The Thing I Hate

Author: Drake Tepes <daemondrake[at]>

Spoilers: None really, timeframe is post S7.

Summary: Xander's chance for some final words. (Story is a songfic and includes character death)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this, all that is to the ME and people. Song belongs to Stabbing Westward.

A/N: This fic is a bit of a departure in a way from what I've sent out before. You might think OOC, but I think it's just a different viewing of events. Possibly AU to more skew events for this, if you wish to haggle. Not a dark Xander story, but more an angry one. My beta Mark said it was pretty good, so here it is. Hope you all like it. Oh, and I am working on the sequel to "One Hell Of A Halloween", it will happen people.

AleXander Harris stood there silently knowing that this was the end. After all these years it came down to this moment in time. Years of pain and anger driving him on, urging him to do this final chore.

˜Lost in a world of doubt and insecurity˜
˜Nothing that you hold sacred, nothing you believe˜
˜Your life is a contradiction˜
˜While you thrive on manipulation˜
˜I fight to just hold on to what I believe˜

"I guess now is the time for the final words, huh? Final goodbye. Well fuck you, you don't deserve it. I've fought for years and I swore to myself I'd never become you. I'll never do what you've done. I'll die first, I swear it. If it comes to a choice, I'll die. If I can't walk away, then death is better than becoming you.

˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become you˜

"I've created something, become a part of something. Friends and family. This is my life. I've battled demons for years and I will not let you win. I will not be weak like you. Your demon will never get a foothold in me. I'm stronger than you, stronger than this. I. AM. STRONGER!

˜You treated me like I'm a worthless piece of shit˜
˜You think you're in control but you make me sick˜
˜I want to watch you suffer˜
˜The way That you've made me suffer˜
˜I want to fuck up everything you've ever loved˜

"I bet you hated that about me. How much stronger I always was compared to you. I've fought, I've killed, I've lived and I've loved. I'm still here. I've lost, I've grieved and I've been so low I thought I might never get back up. But I did. And I fight. You gave in to your demon, I won't. Like I said. I'll die first.

˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become you˜

"It ends now. I'm here, and you... You have your demon and hell to keep you warm. After all that's happened, I have no sympathy for you. But I do thank you, because if I didn't have you to fight all these years I wouldn't be the man I am. And I am a man, better than you ever were. I've done great things, and I owe it to you for showing me what I should never do. For being what I'd never want to be. So thank you and damn you to hell."

˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become the thing I hate˜
˜I won't become you˜

His words said, Xander tossed a bottle of Jack Daniels into the open casket and with the final words "I won't become you", he slammed shut the lid and walked away without ever looking back. Silently, two cemetery workers came to lay the body of Anthony Harris to rest.