The Carpenter

Author: Stephen Howe <sh01[at]>


DISTRIBUTION: Ask and ye shall receive!

DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Joss! He created everything!

Set in season 6.

Xander and the others discover Buffy and Spike's secret. Xander leaves the group and Spike discovers his chip no longer works. DANGER! Major undead Billy Idol wannabe bashing..

X/Paige, X/B.

BTVS/Charmed/Soldier Xover.

Rated R for violence, language and adult themes.



Nurse Carrie-Anne Moss once more doubted the worth of Project Adam. If it meant the systematic creation of children born to do nothing else but serve as human/machines for the Army's future battles then maybe we didn't deserve to win such a war. She saw the Lt. march into the nursery, clipboard held out in front of him as if it would shield him from seeing the human faces of his subjects. He stopped at one child that cried too much, studied the child's brief history, the slapped a 4f tag on it's crib. He came to the next baby and Carry saw it was her favourite, the one she had named Alexander, and her heart almost stopped. Her mind wished the Lt. would place the automated death sentence that a 4 f would carry on its crib, but instead he smiled and placed a 1 alpha on it instead.

Her body shuddered at what the order meant and she knew the child she called Alexander was doomed to a life of servitude and state authorised murder. The other child, that was by now already dead, would appear to her to have had the better deal. The Lt. turned to her and said." Good work Nurse Moss with this child we can now begin Project Adam with out any further delays." He grinned at her." I've asked for you to be transferred to my department to aid in the programming and assimilation of Alexander as you call him."

They both looked down at the tiny life that had been created in the science labs hidden deep beneath the Rockie Mountains and each said a silent prayer. His that the child, and the project, would be success and hers that God would have mercy on their souls.


Lt. Moss watched her charge as he sat, ramrod straight, while they brought in the test subjects. Three Doberman Pincers, starved and beaten until they were as savage as wild wolves, were being held in a glass cage while their opponent was being led into the arena. A wild bore with deadly tusks that could rip into man or beast was released into the pen just seconds before the Doberman's cage was opened.

It was no contest, but then it was never about who would win or who would loose. It was about the children's reactions to bloody violence and it's aftermath. She watched, as the cameras zoomed in on the eyes of each child and she nothing in her charges eyes. Not pity or revulsion, just a blank stare of an automaton as it took in the bloody scene in front of it.

She noted that one of the others baulked at the scene as the Dobermans began to rip the intestines from their victim. He was lead away for further 'training' and she knew he would either be as soulless as the others or he would vanish. His name removed from the huts role and would never be talked of again.

It was at this time she began to build up a hatred of the men in charge of the project but it wouldn't be until they allowed her, and Adam, into the mainstream of human life that she would plan for his escape.

The Lt., now a major, came up to her and told her." If he does well in the hand/eye co-ordination tests we may move to the next stage." He patted her on the back." Good work Moss. Keep it up." She saluted him and hoped he burned in hell.

She watched as they were led away to the classroom and then she watched as the clean up crew shot, and then removed the carcasses.

After the main tests were through the Major asked for her to sit down in his office. He took out a file and opened it, clicking down on his ballpoint as he did." Well it appears he's above average in most things, which is excellent, but he's a bit slow to grasp certain rudimentary things." He looks up at her and tells her." You'll need to keep an eye on that, we'll need to run some tests when he's released." He signed off on the last page then closed the folder. He stood up and offered her his hand." All in all a fine example of Project Adam! We're releasing the others across the country so as not to attract attention if something should go wrong."

He handed her the folder and told her." You will need to bring him in every year for the basic three monthly update. And when he reaches optimum age we will assign him a life partner, for breading purposes, and then he will be ready for the Army's new elite training school. He should pass that with flying colours."

Carrie saluted him and took the folder from him." I will bring him back in five months and then every nine as per orders sir." She looked at the file then a quizzical look passed over her." Sunnydale? Where on earth is that?"

She went outside and watched as the troop of boys were paraded in front of them before they were sent on a five mile hike into the hills. Twenty-one boys all with military designations but had been given a more human friendly name by their' keepers'. And all of them programmed from birth to kill and fight to the death if ordered.

This was to be the final test of endurance and their ability to block out any erroneous information that came their way. Alexander was given the honour, as top of the class; to carry the squad's battle insignia as they quick marched into the hills.

Chapter 1


Carrie walked her charge up to the registration desk and told the woman all the required information to get Alexander enrolled in kindergarten then added." He's a quiet child, very reserved and he likes his own company." The woman grinned." Well we have a couple of kids that will break him out of his shell."

Carrie knelt by Alex's side and he snapped to attention. Carrie checked that no one was watching and whispered to him." Remember your orders Harris. Blend in and behave like the other children." He was about to salute but Carrie intercepted the hand." At ease soldier!" She tucked in his jacket and gripped his shoulders." Suck it in and behave like the others. Do not attract attention to yourself and study the other boys."

Carrie stood up and then told the receptionist." My husband's job means we move around a lot. He has a problem that requires we be away for three months a year." She looks down at Alexander and smiles." But he's worth it though. See you later Alexander."

The lady looked down at Xander as Carrie left to fill in her daily report to H.Q." Well then how about we meet some new friends then?" She walked around the counter and took Xander by the hand leading him out into the playground. She covered her eyes from the sun then waived at another carer." Sally I have another customer for you." Sally came over with three children in tow. Sally knelt down and shook hands with Xander." Hello and what's your name then."

Xander snapped to attention and rattled off." Harris, Alexander, L. sir!" The red haired girl giggled while the dark haired girl looked down her nose at him. The other boy held out his hand and said." My name's Jesse. That's a really weird name you have."

The red haired girl kicked Jesse's ankle." Ow!" He rubbed his ankle and told him." The girl with the speedy feet is named Willow. While miss snooty is called Cordy."

Willow went red and tried to hide behind Jesse while Cordelia offered her hand to Xander." The name is Cordelia Chase actually. My daddy is rich so don't try anything!"

Xander felt the animosity between the redhead and Cordelia and realized the two were anything but friends. Over the following months Willow and Jesse broke down the barriers surrounding Xander's personality and he became firm friends with them, as indicated in his reports to Carrier.

All was going well until one day while Xander was amazing his teacher with his dexterity on the jungle Jim Xander heard the unmistakable sound of Willow's voice as she screamed in pain. Before anyone could move Xander had jumped down and raced over to her. He found her lying on the ground crying while a boy had favourite doll and was ripping it apart.

Even though the boy was older and bigger than himself Xander easily took the boy down and began beating the boy into unconsciousness. He picked up the doll and offered it to a very frightened Willow. Jesse helped Willow up and then she walked over to Xander and took the broken doll from him while the teachers rushed the boy off to the infirmary. Another teacher took Xander by the hand and led him to the teacher's rest room.

A very angry Carrie stormed into the room as soon as she arrived after receiving Sally's phone call. When Xander saw Carrie he snapped to attention and prepared himself for punishment." It was the other boys fault but still Alexander was very brutal." She glanced over at him before continuing." He also doesn't seem to show the least bit of remorse for the injuries he caused on Harry."

Carrie shook her head." Will the boy be all right?" Sally told her." Yes, apart from a few scrapes and bruises he should be fine." Carrie took Xander's hand in hers and asked." I suppose this means Alexander will no longer be permitted to attend?"

Sally shakes her head." Oh no, like I said it was Harry's fault entirely, however we believe it in the child's best interest if he gets some counselling in anger management. We also believe he maybe having trouble with spatial relations and maths."

Carrie tells her." It's time for his check up anyway so I hope to see you in three months time."

As Carrie left with Xander she noticed a red haired girl waive to him and felt Xander waive back. As she sat in the car she told Xander." You must say nothing of this in your report to the major; I will leave it out in my report also. Should they hear of this you may be found unsuitable for their purposes."

Xander nods." Yes Sir I will."

SUNNYDALE Year 12-1992.

Puberty had affected the children in Xander's life in different ways. Jesse had a huge crush on Cordelia; Cordelia used her newfound powers to get whatever she wanted. While Willow discovered desire and hers was focused entirely on Xander. While Xander had been given a drug regimen to over ride any sexual desires, the drugs also were supposed to suppress the violent tendencies needed by soldiers. They were still at the training camp and had just one day left until Xander would secure his position in the new Elite Forces Squad.

She was watching from the hilltop above the forced march route when she saw Xander leading the group over the hill. After a 25-mile march he hardly missed a beat as they jogged past her position. She smiled and watched with pride as the Lt.Colonel passed a remark about him." Excellent response times, hand eye beyond the norm and his aggressive quotient is very high." As they talked the last boy struggled over the hill. The officer nods to another and he calls out over the radio. Carrie watches as a Hummer pulls up in front of the panting boy and an officer steps out levelling his pistol at him.

As the shot reverberates around the hills Carrie realizes Xander's life is held at the whim of his superior officers. The major turns to her and says." When Harris turns 15 we'll need to enhance his training to bring him into line with our requirements. All in all he's proven to be a Stirling example of military technology in the field." He gave her a small tube of tablets." Make sure he takes these or else he will revert back to what he really is." He watches as Xander takes on an adult in hand to hand and they jump when they hear the snap of the mans arm." A mean lean, killing machine!"

Xander takes his seat amongst the other progeny and he nods at his neighbour." Riley." The other boy acknowledges him." Harris." He turns to him and says." I'm being sent to Idaho for urban assault training, how about you?"

Xander shrugs." Returning to Sunnydale for more snoop and poop training. There's something funny going on in that town, people are vanishing yet the police are doing nothing about it."

Riley shrugs." Civilians... What the hell do they know anyway?" He hears his name called and he stands up to leave, before he does he turns to Xander and salutes." Who knows one day we maybe sent in to sort them out." His carer shouts at him." Finn! Get your ass down here now!"

Xander sees Carrie and the major approaching him and he stands and salutes." At ease soldier." The major tells him." I just thought you'd like to know that big things are expected of you son. Why by 2002 you should be at the sharp end of our conflicts leading from the front."

"Thank you sir! I aim to do my best sir." Xander stared at a point over the major's shoulder never once looking at him unless he was ordered.

Chapter 2


Xander was once again well ahead of the others in the tests they had given them so far as they lined up at the practise range. Xander had been having 'feelings' for Cordelia for a few weeks now, ever since he first saw her in that swim suite she wore to the swim meet but he knew Jesse had a thing for her so he kept his feelings to himself. Willow he thought of as more like the sister he never had, all ways there to help him with his maths problems or to just talk to about certain things he thought best not to bother the Lt. with.

He turned and watched his carer as she nodded her head to some unheard question and wondered what it must be like to have a real mother like Willow's. Suddenly the instructors voice over road all his thoughts." Get on the ready LINE!"

Xander's mind went blank, the only thoughts he had were of obedience and fear. Fear that he would mess up and simply vanish like so many others from his birth group." Lock and load!" Xander drew back the receiver and let it slam a cartridge home. The instructor walked up and down the line of five young men." The scenario is that terrorists have taken a vital area and hold civilians hostage. Your main concern is to eliminate all hostiles. GO!"

Anything in holding a weapon that came into Xander's line of fire was eradicated with a fluid motion. He was a ballet of death! They were all doing well until a female drone moved to the fore holding a baby at her breast. Xander saw her and disregarded her as a non-combatant, as did the others until a black clad figure manoeuvred behind her holding a grenade in his hand. Riley, who was positioned next to Xander froze, his mind unable to pull the trigger whilst an innocent was in the way. Suddenly the female drone exploded in a shower of rubber as Xander literally tore her apart to get at the enemy behind her. Then he put the danger down with several well-placed shots.

"At ease!" They placed their rifles on safety and replaced their guns on the floor." Very well done Harris! That's the way to do it!" He glared at Riley." What's the matter Riley? Sun got in your eyes? Stand down!"

