There were very few rooms in the Pentagon that was as secure and treated with as much paranoia as the one with the four walls that surrounded the dozen Two-Star, a single Three-Star General, and the one lone Nobel Prize Winning Laureate. Dr. Edmund Gray sat tall and unimpressed amongst the gathering of distinguished and professional Soldier's that would have had men of lesser credentials then himself tremble. Fore the olive uniforms, the brightly coloured garnish of ribbons and medals on their left breasts, and stone-etched dispassionate expressions were indeed intimidating. But as stated, he was not a 'lesser' man.
The good Doctor of the blooming, yet still pioneering discipline of Biophysics sat silently and very validated in self. He was not expecting to receive an apology; he would expect Hell too freeze over first. The best that he could have hoped for was recognition from those about him that he was Right and that they were wrong. That they had errored in placing his Project into the rasping hands of a Psychiatrist. Someone who was more concerned with their ability to interpret minds than to accomplish true scientific breakthroughs
Dr Margaret Walsh's credentials were impressive, but they were sadly lacking when compared to his own numerous achievements. He conceived the Project, he designed the Hardware to be used, and he outlined the parameters of its success and failure. Project: A.D.A.M. was his baby. A product of his mind, and his alone.
Yet despite his claim to parenthood, these men handed control of his 'child' over to another. For no other reason then because she said she could make it work first go. Any self-respecting Scientist could have attested to the fact that everything was not a guarantee on the first try, that is why there are things technically known as 'Trials'. Yet these educated ones sitting about him were too anxious to Walsh's enthusiasm and too dismissive to his caution. Which was indeed validated after the fiasco that had occurred.
Yes, if he were indeed a lesser man he would revel in her and their collected failure. But this meeting was not about blame. This meeting, as he understood it, was about salvaging a Project that was now tainted, and making it pure once more. Sub-Terrestrial bio-matter was never supposed to have been included into the experiment, but it was by Walsh. And in his belief, its inclusion had somehow corrupted the end Product. A.D.A.M was supposed to have been the perfect amalgamation of artificial organs, mechanical limbed prosthesis and living man.
Walsh had abandoned his 'Dream' and replaced it with her own. Only her 'Dream' was everybody else's nightmare. Sixty percent of cutting-edge technology and artificial organs were placed on the shelf in favour of her introduction of one's from Sub-T's. A.D.A.M. was not about creating an unstoppable hybrid-Warrior. It was about perfecting a science that would enable Soldier's who had lost limbs and internal organs from injuries in battle the opportunity to be repaired and made whole once more. Either to be placed once again out into the Field of combat, or to be returned home to live a full and productive life with family and friends. To be better then they had been before whatever accident had befallen them.
It was all about perfecting an infant science of bio-mechanical construction that would make transplants obsolete, and wheelchair manufacturers go out of business within years of being introduced. Hopefully, at least. A.D.A.M's potential was limitless, America was going to lead the way, and he was going to undoubtedly receive a second Noble Prize as a result of all his efforts if it became a success.
All these things could happen, it was still all-possible and within his 'Dreams' reach depending upon the outcome of this meeting today.
From the end of the table the Three-star addressed the quiet room. "You've all read Finn's Report and seen the Footage that was provided?" Singular nods were exchanged by the men who rarely said anything, yet when they did it typically foretold ill for some Country in the World. "Well then Gentlemen, we have ourselves a Problem. Billions have been spent on the construction of the Initiative Compound and of the various Projects' running within it. Not Millions - Billions! Those kind of zero's get noticed, people.
"We can't blame the Jap's, the Russkies or the Towel-Heads. This serpent in the Garden was ours, Boy's and Girls. We created it. But were we the one's who stopped it? No. It was a Cheerleader, a Lesbian, A middle-aged Limey Librarian and a Pizza-Delivery Boy!" The Three-star slammed his fist down hard on the tabletop to emphasise his displeasure at the titles he had given the saviours of the hour. "I thought that place was stocked with the cr�e of the Fighting Force, Jim? Isn't that what you told me last year when you asked me to sign off on the deployment of our Elite to that no-where berg?"
'Jim' looked uncomfortable as all eyes in the room fell on him, but he didn't loose his composure to the insinuation of his decision making abilities. You did not make it to being a Two-Star by having those kinds of doubts. "They were our 'Best', Sir. And this should give you an appreciation of how dangerous their Opposition were. We trained them to be silent Hero's and that's how they all died. Their bodies as well as the carcasses of the enemy have been seal up under the Fraternity that was their 'front'. Their families have received the standard excuse for their 'Departure' from service, and their sacrifice to Duty will be remembered. As too the four you mentioned Sir, I respectfully ask you to re-read Lt. Finn's account. The Cheerleader is apparently what is known in their community as a Slayer, a unique young woman in possession of strength and speed ten-times that of a normal man.
"The Lesbian is, if you believe in this kind of thing, a Witch with potential and power beyond our scope of understanding.
"The Librarian is a member of an Order known as 'Watchers' that have studied and specialized in Sub-Terrestrial activity for Centuries. All the books on this sort of thing? Well, they practically wrote them all.
"As for the Pizza Delivery Boy, well, actually he's an Ice Cream Van Operator - recently fired." This earnt a chuckle amongst the gathering, one that 'Jim' allowed to settle before he proceeded. "Yet regardless of his humbling profession, if you have viewed the same footage as I have Sir, you will notice that he negotiated the Hall's of the Initiative like a Veteran. Even coming to the aid of several of our 'Elite' whilst still directing and protecting his own 'Unit' towards A.D.A.M. Member's of the Initiative who survived the engagement owe their lives to this young man's timely intervention."
The Three-Star stood up from his seat and addressed 'Jim', yet his words were for everybody. "It still doesn't alter the fact that they embarrassed the Hell out of us. How are we going to explain this fallout on 'The Hill'? We'll be a laughing stock. Any future 'Black Bag' expenses will be scrutinized by the 'Chief' because of this. These people made our best look like rank amateurs."
Jim stood up from his seat slowly, careful to make this action not look like a challenge to the senior Officer, placing his finger's level on the darkly varnished table. "In preparation of today, I have had Lt. Finn fly in for a debriefing. He can give you all a first hand Account, and add any filling to the gaps in his Report that you feel require it." With his right hand 'Jim' place a finger on an intercom button as the Three-Star began to take his seat once more. "We're ready for Finn now. Send him in."
Three seconds later two armed Marines opened the sealed doors to allow the Army Lieutenant access to the room.
"And that's it?" 'Jim' lent further forward in his seat, scrutinising the impassive baby-face of the Lieutenant. "You have nothing more to add?"
