neighborhood Xander, Dawn, Francisco and Ricky approach a man smoking a cigarette by a large 1950's Cadillac. FRANCISCO "You have them Gonzalez?" GONZALEZ "Yes I do. I told you. [pause] Is that them? They don't look like much." XANDER "Hey. I look [pause] OK I look like a pirate. But still ..." Cutting him off with a wave of her hand. DAWN "It doesn't matter. What do you have?" Popping the trunk Gonzalez displays his wares. GONZALEZ "This!" Dawn has a sharp intake of breath and looks greedily at the assorted rifles, hand guns, and submachine guns, which seem to be of a 1920's vintage. She's in deep loooove. DAWN "Is this?" As she takes out a large, HEAVY full size rifle. GONZALEZ "Yes. A BAR. It comes with five magazines. I also have four hundred rounds of ammunition." XANDER "A BA What?" DAWN "It's a BAR. Browning Automatic Rifle. Fires 30-06 rounds. Armor piercing. We used it in WWII. Serious stuff Xander. You should know this. YOU watch History Channel same as I do." XANDER "I watch for Modern Marvels. Not that gun stuff. You're scaring me Dawn." DAWN "This is great! Xander here hold it." She hands it to Xander. It's heavy and awkward in her hands. In Xander's hands it's seemingly light; showing his deceptive strength. XANDER "Hey, this thing is cool. It's got a wood stock. But of course it's a gun so it's evil and ..." Dawn interrupts him DAWN "Xander. Willow's NOT here. And neither is Buffy. It wouldn't be bad if we had something more than an Axe if those guys show up at the Junkyard again." XANDER "Good point. Ah ... you won't tell Will and ..." DAWN "I will DEFINITELY not tell Buffy." CUT TO: INT. A CHICAGO POLICE STATION Buffy and Mack are being fingerprinted and photographed. We see their fingers being inked and rolled over the paper; and Buffy being photographed in profiles and full on. She has a sad and humiliated expression. Buffy's in a holding cell. Filled with prostitutes and female addicts (often one and the same). It's filled with sad people of whom Buffy is not the saddest. JAILOR "Summers. You got one phone call. Use it." Buffy is led out by the Jailor to the phone at the booking desk. She dials the number. BUFFY "Willow? I'm in trouble. I'm in jail. [she starts to cry] PLEASE come get me. I need help." Buffy starts crying and the tears won't stop. CUT TO: EXT. A DINGY CHICAGO SIDESTREET They are all still looking over the weapons. Dawn spots something in the pile. DAWN "Oh my god. Are these Browning Hi Powers?" FRANCISCO "That is a good gun. Not that awful German crap. I can tell you, never trust a Luger. Drop it in the dirt and will NEVER work. Never. This I know." GONZALEZ "Yes. A matched pair. There is also a shoulder holster. With tie downs. Put on a jacket and no one would know ..." XANDER "In this heat?" GONZALEZ "Or a loose dark shirt." DAWN "And this?" She lifts out a vintage Thompson submachine gun, with stick magazine. GONZALEZ "Yes, I have ten magazines for that one. It's a very good weapon." With obvious lust in her eyes. DAWN "A Thompson." FRANCISCO "Another very good gun. Also NOT German. NEVER trust a German. Go to Columbus they tell me. The Kaiser will support you and ..." He breaks off. No one except Gonzalez has the slightest idea of what he's talking about. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Sorry. Never mind about that." Xander's hesitant, while Ricky is a bit miffed and standoffish. XANDER "Dawn. Let's not get carried away here. I mean how are we gonna pay for all this and ... " FRANCISCO "It is no problem. I will pay for all." XANDER "And I mean isn't this stuff illegal? I mean guns and stuff?" DAWN "Xander. I got knocked down ... like a little girl." XANDER "And you're not a little girl. Believe me. But I was there to ..." She interrupts him DAWN "That's not the point. Xander I can't FIGHT, not even like you. I'm not strong like Buffy, not even as strong as you are." Seeing his face she hurriedly adds. DAWN (CONT'D) "Listen, I KNOW you'll always watch my back. I just want to be able to watch yours. With this stuff ... " She looks at Francisco .. DAWN (CONT'D) "And with his training I CAN." XANDER "Training? Where are we gonna ... oh. The cellar in the Junkyard." DAWN "It's perfect. Soundproof. And we can train there." In command now. DAWN (CONT'D) "We'll take them all. Oh and these 1911's for Xander." She hands the 1911's to Xander. Francisco nods approvingly. FRANCISCO "That is also a very good gun. I've used them myself. Very effective. And it's not ... " XANDER "Let me guess ... German?" FRANCISCO "Exactly. You can never trust them. Or their guns. Neither work when the going gets dirty. I know from experience." Dawn takes the heavy, old style revolver. DAWN "Ricky. This one's for you." She hands the 1911's to Xander. She takes off her shirt, shrugs on the shoulder holster as Xander and Gonzalez appreciate Dawn in a sports bra and Ricky despite himself smiles at the two men's reaction; while Francisco coolly puffs on his omnipresent cigar. Dawn attempts to hand the large, old style Smith and Wesson revolver (which looks like Indian Jones gun) to Ricky who immediately turns sullen and balks. RICKY "I don't believe in guns." DAWN "Ricky. I need you on this. You don't have to like it but ..." Exploding with anger. RICKY "You don't live in this neighborhood!" DAWN "Hell I don't!" RICKY "Well OK maybe you do. But you don't KNOW it. You haven't lived here your whole life. You know how many friends, how many family members I've seen buried? Cause of that?" Dawn's aghast. But before she can say anything Francisco steps in. FRANCISCO "Listen to me little boy. Mexico was liberated from Diaz by guns. From Huerta by guns. By men like Zapata. By men like Madero. Heroes. Who used guns." He pauses FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "The freedom of Mexico was won by guns. Guns just like these." Ricky's angry and unconvinced. RICKY "Who cares? That was a long time ago. Mexicans like me get killed on the street. By guns like these. I don't believe in them." FRANCISCO "Believe in them or not as you wish. Nevertheless they are real. They are a tool. To be used skillfully to kill evil men, or not. Or will you throw stones when the aliens come [pause] again? For your mother? Your aunt?" Dawn intercedes. DAWN "You don't have to take it right now. Just think about it. But there's no harm in LEARNING how to shoot is there?" To Gonzalez DAWN (CONT'D) "We'll take them all." GONZALEZ "Very well. I will deliver them tomorrow