Xander stood ramrod straight, like the others, and waited for the results to be flashed across the screen in front of them. The Colonel looked at the results and scratched his cheek." Well we can't afford to terminate Riley, he's cost too much at this late stage." He glances through the reports." Transfer him to Maggie Walsh's new program, maybe Queen Bitch can get him back into line."

The major asks." And the others?" The Colonel looks at the line of fifteen teenagers." Have them returned to their home bases until I can squeeze some more funds from those yellow bellied Liberals at the Pentagon. When we have the funding we will recall them and place them on active service." They are about to leave when he calls Carrie over to him." Lt. Moss nothing.. Ah unforseen happening at Sunnydale?"

She shakes her head." No Sir, Alexander is settling in well, no one suspects a thing." He shakes his head." No that's not what I meant. We've had reports of some strange nocturnal activities, people vanishing then turning up the next night and taking out friends and relatives."

Carrie shakes her head." I've been concentrating on Harris sir. Maybe John has heard of something." She couldn't bring herself to call the man she lived with husband. He was assigned to her to aid in the upbringing of Alexander and to put up a front for enquiring minds. But John had become increasingly remorseful, each night his binges lasted longer and longer until some days it was one long drinking session. This suited her fine as she wanted his reports to match hers, so she quiet often wrote both.

"Get Harris to keep an eye on the nightly goings on around town." He saluted her and told her." If things go as planned we will have one hard assed fighting platoon come next summer!"

SUNNYDALE- Years 16-18.

Xander had come home from school, showered and changed out of his wacky clothes and into fatigues. He then sat down and gave his report of the days happenings until he came to the part about meeting a blond newcomer." I saw someone today, a girl, she was... Distracting." Carrie stopped typing and looked at him." In what way?"

Xander blushed and looked down at the table top." I couldn't start to describe it... Every move she made was like poetry in motion." He blushed deeper." I had to fight the urge to attempt copulation with her which would have been against company regs."

Carrie smiled and thought." So the inhibiter is beginning to show signs of failing!" She looked up at him and said." You know you will be given a bond mate when the Brass feel it's the right time for you to breed the next generation don't you Alexander?"

Xander suddenly snapped to attention." Yes sir! The Army knows what's best!" He gulped and then asked." But what if she's the one mam?" Carrie looks at him." So what's her name, this temptress?"

"Buffy Summers, she's a transferee from L.A. and no one has the right to move the way she does... Uhh Mam." Xander blushes and he feels a slight headache that he knows comes from the inhibitor chip trying to control his emotions. Carrie types Buffy's name into her report and tells him." That'll be all Alexander, you may go and do your homework now."

That summer things changed for both Xander and Carrie. Xander and his friends stumbled onto the world of demons and Vampires, a stumble that cost Jesse his life and Willow her innocence. Xander's possession by the hyena spirit had tapped into his real life and the Hyena had found itself an Alpha form to rule the others with. The first thing Xander did was to try and 'mate' with his hearts one desire. All was running smoothly until she had hit him with that damned desk!

After Giles dispossessed Xander he had livid memories of his true self-running wild through the streets of Sunnydale. People were mere playthings to him tokens to be moved around a board and dispossessed of as, and when, necessary. This was his first glimpse into the world he was created into. After Halloween and his 'Soldier Guy' possession Carrie decided it was time they had Alexander bond with a female, preferably someone other than this Buffy girl. After reading her school docket the Army thought she would be too subversive to their cause.

A quick check of the IRS revealed one of his other acquaintances parents was in deep trouble. They went to Mr. Chase and made him a proposal. If he permitted Cordelia to date someone of their choosing all charges would be dropped and he could continue living the high life without fear of becoming someone's Mrs. if he was locked up.

Xander was, slowly but surely, pushed towards Cordelia and she was finding it harder and harder to resist him. She was amazed when her father told her it was fine if she wanted to date the Harris boy. In fact he increased her allowance when she did begin to date him a fact that augured well for their affair.

But he still couldn't get the thought of Buffy from his mind; she was always there like a wraith floating in his subconscious mind always threatening his relationship with Cordy. In the third year something happened that no one could have foreseen. After trying everything to keep together a few moments of forced closeness drew a kiss between Xander and Willow.

Carrie always thought Xander had sabotaged his relationship with Cordelia because he was getting too close to falling for her. Needless to say Mr. Chase was less than impressed, he threatened to go to the media and spill his guts only to find himself being arrested for fraud and insider trading. His tales of government interference and having them force him into pimping his daughter fell on deaf ears. The Chases were broke and after the Graduation disaster she ran to LA and out of Xander's life forever.

Things were not going well for Project Adam either. The Colonel had made several enemies in his push for his project and it was decided to place them on hold while Professor Maggie Walsh and her team were given the green light for her version of Project Adam.

Chapter 3


Xander had told the others he was going to drive across America during the summer break but in reality he had been recalled to put on a display for friends of Colonel Makepiece in the hope they would place his project back on line. For the 'display' ten condemned prisoners were armed and given a five-minute head start before Xander and three others were sent to take them out. The fight was brief but bloody and in the end the three 'Soldiers' were triumphant. Xander personally killing the leader in hand to hand.

The Senator was impressed but he still had his reservations." Good show Makepiece, fine bunch of men, but I think Professor Walsh's project has the added advantage over you. Then there's Mantacore's new project... The X 3's. Cloned warriors forced growth and gene spliced to other creatures for added strength and improvements."

Makepiece laughs." Maggie won't get her Frankenstein off the drawing board and as for Mantacore and their bunch of freaks.. Well let's just say my boys do well enough without the added worry of whether they'll fight or just play with a ball of twine instead!"

"Walsh's project is off the drawing board Makepiece and on the table. She gives it a year or less and her Adam will be giving us a run through just like your men did today."

"NO! It'll end in tears you mark my words. Walsh and her damned Initiative will crash and burn. Where is it she's holding these trials any way?"

"She's killing two birds with one stone. Sunnydale, while she's there she getting her team to bring in Sub-terrestrials so she can work on them. Hell she's even using some of your chips to modify their behaviour!"

Makepiece salutes as Xander and his team pass by for review. Then he smiles." Sunnydale you say?" He thinks he has the perfect plan as he stares at Xander.


Xander went home to report to Carrie that the mission was a total success. Professor Walsh's project was in flames and her great development was a mass of bubbling flesh thanks to Buffy and the others. Most of all he was pleased Buffy had remained with Riley, the one man he would want her to have if he himself never could. At least he had a heartbeat, which was more than could ever be said about Gel Boy!

When he arrived home he found his 'Father' sleeping off yet another payday binge, while Carrie was waiting for his report in the kitchen. It shocked him to see that she too had taken up drinking. The years of keeping her feelings bottled up inside could now only be quenched by Old Crow or Jim Beam. She glared at him when he entered and ordered him to stand over by the sink. She took out a transceiver and switched it on, causing Xander to pale and clutch his head in pain." I god damned well knew it! Your chip has malfunctioned!"

Xander had to think quickly or suffer the pain of her having it replaced." It's okay Sir! I'm fine; I don't need the chip any more. I thought I proved that at the trials."

She threw the device into the sink and took another pull from the bottle of bourbon." It doesn't matter anyway, we've got twelve months to prove ourselves or I'm to be reassigned and you..." He saw a tear slide down her cheek." You'll be sent to join the other failures!"



Xander was on tenterhooks as he awaited news of his future. Carrie had been ordered to Camp Reagan for further orders and he awaited them with baited breath. Anya had been missing for three weeks, at first she had sent him postcards from each town she and her new husband stopped at but he guessed Jonathan had become impatient with her sending terms of endearments to her ex-lover and so she stopped.

Xander decided to go visit The Magic Box and see how Buffy was coming along in her attempt to run the moneymaker as she called it. He entered via the back door and heard the sounds of fighting coming from the training room. As he rushed there the sounds changed to that of kissing. He pushed the door open and found Spike tearing at Buffy's top in his efforts to uncover her breasts.

The beast within him took over and he dropkicked Spike across the room sending him crashing into the far wall. He kicked at a chair shattering it into pieces then stooped down to retrieve a stake." You fucking animal! I'm going to stake you so hard Angel's going to feel it!"

Before he could carry out his threat Buffy stood before him as she struggled to repair her top." No Xander it.. Wasn't forced.. We.." She hung her head in shame." I'm a demon! And this is the only way I can feel anything."

Xander looked shocked." The only way you can feel anything is to let this piece of shit rape you? Bullshit! " He points to Spike." This piece of work is scamming you! He's using your fears to get into your pants Slayer!"

Spike grins at him." Give it up Wanker! She knows the truth about what she is even if you can't stand it." He grabs her roughly by the hair and slaps her ass." See, now could I do that if she wasn't a demon?"

Xander steps forward and hefts the stake in his hand." One day I'll catch you without her to hide behind! Then you'll join the other freaks in the Dust buster hall of fame!" He sees the look Buffy gives him and he shakes his head." You really are falling for his shit aren't you! Well you can have him! Just don't count on me being here to pick up the pieces when he turns on you!"

He begins to walk away then spins and sends the stake hurtling towards Spike. The Vampire just moves out of the way in time as it burries itself into the drywall.

When he returns to his apartment he finds Carrie waiting for him dressed in her uniform and holding a suit bag in her hand. She grins." You've been reactivated Sargent Harris!"

Xander nods and thinks for a second." Do you have the codes from the Initiative? The codes to de-activate the chips for the hostiles, Hostile 17 to be precise."


Xander stood outside the shop and held the transmitter in his hand; he looked at it and hoped his plan would work. He was leaving Sunnydale forever and he hoped he would leave Buffy with the will to continue her fight and not give into her darker side.

Buffy was sitting next to Willow when she heard the bell above the door ring, her eyes went wide when she saw Xander there dressed as a Sgt in the US Army." It's not Halloween yet droopy!" Spike called out to him.

Xander just looked at the Vampire and grinned." I've worked out your little scheme Spike and it's not going to work! I'm going to make damn sure it doesn't." He walked towards him and activated the shutdown code for Spike's chip." You see I know the chip no longer works." He turns to Buffy." That's how he can hit you Buff. Not because you're a demon but because he is!"

"You're even dumber than I took you for Harris!" Spike laughs at him." Okay I'll take a swing at you to prove it still works!" He went to hit him and found there was no pain, he stopped the strike just before he hit Xander and feigned pain." Argh! See!"

Xander took out a stake and walked towards him." If you don't fight me I'm going to dust your ass before the Slayer gets within two feet of me!" Xander hits Spike several times before Spike finally vamps out and goes for him. Xander has a hard job pretending he can't stop him before Spike is unceremoniously kicked off of him.

Buffy begins to kick the crap out of him." You lying, stalking, sick mother!" Xander reactivates the chip and smiles as Spike runs from the shop. He points at them all." You'll all regret this! Big Bad is back and in full control!"

Xander smiles and whispers." Yeah and the first person you try to bite will probably dust your ass!" He stands and runs to a sobbing Buffy." Shh it's all right Buff he's gone now."

"Why do I always fall for the wrong guys?" Xander shrugs." This is the hellmouth Buff; jeez look at the beauties I've dated. Insect woman, Mummy, Cordelia, Faith.. Well technically Faith was more of a one hour stand, and let's not forget the thousand year old ex-demon!"

Buffy's smile lights up the room." You always could make me happy Xander." She hugs him then remembers the uniform." So fancy dress party or what?" She beams at him. But then her smile fades as Willow tells her." There's an army Humvee parked outside."

Both Willow and Buffy stare at him." I suppose there's no good way to tell you this... I've joined up; it seems my memories of Soldier Guy weren't as gone as I thought. I can't stand being a no body anymore Buff. I need to find myself and I think the Army is the way to go."