Stiffly and still at the attention he was not allowed to release himself from until Ordered, Riley Finn answered the question. "No, Sir. Umm, Sir?"
"Yes, Lieutenant?"
"May I make a recommendation? A recommendation based on an actual face-to-face encounter with the 'Project' in question?"
"And that recommendation would be, Finn?"
"A.D.A.M. should never have happened, Sir. There are some lines we are not supposed to cross, and we crossed it in a big way with this Thing. We're all lucky to still be here, Sir. If A.D.A.M. had his way we'd be all harvested body-parts by now. If not for the Local Unit*"
The Three-star, who had been silent up until now interjected at this point. "*Yes, err, what was it that you call them? The Scooby's? Is that their name?"
Unfazed, Riley turned his head to face the man addressing him without altering his stance. "Yes, Sir. That's the name they have assumed, they started out in High School and the male member of the group dubbed them such because they would hold their meeting's after School when re-runs of the show were playing --- he really liked that show. And he saw it as uniquely simular, solving mysteries, facing down monsters, etc. This aside, a more Capable and Dedicated bunch of people you'll never meet. Each one a compliment to the other. What one lacks, the other's makes up for."
"Even the Delivery Boy?"
"Harris. I'm curious how a man with no training, skill or personal stake was allowed to participate in the raiding of the Initiative Compound. Not once, but from your own admittance - twice!"
"The first was with Buffy --- the Vampire Slayer, and they both did so without my knowledge or consent. The second, well, he --- he had to be there, Sir."
"To be part of this Hocus-Pocus."
"Magic exists, Sir. Dismiss it if you wish. But it's real. And yes, he had to be there for that 'Hocus-Pocus', without that hocus-pocus A.D.A.M. would have won the Day."
"Don't get me wrong Son, the other's of this 'Scooby Regiment', against my better judgement, I understand. Too a Point. But him? Could you explain that to me?"
"Well --- he's Xander, Sir."
"That and a Quarter won't get you much from me, Lieutenant. Not even Coffee."
"Sorry, Sir. What I mean is that Xander Harris is one of those people you want at your side. He's one of those men that can be found in any successfully operating Team, Sir. He's the Support you need when you need it the most. You fall in lost behind Enemy Lines; he's the guy you can count on to bring you back Home. He's the man who watches your back when you're unable too."
The Three-star accessed the words offered, processing them carefully. "In short, what you're saying Lieutenant is that when you're stupid enough to find yourself pissing into the wind that he's the man who is holding the umbrella?"
"No, Sir. What I am saying is that if you are stupid enough to piss into the wind, that this man chooses to BE the umbrella." There fell a silence in the room, and Riley Finn was conscious of the hostile eyes now directed at him for daring to correct a Superior. Especially a Three-Star Superior. He had just committed Career suicide; he could count himself lucky if he didn't find himself on 'KP-Duty' for the next decade for forgetting his place. But instead of receiving an immediate reprimand for his tone all he received was a dry chuckle from the man at the end of the table. And from the movement of the senior General's shoulders, Riley, could tell he was trying, and also succeeding, in holding back a deep laugh.
"I like you Finn, you don't mince your words. I appreciate that. Now, about A.D.A.M., if I'm reading you as you want to be read, your opinion is to scrape the Project entirely?"
"Yes, Sir."
"NO!" All eyes looked astoundly at the quiet Doctor who throughout the entire proceeding had remained silent. "No. You cannot be seriously considering this. Not on the opinion of this --- this 'Grunt'."
The Three-star turned his attention to the Laureate. "This 'Grunt' is the only one in this room who has faced off with your Creation, Doctor*"
"*That was not my Creation!"
"Hang on." With the endorsement of the Three-star, Lt. Finn felt a certain amount of invulnerability within these walls now. "A.D.A.M. was yours?"
"The Project was mine. A.D.A.M. however became Walsh's. That was NOT my A.D.A.M. My A.D.A.M. was about benefiting Mankind through introduction of Artificial Organ's and appendages. This perfected Science and technology was not introduced to the late Major Hamil; instead Dr. Walsh deposited adverse and 'Alien' Sub-Terrestrial DNA into him instead. My A.D.A.M. was about helping Mankind, not perverting it."
"That's enough Doctor; the Lieutenant doesn't have this kind of Clearance to participate in the Project's discussion. He is offering an opinion on what he knows from what he has seen."
"NO! It is not enough; you are threatening to shelve my research and a decades worth of work on the Words of this man. I have a right to be heard, and to voice my Objection. You say he has no Clearance but your all hanging on his uneducated perspective, on words that will condemn a Project too which he is not fully appraised of. Placing the fate of over ten years of my life with its Research and Development on his ignorant opinion."
With a sly smile the Three-star looked at the Doctor, and then about the room. "Let's adjourn this matter here, shall we. I think we all have an understanding of things in Sunnydale at the moment. Doctor Gray, I assure you we are not abandoning your work. Too much Government Money has been spent thus far, but until an able recipient presents himself or herself your 'Toys' will remain un-used for the moment. Lt. Finn you can consider your status as being now on 'Active-Leave', enjoy it while you can. If the need arises however, you will be expected to Report for Duty immanently."
"Yes, Sir."
"Very well Gentleman. I think it's time you all left the room." At this order the Three-star swivelled his chair so that it's back faced the gathering and one-by-one, with very perplexed looks on their faces, the Generals and Lieutenant left his company. "You may leave also, Doctor."
"This isn't over!" The statement came out more as a rash, unintentional threat then anything else, but it got the attention of the one it was directed toward.
The Three-star turned to face the Project Creator, his voice harder. "No Doctor, it's not. I'll stay close to your Test-Tubes if I were you. You'll get your Guinea Pig. And if you ever talk back to me again in that tone and in the presence of my subordinates, well, let me put it this way, the Initiative isn't the only thing that can disappear with a whisk of a Pen."
With this said the Nobel Prize Winner left the General's company, and as the doors closed and sealed the Three-star pressed a small stub under the table. A second later a compartment Door opened and a casually dressed man walked out.
Major Harman, was not like other Major's who walked the halls of the Pentagon. He was unlike the others in the fact that he didn't exist; yet his face was known by all in the five-point building. He wore no Uniform or carried an insignia of Rank, not even the President knew he existed. But still he walked unmolested by Security. He was a 'No-Where' Man. A Black-Bagger. If you knew his name then he wasn't doing his job well enough. He was just a 'Face' in the crowd. He was a Man the President called, or would call if he knew he existed, when there was a problem to be solved permanently. And even if the 'Commander-and-Chief' did know for certain of his existence he would still deny this knowledge.
