Author: MH <mh_7[at]juno.com>

SUMMARY: Buffy is going to need more help than what Angel can give.

TIME LINE: S7- "Dirty Girls"

DISCLAIMER: Don't own any rights to the characters I'm using, or the movies and tv shows that will be crossing over into this fic.

RATING: NC-17. LOTS of blood and guts.

SPOILERS: AU for all series and movies. All of the good guys are alive.

CATEGORY: Action/Adventure/Horror.

PAIRING: Xander MIGHT end up with someone. It's up to y'all to choose.

Chapter 1

Sunnydale, California

"Thanks for coming," Buffy admitted, "and no offence to any of you, but we're gonna need a lot more help."

Buffy Anne Summers looked at the crowded living room with all of her friends, new and old, as they prepared for the coming battle with the First Evil.


Spike aka William the Bloody, former Big Bad and now the second vampire with a soul, now lover of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

Close to two dozen potential Slayers, what is left from what used to be a hundred, maybe even a thousand, potentials...

Willow Rosenberg, Buffy's best friend and Lesbian Wicca...

Rupert Giles, Buffy's father figure and Watcher...

Jenny Giles, formerly Jenny Calendar and formerly Janna Kalderash. Techno-Pagan and Gypsie, clan descendant of Aliana Kalderash, who was killed by the infamous Vampire Angelus...

Tara McClay, Willow's ex-girlfriend, and fellow Wicca...

Kennedy, potential Slayer and Willow's current lover...

Faith Williams, the former dark Slayer and successor of Kendra the Vampire Slayer...

Robin Wood, principal of the new Sunnydale High School and son of Nikki the Vampire Slayer...

Joyce Summers, mother of both Buffy and Dawn...

Dawn Summers, former Interdimensional Key and now just normal gal...

Jonathan Levingston, nerd and demon summoner, one-third of the former Trio...

and finally...

Andrew Wells, former Big Evil and part of the nefarious group the Trio, along with his friend Jonathan.

This made up the new and improved Scooby Gang.

Angel, former Scourge of Europe and now the first vampire with a soul and Champion for the 'Powers That Be'...

Connor, son of vampires Angel and Darla, formerly known as the Destroyer on the dimension of Quar'toth...

Cordelia Chase, former head cheerleader of the old Sunnydale High School and the leader of the Cordette's, now another fighter for the 'Powers That Be'...

Allen Francis Doyle, former gambler and heavy drinker, now Angel's Seer and connection to the 'Power That Be'...

Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, former Watcher and former Rogue Demon Hunter...

Lilah Morgan, former employee of Wolfram & Hart, switched sides on account of Wesley Wyndham-Pryce...

Charles Gunn, former leader of a street gang of kids that killed vampires, now works with Angel to save the world...

Winifred Burkle, former prisoner of Pylea and rescued by Angel and his friends...

Lorne "The Host", formerly from Pylea and a demon, a reader of souls and auras...

and finally...

Jesse McNally, Willow's childhood friend and boyfriend of Cordelia Chase.

This made of Angel's LA Gang.

But even with all of these people on Buffy's side, she still had a gut feeling it wasn't going to be enough. They still needed more fighters, good fighters. And soon, before the First decided to attack.

"I know someone," Jesse announced, "who might be willing to help if I ask."

Jesse gave a look to Willow that seemed as though they were communicating without having to talk. They held a secret that no one else knew, not even their friends that gathered around them.

"Right now I don't care who it is," Buffy asserted, "just as long as they can fight."

Jesse nodded, pulled out his cell phone, and dialed a number he knew by heart. He stood up and walked into the kitchen, wanting a little privacy for the call he was making.

Buffy again addressed the large group before her.

"All of my fights before this," Buffy began, "will be nothing compared to the battle that will begin soon. Because now, instead of dealing with single enemies or small groups, we'll be facing up against an army."

Buffy saw into their eye's and saw that many of them were scared.

'This is going to be hard,' Buffy thought.

"And we have to be ready for whatever they throw at us," Buffy continued, "there's a new big bad in town, a priest, calls himself Caleb. We're going to attack the vineyard tomorrow night. This Caleb guy says he has something that belongs to me, and I want to know what it is."

Everyone stood behind her decision.

"Everyone get some rest," Giles announced, "we're going to need everyone well rested for the fight tomorrow."