The sound of a car horn hurried him." Just know that I'll never forget you, any of you. Give my love to Dawn and tell her she's my sister too!" He turned to Willow and hugged her." Be a good little witch and for god's sake find Tara and make it up to her!" He went to leave then stopped, turned around and told Buffy." I can't leave without knowing."

Buffy tells him." Then don't leave!" He shakes his head, and walks up to her." No choice, but I have to do this." He grabs her in his arms and kisses her with all the remaining emotions he had left. Buffy still had her eyes closed and her mouth opened as the door closed behind him. The sound of the door shutting brought her back to her senses." Wow! I Uhh...Xander?"

She heard the Humvee take of and she wrenched the door back open." NO! Don't you run off like that? Not now... Crap!" She stamped her foot and ran over to the phone." What's the number for the army? I'm going to tell them there's been a mistake and he can't go."

Chapter 4


Xander was at the forefront of the wedge of twelve men as they awaited the signal to advance on the criminal stronghold. One look at his eyes and anyone that knew him could see that there was something wrong with him. If the eyes were the mirrors of the soul then Xander's soul was black indeed. Two years of constant fighting where ever and whenever the leaders of the secret unit decided to send them had driven the last shred of humanity from his heart.

The signal came with the sound of an aerial bombardment; he motioned his men forward as the huge doors were blasted apart to reveal mercenaries and soldiers scurrying for any cover they could find as the automatons marched forward. Anyone with a gun or a weapon of any kind were gunned down with little respect for his or her human rights. Suddenly one of the enemy grabbed a woman caught between the two waring factions and tried to use her as a shield.

Xander saw him and shot through the woman to get at the enemy behind her. The gunfire ended as quickly as it had started leaving them to check the wounded and any hiding places for survivors. One of the bodies moved as it tried to seek medical aid only to have his life ended by a blast from Xander's handgun. He depressed the key to his throat mike and told his superiors." Mission accomplished, zero casualties, all targets acquired and destroyed."

As he walked past the body of the criminal that had tried to use the woman as a shield he saw a young girl run up to her body and begin to wail in distress. He saw the young teenager girl and his mind flashed back to an image of Dawn with her mother. As he did so a tick began to twitch in the cheek of his left eye." Leave her for the clean up crew." Xander glared at the man that had said those words and his trigger finger twitched." You heard me soldier move out!"

All the training over the past 23 years of his life kicked in and he saluted then moved his men out to the warmth of the transport. As the doors closed he saw the Major draw out his handgun and shoot the young girl causing an animalistic growl to emanate from Xander's throat and cause Xander's hand to twitch.


Buffy came from the training room at a fast pace stopping just in front of Willow and Tara. "Well?"

Willow looked at Tara then told Buffy." The spiritual link we placed on Xander's aura allows us to find him whereever he maybe and he's on the outskirts of Moscow. Tara found this report from a ham radio operator in the town where the locator says Xander was." Tara nods." It seems a Drug Tsar and Special Forces eliminated his men just before he was going to launch a thermo-nuclear device against the Democratic Republic of Russia. There were no survivors, either of his men or any of the citizens of the town he was based in."

Buffy looked at the monitor and saw the map of the world it contained. Each red dot was where the Aura spell had placed Xander with the time and date next to it. After the first reports of an unidentified Special Forces unit had coincided with the exact location of Xander the two witches had began to piece together the map. There were ten hot spots that they knew of, and god only knew how many they didn't know of, each one had the same scenario. A troubled area where American interests were at stake was suddenly 'pacified' by an unknown force of men.

Buffy nibbled on her nail as she wondered just what Xander was involved in. Then a red blip started flashing as it moved across the Americas." It's heading towards California." Tara looked at the other two." Do you think he's coming home?"

"What for?" Dawn startles them as she walks into the office." So you can ignore him again? Or so Buffy can chose another no hoper to rub his nose in?"

"Not now Dawn!" Buffy tells her." Believe me if.. When we find him I intend to show him just how much I've changed." Willow tells her." It's stopped." She calls up a more detailed map." Somewhere just north of San Francisco."


Doctor Henry Jacobs watched the monitor as the deep core drill planted the last of the fault line stabilizers. The drill was retracted and he, nervously, gave the order to activate the devices. The computer screen showed each module as a red light and as each one came on line it turned green until the final one and then a 'System ready' sign flashed across the screen. The team broke out in a loud show of relief as the project was now complete.

One of the team members came up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder." My god we've done it! We can now tell with a 99% accuracy the exact time and place of an earthquake five days before it occurs! Think of the lives we'll save."

They both turn around as the sound of the school bus can be heard dropping off the children of the scientists and workers from their day at school." It was a good idea bringing the families here so we wouldn't feel so lonly in this barren place."

Henry nods then watches as another bus pulls up." Who's this then? More guests?"


The Major has his team assembled as Colonel Makepiece walks up to them." Good work yesterday men. I don't have to tell you that the government was pleased that no lives were lost." Xander's eyes snapped to the Colonels and he saw the quizzical look in them." No American lives that is." He coughed." However they are interested in seeing how well the new batch of 'soldiers' will do, so they've organized a little test for Mantacore's X2 section. Now these 'boys' are supposed to be the next stage of our Project Adam so don't hurt them too much okay?"

If he expected a laugh from his men he was sorely disappointed. By know any semblance of humanity had been drilled, punched and kicked out of them. They were now a heartless senseless fighting machine with but one purpose and that was victory at all cost. The team watched as twenty men double timed into the gymnasium, each one a perfect copy of the other." What we have here gentlemen is forced growth cloning. The best your governments money can by." he walked past each man and said." Their genes have been augmented by splicing in the genetic code of a cross section of beings. Each man has twice the stamina, strength, speed and aggressive tendencies of any three of you!"

He stood before the 'old' team and told them." It is up to you to show them that you are not yet ready for the scrap heap... Are you ready to show them they're wrong?" The ten men snapped to attention and shouted." Yes Sir!"

Xander watched as the X2's were put through the same training exercises they had been through. Each 'man' came out of it with perfect scores and not one of them had broken into a sweat!" Oh crap!" Xander exhaled.

Chapter 5


Paige walked over to Piper and Leo. She saw Leo press his lips against Piper's crown and Piper sighed snuggling into Leo's arms." Jeez give it a rest will Ya! I thought you were an angel!" Before Leo can answer Piper tilts her head to look at Paige and grins." Believe me Paige he is heaven on earth."

Paige pretends not to care." Yeah well this is all very 'touchy feely' but you said you'd teach me the whole 'instant transportation' thing today."

Leo nods." Yeah I did didn't I." Piper frowned." Not now Leo! I was just getting comfortable." Leo sighs." I have too Piper, we can do this another day."

Leo stood up and Piper gave Paige a death glare." You bring him back in one piece Paige or so help me sister or not.." She let the threat hang as her husband and half sister vanished in a shower of silver sparkles.


The three humvees were idling on the dirt road as the recon helicopter relayed the pictures from the Survey camp. The major pointed at the three bodies lying haphazardly by the buses." I'd say that's proof enough of their intent sir." The Colonel nodded and radioed in." General Howard, we have at least three fatalities sir and from the remote detectors we're picking up a radioactive trail leading to the main building where the drill is contained." The Colonel nods." Yes sir." He replaces the mike." We have a go!"

The major contacts the semi trailer containing Xander and his men along with the X2's." Sargent Harris you have a go." The Colonel tells him." Send the X2's as well. This will be a perfect training opportunity for them."

The men disembark from the trailer and double time to the survey teams location. Xander holds up his fist then directs half his men to the left while the others follow him. The X2's were held in reserve until needed. The battle was short but bloody and the X2's made their presence felt as the Colonel ordered them bloodied. The X2's could not understand the need for restraint when dealing with an enemy, and they thought everything was their enemy!

Xander shot the last terrorist as he ran to activate the nuclear device that would create the worst earthquake in the history of the world. Xander moved past him and flipped open the covering to the room. He clicked on his mike." Sir we have civilians." The Colonel's voice crackled over the airwaves." There are no civilians left alive Harris. You have my orders, terminate the terrorists."

Xander's hand began to twitch." Sir... There's women and children.." Makepiece's voice boomed over the speaker." Harris you have your orders or would you prefer to let the X2's handle it?"

Xander's mind was fighting against all his years of training and the chip that buzzed in his head." Sir... I'm trying to comply but.. It's hard.. I can't.." He looked at the faces of the children and saw the images of all the other innocents that he had let be murdered in the name of secrecy. He saw his men look strangely at him and he made his decision." I cannot comply with your order sir! It is against..AGHH!!" He gripped his head as the Colonel depressed a button on his consol.

"Corporal Johnson take command from Sargent Harris and place him under arrest." Johnson looked at Xander as he writhed on the ground in agony and then at the women and children." Sir I think maybe Sargent Harris is right."

The Colonel changes the channel." X2's treat ALL persons currently on site as hostile!" He looks at the Major." I think it's time to retire the Adam project!" He opens a sealed section of the consol and flips a switch.

The surviving members of Xander's squad grip their heads and scream out as the chips explode inside their heads. Xander's pain swells then ends as the chip short-circuits leaving him dazzled but now sure in what he has to do. He sits up and grasps his rifle, he sees his men strewn around him in a circle of death. Xander hears the screams of the survey team and their families as he jumps up and races towards the sound of gunfire.

Leo and Paige materialise in the hill above the survey camp." Where the heck are we?" Paige asks. Leo looks around and gets his bearings." South, somewhere...What the heck?" They both turn to the sounds of gunfire and make their way towards it arriving in time to see the X2's herding the children in a circle." We have to do something!" Paige tells Leo but he shakes his head." It's too late.."

They see one of the X2' fall down as he's struck by gunfire coming from behind them. A Humvee skids to a halt by the side of the X2's and the Colonel climbs out." Harris! You are in total disregard of your commanding officer! " Xander stops shooting at the X2's and charges Makepiece.

"Stop him!" The Colonel shouts out to the X2's and Xander is hit by round after round, but Xander still manages to grip the Colonel by the throat." Go to hell Colonel!" Xander shouts. The Colonel gasps." You and your men are obsolete!" He places a pistol against Xander's chest and pulls the trigger.

Xander's body jerks up from the blast and Makepiece shouts out." Get this piece of shit off of me!" The X2's lift Xander off and throws the body away as the Colonel staggers up. The Major looks at his body, and those of his men." We should bury them."

Makepiece brushes the dust from his uniform and looks at Xander's body." Birds got to eat as well as worms Major." He orders the X2's to finish off the survivors then tells them." Strip the bodies of anything that can identify them then burn the place down!"

Leo and Paige could only stand by and watch the slaughter and the aftermath. When the military vehicles had left they materialised amongst the carnage and searched for survivors. Paige cried out." Leo! I don't believe it! He's still alive!"

Leo turned Xander over and then stopped." I think he's too far gone..." Paige shook her head." No! If he's the only one left we must save him." She looks at Leo." We need to know what went on here!" They both placed their hands on Xander's wounds and tried to heal him. Xander's body glowed and the blood that had spilled from his body was slowly absorbed back into his body. The Leo touched Xander's head and all three of them glowed before disappearing in a blinding white flash.

Chapter 6


Piper watched as Paige dabbed a cold cloth across Xander's brow. She turned to her husband and asked." Is it safe, him being here I mean?" Leo shrugs." Who can say where safe is these days? But he should be reasonably safe here, especially considering his enemies think he's dead." Piper looked at Leo." No I mean is it safe for us? We don't know what he is, he could have been a mass murderer for all you know." Leo shakes his head." You didn't see the way he tried to defend the people. He literally died for them. I don't know anything about him but if he was willing to do that then he can't be a bad guy."

Paige dips the cloth into the coo water and then rings out the excess before continuing to mop his brow." Come on whoever you are. Leo says you should be awake by now so hurry up and wake!" Suddenly Xander inhales a breath and it sounds like the gasp of a drowning man. His eyes snap open and he, worriedly searches the room before asking Paige in a croaky voice." Who are you?"