Major Harman was the Man you called when it was time unfriendly Regimes were to be overthrown and you wished no connection to America be made. He was the Man contacted when some people's voices were becoming louder then they should and whose voices, after his intervention, became a great deal quieter or silenced --- through causes natural or overt, depending upon how deep the message needed to go.
The General leaned back in his chair and affixed Harman with a piercing gaze. "You heard?"
With a sneer the Major answered. "No, you know me better then that, Sir. I never hear anything that is told me, about me, or to me. Especially, to anything said in THIS room."
The Three-star looked up appreciatively at his Prot��and laughed alittle at the joke made. "I want them gone, Peter. All of those Sunnydale Misfit's. Gone completely and without a trace. And I need to get Gray off my back with this A.D.A.M. nonsense. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that it's doomed; he's just too damn stubborn to admit he failed."
Harman dared to venture an opinion on what was a very sticky subject. "A.D.A.M. has merit, Sir."
"Of coarse it does, Man! Which is why we Green-lighted it." A thought then struck the General. "I don't want the Doctor 'gone'; I just want him silenced and satisfied that we are proceeding with his 'Vision' --- at least, how he sees it. I don't need waves made at the moment with the man who signs our Cheques. I swear, one Photo-Op with that Backcountry-Sex-crazed Yokel and he thinks of themselves as close and personal friends. Regardless, after the headache caused with the demise of the 'Initiative', I don't need to be called to the Oval Office for an explanation like a rebellious 10-year old being directed to the Principle's Room. So, do you have ideas on how we can take care of all of these, without it attracting any --- undue attention? This is your area of specialty, afterall."
"What about Finn, Sir?"
"He's a good Soldier, a bit rigid. Doubt he'll ever make it beyond Captain or Major. Too uncreative, can't think out of the box. But a good Soldier regardless. Best we keep him operational."
The Major nodded as he drew the table's ashtray closer to where he was standing beside his Mentor. "If by chance I did 'hear' what was said in here, Sir. I think I will need, at the very least, full surveillance of the individuals in question, psyche profiles, phone and computer taps. Private E-mail Accounts - the Works, Sir. I will not only need to know what they had for breakfast yesterday, but what they'll planning to have for it tomorrow. And when I say the 'Works' I mean that with extra cheese and a Salad on the side, Sir. Everything I ask for I must have, no questions asked."
The General seemed to be studying a scratch on the table intently. "No questions answered, you mean." Looking up smiling slightly at the 34-year old the Three-star asked. "Consider your request 'Approved', Major." The Three-star then started to wave his right index finger at the Major with amusement. "You already have an idea to achieve all of this, don't you?" Pride beaming off every word at how quickly the 30-year junior had formulated a plan to accompany all his wishes.
Lighting a cigarette, the Major looked down at the seated Superior and smiled back. "One or two that might have promise. The Doc won't leave this bone until he gets a chance to fulfil the Project requirements he set down - True? He needs what you said to him, a Guinea Pig. The Answer - we give him one. That'll shut him up, and get the Boss-Man to let up on us in case the Doc tries to circumnavigate your Authority.
"We also have ourselves a bunch of unsanctioned Civilians waging their own private war. A Slayer and Watcher are probably too important and will be missed by somebody if they disappear. A Witch? I haven't got a clue, but if what Finn says is on the Money about her then I'm not tangling with that one if I can help it. The weakest and strongest link here is Harris. Xander Harris."
"He's a nobody, forget him. He's barely worth the price of a bullet."
"No, Sir. He's not a 'nobody'. If he is as 'Lieutenant Wonder-bread' says - the Umbrella, then we got something to work with." Harman drew in a deep breath through the filtered cigarette. "You lose Harris, and they not only lose their morale, but their 'Protection' as well. The other three will fall, or bail out. Either way, Harris disappearing should work in our favour."
"You think a timely Car accident?"
"No, actually I was thinking of something more creative and along the lines of killing two big birds with one relatively small stone. The Doc needs a Guinea Pig, a body. Maybe we can make Harris be that Body."
"So a Kidnapping."
The Major pull a face, indicating that wasn't quite what he meant but didn't wish to correct his superior. "No and Yes, Sir. It was fortunate that Finn was here when Gray spoke out about the Project. He now knows that we have spare artificial body parts waiting for use. Let him make the Call to us. Let us look like the good guy's. Any Group that can take down that Frankenstein Monstrosity is one I personally don't wanna be on the wrong end of. So have them seek us out. Have them ask a favour from us. And we, as the magnanimous benefactors, shall grant it.
"Organise a believable 'incident' for Harris in Finn's presence. If he's as concrete and as predictable as you and I believe, then he might try and institute his friend into the Doc's Project in an effort to save his life. Taking care of Doc Gray's 'bone' in full. With the 'Scoobies' being told that he died on the operating table, in transit or something, he then becomes as good as ours. To do with as we will. And we still come off looking like the Good Guy's to them cause we atleast tried to save his 'Life'.
"If Harris is as central to the group as I believe him to be then they will become disheartened at his 'loss'. Disheartened people make mistakes and mistakes out in the Field result in death." He the smirked as he touched the ash into the metal tray in front of him. "Sad, but true. In taking care of one person we inturn take care of all of them. Given time each should disappear due to their own distractions of Harris's demise and there will be no link to us by the people who might search for one."
The General nodded slowly in a rhythmic fashion, as the plan was laid out before him. Discovery was minimal and the objective was very achievable. After five minutes the Three-star stood up from his leather chair and looked Major Harman in the eye's. "Do it. All of it. How soon are we looking to fruition if you start today?"
The Major pulled the chair back for the Senior Officer as he stepped out. "One week to get an understanding of the Subject's involved. Another two on top of that for surveillance, and a third, possibly, to arrange a believable accident for Harris that will have no one any the wiser. Three weeks at the soonest, one Month at the latest. As you might appreciate Sir, with an Operation like this it is all about the timing. Placing Harris and member's of the 'Misfits' in an encounter that would have them automatically draw them to contact us, yet still not to jeopardise Harris's life until after our intervention will be the trickiest part and shall require coordination of several independent teams."
The General began to walk towards the only 'known' door to the Room. "There is only one fly in this ointment, Peter. They're all Private Citizen's."
"When has that ever stopped us before?" The Major asked offhandedly.
"These aren't Radical's, Peter."
"No offence, Sir. But yes they are. They're just not the Radicals we're used too. These People are a different form of Vigilante. And I have no tolerance for Vigilantes in my Country."
"Good. Good answer. That's as good an Answer as we can expect if things go 'South', and we get called to explain ourselves."