early. At first light." FRANCISCO "And here is your money. As agreed." To the astonishment of everyone but Gonzalez ... Francisco counts out fifteen gold coins ... gold DOLLAR coins. GONZALEZ "It is good to do business with you again ... Francisco." FRANCISCO "And with you as well Gonzalaz." GONZALEZ "I look forward to doing business with you as well Miss Summers." Dawn's angry at Francisco. DAWN "You told him my NAME?" GONZALEZ "No he did not Miss Summers. His ... [pause] Mother did." XANDER "Again with the Mother stuff. Somehow I ..." Dawn cuts him off DAWN "No jokes Xander. Not here. Not now. Not in front of ... them." Turning to Ricky and Francisco DAWN (CONT'D) "Let's get out of here." CUT TO: A MONTAGE We see the guns being unloaded from the vintage Caddilac into the cellar at the Junkyard, Xander, Dawn and Ricky setting up targets at Francisco's direction. A lecture with Francisco showing the operation, disassembly, and cleaning of the Thompson, BAR, Browning Hi Powers, and 1911's, as well as Ricky's heavy Smith and Wesson revolver with old style grips and gold bead partridge blade. We see Dawn at the firing line, missing nearly every target as Francisco shakes his head. We see Xander at the firing line, blasting away a wooden target into splinters with the heavy BAR. Obvious joy at making a big mess. Work outside on the trebuchet. Xander, Dawn, and Ricky laughing as they assemble more pieces. We see Xander firing with the 1911, missing every target while Francisco shakes his head. Ricky refusing to take the revolver while Francisco shrugs. Dawn practicing her draws. Getting faster. Dawn shooting more targets, hitting this time. Francisco with a small smile. Xander practicing with the heavy Colt Autopistol, hitting the target as well. Dawn with the Thompson, writing the letters D A W N on the wall ... smirking in triumph. Francisco tossing tennis balls in the air and Dawn drawing and firing at them, hitting all three tennis balls. Francisco's broad smile. The trebuchet, finished now, tossing a rock. Five feet. More work on the trebuchet. This time the rock flies all the way to the END of the junkyard. The group is filled with pride. And even Francisco is happy. DAWN "Xander that was awesome. We did it. We can win this thing." FRANCISCO "Winning a contest is not what that will be used for." XANDER "Not gonna argue with a guy who can shoot like you ... but OUR Trebuchet and MY junkyard." FRANCISCO "No Mr. Harris I take no offense. But the Trebuchet will be needed for ..." XANDER "Yeah yeah the aliens. When they come out of the water and attack Chicago." DAWN "We didn't say we'd do this. I mean I appreciate your help and all but ... " FRANCISCO "You don't want to fight." He smiles sadly. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "I know. You'd rather be doing something else." Ricky has a smile of his own at this. He can picture what Dawn and Xander would REALLY want. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "And it's not fair to ask. But there is no one else. Don't worry though. You will get to choose." He laughs at this. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Enough for one day. We will talk later." With that he strides off. DAWN "Ricky? Want to come over to my place? I've got something interesting ... on Francisco." XANDER "Dawnie. I think I love you. Even more." Laughing. DAWN "Is it me? Or our Cable TV?" CUT TO: INT. BUFFY'S APARTMENT - DAY Xander, Dawn, and Ricky walk in. The apartment is deserted. DAWN "Hello? Buffy? Willow? Kennedy? Looking at Xander and Ricky. DAWN (CONT'D) "Good. They're not home. Come into our bedroom. I've got some stuff on my laptop." They move into the bedroom, Buffy and Dawn's beds side by side. They move to Dawn's computer. She has a web page up. It has photos ... of Francisco on horseback, smoking a cigar, with the same slouched down hat and a rifle at his side. DAWN (CONT'D) "See. Look familiar?" XANDER "Whoa. Check out the Wild Bunch revisited." RICKY "Naw, more Clint Eastwood." XANDER "You just gotta love the Westerns. Never go out of style." Impatiently. DAWN "You're missing the point. Look." She begins to read. DAWN (CONT'D) "Francisco "Pancho" Villa ... one of the more notable revolutionaries against the Diaz and Huerta dictatorships, was perhaps best known for his 1916 raid on Columbus New Mexico and the subsequent Pershing Expedition into Northern Mexico which failed to capture him. Historians are divided on how much involvement the Kaiser's German agents active in Mexico actually had in galvanizing Villa's raid onto American soil. OH." She murmurs to herself. DAWN (CONT'D) "He was married to about twenty seven different women. No wonder." XANDER "No wonder what?" DAWN "Never mind. Tell you later." She turns to them. XANDER "Offhand ... I'd say he looks really good. For an old guy." DAWN "He looks even better for being assasinated in 1923." XANDER "Well that too." RICKY "We gotta tell somebody. He's like a vampire or ..." Dawn laughs. DAWN "No Ricky he's not a vampire. And not an evil ... spirit or a zombie or anything else." She looks at them. DAWN (CONT'D) "He WANTED us to know. It's not like he tried to hide it. All the hints he dropped, the gold DOLLAR coins ... Xander those things ... they dated back to BEFORE 1914 ... Heurta, the Kaiser, Columbus New Mexico. He wanted us to find out." RICKY "Why? Why would ... Pancho Villa want us to know ..." DAWN "So I'd believe him. When he said he worked for the Earth." XANDER "Why am I NOT getting a good feeling here Dawn?" Willow and Xander make noise coming into the Apartment. We hear their voices. WILLOW "Good. No one's home. Thanks again for helping me bail Buffy out of jail Kennedy." Xander starts to say something but Dawn places her hands over Xander's and Ricky's mouths. She puts her finger up to her lips and mouths "quiet." KENNEDY "That's what girlfriends are for. Are they gonna charge her?" WILLOW "Buffy says no. She got pepper sprayed in front of witnesses by the cops, so that's a plus. And they believed her when she said she didn't know ..." KENNEDY "That her date was bullying guys into buying them a round of drinks, and then scamming their credit cards." WILLOW "Pretty much." KENNEDY "God Buffy is such a loser." WILLOW "Kennedy don't say that." KENNEDY "Well, it's true isn't it? I mean any decent guy she's not interested in." WILLOW "It's not that. It's just that Buffy's still dealing with Spike and all." KENNEDY "No. It's that she has a