
Author: Simone of the Zordiak <burning_night[at]hotmail.com>

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, it all belongs to other people, but I can still dream, can I?

A 18th drabble in my Helloween Drabble series. Different answers to the challenge:

'what if Xander dressed as something different for Halloween'.

Authors Note: Behold, the dreaded UnDead Bunny. Even worse than the energyzer bunny. It rises again and again and again and....

Chapter 1

His hand had just closed around the toygun, when he saw something very interesting halfway hidden in a corner of the shop. A shabby looking red robe with yellow moons and stars, a hat, equally colored and shabby, with the word 'Wizzard' stenciled in front and a miniature chest with hundred little legs. And all for only five dollars!

Oh, yes! This was far better than the stereotype soldier he'd choosen to be and it fit his personality a lot more than the soldier costume would have.

Rincewind the failed wizard who tried to live a boring life, but always found himself in the middle of the most strange adventures. And the Luggage, faitfull companion of Rincewind, with the determination to remain his companion that couldn't be detered by gods, strange dimensions and time distortions.

And the best was that it only cost three dollars more than he would have paid for the gun.


He had found himself right in the middle of danger, again. Chaos and screaming everywhere around him, why wasn't he supriesed? The only problem he ad was that he didn't know where he could run to, where he would be save, where there wasn't any danger.

There was a ghost girl, claiming to know him, a screaming Lady and a creature that felt dead to his senses. And Luggage of course, but since Luggage was always with him, he didn't really thought about it.


She had warned him, told him not to go out. Something about a kitty and its box, she had sung a lot about the kittys bad box, but he hadn't listened. Now he wished he had. The teeth, the horrible white teeth where the last thing he ever saw, as he was swallowed.




"What happened to Spike, I saw him hunt you."

"He ate him," Xander grinned and pointed at the Luggage.

The Luggage licked its rim with its mahagony-red tongue and Buffy was sure that it was grinning at her as it opened its lid, displaying several pairs of freshly washed socks, a few undershirts and boxers, all freshly pressed and one carefully folded leather trenchcoat... all smelling softly like lavender.