"A lot better then 'they made the United States Armed Services look like a bunch of low-gene-pool Draftee's'. And things won't go South, Sir. You know me better then that, within the Month - Gray will be jumping for Joy, and these Scoobs will be weeping buckets of grief."
"Excellent. Ohh, and Peter about this 'Discussion' ---" The General eyed his subordinate.
Harman looked utterly innocent towards his Mentor. "What 'discussion', Sir? I don't recall us having any 'Discussion'."
With another smile and a hand grasping the door handle the Three-star looked over his shoulder to lone figure and answered. "Good Man." He then opened the door and exited the most thought of secure and paranoid inspiring room in the Pentagon.
Major Peter Harman looked thoughtfully at the door for a few seconds, his eyes showing the deep thought he put into the problems he now faced, before pushing the General's chair back underneath the table, he emptied the ash tray into a waste paper basket and wiped it clean. Returning it to the place of origin in the middle of the table. Standing behind the replaced leather chair he then did a quick surveillance of the room and exited the same way he had entered. Leaving no visible trace that he was even there. Unknown and unseen by the two armed Marines out the front of the room.
Forever being the 'No-Where' Man he was trained to be.
She looked down upon the twinkling lights of the Hellmouth and smiled at the beauty before her. It was sights like the one in front of her eyes that made it difficult to believe that anything evil could be spewed from anything so 'Norman-Rockwell Perfect'. But still evil did inhabit and walked about this idyllic Town, and did so on a near nightly basis.
Yet regardless the evening before her seemed perfect.
It was a Goldilocks-Night. Not too cold, not too hot, it was again for lack of a better word --- perfect. The Moon held pregnant and bright in the evening sky above her. It was truly a night meant for Lover's. And Elizabeth 'Buffy' Anne Summers knew that there were indeed Lover's in the Town below her that were enjoying the midnight grace about them.
But she could not.
Not because her Lover, a Mr. Riley Finn, was not available to her - because he was. It was because her Boyfriend and she were not alone on this magical night. There was one other, not uninvited or unwelcomed, but his presence was still one that distracted them both from the typical mischief and flirting they did on their Patrols together.
Tonight started out as being a quiet night in the company of friends, and then some recreational slaying time with her 'Honey'. Tonight was going to be a 'Bronze Night'.
A full evening planned by one of her oldest friends to unite the original Scooby's, and to draw the new closer into the fold, reminiscing on old adventures. Silly as it was to use the word - 'reminisce', given that the six of them weren't exactly strangers to eachother. But Xander had asked, and he had asked for so little in his life. So 'his girls' happily, if slightly and reluctantly, agreed to the arrangement.
Unfortunately the planned night didn't start out as was hoped. Willow had called at the 'twelfth-hour' with an apology stating that she and Tara were in the midst of performing an exciting new Spell that was taking longer then they expected. To the Slayer however this excuse seemed way to convenient, Willow always took pains in accurately estimating these kinda things. The sudden 'Spell-necessity' was most likely avoidance for her and Tara to spend special 'Witchery-time' with one another.
Still, she had hoped that this exclusion of their best red-headed friend would dampen Xander's excitement for the Buddy-Buddy-Time. And have him arrange for another night, thereby providing Riley and herself some extra 'Witchery-time' of their own.
But instead, and practically on the heel of Willow's phone call, Riley was contacted. It seemed fate had other plans for her and her hunk-of-luv that night. The phone call advised the 'on-leave' Lieutenant of a suspected Nest in one of ADAM's old haunts. And that he was needed to check it out due to its close and dangerous proximity to the Sunnydale Army Base. And Xander, being Xander asked if he could tag along to help out as he had nothing else planned that evening except for the whole Bronze thing which was now dead in the water.
Riley agreed to the backup, and she would have come off quite shrewish if she had refused the sincere and helpful support by the man who always offered it without question.
Sure it wasn't the romantic night she had hoped, but she was still with her Riley. Even though he was in full Commando mode. Probably more-or-less so to impress Xander then to impress her with the lingo and hand gestures.
Besides, it offered her an opportunity to do some heart-to-heart time with the male Scoob. There was something different about him, ever since they had all done the 'Joining-Spell' three weeks earlier. He seemed less 'jokey' and more withdrawn. This was one of the reasons Willow and her had agreed to the 'Night-out' in the first place, it was in hope that they could draw him out of this strange rut and question Anya, whom they hadn't seen much of late, to its origins.
She had hoped with Riley off playing Mr 'Rambo' and taking 'Point', scouting ahead that she and Xander could catch up with one another. She wasn't going to deny that his odd and distant behaviour more then concerned her abit. During Giles weekly Scooby meetings he may have been in the room with them all, but it was always pretty clear that he wasn't exactly 'there' fully with them.
He was a presence, but not a participant.
She had missed a lot of his 'old' company and she wondered whether this was her, Willow's or Giles fault. The four of them had shared themselves with her in a way that went beyond intimacy. For that final battle against ADAM her dearest and most trusted friends and companions merged their being with her. The role he assumed in the spell was not as grandiose as Willow or Giles. He didn't offer experience and knowledge of Magic or the expertise on how to wield it in order to defeat the Demonic-Human-Cyborg.
He only offered her his Heart.
She didn't truly understand or appreciate how powerful that aspect of the Spell was until his 'Heart' became apart of her. She was overwhelmed at how doubtless she became when she faced the Initiative's Creation. Any concerns she had ceased to exist. Xander's contribution gave her a control over her emotions and she felt his faith in herself peak to a level she never had before achieved on her own.
She felt his courage grow like a child within her to adulthood, and when the Spell concluded she fell into mourning for what was taken back by Xander. The strength he provided her was more then what she could put to words, and if she could she would be embarrassed to have voiced them. For his 'Heart' easily revealed her's lacking. This was probably why she had avoided him of late, it was for the shame he revealed to her of herself.
So when Riley had returned from Washington two-weeks earlier, the boyfriend-and-girlfriend had spent more then their fair share of time together. Denying the others of their company in pursuit of 'together' time. However these chosen private 'activities' with one another had placed a strain on her other expected duties and chores about the Summer's homestead during the Summer break from College. Most notably the Babysitting of her baby-sister Dawn. Yet to her surprise Xander had willingly volunteered to look out for her annoying little sister as she engaged in coupledom happiness. And again to her surprise Dawn was more amenable to Xander, then herself, as playing 'Watchdog'.
She could only imagine that Anya wasn't as appreciative of all the free time Xander was willingly surrendering after work to look out for Dawnie for her. But Xander knew how to handle Anya better then anyone she knew, and do it in a fashion that kept a smile on her face. But still, Anya could be very possessive of Xander at times; in the ex-vengeance Demon's mind no-one was allowed to take advantage of his natural kindness but her.