Paige smiles." My name is Paige and the guy holding my sister Piper is Leo, her husband." She looks back at Xander." Now the big question is who are you?" Xander winces and holds a hand to the back of his head." I... My name...Is..." They all see the panic beginning to wash over his body as his mind refuses to come up with an answer." I.. Uhh don't know. .I don't know! What the heck is wrong with me?"

The two Halliwell sisters look to Leo." It could be that our bringing him back may have shaken up his neural patterns? He could regain his memory by seeing something, or someone familiar." The three jump as they hear the front door bang open and Leo vanishes to check it out. He returns moments later to tell them." It's okay, it was only Evie." He looked at Piper." She came to tell us there were some strange creatures sniffing around the elves forest and she wondered if we knew anything.

They could hear Evie walk up the stairs and apologises for the commotion." I'm sorry I was in such a hurry I forgot to slow down... Who's this?" Evie points to Xander as he lies back down." He's a guest Paige and Leo found over by the USG survey site. Everyone's dead!"

Evie looks at Piper." No! I was speaking to Melissa only this morning!" Xander looks at the dark haired woman and her beauty strikes him as almost unworldly. She brushes a strand of her long dark hair from her face and he sees a pointed ear, his eyes go wide and he looks shocked. Evie realises what she has done and quickly covers her ear, blushing all the while. Xander stutters." What is she? I mean.." He quickly feels his ears and relaxes when he doesn't feel a point to either of them.

Paige tells him." Evie's an Elf..." She stops and looks at the others." Fis Presley fan that's just come from a Spock Convention." Leo leans in as Xander nods." Nice save sweetheart." he whispers. Evie looks closely at Xander." You've had a hard life." She closes her eyes and tilts her head to one side." Alexander?"

Xander stares at her before shaking his head." No, that doesn't sound right." He looks at the scars on his body." But I think you're right about the hard life though."

Paige tells them all." I think we should let him rest now." She herds everyone out of the room then closes the door behind her. Evie glances at the door to his room." he's kind of cute.. In a human sort of way."

Leo tells her." Evelyn you are a Princess of the Elves. It's not right that you should be running around without a guard, and talking about a mortal like that." Evie looks at him." Only on my mothers side Leo, my father was a mortal just like he is." She jerks her thumb at Xander." But he's not my type anyway. He's too...Human."

Piper asks." You were telling us about strangers in Elysian woods?" Evie nods. " Just one, but he was enough to worry Grandfather." She puts on a face mocking her grandfather." He carries the stench of evil!" Evie slumps in a chair." I can't see why we have to hide in the forests! We'd be better off hiding amongst the humans instead of scurrying around like squirrels in the forest every time some stranger gets lost and wanders too close."

Leo tells her." Elves and humans don't mix too well Evie. Some elves can't forget that this was once their world before the humans were created and some humans can't forget that one day they will be replaced by another species and having elves around reminds them only too well!"


Xander is repairing the bay window after the sisters were visited by yet another evil spirit. He's working in the Californian heat wearing just shorts and a hat, while Paige kneels on the couch watching his every move, her head resting between her hands." Does he look hot? Do you think he'd like a cold drink?"

Piper smiles as she looks up from the Book." Yes he is hot and yes I suppose he'd like a cold drink." Paige jumps up from the couch and sprints to the kitchen as Piper yells after her." Why don't you just ask him out?" Paige walks back into the lounge carrying the pitcher and an empty glass, she stares at the room where she can hear Xander hammering in the new frame." Do you think I should? Maybe he's married or..." Piper lets out a scream." GAH!" She almost shakes her sister." You have been dancing around this ever since he was fit enough to get out of bed." She spins Paige around till she faces the other room the swats her butt to get her moving." Go, ask him and get it over with!"


Buffy slams the phone down and takes a mocking tone." No such person is currently in the armed services of the United States. My ass! They're covering!" Both Buffy and Dawn jump when the phone rings. Dawn looks at it." You don't suppose they heard you?" Buffy picks up the receiver." Hello? Oh Hello Mrs. Harris." She places her hand over the mouth piece." It's Xander's Mom." She looks puzzled." Sure I can be over there in like twenty minutes.. Why?" Dawn watched her sister turn white as she replaced the receiver.

"Buffy are you okay?" Buffy looked up at her." She says there's something she needs to tell me, something she should have told us all a long time ago." Buffy went into the lounge to find Willow cursing her laptop." God damned piece of crap!" She looked up as Buffy walked in." This thing's on the Fritz again! The signal was coming in clear and then it just stopped and vanished."

Buffy shrugs into her coat then takes the keys to the Jeep from the hook." Keep working on it Wills I have to go see Xander's Mom. She says she has something to tell me and she sounded freakier than usual."

Buffy drove over to Xander's parents house but on the way she was overtaken by a fire truck, then an Ambulance and finally a police car." Welcome to Sunnydale." She whispered. But the words soon caught in her throat when she saw the flames coming from Xander's old place. She pulled up in time to see the Para-medics taking two body bags out of the ruins and as she got to get out a policeman stopped her." I'm sorry miss this is a crime scene, you'll have to leave."

"But I was just coming to see Mrs. Harris! What happened?" Buffy asked.

"Well it looks like a faulty gas main but the forensic guys will know more latter on." The policeman then waved her off.

Chapter 7


Buffy drove like a maniac all the way home with the news of Xander's parents deaths, as she arrived a FedEx van pulled away from her drive. Buffy ran into the house and found the gang seated around the laptop." Um guys I have some bad news." The two witches and Dawn looked up at her." Xander's parents were killed in a gas explosion."

The three of them looked shocked and Willow says." But she hardly ever cooked?" Her eyes went wide." Xander! He's going to have to be told. They'll have to tell him and he'll come home."

Buffy sat down next to her sister and they were quiet for a while letting the news sink in until Dawn remembered the package." There was a delivery for you." She got up and retrieved the Fed-Ex box and handed it to Buffy. She opened it to find a CD and videotape, she gave the CD to Willow and placed the video into the recorder and switched on the TV. Mrs Harris came on the screen only she was dressed as an army nurse." My name is Carrie Anne Moss and if your watching this video then the odds are I am dead, along with anyone else involved in Project Adam."

Willow had entered the CD into her laptop by now and was reading the files burned into it. Buffy asks." She was involved with Maggie Walsh's crew?" Willow shakes her head." No Buff, Project Adam was a generic term for the Army's attempt at creating the perfect soldier. Maggie's was just one of several under the umbrella of Project Adam."

Carrie went on to tell them the history of the Project she was involved in and Xander's role in it. By the time she finished they were all both angry and very stunned." I don't believe it! " Buffy exclaimed." How could he lie to us all this time? And if he was some sort of man machine why didn't he fight a damn site harder?"

Willow tells her." Because he had a chip similar to Spike's in his head! He was being controlled by the team leader just like so many others scattered around America..." Willows face pales. "No please gods don't let it be true!" She went running from the room with Tara following trying to comfort her. Dawn looked at the screen as it blinked" FILE CLOSED-PROJECT ADAM TERMINATED." It then gave the dates of the team's deaths. Carrie's and her husbands had a 'Pending' marked next to it but Xander's had a date and a place. Dawn looked up at Buffy and the sisters began to tear up." Over three weeks! We've been searching for a dead man while these assholes have been cleaning house!"


Xander was in the shower cleaning down from the days work on the construction site, he still wondered where all the knowledge of construction work came from but he didn't mind the money it brought in though. Suddenly a white flash went off in his mind, like a flash from an old fashioned camera, and he was in the middle of a war zone fighting for his life.

Paige heard the shower start and blessed the angels that her sisters were out of the house on some mission or other. She waived her hand over the locked door to the bathroom and it sprang open. She heard Xander moaning in the shower and grinned whispering." Oh I'm going to give you something to moan about lover boy!" As she slipped off the robe to reveal her naked body, she then opened the shower curtain and slid in to join Xander.

Xander felt some one else behind him and turned faster than anything Paige had ever seen. He grabbed her by the throat and started to choke. All thoughts of teleporting away were driven from her mind by blind fear as she came close to blacking out. All of a sudden Xander came back to the present and he saw he was choking Paige, a very naked Paige." Oh god I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. Paige held up her hand as she gasped for breath." My fault." She croaked." Should' a knocked first."

Xander realised he was staring at her nakedness and suddenly 'little Xander' said hello. Paige grinned." Well at least part of you is pleased to see me!"

Xander couldn't keep his eyes off of her and Paige couldn't keep her hands off of him. Xander gives in to his desires and they begin to make love in the shower. The sounds of Paige's screams of passion can be heard downstairs. Phoebe looks at Piper." Sounds like little sister's jumped a few pages in the dating handbook." Piper nods." But I don't think he's a keeper. I think it's a matter of hormones and the fact she nursed him back to like, you know the whole' Nurturing' deal."

Phoebe nods." Yeah I do, I only hope she realizes it before it goes to far." Piper nods then tells her." I think he's dangerous.. Too dangerous for us!"

Chapter 8


Xander had garnered a reputation amongst the Charmed ones friends as a handyman that could just about fix anything for the minimum cost. He enjoyed working with his hands and Piper was sure he had, at sometime or another, been a carpenter or construction worker. The thought gave her an idea a way that might get him away from her hormone-enraged sister and help out the Elves. Evie had said that some of the 'hidden world' she lived in was in dire need of a make over. Here was the ideal man to do it. She placed her nail in her mouth and began to chew on it in worry.

Leo appeared before her and told her." You know you promised you'd stop doing that." Piper took her finger from her mouth." I know but I only do it when I'm worried." Leo shook his head." Not John again?" Since the stranger had said Alexander wasn't his name the gang had started calling him John Doe, although Paige called him something else when they went to bed.

"I was thinking he would be a great help to Evie and her kind. You know help reconstruct their housing, bring it into the 19th century at least." Leo shook his head." And besides that it would keep him away from your sister." Leo sighs." Piper, honey, I think she's old enough to make her own mistakes and besides who's to say she's wrong. I mean you had your doubts about me at first and everyone had doubts about Balthazar." Piper smiles slightly." I still do! Leo from what you saw he was some kind of killing machine that went against orders. Now who's to say he won't revert back given the right stimulus?"

Leo shakes his head again." And so to make things safe you'll send him to the Elves? Good Lord Piper! If you're right and he does revert can you imagine the damage someone like him could do to them?" They heard the circular saw start up again and Leo looked to the back. Piper tells him." He's building us a safe room." Leo looks puzzled." Evie called round and we were talking about how every demon and his dog manages to get into this place and attack us and Evie had said that if our ancestors had built this house out of trees culled from the Elysian forest then nothing could enter without our permission."

Piper blushed." And now the man I distrust is building us a room made from that wood to protect us and store the Book of the Charmed ones in." Leo grins." Yeah he sounds real dangerous Piper." He moves away from her and asks." Are the three of you ready for the Purification spell for Balthazar?"

Piper nods." Phoebe's getting the supplies and Paige is setting the attic up for it." Leo asks." And what are you doing?" Piper grins and pushes him onto a chair." Ah the joys of being the eldest sister, I get to be foreman."


Cole is knelt in the centre of a Wicca circle of power, whilst the three witches chant and proceed with the casting." Oh Hecate and Gods above hear our plea, a plea of love. Give this demon that wants to be man, the power to do the best he can. " Phoebe steps forth her arms crossed across her chest." Behold Osiris in death." She uncrosses them and holds her hands up to the skies." Behold Osiris risen!"

Xander is tossing and turning in his bed as the powers direct some of the spell towards him." Osiris...Death...Osiris...Risen..." He mumbles. Suddenly flashes of his past appear before his eyes.