taste for the gutter Willow. I know she's your friend and all ... but she's an idiot. I THOUGHT that maybe she'd want your friend Xander." Willow laughs. WILLOW "Hah. Buffy wanting Xander." KENNEDY "Well why wouldn't she? I mean he's her friend isn't he?" WILLOW "Buffy ... she kinda needs a ... more ... powerful kinda guy. Like Spike. Or Angel." KENNEDY "Vampires you mean." WILLOW "Yeah. Pretty much. Buffy needs a dead guy. But hey ... big with the strong and the grr and fangy stuff." KENNEDY "And like that's so good?" WILLOW "She's a slayer Ken. She needs ... " KENNEDY "The power? Yeah. I get that. Poor Xander. And Dawn. They're norms." WILLOW "Norms? The restaurant?" KENNEDY "No. Silly. Norms. Normals. No powers. You know ... useless." WILLOW "Ken! That's not very nice." KENNEDY "But it's true. You know it. I mean what do they DO? Really? I can see why Buffy doesn't want Xander. I mean a guy without power isn't sexy. Not that I'd know." WILLOW "Xander's sweet." KENNEDY "I know. I mean I like him. And Dawn. But would I want either of them?" WILLOW "Cause they're Norms?" KENNEDY "Well, cause they're not you. They don't have your magic. They way you make me feel. But yeah, Norms." Laughing WILLOW "Well I'm sure I'm better in bed than Dawnie is. I mean she's seventeen." KENNEDY "And a virgin. At her age. I mean has she ever HAD a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" WILLOW "Hey! But ... well not so much. I'm pretty sure Dawnie's straight. It's just that ..." KENNEDY "Who'd want her when you could have Buffy?" WILLOW "Or Vi. Or Rona. Special girls." KENNEDY "And Xander's not much better. All he could do was Anya." They both laugh. Meanwhile Xander and Dawn are getting really pissed off. WILLOW "I can see Buffy's point. I mean even Spike ..." KENNEDY "Would be better in bed than Xander. At least that's what Anya told me." WILLOW "And Dawn? I mean really who'd want her with all that whining?" Xander and Dawn have had enough. They enter the main room of the apartment and stare at Willow and Kennedy. Ricky trails after them. RICKY "Hi. Um. I'm Ricky." WILLOW "Oh god. Dawn. Xander we didn't mean ..." Angrily with the full wrath of Dawnie. DAWN "Never mind Willow. We're just norms. Me and Xander." XANDER "Yeah. Who'd want us?" DAWN "Glad we're good for a laugh." KENNEDY "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend." RICKY "I'm not Dawn's boyfriend. I'm gay. [pause] Like you." He looks down. He's embarrassed for Dawn and Xander. DAWN "See? I'm just too whiny to get a boyfriend. It's why I'm still a virgin." XANDER "And me? Hey glad to know I'm not as good as ..." Angrily Dawn interjects. DAWN "You're worth a billion Spikes." Willow approaches both Dawn and Xander. She's got a totally apologetic manner and is wilting under Xander's one eyed stare and Dawn's angry face. DAWN (CONT'D) "So. Buffy's in trouble again. She rolling around the front lawn with her latest ... oh wait. We don't have a front lawn. We don't have a house. Thanks to Buffy." WILLOW "Dawnie that's not fair. Buffy was fighting a war." XANDER "And it sure looks like we lost." WILLOW "Dawn. When you get older, you'll understand. I mean you're ..." DAWN "Only a seventeen year old virgin. Yeah. Got that. At least I didn't sleep with a guy and turn him evil, so he starts ..." XANDER "Killing all our friends." DAWN "Like Buffy." XANDER "Glad to see we count so much with you." WILLOW "You do count. We were just ..." KENNEDY "Fooling around. We didn't mean anything by it." DAWN "No. It's OK. Glad we got that out in the open." She gives Willow a hard stare. Resolve in her face. DAWN (CONT'D) "Thing is ... you both owe me." WILLOW "I mean sure. I'm sorry and all. But the owe?" DAWN "You owe me. Both of you. And you owe Xander. You wouldn't be here Will if Xander hadn't stopped you. Or have you forgotten? And neither would you. He gave his eye for you Kennedy." As she looks hard at Kennedy. DAWN (CONT'D) "Ever wonder WHY I was at Rack's? That night? Or did you forget that like everything else us Norms did?" WILLOW "Dawnie I'm so sorry for that. What I said." DAWN "Funny. I never got an apology." XANDER "You were just a Norm Dawn. Like me." Willow's shooting Xander a pained look but he's not buying. His mad still stays. Dawn's getting calm and quiet in a scary flat way. DAWN "Guess so. I was gonna sell myself Willow. To Rack. Clem made his price real clear. I got it. Sell my fifteen year old whiny virgin body. To save your ass." She's angry to the point of tears and gets right up in Willow's face. DAWN (CONT'D) "I wanted to BE you Willow. Just like you. You were my big hero. Even more than Buffy. I LOVED you. As much as Tara. Do you even remember her? Her face? I would have let Rack violate me over and over again ... just to save you. And all you could do was get off on trying to kill me." She pauses. DAWN (CONT'D) "So you owe me. And him. And I'm going to collect." Xander's appalled XANDER "Dawn. I never ... I never knew." DAWN "Well, now you know." XANDER "I'm sorry." He goes to hug Dawn. RICKY "Xander, Dawn, can we get out of here?" Breaking from the hug, Xander and Dawn look at him. XANDER "Sure Ricky." DAWN "Lets get out of here." They go to the door, when it opens. Francisco is at the door. FRANCISCO "It's started. I'm sorry. You are needed."
ACT FOUR INT. BUFFY'S APARTMENT -- DAY Willow and Kennedy are looking at the newcomer with suspicion. WILLOW "Dawn? Who is this?" With a laugh Dawn introduces him. DAWN "Meet the famous Pancho Villa." FRANCISCO "So. You finally figured it out. I dropped enough hints." He sighs FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Fame. So fleeting." Willow and Kennedy are appalled. WILLOW "It's the First! Dawn, Xander get ..." Francisco interrupts them FRANCISCO "No Miss Rosenburg. I am NOT the First. I am ... an agent." Willow has none of this and launches a firebolt against Francisco, which sputters and dies. Francisco crosses to her and grabs her shoulders to her shock and dismay. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Nothing of yours can touch me Miss Rosenburg. I am of the Earth. Her agent, for a while again." He smiles. And glances at Xander and Dawn. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "You could have been my successor. But you chose a different path. And perhaps chose wisely. Who can say?" WILLOW "What are you? And you know me? Dawn?" Xander interjects XANDER "Will, it's OK. The guys alright." Helpfully Dawn adds. DAWN "He's the ghost of Pancho Villa. He's training us." RICKY "To fight aliens." DAWN "Were you REALLY married twenty seven times?" Looking embarrassed. FRANCISCO "Yes. But let us not talk about it now. The aliens are active. And the Earth calls us to defend her, once again." KENNEDY "Wait a minute, ALIENS? You mean like ..." XANDER "Yeah aliens. They have nasty weapons." DAWN "But Slayers and Witches don't work around them." She looks at Willow, and then Kennedy VERY thoughtfully. WILLOW "Dawnie, I don't think it's a good idea to go with this guy, whoever he is ..." DAWN "Willow. He's Pancho Villa. He fought Aliens before. I'm fighting them now. And you can't come." FRANCISCO "The aliens, they sap the power of brujos, the witches. And the slayers. It was not pretty. One of ours screamed and screamed before we finally shot her." Looking at the appalled group he adds FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "What else were we to do? She would only scream. And it scared the horses." WILLOW "So you're what? Some sort of ghost?" FRANCISCO "I was the Agent of the Earth, the Protector, the Defender of the Planet, the ..." Dawn interrupts. DAWN "You fought aliens." WILLOW "And I would be ... what exactly?" DAWN "What I am now Willow." XANDER "Dawn, the Alien Fighter?" DAWN "Hey that's cool. Can I use it?" XANDER "Sure why not?" RICKY "It's important to have a cool name." XANDER "Like Spiderman." DAWN "Or Superman." XANDER "Captain America." RICKY "Wolverine." Xander, Dawn, and even Kennedy and Willow look at Ricky. XANDER "Wolverine's lame." DAWN "He wears YELLOW and has ears on his head." RICKY "He's the best he is at what he does." DAWN "Uh Whatever. Alien Fighter is cool though." Dawn's now in command. DAWN (CONT'D) "Francisco, I mean Pancho" FRANCISCO "Please call me Francisco. I hated that nickname." DAWN "Francisco then. WHERE are the aliens now?" FRANCISCO "Near Hyde Park." DAWN "OK, we need to pick up our weapons and ..." FRANCISCO "There are already people gathering. You must lead them." She sighs. She's not ready for this. And hates what she has to do. She looks at Xander and Ricky. DAWN "Will you guys ..." XANDER "Dawn. I followed your sister for seven years. She saved the world a lot. I'm sorry you have this ... but I wouldn't know anyone I'd trust more." RICKY "Hey. You saved my ass from those guys in the neighborhood. I owe you. Just don't ask me to pick up a ..." DAWN "I know. But you have to know ..." RICKY "I know. I know what's at stake. It's my city too." Willow and Kennedy are aghast at this exchange, and see Dawn perhaps for the first time. She's Buffy sister alright. KENNEDY "Look I'm the slayer. I can ..." DAWN "Do absolutely nothing but scream around these aliens while they blow your head off ..." XANDER "With one of their nasty ray guns." DAWN "Stay here. And whatever you do DON'T tell Buffy. I'll be back soon." And with that they leave. EXT. A CHICAGO NEIGHBORHOOD -- DAY A crowd mills about, in a tough and run-down area with a vacant lot and a warehouse. People are peeking around the corner at the warehouse, with no signs of activity. MARTIN "They're HERE! I saw one of them go in." Dawn, Ricky, Xander and Francisco approach the crowd. Carrying large duffel bags. DAWN "Who saw them?" MARTIN "I did." DAWN "How many of them are there?" MARTIN "I don't know, I saw one of them go in about half an hour ago. Others saw at least two others go in ..." MAN IN CROWD "About an hour ago." DAWN "Great. Why do I sense a trap?" XANDER "They're showing themselves ..." RICKY "To draw us in?" DAWN "And capture more people." She ponders a moment. Then decides. DAWN (CONT'D) "OK, you, you and you. Go to that, that, and that ..." She points to three different street corners facing the Warehouse. DAWN (CONT'D) "And YELL as loud as you can if you see ANY movement. If people come out ... you help them. Get them away from here as FAST as possible. You do NOT go in to that warehouse for any reason. Got it?" The three youths that Dawn has picked out nod their assent and move to the street corners. DAWN (CONT'D) "OK, you guys know me. You know Xander. AND Ricky. We got you out of the Junkyard. We'll get your relatives and friends out of there ..." She points off to the warehouse. DAWN (CONT'D) "If they are still alive. I'm not some kind of hero, I don't have special powers ..." XANDER "But we will do what we can. We're from ..." DAWN "Sunnydale." The crowd murmurs at that news. Dawn spots two homeless men in the crowd. She approaches them. DAWN (CONT'D) "Buy your clothes?" HOMELESS MAN "Twenty dollar." DAWN "Xander, give them twenty dollars. And strip." XANDER "What?" The crowd whistles as Dawn starts to strip off her clothes. She silences them with glare and a few choice curse words in Spanish. Dawn eyes Xander with a bit of cold appraisal, while Xander looks at Dawn in her sports bra and panties and finds himself oddly depressed, as if he's suddenly awakened to find the world changed. And Dawn giving him the eye is even more depressing now, here, than he imagined. He feels ... old. Before his time. DAWN "We've got a trap of our own ... ugh!" She makes a sour face at the stink of the clothes. XANDER "So we don't stick out?" Dawn's a bit tender now, shutting out the crowd as they swap clothes. DAWN "Xander the patch ..." Sadly he notes. XANDER "I know Dawn. It has to go." RICKY "Hey you'll fit right in." XANDER "Great. More downward mobility." DAWN "Join the crowd." Xander reluctantly removes the patch, Ricky winces unconciously as he sees the gaping hole in Xander's face, and Dawn looks sadly at Xander with compassion mixed with resolve. Dawn is strapping on various weapons, her matching High Powers, a few hideout guns including a small revolver at her thigh and a small automatic at her back before putting on the rest of the clothes. Xander's VERY reluctantly tucking a 1911 into his waistband (uncocked) and wrapping up the BAR in newspapers and tape. Ricky under wordless protest accepts his revolver, with ill concealed resentment tucking it behind his waistband. XANDER "You have got to stop watching Taxi Driver Dawn." Smiling and imitating a bad New York accent DAWN "You talking to me?" She looks at Francisco sadly. DAWN (CONT'D) "You're not coming are you?" FRANCISCO "You already know I'm limited in what I can do here. Otherwise you wouldn't be ..." RICKY "Needed?" FRANCISCO "Yes." RICKY "So I get to play ..." XANDER "Chase the homeless people. Wow Cordy would be so proud." DAWN "Hey I'M the biggest loser here." They walk towards the warehouse. XANDER "Hello? One eye? Only Girlfriend I ever had DEAD? And Slept with Spike?" DAWN "Got that beat. Buffy's my SISTER. Lost my house, and everything I own." XANDER "Every girl I slept with tried to kill me." Staggering (pretend) into him. Ricky is "chasing them" throwing small stones at them. DAWN "I dated two boys. One was a vampire who wanted a snack after sex, the other dumped me for Buffy." She curses in Spanish. DAWN (CONT'D) "That HURT!" XANDER "You know Spanish?" DAWN "I pick things up fast. In this neighborhood. Your turn." XANDER "Faith never even talked to me. Beat THAT!" He pretend staggers into Dawn. DAWN "OK. WILLOW never apologized for trying to kill me." XANDER "Buffy made me take in SPIKE as my roomate." DAWN "You win." They are near the doorway. They stagger past when ... Two aliens in full space suits come out and grab them. Dawn shouts ... DAWN (CONT'D) "Now!" And all hell breaks loose. Dawn draws her twin High Powers and shoots the alien that's grabbed her in the helmet repeatedly until the helmet is shattered and her alien is down. Xander's struggling with his alien ... unable to get his 1911 out and trying desperately to keep the alien from bringing an ominous hand weapon to bear. Finally he's had enough and kicks the alien in the groin. To no avail. XANDER "Either you're a girl ... and I'll date you soon, or you are REALLY alien." DAWN "Xander stop screwing around and ..." Xander uses the BAR in newspaper as a club, hitting the weapon out of the space suited alien's grasp. Then hitting the alien until the helmet of that alien shatters too. XANDER "OK, maybe I won't date you after all." DAWN "Xander, Ricky, follow me!" The three enter. Xander's got the BAR partially unwrapped and is firing at a mass of surprised Space Suited aliens. Dawn shouts as she turns back to Ricky. DAWN (CONT'D) "Hold this goddamn door. We need to get people out." Ricky nods grimly, and hefts his revolver, taking careful aim and firing. Xander and Dawn advance, to the door of the metal container where young men and women from the neighborhood are kept. The aliens are regrouping and firing back at Xander and Dawn, searing flashes of light and heat as objects beside them start to disappear. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander! Open that door!" Xander hefts the rifle and shoots it point blank on the hinges. It falls inward with a crash. XANDER "Everybody out of the pool." Dawn exchanges a few shots with the Aliens to effect, providing some cover for Xander and a moment of quiet as both groups seemingly stare at each other, boggled. The aliens staring at the two who DARED invade their sanctuary, and Dawn and Xander staring at something they've never seen before. Or believed in. The spell is broken by Dawn's shout! DAWN "We have to get out of here!" The aliens advance, cutting them off from Ricky. And the door. XANDER "Looking ugly Dawnie!" DAWN "I'm beautiful. THEY'RE ugly!" She has a flash of inspiration. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander, the walls. They've got to be cheap and thin. Bust through them with your ..." Xander's already got it. He's firing away at the wall until it's in tatters. He rushes the wall and bashes away at with the heavy BAR until a hole is made. XANDER "What are you idiots standing around for? Didn't you see Alien Resurrection?" At that the huddled boys and girls start to move, past Dawn and towards Xander and safety. But the aliens press closer and Dawn's having a hard time keeping those with weapons busy as their bolts crash closer to her with each shot. RICKY "Here comes the cavalry!" And Ricky arrives in the middle of the mess with MANY of his former tormenters, who crash into the aliens like a giant wave, seething with violence and preventing the aliens from bringing their weapons to bear. Aliens and Humans alike start falling down, not moving. DAWN "Goddamnit Ricky! I told you to stay!" RICKY "I'm covering your ass!" There is a bright flash of blue light as Xander's getting the last of the captives out of the warehouse and Dawn dives right into him knocking them both through the hole in the wall and entangled in each other. Dawn's crying and cursing, in Spanish and in English. XANDER "Dawn what's wrong." DAWN "Stupid Stupid Stupid IDIOT! I TOLD HIM ..." A man from the crowd walks up to them. MAN FROM CROWD "They're gone. All of them. And all of our people. There's no one left." XANDER "You knew ..." Bitterly, angrily, Dawn answers. DAWN "How the hell ELSE would they get in and out of places dressed like that Xander? How the hell else? Unless they had a goddamn teleporter." She looks at him solemnly. DAWN (CONT'D) "I told him to stay by the goddamn door. Not to move. Not a goddamn inch." She's angry. Angry at Ricky, the aliens, herself, and the world. She lets out a wordless howl of rage, her scream echoing up and down the back alley of the warehouse. And above, one lone space suited alien, his suit blending in with the building like a chameleon to make him almost imperceptible, stares at Dawn and Xander thoughtfully, for a long time as the two move their rescued captives away. EXT. THE JUNKYARD - NIGHT Dawn and Xander are sitting around morosely around the now finished Trebuchet. Dawn's angry and Xander's depressed beyond measure. Dawn's finishing a long, angry, horribly obscene tirade in Spanish that ends up shocking Xander. XANDER "Dawn! That kind of language!" DAWN "YOU know Spanish?" XANDER "Some. Comes in handy." DAWN "You learned it at school?" Xander sighs. XANDER "No. On the job. You?" Dawn stares moodily away into the distance. DAWN "You know me. I just ... pick up things fast. Like Sumerian. I just ... listened. To the neighborhood people, like Mrs. Pineda at the market, or the radio and TV. Maybe it's because I'm the key. Maybe that's why I learn things so fast." XANDER "Maybe. But you shouldn't say those words Dawn." DAWN "Why not? I got Ricky captured, probably killed. And nearly did the same for you." XANDER "That's not fair. He knew the risks. Just like I did." DAWN "Xander, he came to save US. And all those people. Probably most of them wouldn't lift a finger to help him. Cause of who he is." Angry at herself. She spits out .. DAWN (CONT'D) "Now I finally understand why Buffy was such a ... I understand. Why she wanted to do things alone. I should have gone in alone." XANDER "And you would have been dead. And all those people would have died too. Or whatever the hell those aliens do to them. You did what you could. No one's asking any more." DAWN "I am." Looming suddenly out of the background, Francisco adds. FRANCISCO "You should not blame yourself. Soldiers are always falling in battle. It is the way of the earth." Dawn's angry, and Xander finds Francisco even MORE depressing. DAWN "That's goddamn easy for you to say. Why should you care? You're dead!" Dawn then proceeds to use nearly every bad and dirty word she can remember in Spanish directed at Francisco, the Earth, and the aliens. XANDER "What she said. Only double." FRANCISCO "Are you both finished?" DAWN "Yes." FRANCISCO "I must admit I'm impressed. Good cursing is always important for a leader and I remember ..." Looking at Dawn's increasingly angry face and Xander becoming dangerously despairing he changes gears abruptly. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "He may not be dead. These aliens are tricky fellows. We may yet save him." XANDER "Ah ... what?" DAWN "Where are they hiding?" FRANCISCO "In the lake of course. They always hide in Water. I don't know why. Perhaps it is their metal. It corrodes so quickly. We had a few of their things. They fell apart within days." Xander absorbs this information, and Dawn grows thoughtful. DAWN "Xander ... these aliens, they travel in spacecraft, right?" XANDER "OK. Aliens, spacecraft, no sexy Vulcan babes. Making sense. Well it's not but ..." DAWN "And they have to hide in water else their metal parts all corrode, right?" XANDER "Yeah that's what Francisco just said." Dawm turns to Francisco. DAWN "What SORT of water do the aliens hide in?" FRANCISCO "Well, it was only the one time for me. But it was brackish water. Still, dead. No fish. In a lagoon in the Sea of Cortez." DAWN "Xander what corrodes metal in the air?" XANDER "Oxygen." DAWN "So if you needed to hide your spacecraft to avoid oxygen, where would you hide it?" XANDER "In the center of the lake, where's there no oxygen, as deep as you could go." DAWN "Except." XANDER "OK I'll bite. What's the catch." DAWN "It's a spacecraft not a submarine. They have to bring EVERYTHING with them." Xander's catching on. XANDER "Which means that they have to pack light for their vacations." DAWN "And that means their spacecraft can't be too deep. Cause it can't stand the pressure." She turns to Francisco. DAWN (CONT'D) "How deep were they?" FRANCISCO "Oh, about forty feet. No more. We tried to get to them in boats but they sunk them every time. We waited ..." DAWN "Until they tried to leave?" FRANCISCO "Yes. Then I sent my Golden Ones, my precious Dorados, the best cavalry in the world, in a feint. We lost many men that day. Good men." Dawn and Xander are looking thoughtfully at the Trebuchet. DAWN "Xander, what's the range on that thing?" XANDER "At LEAST 300 feet." DAWN "And you still have those stones you were going to use?" XANDER "Yes. And I have a map of Lake Michigan in my boss's office. He does a lot of fishing." DAWN "It gives depth readings?" XANDER "And wrecks. Fish hang around wrecks." DAWN "It's a gamble." XANDER "We owe him. And he's my friend." Dawn looks at Xander with infinite compassion, no stranger to loss herself. DAWN "I know." EXT. LAKE MICHIGAN SHORELINE -- NIGHT Xander and Dawn are wheeling the Trebuchet out of large panel truck. It's heavy work and they glare at Francisco as they muscle the Trebuchet down the ramp and onto the cement bordering the lake. Farther out in the middle of the Lake, helicopters with military markings patrol the waters, spotlights on the water below them. XANDER "You couldn't help? Or is that against the Cowboy Code?" DAWN "Forget it. It's done already." She glares at Francisco. DAWN (CONT'D) "Don't you know anything more?" FRANCISCO "If it was Vampires, or demons, or anything else, I could help you. But these aliens? They are not of the earth. I'm as helpless as a witch or slayer would be." XANDER "Well, that's just great. Well, at least the military is out in force. Think they know?" At this Francisco just shrugs, while Dawn stares at the helicopters for a moment. Dawn and Xander muscle the stone into position on the Trebuchet. They align it roughly towards the empty Lake. XANDER (CONT'D) "You know, we could wait here all night and nothing could happen. Probably nothing will happen and we'll have to do this again tomorrow ..." At these words a loud throbbing sound comes from the lake and the water begins to boil. A pulsing light appears from beneath the water, oddly in tune with sounds. XANDER (CONT'D) "I should never talk again." Dawn just snorts at this. DAWN "Can you line this thing up? Can we aim it?" XANDER "Yeah. Help me move it." They tug and push at the Trebuchet, which gets aligned with the bubbling and boiling water, and the light below which gathers speed as it approaches the store. Now the UFO breaks free of the water, heavy and ungainly as it struggles into the air and tries to pick up speed. The helicopters are too far away to reach it, but it shoots several searing bolts of light and a helicopter drops out of the sky. DAWN "Xander! Now!" Xander releases the catch, and the stone flies free, arcing a path directly into the accelerating UFO, which folds around the stone upon impact and crashes heavily into the water near the shore. DAWN (CONT'D) "Goddamn you! Come to my planet and do these things, this is the price you pay." Francisco looks upon this and smiles. And upon reflection for a moment, frowns. The choice Dawn has made is not a happy one. But the planet could not ask for a better protector. Dawn's already stripping off her outer clothes, and rushing towards the UFO which has a massive hole on it's top and is slowly sinking into the Lake. She comes to the UFO and unhesitatingly dives into the hole as the UFO starts to sink and Xander swims desperately after her. INT. THE UFO -- NIGHT Dawn's swimming into the UFO, which is filled with murky water, desperately looking for someone, something, anything to lead her to Ricky. The interior is metallic, and sparse, she comes to a hatch and opens it. Swims into another compartment. She's running out of air when she spots Ricky. He looks pale. She grabs him and he's cold to the touch. She pulls at him and discovers his chest has been cut open. And his heart removed. Her eyes widen as Xander appears behind her with his waistband stuffed with objects from the UFO. They turn to leave but the UFO jerks and moves downwards. The