If she ever needed evidence of this all she had to do was think back to the time the group had to hole-up in Xander's Parents Basement from the Initiative for a couple of day's. Hell, 'Possessive' didn't even do the word justice to the ex-Demon's feelings towards the male Scoob. She had practically peed on his leg to make it known to all whose property he was. It was strange, but it was also in a very Anya-type way very sweet as well. For the first time the three of them were in happy relationships. Relationships that didn't bring pain or heartache. She was with Riley; Xander was with Anya, and Willow with Tara.
But if everything was right with their world, why was the hair on the back of her neck standing on end? What was going on with Xander of late that would have him want to spend so much time with them all?
As they trekked up the mountain together he maintained an unnerving silence. Only now as Riley volunteered to leave them to search ahead did her best friend's silence change. It changed to a deeply identifiable and disturbing humming sound.
Xander had only a few obvious 'Tells'.
When he was trying to conceal or hide something his left eye would sometimes spasm and twitch. This was a 'Tell' she first noticed when he had his one-time fling with Faith and had worked hard to keep the matter confidential from her and the others. The second 'Tell' that she knew of was this --- the Humming. And this was by far the worst one of the two.
One of the most unpleasant things about Maggie Walsh, asides from being a Frankenstein wannabe, was that she was also an excellent teacher. And Maggie had taught her well in the time that she was her student. Little nuances of her best friend which she casually ignored now spoke volumes to her. She always knew of Xander's less then stellar homelife from the guarded snippets he would offer her over the time they had known one another.
His unconscious humming revealed to her an unhappy childhood unsaid. Of a young Xander Harris who had probably started employing the humming as a distraction to din out the bickering and hostility of his parents domesticated life, and introduce a type of forced peace into his chaos.
Overtime the use of humming to distract himself had become a secondary and an unthought of response to when he was his most torn and miserable. Whatever was on his mind now was obviously troubling; because she could not easily remember the last time she had clearly heard him hum this same 'Country & Western' tune. But Xander, whether he liked it or not, was one of her bestest friends and she wouldn't have it any other way. When he hurt it inturn hurt her. He was someone she would willingly die for, as she knew in her heart, that he would easily choose to do so for her as well. Tearing her eyes away for the spectactuar view below, she balled up her courage and asked the question. "So, penny for your thoughts?"
Stopping the sound issuing from his lips of 'The Gambler' by Kenny Rodgers, Xander ceased spinning the crudely carved stake and looked up at the College-woman. "They're not really worth that much, Buff-of-mine."
"Well, let me raid my Piggy Bank and be the judge, huh. So, what's up?"
"Nothing, --- everything. Future, past, present."
The Slayer exhaled into the night air, slightly relieved that he had least admitted to her that something was troubling him, even if it was slightly obscure in the detailing. "Oh."
"Oh? That's all I rate? An 'Oh'?"
"Yeah - 'Oh'. As in this is going to be one of those 'Oh' thoughts. Y'know the ones. The kinda where it's best we had a big tub of Chocolate Ice-Cream infront of us." By this stage of discussion she had joined Xander on the boulder he was leaning on. "So what's wrong, Xand?"
"I dunno Buff. Maybe it's just me, but do you ever get the feeling your life isn't as good as you think it is?"
"No. I mean, yeah, I used to. But then I think of you and Will and I know that it's just one of my many wrong and wacky thoughts."
Xander nodded, but seemed to have completely ignored her words. He then stared up into the starry heavens and spoke anew. "You really should spend more time with Dawn you know."
Buffy blinked a couple of times to the odd statement. "Whoa, that came out of no-where."
"No. No, it was always 'somewhere'. I --- I don't think I should keep spending as much time with her after work. In your house. Just the two of us, with no other adult supervision."
"Why? Your great with her, she actually listens to you and does what you say. This is three steps above me and one-step below Mom. Why, has she said anything to you, cause if she has I'll have a word with her and get her to apologize."
"No, don't do that. She hasn't said or done anything. She's great, I mean that. Sweet, and funny, she's just being very --- y'know."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Buff, err, how can I put this --- umm, there comes a time in every girl's <*ahem*>, young woman's life, when she starts noticing boy's --- or in this particular case - Men, or in my and her case specifically - Man."
The Slayer's mouth formed a perfect small 'O' to the uncomfortable and embarrassed words coming out of her best male friends mouth. Then trying to hold back her amusement she answered the claim. "Oh you have got to be kidding me! You!?!"
"Don't sound so surprised. I'm not that bad of a catch, aside from the whole 'still-living-with-my-Parents' thing. I think I'm pretty decent as first wannabe boyfriends go."
"No, not that. But --- but you?" A wide smile crept across her face in the darkness. "Man-o-man, am I going to get some serious mileage out of this."
Softly the male in her presence spoke. It was a tone that held gentle understanding and compassion but was not lacking in any strength in his chosen words. "Don't, Buff. Don't. I think it's scaring her a bit, and hey, truth be told it kinda scares me a bit too. She really needs you now; she needs her big sister more then anybody else. She can't talk to Joyce about it. And me? Well, I don't think she's guessed I've worked out her 'intentions' to me just yet, and if I let her know that I know, then it will just embarrassed her. You're the only one she might actually listen too about this."
"Why? She's never listened to me before. Why now?" Buffy stared down at her leather boots mentally cursing that she was hearing about this stuff only now, and from Xander no less. This was the kinda thing she should have figured out on her own, she should have noticed the signs. It seemed that Xander was of the same school of thought as he voiced his rational to her.
"Cause of you and Angel. Younger girl and significantly older, waaaayyyyy older Guy. I don't wanna see her get hurt like you got hurt by that type of drama."
Buffy looked up slightly surprised at the blunt candour. "Love doesn't hurt Xander. Love is wonderful, besides I don't think I got hurt by falling in love with Angel, it was painful sometimes but it was also on other times amazing."
"Sure you go hurt. You denied yourself the 'What-could-have-beens' and 'What-ifs' for the safety of an empty love. In the long run you hurt yourself a lot. I don't want Dawn pining herself over me like you did for Deadboy, unwilling to consider anybody else and wasting the best years of her life away."
"Angel and me, we weren't empty. Our love for one another wasn't empty."
"Maybe, but it wasn't exactly full either. Was it?"
Softly Buffy had to concede that point. "No. No, it wasn't. It was something. It was ---*"
The word shocked her, especially coming from the man who had dated his arch rival in High School, Cordelia Chase. "Xander, if you're going to shoot what I had, and have with every boyfriend down, then maybe this is a discussion we should not engage in - Ever!"