Paige groans as she too receives the images from Xander's mind." Wait! What the fu..?" The others race to her side as she stumbles, but the spell gathers strength and wont stop until Cole is fully in control of his Demon self. As soon as Piper and Phoebe touch Paige they too receive her visions. Visions of death and destruction, of the murder of innocents in the name of State security and all done under the watchful eye, and approval of the Government.

The three Wicca's go mad, even the love Paige thought she had for this man pales under the onslaught of images! Piper yells." We'll bind him so he can never do this again less he suffers the seven hells of..." "NO!" Leo calls out." Can't you see? Can't any of you see what has been done to this man?"

Piper turns to him." Didn't YOU see what he had done?" Leo nods but before he can answer Cole speaks up." He did what they programmed him to do, until his soul fought back and reclaimed his body." He stood up and flexed his hands then embraced Phoebe." Hello my love."

Phoebe snuggles into his chest." Hello lover." She stops." But you didn't see what he had done Balti!" Cole shrugs." Nothing I haven't done.. Only he has an excuse. It seems the young man asleep in your room was created by beings far worse than any demon. Humans with the misplaced Idea they were better than God!" They all look down at the floor and Leo continues Balthazars argument." He was the perfect soldier. No questioning of orders, they said kill and he said how many!"

Leo looked into the eyes of his wife." Until one day something happened and he began to doubt, he began to see every life as being worthy of life and not just because his commander said so. The problem is though that he is a man of two halves. One a loving, tender, joke filled man that would sooner die than stand by and see innocents hurt."

Paige holds a finger to her cheek and comes away with a single tear as she realises 'John' was not hers to have and to hold." While the other half knows a thousand ways to kill you without batting an eyelash." Piper sees her sister's pain and the three huddle together sharing her pain. Piper tells them. "We can bind him! Bind him to his soul and send him where he will never be tempted to take up arms against anyone."

Cole looks at her." You're going to send him to the plains of Elysian?" He smiles." That's as far away from temptation as you can get. But will the magical ones allow him to stay?" Leo sighs." They will if I pledge my word and he pledges his to do no harm."

It took a while to convince Xander the move to Elysian woods would be better for him and everyone else concerned. He realised she was telling the truth but asked." These Elves… If you think you couldn't stop me if I went on a rampage what makes you think they can?" Cole tells him." They have their ways to control the beast that rages inside man."


It has been two months since Xander had been admitted into the ranks of the Elves. He had always thought of them as being small creatures like Santa's helpers, when in fact they were only slightly smaller than the average human. Except for Evie. Each time he saw her he became even more enwrapped her fine boned beauty. The way she kept tucking her hair over her pointed elven ears as if ashamed of them to be looked at by him. When he first came to the village he thought he had as much chance with her as he would with that other girl, the one from his dreams.

She charged up to him." Listen you stupid human!" She gripped his mouth and forced him to look at her." How many times do I have to tell you? Elves like their front door to be on the left hand side of the house not at the front?"

Xander threw the spirit level down and rested his face from her grip." Listen Princess I only know one way of doing this and that's the right way. You wanted this place dragged into the present and if you keep coming up with these stupid ideas it'll take me another hundred years to finish!"

She places her hands on her hips and speaks softly to him." Please Alexander do it for me?"

Xander sputtered and made some noises about what a dumb idea it was but he walked the door frame to the left side of the house." Where do they have the bathrooms? In the garden I suppose?"

Evie smiled as she watched him work, her eyes never leaving his body as he worked in the days first stirrings of heat. She was so mesmerised she failed to hear her mother approach." So how's he doing, this carpenter the Halliwell sisters sent us?"

She blushed." He's an arrogant asshole, a typical human, and he's, he's so damned ugly!"

Narrandera smiles

and nods." Yes dear he's an ugly arrogant human asshole, but will he finish the project before he goes on a rampage?" Evie looked at her with a puzzled look on her face." But he wouldn't harm a fly mother!" Narrandera nods." Yes I agree my daughter; unless something beyond his control provokes him, just remember that before you do anything… Reckless." She silences her protest before she can begin by placing a finger over her lips. She grins. " Evelyn, I remember well how it was when I first saw your father from across the stream. At first we fought like cats and dogs but that only made our love stronger." She saw the look her daughter gave the stranger." Of course it helped that he was built like an Adonis!"

Evelyn huffs." Well I'll never fall for a damned HUMAN!"

Later that night Xander was in a deep sleep after a hard days work when he suddenly felt a draft. He feigned sleep until he could be sure he wasn't in any danger." I know your awake Alexander." Xander opened his eyes as

Evelyn sauntered into his room, undressing as she did." Why Princess what would your mother say about your immodesty?" He turned over. And pulled the blanket up over his shoulders." Besides I thought I was quote 'an ugly arrogant human asshole' and far beneath your majestic…." He stopped as he felt the blanket pulled from off of him and felt Evelyn jump into his bed.

She kisses him and then tells him." Just shut up for five minutes would you?" She snuggles up to him." I have broken almost every code of conduct for Elven royalty just by letting you touch me… Please touch me darling." Xander kissed her and they melded into one.

Just before dawn Evelyn woke up and huddled next to Xander's warmth. Her fingers traced the deep scares he had on his back smiling as he jerked away from her touch." You're definitely not a morning person Alexander." She suddenly felt her stomach do the ' flip flop' thing again like it had every morning for the past week. She jumped out of bed and prayed he had connected up the plumbing to his home. She barely made it to the toilet before she emptied her stomach into the rough looking bowl. She pulled the chain and watched it whirlpool out of the bowl. She splashed water on her face then looked into the mirror and saw the pale image of her once forest tanned features.

She also saw a worried Xander standing behind her, Evelyn filled a tumbler with water and drank it down trying to build up her resolve." We have to tell Narrandera now." Xander looked at her and for the first time he noticed how her body had changed. His smile turned to a shit-eating grin and she wagged an angry finger at him." You do that stupid snoopy dance like you did the first time we slept together and so help me I'll.." His kiss silenced her and when they broke it he asked her.

"Does this put you in any danger? Will your mother disown you?" Again she shook her head." I'll stand by you no matter what they do to me." He ran a hand through his messed up hair." I'll… I'll say I raped you. I forced you to do me and told you I'd kill you if.." Evelyn pushed him against the wall." You forced me? You couldn't force me to take a breath!" She smiled at his attempt to rescue her good name." I think my mom knows already."

Xander blows out a breath." Well at least I'll have a while to fix up a nursery room." Evelyn grins and sucks in the corner of her lip." You would if it was a human child." Xander looks confused." Ah saysawhatsit?" Evelyn places her mouth so close to his Xander can almost touch her tongue." Elves aren't like humans. We have a three month pregnancy and then the child ages at an accelerated rate until they reach puberty and then the aging process slows down to one elven year for every five human."

"So that would make you what? Twenty-four? Twenty five?" Evelyn shakes her head." Twenty-five elven years… About seventy three." She's worried about his reaction until he grins and tells her." Always like my women older. But I have to say Evie you have aged real well! "

Chapter 9


It had been almost a year now since they had learned of Xander's fate and the old gang had started to fall apart. Willow and Tara had decided to give it another try and moved in together again. Dawn had slipped into her shop lifting ways and was on probation, whilst Buffy just drifted along with whatever everyone else thought letting the world pass her by. When he was alive she never gave him a second thought, always treating him like one of the girls and unlike Willow she never thought romantic thoughts about girls. Now that he was beyond her reach she began to fantasies what it would have been like if she had said yes when he had asked if he could have her all those years ago.

At this point in time they were all gathered at the MAGIC BOX either serving customers or just researching for the next big bad when Willow's computer beeped. 'You've got mail' at her. She sat down and opened her e-mail. Tara noticed her face redden before Willow exclaimed." Oh my Goddess!" She motioned to Tara." Um We've been invited...Well more like commanded, to attend the High Council of Witches at their next gathering."

Buffy looks up from the mail she's sorting and says." That's nice dear." But Willow is flustered." You don't get it Buff, they don't ask you to attend so they can feed you up on tea and scones." A thought hits her." Oh my god! You don't suppose they know about me? You know about when those three idiots and Rak made me go all bad, do you?"

Tara shook her head." Very doubtful honey. If they knew they would have zapped you there and then. When is it anyway?" Willow looks at the date." 17th of June... Hey that's next week!"

Buffy has an envelope in her hands as she tells her." No way Willow! That's the day we have Xander's memorial consecrated! I'm not having anymore undead wanna be's wrecking his tombstone just to piss me off again!" Willow sees the anger in her eyes and tries to think of a way around it. Dawn walks in just as Buffy is opening a letter from Shady Acres. Willow looks at her." Hey college girl, you're early."

Dawn looks nervously at her friends and then at Buffy but before she can say anything Buffy explodes." You asshole, you moronic money hungry..." Dawn grins nervously." My god they wrote you already?" Buffy looks at her confused." What?" Dawn gulps." I'm Uhh early because I.e. Uhh." She closed her eyes and just said it." I've been suspended pending a review of my grades."

Buffy drops the letter." WHAT?" Dawn is more afraid now than anytime in her young life." My dorm room got busted because the two girls I share with were caught cheating on their finals and now everyone in the house is under suspicion! I didn't cheat Buffy you have to believe me! When they've done their checks they'll find out for themselves and everything will be okay."

Buffy was fuming." And when they do a spot check on your record and find out you're on a good behaviour bond what then little Miss Gangster? You must have known what they were doing!" Dawn nods." Yeah I did but I'm not going to rat on my friends!"

Buffy shakes her head and says." I don't know what to do Dawn, I wish...I wish mom was here." Dawn hurried over to her and they hugged until Buffy remembered the letter." Oh my god!" She picked it up and re-read it." Dear Miss Summers I have to inform you that Shady Acres has been sold to the Department of main roads and as such we request you find suitable sites for those you currently have under our care. We have made arrangements with another company to remove and replot both Joyce Summers and Alexander Harris in their premises at a reasonable cost. Hope this doesn't cause too much pain regards Samuel Johnson."

Dawn explodes the tears running down her cheeks as she says." Those money hungry bastards! Willow I want you to curse them! I want their insides to become their outsides! I want their money to turn into rats and have them eat them alive! I want...I want them back!" She broke down and cried on her sisters' shoulder.

Buffy nods." I think it may be best if we leave for a while. Go on a holiday or something until they are moved." She looks at Willow." Where is this High Council meeting?" Willow checks." San Francisco." She says just as another e-mail arrives. Willow reads it and then reads it out allowed." Hey Will's it's me Paige. We just received word that you have been invited to the next gathering! Boy you two must be over the moon! Any way the reason I e-mailed you is that Piper has asked that you stay with us is that okay?"

Willow looks at Buffy." Paige is one of the three Halliwell sisters, you know the Charmed ones I've been telling you about, and they're like a witchy version of the Scooby gangs only with a damned sight more power. Should I ask her if I could bring two friends?" Buffy looks at Dawn then nods.


The three sisters plus Leo and Cole arrive home from the Elysian woods and Cole tells them as he plops down in an armchair." Boy those elves sure know how to party!" Paige looks unhappily at him." Why not, Evie got what she wanted, the Elves got a new heir and John, or 'ALEXANDER' " Paige mocks." I should say! Got what he wanted. Why shouldn't they be freaking happy?"

Phoebe looks at her." Bitter much?" She then went over to her." Look Paige I know you thought you loved him but you only loved the idea not the man. One day some one will come into your life that really is your soul mate and when he does nothing we say or do will stop you." Phoebe looks at Cole and she smiles. Paige shrugs and she gets up and goes over to the mantelpiece where she has a photo of John working on the new annex." I suppose I had better put this in my room or her majesty might get pissed at me!" She took it upstairs and placed it on her bedside table. She traced his face with her fingertip and moans." Why couldn't you have been my 'ONE'?"