door behind them buckles, and is jammed shut. Dawn and Xander desperately try to free themselves but to no avail. The door won't budge. Xander moves away. He studies a panel of lights behind Dawn. He makes his decision. He pushes a sequence of lighted buttons, grabs Dawn and Ricky's body. A flash of blue light and they are in the shallows, distant from the UFO, gasping for air. DAWN "How? How did you?" XANDER "I just knew." He looks at Ricky. Ruined chest gaping open, his face dead and cold. XANDER (CONT'D) "It's not fair. They used him for spare parts. It's why they come here." He starts to sob XANDER (CONT'D) "It's just not fair. He was my friend. He liked me. He was a good guy. He was brave. He saved us." He's crying more now, unable to stop the sobs. Dawn's looking at him sadly. DAWN "I know Xander. I know." She holds him, with love but not with desire, and tells him ... DAWN (CONT'D) "It's OK Xander. Let it out. Let it ALL out. For both of us." There is another, smaller flash of blue light as the UFO in the distance makes a big slurping noise and slips into the lake, water boiling in it's wake. A single space suited figure appears by Xander and Dawn. Xander looks at the figure in pure white hot hatred. He angrily brings up his 1911 still in his waistband when Dawn stops him and forces the gun down. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander, no. I need him." Xander's angry and appalled. XANDER "He killed Ricky. What could you need him for?" Francisco's words echo in Dawn's head. She remembers "The aliens, they sap the power of the brujos, the witches. And the Slayers." And "Magic, slayers, even demons and vampires ... they just stop around them." DAWN "I need him for later." She looks at Xander. DAWN (CONT'D) "There's been enough death here tonight Xander." She looks at him thoughtfully. DAWN (CONT'D) "I need you to trust me on this Xander. I'll explain later, but I promise you it's for a reason. Trust me." She looks at the alien. Pushing Xander's arm down further. She motions her head for the alien to leave. The alien stands motionless, staring behind the helmet that hides everything. Then he moves, splashing towards the shore. As he moves he quickly assumes the color of the water, sky, and later the pavement, like a chameleon only faster. And is gone within moments. Dawn swears in Spanish. DAWN (CONT'D) "I didn't know they could do that." XANDER "Neither did I." DAWN "I can STILL find him later." EXT. THE JUNKYARD -- DAY Dawn and Xander are wheeling the Trebuchet back into it's old place. XANDER "On the upside? I've got all the things I swiped from the UFO in alcohol. It's sitting inside a cooler. So maybe they won't fall apart." DAWN "Won't someone find it?" XANDER "It's under a pile of junk. And nobody comes around here. There's already a spider building a web around it." DAWN "Probably a black widow." Francisco appears from behind Xander, startling him. XANDER "Damn! Don't do that!" Francisco smiles at his little joke. FRANCISCO "You both did very well. Though perhaps you could have done better." He gives a hard stare at Dawn, who is defiant under his gaze. DAWN "I did what I had to. You know it." Francisco sighs. FRANCISCO "I suppose it cannot be helped. In any case there are things you must know." DAWN "I'm done fighting monsters. I had enough of that in Sunnydale. Chicago aliens weren't much fun either." XANDER "What she said. Only triple." DAWN "I've got other plans. Like say College. An actual career. Want someone to fight evil? Save the world? Go ask Buffy. She's the professional." Francisco frowns at this FRANCISCO "That is what I wanted to talk to you about. Buffy. And a choice you must make." The camera pans out, looking over at Francisco as he talks to Xander and Dawn, earnestly, as they shout their disbelief. Their words are mere murmurs from the distance, coming into clarity as the camera moves back in. DAWN "No. No! It's not true!" XANDER "This isn't fair! It would mean ..." FRANCISCO "Yes it IS true. You know it. And yes it IS NOT fair. I don't deny it. It's why the Earth chose you. And now why you must in turn chose." He sadly shakes his head. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "I am truly sorry. You are both very brave. I would have been proud to count you as one of my Dorados." He pauses. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "Provided of course you could ride. You deserved better. But now you must choose." Dawn's angry. That it would even be questioned. DAWN "You KNOW how I choose. I love her. I always will. She's part of me." She looks at Xander DAWN (CONT'D) "You don't have to do this. You've suffered enough. And you deserve more. More than ... this." XANDER "I've been with Buffy for seven years Dawn. I used to be so much in love with her." He laughs. XANDER (CONT'D) "She'd never even notice me. I never really ... mattered that way for her." Dawn looks at him. He laughs bitterly. XANDER (CONT'D) "I'm not ... I don't feel that way about her now. But she's still my friend. She made my life better. I couldn't imagine the world without her in it. She's part of me too." He pauses and looks at his friend. XANDER (CONT'D) "Just like you Dawn. Besides, you need someone to watch your back." She smiles, very sadly. DAWN "There's no one I'd trust more." Francisco is satisfied. FRANCISCO "Then you know what to do, when the offer comes. And remember, the United States Government is dangerous." He sighs. They MUST understand. FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "If you make yourself indispensable, so that they do not know where you begin and they end, you will be safe. But you will have enemies, who will whisper in the ears of important and nameless men in Washington, and you must be wary." He looks at them intently. Do they understand? FRANCISCO (CONT'D) "This is not a joke. The earth cannot help you with that. It is something you must handle on your own. Make many friends there, but always beware for enemies. Trust no one there. Only each other." XANDER "Hey, like the X Files." Dawn's annoyed by the joke. She sees in an instant the danger. DAWN "Xander this is serious! [she pauses] There will be a lot of people wanting us ..." FRANCISCO "Dead." Turning to Xander. DAWN "Like Maggie Walsh." XANDER "Oh." Francisco nods, and is nearly out the door when he adds ... FRANCISCO "And never trust a German. Or their weapons. I had a Luger once. I dropped it in the dirt. It jammed and nearly got me killed. NEVER