Xander looked generally troubled and in his Xanderish-understanding way nodded and apologized. "I'm sorry, but I've done a lot of thinking of late on the subject of Relationships. And I think that you denied yourself something great because of him."
Buffy couldn't help it; her memory instantly drawing her back to Xander's awkward proposal for the Spring Fling nearly four years earlier. "Your referring to you, aren't you?"
"No, not me. I mean yes, me alittle, but there was also Owen, Scott and I'm sure there were plenty of other guys at High School who would have loved to have gone out with you. Guys who you didn't give a chance or the time of day too because you were gaga over good old Fangface. I mean, couldn't you have seen it Buffy? The emptiness of a love, his love, a love that he wasn't allowed to ever express to you for fear of losing his Soul again.
"Loving him nearly destroyed you Buffy. Physically with Angelus, and Emotionally with Angel. It nearly destroyed you. I was just an outsider looking in, and I could see what that relationship was doing to you. I can't even imagine how you saw it all at the time. That last year of High School, you --- you sabotaged yourself, Buff. You missed out on the whole first-love experience in favour of the tragic-love one. I mean, how many guys asked you to the Prom?"
"A few. And they were all creeps, every last one of them. Remember, mind-walker girl. I knew what these guys all really thought about me, and what they wanted to do with me long before the Prom came around thanks to that whole 'Aspects-of-the-Demon' thing."
"Really?!? Doesn't paint me in a favourable light then, huh?"
Another smile found form on her face in the moonlight, it was softer then the one that had formed when she thought of the teasing potential towards her little sister. "Actually Xand, from memory. You were the most honest one out of all of them regarding me."
"You're kidding?!?"
"Nope, all you did was think of me being naked. The other's --- well they pictured me doing stuff with them. Twisted and kinky stuff that I'm embarrassed to even mention to anyone else, let alone you."
"Well I guess it was a good idea I skedaddled from the Library when I did, huh?"
"Nah, I stand by what I told you after the whole Valentine-thing. There is hope for you yet Xander Harris. And you haven't done a thing since to make me change my mind on that." She watched Xander's stone expression form again and pressed on hoping to break through. "Sooooo you mentioned you have been thinking a lot about relationships of late. Is there something happening with you and Anya I should know. Any goss?"
"What? No, - er - no, nothing you should know. It's just --- sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't caved out of desperation and not have gone with her to the Prom. Would she have come back to Sunnydale and pursued me as a Boyfriend or not?"
"If she hadn't have asked you, then I probably would have."
"Huh?!? Did you just say*"
"Relax Don Juan. It would have been strictly platonic. Two very good friends going to a traditional High School dance together. Totally Stag, but you know - not."
"Oh." The male nodded slowly at understanding her meaning. "Then I guess it's good that it didn't happen like that then."
This time it was Buffy's turned to be stunned at the errant comment made. "Why? I was totally 'kicking' in that dress. I looked way better then Anya."
"Yeah, yeah you did. But knowing why, knowing that it would have been only as friends. I think I would've rather gone with a Vengeance Demon then with you. Cause at the end of the night, when you took that last Dance with Deadboy, it would have been more then I probably could have stood. To go there with you and not have you want to be there with me, I don't think I could have dealt with that well. I would have rather not have gone at all if that was the case."
"Xander." The Slayer outreached her hand to grasp the one that held the stake, and spoke softly. "Xander, it wouldn't have been charity. I would have asked you because I knew with you I could have had a great time with. If we went together, we would have danced together. Sure, Angel would have shown up, and asked. But you know what - I would have told him 'no'. Not because of it being bad manners to you, but because he had made it quite clear to me he didn't wanna be my date for the night. Or to encourage me in anyway. If I came with you, Xander, I would have been with you. Hell-Hounds or not. I would have danced with you, and only you."
The two dear friends turned to see Riley Finn standing at the edge of the clearing, his chin clenching prominently in the moonlight. "I found the Nest and the perimeter seems secure; they must all still be inside the Hold. Let's - er - move out. Unless that is of coarse you would rather continue with your private discussion?"
Both Scoob's looked at one another with slightly embarrassed faces then pushed themselves off the large rock and followed Riley silently and stealthily towards their objective. Buffy doing her best not to hate Riley's timing. They were talking; she and Xander were finally talking, and not the superficial dialogue they had both participated in the last few weeks since the Spell. They were having one of their special 'discussions'. The ones where they opened up with one another and spoke only the truth of their minds and hearts. The discussions she and he used to have during Angelus. The old type of discussions she cherished fondly and hadn't had with her Xander-shaped-friend in a long, long time.
When they reached the narrow opening to the Cave, Riley gave Xander a Walkie-Talkie and an accompanying ear piece to Buffy as he placed his own into his left ear. "This is a one-way transfer Xander. You know what that means?" The words that exited the Lieutenants mouth were short and snippy.
Xander took the Communication Devices and nodded his understanding of the basic term. Realizing that it was Riley's passive aggressive way of putting him in his place with respects to his intellect. "Yeah, you hear me - I don't hear you. But Riley, isn't that kinda dumb. I mean shouldn't you have the 'Walkie'? That way if you get in trouble I can come running in as back-up."
The Soldier checked the charge of his Electro-Gun and addressed the brunette male. "No, the passage way is way too narrow to support three of us. It's two or one. And no offence Xander, but Buff and I are better qualified for this. You just hang back in case I called it wrong and the Hostiles aren't all inside. I don't want me and Buffy being sandwiched by surprise. If that happens, if you see any Sub-T activity, notify us and then run. Don't hold 'em off or be a Hero. Spot em and then sprint; leave the cleaning up to us. Got it?"
Reluctantly and unhappily Xander nodded to the request offering a very loose salute to the directions offered to him. "Crystal clear, Captain America, Sir!"
"Don't be like that Xand, Riley's right. Let us know and then fall back to a safe position."
"Xander! This is not up for debate, and don't take it personal. But if me and Buffy can't handle it, what do you think your chances would be. You're a decent fighter, but leave this to Professionals. Spot threat, then break land speed records. Are we clear?"
"Like I said Riley, Crystal Clear." The part-time Construction Worker then turned on his device and clipped it to the top of his jeans. "And by the way, there not a chance in Hell I could take anything you just said personally. I would have to give a damn about what you thought about me to take it personally."
Riley's edginess had now contaminated Xander as he turned and heatedly addressed the Slayer. "Where does he get off, Buffy? I've done my time; I'm just as Professional as he is. Probably more so cause I've survived the Mouth without the need of Sci-Tech Gadget's."
Buffy had to agree, and she recognized that the wronged party in this event was Xander. "Riley - Apologize!"