Piper pecks Leo on the cheek and goes over to the computer." I'd better log on and find out what's happening about the gathering." She checks her mail and comes across Willow's reply." Hey guys we're going to be having guests from Sunnydale this week. Willow and her significant other, Tara and a Buffy Summers and her sister Dawn." She looks at Leo." Wow can anyone say Hippie parents?"

Leo walks over to her and admonishes her." Pot and kettle honey." I'll tell Paige. We'll have to rearrange some rooms but I guess we can fit in two more families." Piper nods then clasps his hand in hers." They will be all right won't they? Alexander and Evelyn I mean." Leo smiles." Honey Elves have been having babies since before man walked this earth I'm sure all three of them are just fine."


Xander kisses Evelyn as they lie on their marital bed, the babies now empty crib next to it." Happy Evie?" Evelyn grins and returns his kiss a thousand fold." Ecstatic my love." Xander curls up next to her as they listen to their baby daughters happy gurgling from the next room." I don't remember my childhood but I swear by all that's holy she will have a better one than I did. "He grins and tells her." You weren't kidding about accelerated growth! Only three months old and she already looks like she's 18 months old. He turns to Evelyn and pecks her on the nose." Remind me to pray at your mother's feet tomorrow for giving birth to an angel."

Evie giggles and strands of her dark hair reveal her elvan ears." Don't do that Alexander, she already thinks the sun shines from your... Mouth." She realises her ears are showing and she reddens and tries to hide them but Xander stills her hands and kisses the pointy tips of her ears whispering huskily into them." Never be ashamed of what you are, I couldn't love you anymore than I do now. You are my heart, my soul, my very reason for existence..." She drags his mouth to hers." Shut up and make love to me Alexander!"

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, a small point of light is flying through the darkened woods closely pursued by two beings running faster than humanly possible. The tiny pinprick of light is suddenly captured by a force field and deposited into a bell jar. It's captor shakes the jar and a small being can be seen inside it as he talks into a throat mike." This is 502 calling base come in base." " Base to 502 go ahead." He shakes the jar once more and grins evilly." We have captured a fairy sir! And I'm sure it will tell us where the Elves encampment is!"

Chapter 10


Xander is still working on rebuilding the old houses as if nothing had changed when Narrandera walked up to him." This work is now beneath you Alexander." Xander shaded his eyes from the morning sun as he looked at her." Sorry Narra but it's one of the few things I do well." She smiles at him and at the memories of her late husband." But you are now of the royal house, consort to the next queen and father to her child."

Xander shrugs." I think it's about time you people came in from the 17th century your highness." He drops the hammer." The only way your people are going to survive is if you mix with the humans. Get under their skin like Evie...I mean Evelyn has to me, that way they couldn't attack you, it would be like attacking themselves."

Narrandera grins." And of course humans would never attack other humans Alexander." Xander blushes." But if the world knew about you your enemies would never dare attack you for fear of the backlash it would bring." He sees his arguments are falling on deaf ears so he changes his tact." If you wont do that then at least prepare yourselves for battle. He looks at the so called weapons the hunters carry." Bows and arrows are no match for tanks and guns your majesty."

Narrandera smiles and looks at him." My you are so like my late husband it's frightening. As I told him, before mankind dropped from the trees we were like you. We had wiped out the last of the hulking creatures that ruled this world and lived in peace with the wildlife that remained, the Ogres and the trolls and other so called 'mystical' beasts avoided us. It wasn't until the demons from the nether regions came that we even thought of drawing our weapons in anger. We joined forces with a new breed to arise from the primordial slime. The called themselves Hu-Man and they treated the world much like they do today, as if it owed them a living! They needed to be taught a lesson in humility and, after we vanquished the demon lords, they were. The last demon to leave mixed it's blood with that of a girl, one of two twins the other becoming her flipside what you now call a Slayer."

She stroked Xander's cheek and sighed." You see Alexander we don't need to worry about mankind, we just need to outlast them and the way they are going it wont be to much longer." Xander sighed." If you detest the humans how is it you took one for a husband and you permitted your daughter to do like wise?" Narrandera grinned." Love, Xander. Love erases all boundaries and barriers. My husband died many years ago of old age and yet his love still burns brightly in my heart even though I took another to be my husband he will always be my love." She turned back to Xander and asked the question she had first wanted too ask." How do you feel about your wife and child outliving you? Watch, as they age not a year for every five of yours? Watch as they reveal in the bloom of good health while you die of old age?"

Xander smiles as he sees Evelyn approach them with their child on her hip." Should she die before me I would wither and die shortly after." He looks at his mother in law." Should she die before me I fear what I might become." Narrandera nods." Then it's best you do die my son... But not for a very, very long time."

Evelyn kisses Xander's cheek and he can see she has pulled her hair into a loose ponytail showing the world her lovely ears." See my husband commands and I obey." She showed off her ears to him and he. Gently, kisses the tip a move he knows drives her wild with passion." Keep it up lover boy and you really will have to defend my modesty!" She turns to her mother." Aren't the changes he has made simply wonderful?"

Narrandera smiles and strokes her grandchild's head." Yes, wonderful my dear. Now if you could only tell him to leave the manual labour to the workers and behave like a consort royal." Evelyn moved her baby closer to her and smiles." I thought he had already done his consort duties Mother and if the gods will it he will again very soon! "


Piper opens the door and shows the Scooby gang into her home." And this is stately Halliwell manor where your slightest wish will probably be ignored." She jokes as the struggle in with their cases." Willow and Tara you'll be staying in the guest room while Buffy and Dawn will have to share Paige's room."

Paige, Leo and Phoebe come into the lounge and welcome their guests." Well my room's all ready for inspection." Paige tells them. Phoebe shakes her head." I think they'd rather have something to drink and eat first sis."

They all gather in the lounge and Buffy comments on the bay window." My God could that be any more beautiful?" Paige smiles sadly." Yeah it's even better now than before the Wind demon blew it out." Piper tells them." We had some trouble with a guy that wanted to rule Northern California and he summoned a wind demon to 'clear the way' so to speak. But we three managed to deflate him somewhat." Buffy looks at the craftsmanship and tells them." this is really good workmanship Piper."

Dawn giggles." And she should know she worked construction for a whole half a day!" Then the thought of whom she worked it with brought a sad look to all four women, a look no one missed. Phoebe asks." Was it someone close? The one you lost, were they close?"

Buffy nods." Yes, as close as anyone could have gotten." Buffy had to fight back a tear and she told them." I'm sorry I guess I'm more tired than I thought. Would you mind if I went up to lie down for a while?" Nobody minded and Paige showed her to her room while Willow and the others told Piper and her sister about Xander.

Leo suddenly had a thought as Willow finished her tale." This Xander, could he... I mean was his name short for something else." Willow nods." Alexander Lavelle Harris." Piper and Phoebe both said the name at the same time." ALEXANDER!" Willow's and Dawn's hopes surged and Dawn begged them." You knew him?" Piper hesitates." I think we may have known him. Leo, my husband is a white lighter." Willow and Tara looked at the handsome man in a new light." You're a guardian?" Leo nods." I was training Paige, who's half white lighter and half witch, in terrestrial travel when we somehow managed to appear at the end of a battle. These soldiers were herding some women and children into a circle when Alexander stopped and began to shake, he then argued with some men in a military vehicle, his men joined him and suddenly they all fell down. Other, weird looking men, came out of a truck and took over. They began shooting the civilians when Xander began to attack them. He was hit and then he turned and attacked the commander before.." He saw the look of pain cross the three women's faces and he didn't know whether to continue.

Piper told them." The commander shot Xander in the chest and then left him for dead. They stripped the bodies and burnt the area." Dawn looks at Leo." But Xander wasn't dead, was he?" Leo shook his head." He was dead Dawn only the fact that Paige and I almost drained ourselves bringing him back saved him. But he had lost his memory, he didn't know where he was or who he was." Paige walked in the room and went to the cupboard where she stored her things and came back with the photo." He was kind and gentle, yet he had a dark side one that scared even Leo and Cole." She showed Willow the photo and her eye's teared up." Xander!"

Piper told them." We sent him to live with the Elves of Elysian Woods, a place hidden in time and space to protect the last of the Elven race." She sees the look on the others faces and tells them." We were afraid that his memories might return and bring with them the destructive force hidden beneath his peaceful nature. The Elves weave a kind of magic that brings out the best in man."

Leo holds out his hand and shows them Xander's life. Dawn sees Xander and exclaims." Man! Has he gotten sexier or what?" Piper tells her don't let his wife hear you say that or you might wake up a rabbit!" Willow looks at her." His whatsawhozit?"

The scene changes and they see him, his arm linked with a dark haired woman that makes the fairest amongst them green with envy." Wow! She's... She's...Wow." Dawn exclaims.

"Is that a child on her hip?" Willow asks.

Phoebe nods." Evelyn junior. Named after the mother. Xander went there to find peace and ended up marrying the only daughter of the ruler of the elves." She looks at the others." He has found his peace, he is content and very happy, as is his wife and child."

Willow looks at Tara and Dawn." Do we have the right to disturb him?"

Dawn exclaims." But he needs to know about his life! We need to know he is safe and well."

Willow points to the image." He looks safe and as well as I've ever seen him. He looks like I could only wish we looked. Content and happy. Lets leave him be and rejoice that he is alive and living a full life with those he loves."

Buffy went to sleep the moment her head hit the pillow and she dreamt of Xander. In her mind she saw explosions and death only this was no battlefield this was in a forest, a very strange forest. Her eyes sprang open and she had to search the strange room before she remembered where she was. She got up and raced downstairs." Willow!" She cried out and the Wicca came running." What's the matter?"

"I had a dream! We were in a forest and there were strange houses all around us and.. And Xander was there only he was dressed funny like a back woodsman or one of those guys from those old Robin Hood movies, anyway there are explosions and death everywhere and Xander... Xander was killing people!"

Chapter 11


The three Humvees and the two carriers ground to a halt in the middle of nowhere, Colonel Makepiece turned to the Major." I thought you said there was a freaking great forest here Major?" The Major tells him." There is sir it's just that it's out of sync with our time, Watch." He points to the three X2's as they escort three witches to the clearing and the witches perform a spell to open the barrier. A hole, just large enough for the carriers to fit through appears and the Colonel can see the forest through it. The Major hands him a dark red crystal." Here sir each of the men have one, it repulses magic, and as you know magic is their only means of defence!"

The Colonel grins evilly." At last! After all these years we are chosen to end the final battle for the domination of this planet!" He picks up the mike." 504, thank the witches for all their help." As he replaces the mike the sound of automatic gunfire can be heard. The Major tells him." Twenty clicks in due north should bring us within artillery range sir." The Colonel looks at him." Artillery? Hell with that I want to make sure none of the pointy-eared bastards makes it out alive Major. Send in a strike team to gauge their strength then surround the village and wipe 'em out!"


Xander and Evelyn are holding hands as they make their way to the clearing they had made when they first began seeing each other. Afraid of what her mother might do she had created a small cove of wonder for them to share their first date. Xander snuggled up to her." Do you remember the first time we..." Evelyn blushed to the tips of her ears." Yes I do Alexander, it was right here where we created little Evie." She rolled on top of him." And it's right here where we'll create little Alexander!"

The Halliwell sisters, accompanied by the Scooby's and Leo, are granted entry into the Village and are greeted by Narrandera." Well met Charmed ones." She bows." And any friend of the enlightened are friends of the Elven." Piper tells her." These are friends of Alexander and they are here on matters of great importants your majesty."

Buffy interrupts." Where is Xander...Alexander? We have to get him away from you before he goes berserk!" Piper glares at Buffy and returns to Narrandera." The blonde is the Slayer Buffy and she has had a dream in which Alexander is attacking people and your village is being destroyed."

Narrandera holds up her hand." For him to do this thing is impossible! He has tamed the wild beast that they created inside him. My daughter has, with love, managed to over ride the evil ones intent!" Before she can continue a hunter runs up to her and kneels before her." Sorry to interrupt your highness but our party saw war machines enter the barrier from the south and are heading this way with many warriors on board!"