trust anything German." And with that he leaves. Xander and Dawn look at each other. XANDER "OK. Can I say how much our lives suck now?" DAWN "Look on the bright side. At least we don't have to worry about retirement planning." XANDER "Or going bald." DAWN "Or varicose veins." XANDER "What ARE varicose veins?" DAWN "Mrs. Kleinman at the deli." XANDER "Oh." Graham enters the junkyard, flanked by two obviously out of uniform Army Rangers. DAWN "Hello Graham. The answer is yes. On these condidtions." INT. BUFFY'S APARTMENT -- DAY Willow and Kennedy are sitting at the counter, eating breakfast. Buffy is on the phone, talking to someone. She hangs up. BUFFY "Well, guess what?" WILLOW "Any news from Giles on the Council front?" BUFFY "Oh plenty. Where's Xander and Dawn?" Kennedy and Willow look abashed. WILLOW "Oh they're out. And about. And doing stuff." KENNEDY "I think they were looking for aliens." Snorting up some cereal through her nose Willow is about to say something when Buffy replies .. BUFFY "Hello? Slayer here. Oldest one around, anyway" Adding this quickly seeing Kennedy's searching look, and suddenly REMEMBERING she's not the only active slayer anymore. BUFFY (CONT'D) "Seen Demons, vampires, werewolves and wiccas. No aliens." WILLOW "There WAS that one time when ..." BUFFY "Will! That was a demon. It just CAME from a meteor. I think." She's puzzled by that. BUFFY (CONT'D) "At any rate, take it from me. There are no such things as aliens. They don't exist. This town's just nuts. Everyone is crazy." KENNEDY "Well, I think they were out looking for them." BUFFY "Good. Then they won't get into trouble then. But I'll tell them the good news tomorrow." EPILOGUE INT. XANDER'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT Dawn and Xander are sitting sprawled on the couch, watching the end of a movie. Dawn's turning off the DVD player. Xander's looking at her. XANDER "Seriously. Taxi Driver IS your favorite movie?" DAWN "Someday a real rain is gonna come, and wash all the scum off the streets." XANDER "You're scaring me. You know that." DAWN "I have to start somewhere." XANDER "Just don't start turning into Andrew." She playfully hits Xander for that. DAWN "Don't you EVER suggest ..." XANDER "Next thing you know, you'll be quoting Star Wars." DAWN "At LEAST I don't quote Babylon 5 like SOME people I know. And Scorsese is cooler than Lucas." XANDER "Star Wars. American Graffiti. Raiders." DAWN "Mean Streets. Taxi Driver. Gangs of New York." She pauses. DAWN (CONT'D) "Well OK, maybe not that last one." She shifts gears. DAWN (CONT'D) "You ready for this?" XANDER "Yes." He moves to the table along with Dawn from the couch. There is a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses on the table Mockingly Dawn lifts the Tequila bottle. DAWN "Oh my. My first time." She looks at him and breathily says ... DAWN (CONT'D) "And with you, it's so ... right." XANDER "You won't thank me later. It's gonna hurt." Changing her tone to serious intent DAWN "It should hurt. I'm OK with that." XANDER "Are you sure? That you want to do this? And with me? We don't ... have to." DAWN "Xander? There's nobody on earth I'd want to do this more with." And with that she pours the tequila into the shot glasses. They each raise their glasses. DAWN (CONT'D) "To Ricky. He saved us." XANDER "To Ricky. My friend. A good ... man." They drink. Dawn sputters. DAWN "It's disgusting." XANDER "Wait till you're hung over." DAWN "I don't care." XANDER "To ... Anya. She fought when she could have run. She ..." He starts to nearly cry at this. Dawn looks at him sadly. DAWN "To Anya. Our friend. We miss her. We always will." They drink. Dawn's not choking this time. DAWN (CONT'D) "To Amanda. Our friend. One of us." XANDER "To Amanda." They drink, Dawn refills the glasses. DAWN "To Molly. Who made me laugh." XANDER "To Molly. Who made me laugh too." Another toast. XANDER (CONT'D) "To Chao Anh. She was brave." DAWN "To Chao Anh." Another toast again, and Dawn refills the glasses. DAWN (CONT'D) "Xander ... if I puke will you still be my friend?" XANDER "Sure. You'll always be my friend Dawn. Just don't puke in the living room. I have a cleaning deposit. Bathroom's tiled. So's the kitchen." DAWN "Great." They blink. A bit bleary eyed. XANDER "To Chloe. I understand why ..." DAWN "To Chloe. I understand too ..." XANDER "To Diane. Who was brave and a hero." DAWN "To Diane." They toast. XANDER "To Annabelle." DAWN "To Annabelle." They toast and Xander refills the glasses as Dawn starts to slip with the bottle. DAWN (CONT'D) "To Eve. Who we never knew." XANDER "To Eve." Dawn pauses. She's starting to nearly cry. DAWN "To Tara. Who ... who tried to be my Mom. When I had no one else. Who I miss every day." Xander sees her crying now and adds XANDER "To Tara McClay. She's ... part of our family. And I miss her. Every day too." Dawn between tears drains her glass dry. And before Xander can say anything she gravely, and very deliberately, as if she were made of glass and would break if she moved suddenly, fills both their glasses with tequila. DAWN "To Mom. I miss her. All the time. She's my hero." Dawn's starting to cry again. Xander adds .. XANDER "To Joyce Summers. Who a lot of times I wish were MY Mom. And who gave the world the two greatest people I ever met. My heroes. Dawn and Buffy Summers." He looks at Dawn. XANDER (CONT'D) "And every time I see Dawn, or Buffy, I KNOW Joyce is proud of the women they became. Strong. Beautiful. And heroes I'm proud to call my friends." He looks at Dawn, who's stopped crying. XANDER (CONT'D) "Joyce is still here. Because you are." They drink. Dawn with a sad smile on her face. EXT. A CHICAGO ROOFTOP -- NIGHT The last space suited alien looks at the skyline. Chicago's high rises loom in the background. Checking carefully to see what's about, and carrying a bundle of clothes, the alien kneels down. Pauses for a bit, and then with suddent violence twists the helmet, as water pours out of the helmet. The alien is bent over, coughing and retching violently as it struggles to breath in the unfamiliar air. It looks up, seeing the world for the first time with unfiltered eyes as it gasps for air. The camera shows the alien's face. It's a woman, beautiful in a harsh, cold manner, tinged with green from the fluid in the suit. She utters two words. In an unknown harsh alien language. But by the intonation and delivery, their meaning is unmistakable. It's the worst obscenity she knows.