"What? I'm only saying that we're more equipped to deal with anything then he is, and it's true. You know that's true. Look Xander, I *do* respect you as a combatant. But I don't know what Sub-T's we're facing in there, the Brass weren't clear with that fact to me. If things go South we'll need someone to head off and get help. We'll need Back-up. That's your job for the night. To be our Back-up in-case I screwed up. If you want to go in with Buffy instead of me - fine, now's the time to step up. I'll happily cool my heels out here while you two raise Hell in there. But we both know I'm more experienced at handling the 'Bolt-Gun', or are you forgetting that electro-shock you received when you were trying to figure it out a couple of months back? So what's it to be?"
Buffy stood besides Riley then looked at Xander through the darkness. "He does have a point, Xander. It's best for us to go in and you to stay out here."
Xander turned his back and surveyed the land he would be watching and spoke darkedly. "Fine, got it. It's a totally done deal. See problem coming, let you and GI Jerk know. Y'know Riley, if you had phrased it like that then we wouldn't have had a problem with the misunderstanding."
"I didn't think I'd have to explain myself or my reasoning to you, Xander. I thought you were *smarter* then that, guess I might have given you a bit too much credit."
Buffy could feel the heat coming off the tone used by her boyfriend and quickly tried to distract the potential pissing contest about to take place again by guiding Riley into the mouth of the narrow cave. As she got herself to the entrance she turned her head and looked at the back of the standing proud figure. "Xander?"
"Go. I'll be fine. You two just watch yourselves in there."
With this understanding the Boyfriend and Girlfriend moved further into the cave entrance together, leaving the third of their party to guard their retreat. Not noticing three pairs of yellow eyes watching from the tree-tops as they did so.
The two fighters of the undead navigated along the slender passage way. The male speaking casually as he stalked forward through the blackness, wishing he had bought some Night-Vision Goggles. "The Intel said that this should run for another 80 or so meters, and then we'll come out into a large Cavern. Man, gotta love Sunnydale and all the Cave's you got here." The professional soldier looked pointlessly over his shoulder awaiting a response. But the Slayer he knew was no more then two paces behind him remained silent, directing herself by touch along the walls in the pitch darkness much as he was. "Yes sirree, lotta Caves in Sunnydale. Lotta Graveyards, lotta abandoned Warehouses, lotta*"
The singular dialogue then became too much for the female. "*Why did you treat Xander like that? He didn't deserve being talked down too!"
Riley Finn responded with an annoyed tone. "Excuse me, but didn't you agree with what I said?"
"Just because I agreed with you, it doesn't mean I thought you were in the Right."
"Okay, that makes absolutely no sense."
"If you haven't noticed, something is up with him. Something is troubling him big-time, and what you --- how you spoke to him didn't help matters."
"Well I'm sorry that I'm not paying as much attention to Xander as you obviously are."
There was no disguising the familiar pitch of the 'Green-Eyed One' in her boyfriend's voice. "Oh God, not this again!"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm getting that d��vu feeling again. Your jealous."
"Of Xander? Why the Hell should I be jealous of Xander?"
"I don't know, you tell me. Because I've had this conversation before, and it never ends up well for the Boyfriend."
Riley sighed out an annoying name. "Angel."
"Yeah, that's right - Angel. He couldn't work out me and Xand's friendship either. But trust me; it is just that - a friendship. Nothing more."
"It didn't sound like it."
"What? We were talking about Dawn, she's got a crush on him and he wants me to talk to her about it."
The male voice that passed to the Slayer's ears carried an accusing tone. "Really, cause the way I heard it, it sounded as if you were the one with the crush."
"What are you talking about?"
"Asking him to the Prom, Buffy. That's a pretty big deal."
"As a friend! As a friend! Sheesh! He's Xander, Riley. My best friend, my first real friend in Sunnydale. Accept it; cause he's part of the whole Buffy-package. If you can't accept that, then maybe we should just stop, because if you can't accept Xander, then what about Willow, or Giles, or Mom, or Dawn?"
"So you have absolutely no feelings for him? At all? Cause according to Willow, he once had some major ones for you. So right here and right now, are you saying you haven't ever been the slightest bit tempted by him?"
"No! Well, once, but that was a stupid Love Spell that went sour. There is absolutely no way anything with me or him could happen unless I was magically manipulated in doing so. Not that I don't love him; I just don't love him like that - and I never will! He's like a big overprotective brother, Riley. Sexual thoughts involving Xander would be way too incestuous and wrong. So relax, because on the Buffy-Lust-Scale Xander rates below a Zero. Now why don't you put that little threatened male pride of yours back in your pants and keep it there, okay!"
At the conclusion of this sentence there was a sharp open channel sound from the earpieces the two wore. <Keeerrrssshhhh - Um Guy's. But FYI - Cave's sometimes Echo. So why don't you both take it down a couple of notches, huh. That way you won't be alerting any Hostiles who maybe still in the Nest that you're comin' and thereby losing that whole element of surprise thingy? Or is that way too obvious, Riley? Xand, out - Keeerrssshhhh>
Buffy's face went beetroot red in the darkness, as she could only imagine how Xander was now interpreting the private conversation he had just overheard. Despite the blackness offered in the cramped passageway the Slayer could easily see the pearl white teeth of her Boyfriend grinning and chuckling quietly at the communicated intrusion.
Xander may have not have said anything, but the fact that he didn't refer to what he had heard echoing out of the cave entrance, and by the snippiness of his voice, she could tell she hurt his feelings a lot. Taking the advice and lowering her voice to a whisper Buffy continued. "Great, now above slaying whatever it is we got in here I have to now make amends to Xander."
Returning the volume, her boyfriend countered. "Why? It's not your fault he over heard us. What's the matter; you didn't mean what you just said? Why apologise for your opinion?"
"Because he's my best friend and I've probably offended him."
"For being honest?"
With a strained voice and pushing past Riley to take the 'Point' she returned an answer. "I was angry at you; I didn't know he could hear us. I wouldn't have said that stuff if I though he could hear me. Geez, I called him a Zero."
"He's not a Zero?"
"No, he's not! Anya is damn lucky. Any girl would be damn lucky."
"You included?"
"So --- what? We back to this jealousy thing now? Cause if we are then if you must know Riley, then yeah, right at this moment - Yes, I would think of myself damn lucky to be Xander Harris's Girlfriend. At least he wouldn't be questioning my feelings and devotion to him like some other's who are within spitting distance."