She looks to the south and closes her eyes." Yes I see them! And they have been aided by dark magic!" She opens her eyes and tells the humans." I have feared this moment from the day I was born! Humans have the ability to pierce the barriers and wear a magic rune stone that negates our magic!"

Leo asks." What will you do?"

Narrandera answers." Alexander once asked me ' what good are bows and arrows against guns and tanks' I fear this day we will find out."

Evelyn is kissing Xander until he stops and jerks up." I didn't think I was that bad a kisser!" She tells him then draws him in for another kiss but he stops her." Can you hear that? It sounds like..."

"Machines." She finishes." Machines in the enchanted forest? Impossible! Unless... Dear Gods let it not be true!" She jumps up and Xander follows until he sees the familiar shape of a carrier. He dives on top of her. "Get down! " He tries to make her stay still." I only hope their sensors didn't..."

Suddenly the ground around them is peppered with machinegun fire and he drags Evelyn away, running as fast as they can. Evelyn pants." We have to warn the village before..." A blast flings them apart like rag dolls and the carriers carry on to their destination.

Xander shakes his head then looks around for Evelyn praying to all that's holly she's alright. He sees her struggling amongst some shrubbery and leats out a breath." Thank the Lords! Evie ! For a minute there I thought I had..." He sees her coughing up blood as she tries to stand. Her legs a shattered stalks while her chest is ripped apart.

"NO!" His soul filled cry echoes through the woods. He tries to help her up." Leo.. Leo can help you. We'll get you to him and..." He feels her hand on his face and she tells him." I think it's time for me to go my love.." Her eyes widen in fear." Evie! Alexander you must save Evie!"

He straightens her hair and tries to quieten her fears." No I must get you to Leo!" she smiles through blood stained teeth." No my love... you must save our daughter! I will wait for you.. On the Plains of...Elysian my love...And my life..." Her eyes remain open and Xander shakes with rage." NOOOOOOO!"


The Colonel thumbs his mike." Assault squad detach and recon!" Three heavily armed X2's double time from the lead carrier and make their way forward." The rest of you prepare to surround the enemy and engage."

Narrandera sees the carriers before any human can." I must plead with them for the lives of our children!" Leo tells her." They wont listen! Let us help you escape." She smiles at him." Can you not hear them moving behind the Village?"

Leo searches for an answer." I can take some of you to safety, but it'll be one at a time!" She shakes her head." We have hidden for too long if it ends it ends today. "She looks at him." Thank you Leo for being such a good friend." She looks at the others." Thank you all, but you must go now before it is too late."

"Screw that lady!" Buffy tells her." If they want you people it'll be over my dead body! I came to help Xander and I'm not letting these assholes hurt any of his people."

Narrandera has a tear running down her cheek." Did you not hear the first shots? Did you not wonder upon whom they were firing? My daughter and her husband were over there." She points to where the carriers had come from." I felt my daughter's spirit leave her body not more than two minutes ago, and do you think Alexander would ha... Have done nothing?"

She sees Buffy turn white with rage, Buffy looks around and picks up a heavy sword and yells out." BASTARDS! You killed him!" Narrandera grips her arm and looks amazed." You.. Love him?" Her senses pick up the truth." Then protect his child as if it were your own!"

They tried their best but ancient weapons were no match for modern warfare. They were driven back into their shelters by the superior gunfire of the three-man attack squad. Four Elves were putting up a good fight as they were cornered trying to defend the pregnant females gathered in safe holes but they were losing the battle against the one-man army before them. Until, out of the treetops dropped a human shape.

The thing landed on the back of the warrior and ripped the combat knife from the creature's belt, tilted the warriors' neck to one side and slit his throat. He picked up the machine gun and moved off before anyone could make out whom it was. Buffy, and the others, had gathered the children in the top of the main house and waited for their doom. Buffy saw the man walking up the stairs shooting anything that moved.

She looked around and saw nothing that could stop him; she backed up until she was with the others. She saw Willow holding the small child she had seen in Leo's image and shook her head. The man reached the top of the stairs and just when she thought they were dead he began a crazy dance. At first Buffy thought she had gone mad but then her ears picked up the sound of bullets striking flesh and she realized someone was firing at him.

The man toppled forward and she saw." Xander?" She exclaimed. The man didn't register her at all; he simply picked up more weapons and headed off towards the last member of the attack squad. Buffy followed and watched as he showed the man no mercy. Shooting his legs from under him before placing a round between his eyes. He ripped the throat mike from the mans lifeless body and grunted." I'm coming to get YOU!" Before throwing the mike down and stripped the body of armour and weapons.

The Colonel was stunned." Nothing can stop an X2 yet something just killed three of them... Pull back.. Pull back and regroup!" He shouted." Keep the outer guard up but we need time to think this through!"

For five minutes they searched for Xander until Dawn tells her." He's in there." She points to a room, Evelyn's room, and she continued to help the Elves treat the wounded. Buffy hears the sound of a clip being slammed home and a gun being readied for war. She turns the corner and sees Xander for the first time. He's sitting amongst the spoils of his victories as he prepares himself for war. He slips on the bulletproof vest and fills its spacious pockets with clips and grenades. She watches as he feeds his arm through the strap of a multi-barrelled machine gun before he places the backpack for it on his back then feeds the chain link feeder to the gun.

"Hello Xander." Xander looks up at the stranger and he cocks his head to one side." Good morning Mam." Buffy is shocked that he shows no sign of recognising her." Xander it's me, Buffy, don't you remember me?"

He looks sadly at her." I only have bad memories Mam." He shoves a semi-automatic pistol into its holster. " But that'll all end soon." He hooks a P90 to his vest then dabs some cammo paint on his face and smears it in. Buffy thinks of something to say." Leo and Paige have taken most of the children to safety... Evie's safe." She sees him falter as he places a night vision aid on top of his head." That's good to know Mam."

She uses her Slayer strength to spin him around." You're not some freaking robot Xander! You're a human being." He looks through her like she's not there." I am neither a machine nor a human being, I'm a bastardisation of the two." Buffy picks up one of the spare guns." We can fight you know, you know I can fight." He looks at her and she sees a spark of memory ignite in his chocolate brown eyes." Buffy...Buff?" He looks around." Get the hell out of here!"

She has her resolve face on." Not without you and the others. Now show me how to fire this damned thing!" He points to the safety." Press that lever down and she's ready to rock." He points to another lever under the trigger." Press this and it ejects the clip, then you just slam the new one in and pull back on this and release it. It kicks like a mule but you should be able to handle it." He looks deep into her eyes." If anything comes here that isn't me... Send 'em ta hell!"

Buffy nods as she runs through the procedure." How many will there be?" Xander stands up and for the first time she realises just how much he has changed." Too many." He looks away." I'm going to go for the command vehicle and take them out. That should shake them up, then we'll have to take the survivors on one at a time."

He picks up a large combat knife as she asks." What will you do?"

He rams the knife home till it clicks in place. His mind goes back to his beloved Evelyn." Kill them... KILL THEM ALL!" As he strides out of the room. Dawn sees him and is frightened by his appearance. "Oh Xander!" Her bottom lip twitches." What have they done to you?" He looks at her and she thinks he looks like the terminator." Something they wont live long enough to regret!"

Chapter 12


Buffy rushes out in time to see him argue with Narrandera until she sags and nods. Xander runs off into the tree line heading in the direction the carriers had left. Buffy asks Narrandera." Did you try to stop him? What did he say?" Narrandera holds herself up straight and regally exclaims." Yes, I argued that Evelyn would want him to stay with their daughter." She looks sadly at Buffy." He reminded me that he was a Prince Consort and as such it was his right to defend the sacred realm! He. . He then said to raise Evelyn the way his beloved would have wanted and he would soon join my daughter on the plains of Elysian."

Buffy's eyes searched the Queens face for an answer, one that didn't involve Xander's death." What can we do?" The Queen wipes a tear away from her eye and tells her." Try to get through this and then mourn our dead."

Meanwhile deep in the woods.

An x2 is on patrol." 509 to base. All secure." As he finished signing in a shadow detached itself from the dark and drove a knife into the left eye of the modified human/demon hybrid. Xander took the knife out and replaced it in his sheath then removed three grenades from the dead soldiers vest and set a trap.

Xander, stealthily, crept up to the lead carrier and popped the turret hatch and slid inside then headed for the magazine hold. He lifted up one of the shells and took the pin out of a grenade and rested the shell on the lever. As he exited the carrier he heard Colonel Makepiece's voice ordering the attack to renew. He sees the Colonel enter the lead Humvee and Xander makes his way to it.

Xander opens the driver's door and gets in; he starts the transport up and begins to drive off. Makepiece tells the driver." I want you to take us to the hillock above the Village." He grins at the major." We can watch the destruction from there." Makepiece straps himself into the command chair and activates the screens." Okay then, I want a direct assault, plenty of kills and no more casualties!" The driver suddenly slams on the breaks and Makepiece is about to reprimand him until he sees him exit the vehicle. Xander pulls the pin on the grenade and lets the safety lever fly off." Colonel Makepiece SIR! Consider yourself retired and your men obsolete!"

Xander double times away just as the Humvee explodes in a fountain of flames and body parts. He is carrying the command radio and hears." Sir 509 is down!" Xander grins." Check vitals." He is almost to the other carrier when the sound of three explosions carries over to him.


Dawn is still helping the wounded while Willow, Tara and the Halliwell sisters are trying to get as many of the Elven race to safety as they can when Buffy comes in." Is Xander coming back with us when this is over?" she sees her blank look." He is coming back Buffy."

Buffy tells her." He's going to try and take out as many as he can, the rest of them are up to us." Dawn looks at her." How's he going to do that and come back... NO!" She holds her sister." Buffy we lost him once and it all most destroyed us! I wont loose him again!"

Before Buffy can answer the warning bell rings out. Narrandera tells her." They have heard explosions and gunfire from the south! He has begun." Buffy picks up the gun and the spare clips Xander gave her and says." Get the wounded below ground and anyone that can fight to head for the main street."

Dawn tells her." Leo and the others should be back for the next load soon, if we..." Buffy looks at her." No way! You're leaving with the next group!" Dawn folds her hands in front." I'm a big girl now Buffy, not a ball of energy you have to protect! I'm staying till Xander gets back." The ground rocks as a huge fireball erupts over the treetops. Narrandera says." I'd say they just lost a carrier!"

"Yeah but just one is enough to level this place!" Leo reminds her as he appears before them." Is the next lot ready?"

A fountain of dirt erupts where a house once stood." I think we just ran out of time!"

A hunter comes running to them pointing behind him." Carrier!" They run in the direction he was pointing and they see the lumbering behemoth as it trundles towards them. Two men man the machine gun turrets on the top of the giant tank whilst the cannon at its side spouts death and destruction." Dear Lord!" Leo exclaims. A projectile strikes its side sending it off course and another quickly follows, drawing the attention of the mobile arsenal. Buffy's Slayer senses sees a man standing by a tree with a smoking missile launcher in his hands. She grins and looks at the others as they too see him. They had forgotten about the cannon but the driver had not. The tree explodes flattening everything around it. Buffy's eyes go wide and she screams a war cry then runs at the tank firing her gun.

The carrier starts to veer back towards the village, Buffy's rounds finding one of the X2's that manned the machinegun. Something drops from the trees to land on the roof of the carrier as Buffy runs to the spot where she was sure Xander had died. When she arrived she found a complex series of wires that lead to the rocket launcher and a very dead X2." That sneaky SOB!"

She looked back at the carrier and saw the second gunner being taken out by the stranger who Buffy now knew was Xander.