Riley's whispered voice carried a sense of regret to the female ears at what was just said. "Buffy, look, I'm sorry. And if you want I'll apologize to Xander when this mission is over. It was just hard to take. Seeing and hearing my Girl tell another guy, a guy who I think of as a friend I might add, that she wanted to go out with him on what is said to be one of the most important nights of a young woman's life.
"I trust Xander, and I trust you. But I don't think you know what it's like seeing the two of you interact with eachother. Angel probably knows what I'm saying because he's probably seen it too which is why this is a tired conversation for you."
Still feeling her way forward and not stopping Buffy posed the question she knew that Riley would be waiting for her to ask. "What do you mean by that?"
"The two of you are just --- so comfortable around eachother, and I always feel like the odd one out."
"It's called a 'History'. Xander and I have been tight and close friends for years, Riley. You can't go through the stuff we have without knowing the other really well. The same goes for Willow*"
"No. No, it doesn't. It's different. Me and Forrest were stationed together for years; we'd both saved the other's life a dozen times over. But our friendship is not the same as yours and Xander's. You want an example of what I mean, you want to know how alike both of you are? What about Halloween, and the whole Fear-Demon thing. You didn't see the similarities to both of your fears?"
"What? There was nothing simular between us, I was afraid of being alone and he was afraid of being ignored. What's the similarity? Nothing."
"Wrong. It's isolation, Buffy. Both of your fears stem from the same one. Of being separated from people and others. Remember what Maggie's once said in her Lecture. 'A person can always recreate themselves, but they can't change what they are afraid of the most.' The two of you have a lot in common, and when I see that and compare what you and I have going for us, well lets just say we come off looking deficient."
"Riley, are you telling me you think we should break-up?"
"No. God, no! I'm just trying to explain what I see staring me in the face every day when the two of you talk to one another."
The passageway exit to the awaiting Cavern was now barely visible for the Slayer. Removing two flares from her jacket pocket she turned towards the sound of Riley's voice behind her. "Riley, I love you and I love Xander as well. Throw Giles into the mix, and you three are the most important men in my life at the moment. Please understand this; because it's not gonna change any time soon. If you have issues, then we'll work it through together. But first let's get this done so we can both talk about it and have some 'Witchery-time', huh."
"You'll see." The Slayer then ignited the Flares and through them both into the Cavern, separating them by distance. Once they fell inplace both the Soldier and the Chosen One charged into the now dimly lit unknown. But when they both stepped onto the surface of the vast underground space, the floor gave out on them both as they were hurdled 10-meters into the air by very sturdy netting.
It took a few seconds to get their bearings, but when they did it was embarrassment city. "Booby-trapped!?!"
Buffy turned as best she could to face her male accomplice, this action only made the net they were both caught in spin and twist with the action. "And we're the Boobies." Straining her Slayer-vision, Buffy examined the lit-Cavern as best she could below for any Hostiles. "Umm, Riley, I think you better fire your Intelligence Officer, cause nothing has been living in here for years."
"Hey, look around. The only disturbed dust and dirt are the dust and dirt we disturbed."
"No, I mean that's impossible because this Netting is brand new."
As both pondered this and a method of escape from their embarrassing situation, unseen by the pair, a little red light in a far off corner turned green to indicate that the trap had been successfully sprung.
In the Tree tops outside 'Hostile-7' held a little metallic box. It was not an impressive box. But it was one he was staring at intently. Suddenly, the red light turned green, and a sickening smile grew on his face.
Number 7 turned to 3 and 12 and repeated the standing Order given to them all. Just to make sure that there were no misunderstandings. "Remember, the Human-Male must receive mortal wounds but ones not momentarily life threatening. Just do enough damage to keep him alive for several hours. We do this and these damn Chips come out."
Number 12 licked its lips in anticipation of tasting fresh blood but felt foolish if he did not voice his suspicions to the others. "Do we believe this Military-Man?"
Hostile-3 then took her turn in speaking. "Do we have a choice? The Chip's are now deactivated; he has shown us good faith so far. Even if he was to reactivate it after, at least we will have a fresh kill before we return to our docile existence."
Number 7 nodded to 3's words. "Martroth is correct. We have nothing to lose except to feel the soft flesh of human under our claws and teeth one last time." At the conclusion of this sentence the Viderbeesh jumped off the tree limb that was supporting its weight, landed nearly noiselessly and began to approach the Human-Target named Xander Harris.
Before it had taken three paces forward from his landing he was spotted by his quarry. It was at this time additional sounds of his 'Chipped Brother and Sister' were heard landing behind him.
The human than began running away whilst at the same time removing something from his hip. Brentar was expecting the pursuit, for only a fool would face their number alone and at once. He was expecting it, and secretly he was hoping for it as well. It had been far too long since he had played 'Cat and Mouse.'
Buffy was still struggling to remove the Hunting Knife from Riley's boot holster. But every effort she made just made the net spin more. She didn't have much time left to them as the Flares below her were starting to die out and the Cavern was again being welcomed into darkness. But just as she was about to yell out in the hopes of their Guard outside could hear and come to their embarrassing rescue, an aggressive sound entered her left ear.
In her earpiece she heard the sound of a communications channel being opened by Xander to them both. His voice was ragged and sounded as if he was running. <Kerrrssshhh - Guy's we got trouble. Big, Mean, Ugly and really, really Fast Trouble outside. Three of em from what I can see. I'm a running, and their a chasing. They're --- I think they're playing with me. Get out of there if you can, now! I'll --- I'll draw them away from the entrance as best I can, as if I have much of a choice. See if I can take at least one or two of 'em out by surprise - if I'm lucky. If you don't hear back from me in a minute then --- then get running yourselves back to SunnyHell. Don't stop for me, it'll probably be too late by then, just go! Awwww Hell!>
Over the earpiece there was another sound coming through, a foreign and inhuman voice as the sounds of Xander stopping his run was heard clearly. [Come now, Human. Giving up so soon? Where is the sport when the Fox surrenders to the Hounds?] Two other's now entered the conversation. {He looks tired. Maybe he should take a nap. Maybe we can help him sleep, good and long. A forever type sleep.} The alien third just laughed out loud to the jibes.
With a deep intake of air, an icy calm voice of Xander was once more spoken into the Walkie-Talkie. <Guy's, why don't you forget about that minute. I --- I guess I'll catch you both later. Xander Harris - Out. Kerrrrssshhhh>
Riley and Buffy lay together transfixed, captured in the net for a full two seconds before they both processed what they had just heard. But once they broke out of their collective Spell there was nothing that would prevent their emergence from the trap that they had set. Buffy began screaming frantically, making insane orders towards Riley to hurry up and free his knife. Even though they both knew in their minds that logically by the time they did escape and make it outside it would undoubtedly be too late for Xander.