Xander grabbed the X2's hand before he died and pressed it to the verification device that would open the turret hatch. Xander emptied the machine gun into the open hatch then dropped the remaining grenades inside before he threw himself over the side. The carrier jumped in the air as the grenades detonated and the lumbering giant stumbled on out of control till it came to rest against a large tree.

Buffy was running towards Xander when she saw Dawn being dragged by two X2's. Xander stood up and brushed of the foliage and then he too saw Dawn. The leader yelled out to Xander." Drop your weapons or the girl dies...Slowly!"

Xander has blood covering his upper torso, mostly others but some of it his own." You harm her and I'll see you wish you never crawled off of the petrii dish 'breed!" The leader laughs hysterically." Oh that's good coming from a lab rat like you. Come on Harris, you were bred for war, bred to kill and tear things asunder! Don't tell me you enjoyed living like a.. A damn tree-hugging Elf!"

Xander throws down his guns and takes off the jacket." No guns, no support, just you an' me manno 'o' freako!" Xander slides the large knife out of its sheath as the leader tells his only remaining trooper." If he wins kill her, if I win kill her slowly!" The being nods and grins." You couldn't beat us before, what makes you think you can now?"

"You weren't threatening my family then!" The leader runs at Xander and they begin to fight. The X2 was throwing punches so fast only Buffy and the Elves could keep up with it. But Xander blocked each one and counter punched with everything he had. Every ounce of hatred for what he had been made to do, all the innocents that had died due to his actions and most of all the murder of his beloved Evelyn fed Xander's fires as he drove the X2 back, further and further until he was close to Dawn. Xander lashed out at the one holding Dawn, then quickly snapped it's neck." Go! Run!" He told Dawn and she ran towards the others.

The click of a safety being released was his only warning as the remaining X2 fired the pistol he had picked up from the ground. He quickly fired at Xander, the first few rounds missing him but the last two catching him in the arm and chest. The X2 threw the gun away as he strode towards Xander, who hung on to a nearby tree for support. Buffy brought her gun to bare but the hammer clicked on an empty magazine. She quickly tried to change it but she knew she'd be too late.

The leader took the large knife from its sheath and grinned at Xander." I hope you believe in heaven human!"

Xander grinned at him as he struggle to hold on." I go where my love awaits me. When you die you'll just go into a hole in the ground if you're lucky!"

The X2 laughed." Brave words for a dead man!" He moved to cut Xander's heart out but he stopped, suddenly, and looked quizzically at the feathered shaft that had suddenly sprouted from his chest. He looked at the arrow and then at Xander shaking his head." You're freaking kidding me!" He said before he collapsed to the ground dead before his head had struck the dirt.

Xander looked from where the arrow had come from and saw Narrandera who just shrugged." Sometimes an arrow can pierce the hardest heart even in the age of tanks and guns."

Xander smiled then fell to his knees. He saw the others racing to him but suddenly the smells and sounds of the battlefield were replaced by the sights and sounds of a peaceful field of grass. He stood, straight and true, all hia wounds healed and all the pain of his past erased. He saw Evelyn standing in the tall grass, her hands brushing at its tops and he grinned. She looked at him and beckoned him forward. He held out his hand and she reached to grasp it.

Buffy and Dawn saw Xander stand and stagger forward a inane grin on his face as he reached his hand out for some unseen object. The two yelled at him to lie down till Leo came but he kept on walking forward. Narrandera grasped the two women and held them fast. Buffy yelled at her." If we don't help him he'll die!"

Narrandera's bottom lip twitched and her voice caught in her throat." He is journeying to the Elysian fields to be with Evelyn." She saw the look of confusion on their faces." He goes to join my daughter in the hereafter, what we call the Elysian Fields, a land of peace and plenty where your loved ones wait for you."

Buffy finally comprehends her." NO! " She ran to him." Xander! Look at me...Look! " His eyes turned to look and the smile vanished." What of your daughter? Who will look after her? Who will love her if you go?"

He staggers and looks at Narrandera." You will wont you mother?" Buffy turns to her and her eyes plead with her. The Queen shakes her head." No my son, it is you who must bring her up in the real world. You were right the only way we can survive is to mix with your world. Not hide in the past and hope our enemies will go away."

Xander falters and shakes his head." Then let Buffy and her friends raise her and teach her of this world, but never let her forget that her mother was an Elf and her father a killing machine not fit to breath the same air as she." Buffy stands before him but before she can reply Xander holds his blood drenched hands up in front of her." All I know, all I'll ever be is a killer! Some screwed up killing machine that could freak out at any second and kill again." He runs his hand down Buffy's cheek." Maybe once a long time ago I could have loved but now." His hand drops from her cheek and she sees his eyes go dull." But now my love waits... Awaits my touch in the sweet plains of Elesia!"

He sees Evelyn beckon him once more and he walks towards her. Buffy turns to Narrandera and begs her." Please don't let him die! You must know someway..." Buffy yells out as Xander's body slumps bonelessly to the ground.

Xander stands by his beloved Evelyn and smells the apricot freshness of her hair, he nuzzles the tip of her elven ear and feels her sigh against him." Welcome home my beloved." She tells him." It is good to see you once more my love." Xander tells her before they kiss.



Xander is in the arms of his beloved Evelyn as they walk through the golden fields of Elesia. Suddenly the bright noonday sky becomes overcast and a strange being appears before them. Xander feels Evelyn quake in his arms. He looks at her and asks." What is it?" Evelyn looks from the being to Xander." It is the soul hunter! Those deemed unworthy of entry in to Elesia are caste out to roam the underworld for eternity!"

Evelyn boldly stands in front of Xander." Whom do you want stealer of souls?" His hand appears from the black robe and a bony finger points to Xander." To get to him you'll have to take me as well!" The creature shrugs." So be it little one!"

Xander grips Evelyn by her shoulders and turns her to him, pressing his lips to hers." Do not do this Evie! You have earned your place in the chosen land, whereas I have made a bed of fire for my soul to burn in for eternity."

The creature stalks forward and Xander prepares himself. Evelyn closes her eyes and begins to chant." Narrandera! Queen of the first ones, mother of my soul, hear your daughters plea!"


They are all gathered around Xander as he breathes his last breath, a contented smile upon his features as his soul departs to be with his beloved Evelyn. Buffy kneels by his side, a tear slides down her cheek as she kisses his lips." Good bye Xander, may you know eternal rest and happiness in the arms of the one you love." She is jerked back by the spasmodic movements of Xander's body. Buffy looks at Narrandera." What... What's happening?"

Narrandera sighs." It is, as I feared! The Lords of Elysia have found Alexander's soul wanting. His actions before he came to us have tainted his soul enough that it has been rejected." Buffy asks hopefully." So he'll be returned?" Narrandera shakes her head." No my child, it means his soul will be cast out to roam the underworld for all eternity...." She begins to shake and suddenly she speaks in the voice of her daughter.." Narrandera! Queen of the first ones, mother of my soul, hear your daughters plea! I pray thee evoke the ritual of Amon-Rasnak, bind his soul to another that he may yet redeem himself in the eyes of our forefathers and gain entry to Elysia!"

Buffy sees Leo jerk at the mention of Amon-Rasnak." Who's this Amon Ratsnake and what does it mean?" Leo turns to her." Once, long, long ago a young Elven Princess and her chosen were lost in battle and she knew his soul would not be granted entry into their heaven. She begged her Father, Amon-Rasnak, to intervene and when he did he was told his daughter's consort was deemed unfit to be granted access to Elysia. He made a bargain with the Lords of Light that if they permitted his son-in-law to be returned to them he would make sure he would redeem his darkened soul in their eyes."

Buffy asks him." Something tells me that's not all?" Leo nods." The only way they would permit this was if his soul was bound to one that loved him as much as the Princess then, if he had redeemed himself, he would be granted access to Elysia along with his bond mate. However should he not redeem his soul then all three would be cast into limbo to roam there for all of eternity."

As Leo told her this Buffy could see Narrandera's eyes plead with her to agree." Do it! " She told Narrandera. Leo tells her." I don't think you understand the meaning of what I just told you! Your soul will be bonded with the two of them and suffer the same fate should he fail!"

"He won't." She tells Leo with pride. Leo tells her." The other thing is... You will feel the same emotions as Evelyn does for Alexander!" Buffy smiles contentedly and tells him." I already do Leo."

Narrandera grasps Buffy's hand and awaits her permission. Buffy nods and the Queen takes a ceremonial dagger from her waist and places it against Buffy's palm." Evelyn, daughter of Narrandera, woman of Elven law. I hear thy plea. Buffy, daughter of Joyce, child of man I hear thy plea!" She draws the blade across Buffy's palm and then across her own, she then holds their palms together so the blood can mix." I call upon Amon-Rasnak, first of all Elves to bless this bonding as he did his daughters when time was young!"

Buffy feels an electric ripple pass over her and her body shakes with the power as it washes over her. Narrandera guides her to Xander's side and places her still bleeding palm over Xander's heart. She shocks everyone by plunging the dagger into Xander's unbeating heart, she removes the blade and presses Buffy's palm against it.

"Alexander, son of Man but not of woman, beloved of Evelyn and Buffy I recall thy soul unto thy mortal body so that thee may redeem thyself in the eyes of our Lords of Light." She removes her hand from Buffy's and begins to splash her elven blood on the two humans." Return Alexander to thy body and this time. In their name I do command thee, in her love I thee bath thy soul! Return, return, And RETURN! " She sees Xander's body jerk." Remove the dagger." She commands Buffy and the Slayer complies. Narrandera forces more blood from her deep wound and holds her cupped hand to Buffy's lips." Drink my blood and become one with thy new people." Buffy grimaces and laps up the blood. She thinks * God How in hell could Angel endure the taste! *

Narrandera then places her hand to Xander's open mouth and pours her blood down his throat." Drink of my blood and make it thine own Alexander. " She stands back as Xander's body begins to quake." Arise Alexander, son of man, child of Narrandera and beloved of Evelyn and Buffy. Arise and rejoin this world so thee can redeem thy soul!"

Dawn is fearful for her sister but when she sees Xander's eyes flicker open and then see Buffy kiss his lips she knows Buffy has done what her heart commanded. Narrandera orders her servants." Take him to their room and make him comfortable." She takes Buffy's hand and Buffy realizes the deep gash on both their palms is healed." Come daughter I must speak with thee."

She takes Buffy to the main hall and sits her down. She then takes a necklace from around her neck and places it on Buffy's. The emerald green jewel at it's centre pulses with energy." This is the Royal seal of our house, of your house now my daughter." She clips it on and tells Buffy." I pray to the Gods you were telling me the truth when you said you love him, for if you but slip once then all is lost. Your soul and those of Alexander and Evelyn's will be lost! Love him and he shall love you for your soul and that of my daughters are now one and the same. But her love for him cannot override your own feelings so if you..."

Buffy places a finger to Narrandera's lips." I love him with my very soul... Mother." They hug and the Queen tells Buffy." You must go to him and be the first thing he sees when he wakens and remember he must redeem himself by his actions from now until his death lest you all be condemned!" Narrandera then tells her." I have decided to move our village from this place and live amongst the humans. My grand daughter will accompany her father and yourself to where ever you so choose. Raise her well Buffy and teach her to be a good and just ruler. "

Buffy stops in her tracks." you want me to raise Evie? But what about you? How do I raise an elven child? I know nothing of bringing up a human child let alone a magical one!"

Narrandera smiles and tells her as Paige appears carrying the bundle of joy." There are no rules in raising a child, be it human or elven, give it love and hope and cherish the years of her childhood for they will be all to short."

Paige hands Buffy her new responsibility and tells her." Alexander is waking you had better hurry." Paige watches Buffy run from the room and she asks Narrandera." Do you think they will do it?" The Queen smiles and sighs." I have no doubt. No doubt in this world, or the next, the three of them will one day make it to Elysia. There will be danger and troubles along the way but they will win out in the end."